A Shortcut to Nixing The Gay Marriage Decision: Subtract Two Votes

Should Kagan and Ginsburg have recused themselves from this case according to 2009 Massey Coal Law?

  • Yep, no doubt about it. If republicans don't pounce on this one, I lose all respect for them.

  • Nope, Ginsburg & Kagan display ZERO bias by performing gay weddings while this was contested.

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JR, you should have picked a better thread if this is the hill you want to die.

Oh I'm just getting warmed up. MDK I know you are gay. I'm a supporter of a state that wants to allow same sex marriage, but I'm also a supporter of a state that doesn't want to allow it. I believe in individual rights OVR our governments. Our INDIVIDUAL rights to VOTE in a STATE WIDE election to approve it or not. I'm NOT in favor or the SUPREME COURT DECIDING what is a RIGHT. That is up for the states and congress to ratify that in the constitution. That is not something for the Supreme court. Period. This is why I believe the SC should have listened to Cheif Justice Roberts when he said they shouldn't have even heard it.

The states don't have the right to deny gays the right to marry. They didn't have it with Loving and they do not have it now.

I'm past that already. I'm focused on 2 things -

1.) Will they sue religious churches for choosing not to perform wedding just like the cake baker choose not to back a cake? Setting up a showdown of a no win situation for our country to chose 1 right over another when they are equally protected.

2.) What do you chose if the SC hears the case? Religious freedom OR Same sex marriage rights?

We are now WAY PAST the issue of same sex marriage and now in a territory that threatens all of our protected freedoms in the constitution. Even Gays should be worried. They are after all Americans.

Save the drama. How many churches can you name that have been forced to marry any couple? None. Churches will still marry couples as they see ft. As it should be.

It's only been 16.5 hours. Give it time. Anybody against democracy will be emboldened now. We have man people citizens that want to overthrow this government and belive that a communist society is what we should have and this is a huge step in that direction.

That really has nothing to do with the topic but whatever.
JR, you should have picked a better thread if this is the hill you want to die.

Oh I'm just getting warmed up. MDK I know you are gay. I'm a supporter of a state that wants to allow same sex marriage, but I'm also a supporter of a state that doesn't want to allow it. I believe in individual rights OVR our governments. Our INDIVIDUAL rights to VOTE in a STATE WIDE election to approve it or not. I'm NOT in favor or the SUPREME COURT DECIDING what is a RIGHT. That is up for the states and congress to ratify that in the constitution. That is not something for the Supreme court. Period. This is why I believe the SC should have listened to Cheif Justice Roberts when he said they shouldn't have even heard it.

The states don't have the right to deny gays the right to marry. They didn't have it with Loving and they do not have it now.

I'm past that already. I'm focused on 2 things -

1.) Will they sue religious churches for choosing not to perform wedding just like the cake baker choose not to back a cake? Setting up a showdown of a no win situation for our country to chose 1 right over another when they are equally protected.

2.) What do you chose if the SC hears the case? Religious freedom OR Same sex marriage rights?

We are now WAY PAST the issue of same sex marriage and now in a territory that threatens all of our protected freedoms in the constitution. Even Gays should be worried. They are after all Americans.

Save the drama. How many churches can you name that have been forced to marry any couple? None. Churches will still marry couples as they see ft. As it should be.

It's only been 16.5 hours. Give it time. Anybody against democracy will be emboldened now. We have man people citizens that want to overthrow this government and belive that a communist society is what we should have and this is a huge step in that direction.

PA laws don't apply to churches. They never have. Making your entire hypothetical ridiculously unlikely. And your predictions baseless guesses on a topic you clearly don't understand.

Why would anyone be worried about your imagination?
Oh I'm just getting warmed up. MDK I know you are gay. I'm a supporter of a state that wants to allow same sex marriage, but I'm also a supporter of a state that doesn't want to allow it. I believe in individual rights OVR our governments. Our INDIVIDUAL rights to VOTE in a STATE WIDE election to approve it or not. I'm NOT in favor or the SUPREME COURT DECIDING what is a RIGHT. That is up for the states and congress to ratify that in the constitution. That is not something for the Supreme court. Period. This is why I believe the SC should have listened to Cheif Justice Roberts when he said they shouldn't have even heard it.

