A serious question, serious replies only

Trump is an outsider and that is the reason DC is not enthusiastic about him. Add to that, Trump's braggadocio, his NY style of being direct, opinionated, confident and loud. He dared make fun of entrenched D.C. politicians in BOTH parties and has been falsely accused of being a Russian operative by the Democrat party. Washington does not want anyone hitching their political buggy to Trump because it would spell their certain defeat and loss of their cush bureaucratic positions.
I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.
I do not 'hate' Trump but your OP is still a bullshit lie. You are not asking a serious question with that list which is clearly set up to give no answer that is not asinine.

The reasons people hat Trump are not only numerous but also blatantly obvious. Even if I do not agree or think that people are acting like children such does not mean I cannot understand what they are complaining about and I think you are perfectly capable of figuring it out as well.
I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.

He's a pathological liar. He bears false witness against anyone who does not kiss his ass. He stole from the elderly at his fake university. He made his living by exploiting every human weakness. He stole billions from his investors and the banks. He cheated on all three wives, including with a porno whore while his wife was at home with his infant son. He brags about sexually assaulting women.

He is the most immoral person ever to run for office. He represents everything the GOP claims to be against.

He's also stupid. Very, very stupid. All of his success is built on the absolute absence of a conscience. He's a sociopath.

He is a pathological liar. He lied right to your stupid faces, and you believed him. So who is dumber?

He added $8 trillion to the debt. He attempted to blackmail the leader of another country into creating a fake scandal about his political opponent.

He sucks the cock of Vladimir Putin. He loooooves Kim Jong Un and Xi Jinping.

He is the worst sore loser in history. He attempted a violent coup.

He's a fraud, a cheat, a liar, a huckster, a sociopath, always on the grift.

He's a pathological liar. He bears false witness against anyone who does not kiss his ass. He stole from the elderly at his fake university. He made his living by exploiting every human weakness. He stole billions from his investors and the banks. He cheated on all three wives, including with a porno whore while his wife was at home with his infant son. He brags about sexually assaulting women.

He is the most immoral person ever to run for office. He represents everything the GOP claims to be against.

He's also stupid. Very, very stupid. All of his success is built on the absolute absence of a conscience. He's a sociopath.

He is a pathological liar. He lied right to your stupid faces, and you believed him. So who is dumber?

He added $8 trillion to the debt. He attempted to blackmail the leader of another country into creating a fake scandal about his political opponent.

He sucks the cock of Vladimir Putin. He loooooves Kim Jong Un and Xi Jinping.

He is the worst sore loser in history. He attempted a violent coup.

He's a fraud, a cheat, a liar, a huckster, a sociopath, always on the grift.
You're projecting and telling whoopers fed to you by the Democrat party. You're nothing more than a blow hole for their copious lies about Trump. IMO you are either a glittering fool or a paid operative because you keep repeating the same bullshit day after day here.

He's a pathological liar. He bears false witness against anyone who does not kiss his ass. He stole from the elderly at his fake university. He made his living by exploiting every human weakness. He stole billions from his investors and the banks. He cheated on all three wives, including with a porno whore while his wife was at home with his infant son. He brags about sexually assaulting women.

He is the most immoral person ever to run for office. He represents everything the GOP claims to be against.

He's also stupid. Very, very stupid. All of his success is built on the absolute absence of a conscience. He's a sociopath.

He is a pathological liar. He lied right to your stupid faces, and you believed him. So who is dumber?

He added $8 trillion to the debt. He attempted to blackmail the leader of another country into creating a fake scandal about his political opponent.

He sucks the cock of Vladimir Putin. He loooooves Kim Jong Un and Xi Jinping.

He is the worst sore loser in history. He attempted a violent coup.

He's a fraud, a cheat, a liar, a huckster, a sociopath, always on the grift.
Well... I mean really G.

What reason BESIDES all of that makes you hate him? I bet nothing other than those scant few things :p
I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.

First. I don’t hate anyone. Hatred poisons the soul and makes you the mirror image of what you hate. You inevitably become that which you hate.

