A serious question, serious replies only

I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.

1. He got lucky with the electoral college. 1 million Americans would not have died if Hillary had been in office.

2. No he is not a billionaire. Any money he has, he inherited. He's been a colossal failure in business. 7 major bankruptcies is a record for any American businessman.

3. Yeah a rich guy with a private school/Ivy League education talking like a working class guy down the block. Do you think it might be an act, this talking down to his voters????

4. No, Obama and Biden did that. Trump just took credit for it.

5. He did no such thing. NATO members laughed in his face at his idiocy. This was political theatre for the rubes back home. OBAMA signed an agreement with NATO leaders to raise their spending levels.

6. What exactly did that get you, other than a box of bones????

7. Big whoop. Dumb Donald made up nicknames.

8. No he just lost all of the wars you were in when he was inaugurated, abandoning your Allies to certain death, and allowed more than 15,000 ISIS prisoners to go free.

9. One thing I'll give him. But he also lost 4 men in a botched raid which Obama refused to green light because of poor planning.

10. Three plastic, botoxed, and surgically enhanced gold diggers. Trump has had to pay for it all of his life. If he wasn't rich, he'd be an incel.

11. No he isn't. He just found Republicans to be more gullible and easily fooled.
Even worse than Trump’s childish refusal to accept he lost an election was his refusal to transition to Joe Biden

We were down to 2500 troops in Afghanistan and the withdrawal was in progress. Trump refused to discuss plans for the withdrawal, agreements with Taliban, strength of the Afghan forces

COVID vaccine had just come out and Trump refused to sit down with Biden and discuss plans to distribute it, organization or what was being done

Those are just two of the hundreds of issues that Trump would not transition
True, Trump’s refusal to facilitate a peaceful transition of power is perhaps his most egregious affront to democracy and our democratic institutions.
I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.
He is a low grade narcissistic halfwit.
Hey, according to Pknob no one is allowed to receive an inheritance
Not an honest response. You know darn well there are many millions of Americans who absolutely HATE Donald Trump.

I'm pretty certain I was not asked to answer for them.

And that HATRED began coincidentally after the 2016 election. Many of the Trump haters are on this message board and many more have prominent positions on Television, social media and as businessleaders.

One can understand.
I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.

It's because he's a piece of shit. The stain he left behind is evidence of that.
He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
He lost the popular vote to Hillary and Biden.
Only a 14 carat Loser could do that.
He's not a "self-made billionaire"

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father (Published 2018)

"The president has long sold himself as a self-made billionaire, but a Times investigation found that he received at least $413 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real estate empire, much of it through tax dodges in the 1990s."
Oh we understand. We all saw the irrational outburst of crying, wailing and screaming when Hillary lost. That raw infantile emotion is what Democrats tapped into to create a cult of hate for Donald Trump.

They acted quite like how Trump acted when he lost.

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