The states don't have the right to deny gays the right to marry. They didn't have it with Loving and they do not have it now.

I'm past that already. I'm focused on 2 things -

1.) Will they sue religious churches for choosing not to perform wedding just like the cake baker choose not to back a cake? Setting up a showdown of a no win situation for our country to chose 1 right over another when they are equally protected.

2.) What do you chose if the SC hears the case? Religious freedom OR Same sex marriage rights?

We are now WAY PAST the issue of same sex marriage and now in a territory that threatens all of our protected freedoms in the constitution. Even Gays should be worried. They are after all Americans.

Save the drama. How many churches can you name that have been forced to marry any couple? None. Churches will still marry couples as they see ft. As it should be.

It's only been 16.5 hours. Give it time. Anybody against democracy will be emboldened now. We have man people citizens that want to overthrow this government and belive that a communist society is what we should have and this is a huge step in that direction.

That really has nothing to do with the topic but whatever.

I know. I'm changing it and focusing on a much more important issue that has now come up as a result. Be careful what you wish for. Everything has consequences.
The states don't have the right to deny gays the right to marry. They didn't have it with Loving and they do not have it now.

I'm past that already. I'm focused on 2 things -

1.) Will they sue religious churches for choosing not to perform wedding just like the cake baker choose not to back a cake? Setting up a showdown of a no win situation for our country to chose 1 right over another when they are equally protected.

2.) What do you chose if the SC hears the case? Religious freedom OR Same sex marriage rights?

We are now WAY PAST the issue of same sex marriage and now in a territory that threatens all of our protected freedoms in the constitution. Even Gays should be worried. They are after all Americans.

Save the drama. How many churches can you name that have been forced to marry any couple? None. Churches will still marry couples as they see ft. As it should be.

It's only been 16.5 hours. Give it time. Anybody against democracy will be emboldened now. We have man people citizens that want to overthrow this government and belive that a communist society is what we should have and this is a huge step in that direction.

That really has nothing to do with the topic but whatever.

I know. I'm changing it and focusing on a much more important issue that has now come up as a result. Be careful what you wish for. Everything has consequences.
I am not too worried. Churches won't have marry any couple against their wishes and you free to predict all the doom and gloom as you wish. The system works.
I'm past that already. I'm focused on 2 things -

1.) Will they sue religious churches for choosing not to perform wedding just like the cake baker choose not to back a cake? Setting up a showdown of a no win situation for our country to chose 1 right over another when they are equally protected.

2.) What do you chose if the SC hears the case? Religious freedom OR Same sex marriage rights?

We are now WAY PAST the issue of same sex marriage and now in a territory that threatens all of our protected freedoms in the constitution. Even Gays should be worried. They are after all Americans.

Save the drama. How many churches can you name that have been forced to marry any couple? None. Churches will still marry couples as they see ft. As it should be.

It's only been 16.5 hours. Give it time. Anybody against democracy will be emboldened now. We have man people citizens that want to overthrow this government and belive that a communist society is what we should have and this is a huge step in that direction.

That really has nothing to do with the topic but whatever.

I know. I'm changing it and focusing on a much more important issue that has now come up as a result. Be careful what you wish for. Everything has consequences.
I am not too worried. Churches won't have marry any couple against their wishes and you free to predict all the doom and gloom as you wish. The system works.

It's already happened MDK with the baker business owner. You are naive to think some nut wont sue and try to go all the way with a church now.
Save the drama. How many churches can you name that have been forced to marry any couple? None. Churches will still marry couples as they see ft. As it should be.

It's only been 16.5 hours. Give it time. Anybody against democracy will be emboldened now. We have man people citizens that want to overthrow this government and belive that a communist society is what we should have and this is a huge step in that direction.

That really has nothing to do with the topic but whatever.