Second. I voted for Trump in 2016. Not because I believed the hype. But I believed he could grow to a good President. Nobody is ready on day one. Nobody. The problem with Trump is he believed the Presidency was the ultimate CEO job. He tried to behave as he would if he was still in the world of Business. He never adapted to the office he held.

That is evidenced by many examples. We can show how he misunderstood the role of lawyers as one example. For a President, Lawyers are not meant to get you out of Trouble. They are there to keep you from getting into trouble.

Take the Crossfire Hurricane debacle. We know that the FBI lied on every one of the dozen FISA warrant requests investigated by the Inspector General. So did Trump go to Congress and ask for legislation to stop the abuses and hold Agents responsible for lying? Not that I remember. How about how about legislation ending the FISA system? No not that either. He wanted to punish the people investigating him. And he wanted the same abusive investigations into his enemies.

That isn’t a great President. That isn’t even a good President. That is a man who charitably could be called mediocre at best.

You claim Energy Independence. Well. Sort of. Yes. If you ignore that it happened because of Covid and not anything that Trump did.

I mean. Isn’t that sort of like taking credit for the sun drying floodwaters?

As I began. I don’t hate Trump. I’m just unwilling to vote for him after the first election of 2016. After watching his behavior in office. I can’t imagine a realistic scenario where he is the best choice.
Hate? I just think it made the U.S. look really bad in having a president with the mental mentality of a 12 year old.
I guess the main reason the left, uh, "dislikes" Trump is that he refused to cry in his beer about how horribly certain groups (no need to be specific) in this country are supposedly still being treated.

Some leftists are still out of their mind over Charlottesville. When Trump observed that there were "fine people" on both sides, the left had a meltdown that continues to this day.

That's it. And it is precisely why the leftist vermin continually characterize him as a whiner, in good Alinski-ite projecting style. When you got nothing, throw your own shit at your enemy and hope something sticks.
Normal people don’t sound like you.
That's funny, look who's talking.

You're a retarded five year old with a blindfold on, and you're judging normality?

Piss off, leftard asswipe.

You're a fucking idiot leftard, you wouldn't know normal if it bit you on the butt.
That's funny, look who's talking.

You're a retarded five year old with a blindfold on, and you're judging normality?

Piss off, leftard asswipe.

You're a fucking idiot leftard, you wouldn't know normal if it bit you on the butt.

And then normal would have to gargle with Listerine to get the bad taste out of its mouth.


He's a pathological liar. He bears false witness against anyone who does not kiss his ass. He stole from the elderly at his fake university. He made his living by exploiting every human weakness. He stole billions from his investors and the banks. He cheated on all three wives, including with a porno whore while his wife was at home with his infant son. He brags about sexually assaulting women.

He is the most immoral person ever to run for office. He represents everything the GOP claims to be against.

He's also stupid. Very, very stupid. All of his success is built on the absolute absence of a conscience. He's a sociopath.

He is a pathological liar. He lied right to your stupid faces, and you believed him. So who is dumber?

He added $8 trillion to the debt. He attempted to blackmail the leader of another country into creating a fake scandal about his political opponent.

He sucks the cock of Vladimir Putin. He loooooves Kim Jong Un and Xi Jinping.

He is the worst sore loser in history. He attempted a violent coup.

He's a fraud, a cheat, a liar, a huckster, a sociopath, always on the grift.


I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.

Trump is not a self-made billionaire. He inherited today’s equivalent of $400,000,000 by the time he was 18. His father transferred money to him to lower his tax bill. Donald Trump was a millionaire by the age of 3. Forbes estimates that he’s worth $2.5 billion. That means he’s generated a return above inflation of 3%. Whoop-de-doo!

America is not nor has it been energy independent since the 1960s. We are a net importer of energy, primarily from Canada.
You're projecting and telling whoopers fed to you by the Democrat party. You're nothing more than a blow hole for their copious lies about Trump. IMO you are either a glittering fool or a paid operative because you keep repeating the same bullshit day after day here.

He pretty much nailed it. In your opinion Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread but that doesn’t make it true. He did leave out the killing of 1 million Americans and the crashing of the economy but it was accurate otherwise

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