A serious question, serious replies only

Idiot do you seriously not know that country came to a standstill in 2020?

Who in their right mind celebrates cheap gas in the middle of a historic recession?
thanks to demofk governors, you're right.
There you go.
It doesn't matter who you are -- if you do these thing, the left will openly hate you and everything you do.

Time we started hating them back.


You know that they are useless weenie bitches on their own. The only time they can pretend to look halfway formidable is after dark, when they're throwing firebombs in the streets of blue shithole cities where the police have been ordered to let them do it.

Time to let them have it. We're ready.

I'm glad I only have to drive 25 miles to the nearest "city" where the action will be -- more like a wannabe leftist utopia that just can't quite get it together to do more than cry about the fact that they don't get to kill their babies.

And then I get to come home to a very clean, quiet, safe, highly armed town to lay my head down at night.


Democrats have no problem waging total war.
They whine and cry and squeal like stuck pigs when Republicans respond in like and kind.

That's because, in their deep narcissism, they can't imagine that ANYONE will ever spank them because mommy never did! No wonder they piss themselves when they come up against adults who have real will and a little impatience with their silly little games.

That's because, in their deep narcissism, they can't imagine that ANYONE will ever spank them because mommy never did! No wonder they piss themselves when they come up against adults who have real will and a little impatience with their silly little games.

And when their level of insecurity reaches maximum, they want to take your shit away from you, cause you got it and they don't. Funny their kindergarten habits.
By pointing out Biden gave us the lowest Hispanic unemployment rate in U.S. history?

You're nuts, con. :cuckoo:

Prove it.

(PSSSST -- folks, this loser is one who runs away pissing itself whenever you demand that it back up its bullshit.)
By pointing out Biden gave us the lowest Hispanic unemployment rate in U.S. history?

You're nuts, con. :cuckoo:
sure, cause you didn't answer my question. I know, it was hard for a kkker to actually admit trump isn't racist and that he actually helped them. Name legislation that helped hispanics?
This is your fault. You are using data and making rational points to a toddler. You’re better off flicking boogers.
the data doesn't back his claim. It showed a dip in one month, not a year. Funny how you can't see that .

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