I know. I'm changing it and focusing on a much more important issue that has now come up as a result. Be careful what you wish for. Everything has consequences.
I am not too worried. Churches won't have marry any couple against their wishes and you free to predict all the doom and gloom as you wish. The system works.

It's already happened MDK with the baker business owner. You are naive to think some nut wont sue and try to go all the way with a church now.

You seem new to this discussion. Painfully so. Public accommodation laws do not apply to churches. Gay folks are free to sue all they wish when it comes to churches marrying them or not but they will fail...miserably. As it should be.
It's only been 16.5 hours. Give it time. Anybody against democracy will be emboldened now. We have man people citizens that want to overthrow this government and belive that a communist society is what we should have and this is a huge step in that direction.

That really has nothing to do with the topic but whatever.

I know. I'm changing it and focusing on a much more important issue that has now come up as a result. Be careful what you wish for. Everything has consequences.
I am not too worried. Churches won't have marry any couple against their wishes and you free to predict all the doom and gloom as you wish. The system works.

It's already happened MDK with the baker business owner. You are naive to think some nut wont sue and try to go all the way with a church now.

You seem new to this discussion. Painfully so. Public accommodation laws do not apply to churches. Gay folks are free to sue all they wish when it comes to churches marrying them or not but they will fail...miserably. As it should be.

No. Federal laws in the constitution trump state laws. Period. The State are part of the Union that is governed by the US Constitution and the judicial branch that interprets the law of the land. None of those laws matter now. This will end up in federal court once someone sues and they will. Bet your life on it.
That really has nothing to do with the topic but whatever.

I know. I'm changing it and focusing on a much more important issue that has now come up as a result. Be careful what you wish for. Everything has consequences.
I am not too worried. Churches won't have marry any couple against their wishes and you free to predict all the doom and gloom as you wish. The system works.

It's already happened MDK with the baker business owner. You are naive to think some nut wont sue and try to go all the way with a church now.

You seem new to this discussion. Painfully so. Public accommodation laws do not apply to churches. Gay folks are free to sue all they wish when it comes to churches marrying them or not but they will fail...miserably. As it should be.

No. Federal laws in the constitution trump state laws. Period. The State are part of the Union that is governed by the US Constitution and the judicial branch that interprets the law of the land. None of those laws matter now. This will end up in federal court once someone sues and they will. Bet your life on it.

Oh I bet some dunce cap will sue a church but after the laughter ends the plaintiff will still lose.
Save the drama. How many churches can you name that have been forced to marry any couple? None. Churches will still marry couples as they see ft. As it should be.

It's only been 16.5 hours. Give it time. Anybody against democracy will be emboldened now. We have man people citizens that want to overthrow this government and belive that a communist society is what we should have and this is a huge step in that direction.

That really has nothing to do with the topic but whatever.

I know. I'm changing it and focusing on a much more important issue that has now come up as a result. Be careful what you wish for. Everything has consequences.
I am not too worried. Churches won't have marry any couple against their wishes and you free to predict all the doom and gloom as you wish. The system works.

It's already happened MDK with the baker business owner. You are naive to think some nut wont sue and try to go all the way with a church now.

A baker is not a church. It is a for profit business. You may not be able to tell the difference. Thankfully, the law and every court to ever hear such cases, can.
That really has nothing to do with the topic but whatever.

I know. I'm changing it and focusing on a much more important issue that has now come up as a result. Be careful what you wish for. Everything has consequences.
I am not too worried. Churches won't have marry any couple against their wishes and you free to predict all the doom and gloom as you wish. The system works.

It's already happened MDK with the baker business owner. You are naive to think some nut wont sue and try to go all the way with a church now.

You seem new to this discussion. Painfully so. Public accommodation laws do not apply to churches. Gay folks are free to sue all they wish when it comes to churches marrying them or not but they will fail...miserably. As it should be.

No. Federal laws in the constitution trump state laws. Period. The State are part of the Union that is governed by the US Constitution and the judicial branch that interprets the law of the land. None of those laws matter now. This will end up in federal court once someone sues and they will. Bet your life on it.

And it will be shut down in federal court. Remember, PA laws doesn't apply to churches. You've imagined it. And your imagination has no bearing on the outcome of any case.
Yep the stupid, myopic, pandering Justice who caved to political pressure when he should've known better will be facing this issue again in the form of "The cult of deviant sex vs Christianity" when a Christian adoption agency refuses to adopt kids to two dudes they just saw dry-humping in a pride parade in front of kids the day before....or when gays single out Christian business people to force them into participating in "gay weddings".

Kennedy thought he would escape having to make the hard and right choice. When the 1st Amendment is placed on the slaughtering altar, let's hope he rethinks his position. But he can't now, can he? Now he had to sacrafice the 1st Amendment. He and the other four (two of which told the world beforehand that they had their mind made up already) will tell Christians they have to defy Jude 1's mandates and commit themselves to eternal damnation so that gay men can play house and qualify to adopt little orphan boys.. Jude 1 warned of influential gays in positions of power, with "smooth speech". Kennedy didn't get that warning. Apparently he's not Christian. So, goodbye 1st Amendment. You think just once or twice the fact that this question was coming right back in their laps would've occured to Kennedy.

And hello to the Brown family and their attorney, on deck...
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It's over Sil, you lost. Move on...
Check back with me when Christian vs cult of LGBT gets on the federal appeals docket.. Good luck with the democratic race in 2016, if you think it's over..
It is over, but you are damn fool enough to believe that it isn't I'm sure. In a few days only irrational morons like you will care, and you've already lost where it matters most in this case, the court of public opinion.

The mourners have departed, the funeral is over, that sound you hear is two men in overalls with shovels filling in the grave of your purpose in life...
It's over Sil, you lost. Move on...
Check back with me when Christian vs cult of LGBT gets on the federal appeals docket.. Good luck with the democratic race in 2016, if you think it's over..
It is over, but you are damn fool enough to believe that it isn't I'm sure. In a few days only irrational morons like you will care, and you've already lost where it matters most in this case, the court of public opinion.

The mourners have departed, the funeral is over, that sound you hear is two men in overalls with shovels filling in the grave of your purpose in life...
Yeah "only a few irrational morons". That's why dems were round-housed in 2014....because everyone "sane" is so down with gay marriage...

Good luck cuz we "only a few" will be protesting the LGBT cult hijacking and killing all our other good platforms by the simplest protest of all...doing nothing. No campaign funds for any democratic candidate. You know what they say, money talks. How easy! Do NOTHING and send a message to the dems. :popcorn: Don't worry Paint. Like you say, "it's only a few of us" in the liberal world who think marriage should provide both a mother and father to children....

France, 2013



United States


It's over Sil, you lost. Move on...
Check back with me when Christian vs cult of LGBT gets on the federal appeals docket.. Good luck with the democratic race in 2016, if you think it's over..
It is over, but you are damn fool enough to believe that it isn't I'm sure. In a few days only irrational morons like you will care, and you've already lost where it matters most in this case, the court of public opinion.

The mourners have departed, the funeral is over, that sound you hear is two men in overalls with shovels filling in the grave of your purpose in life...
Yeah "only a few irrational morons". That's why dems were round-housed in 2014....because everyone "sane" is so down with gay marriage...

Good luck cuz we "only a few" will be protesting the LGBT cult hijacking and killing all our other good platforms by the simplest protest of all...doing nothing. No campaign funds for any democratic candidate. You know what they say, money talks. How easy! Do NOTHING and send a message to the dems. :popcorn: Don't worry Paint. Like you say, "it's only a few of us" in the liberal world who think marriage should provide both a mother and father to children....

France, 2013



United States


Those who think as you do are dying off, literally. Your day in the sun is now over, and theirs is just beginning. That is a very good thing...
Those who think as you do are dying off, literally. Your day in the sun is now over, and theirs is just beginning. That is a very good thing...

This ain't over. Ginsburg and Kagan cheated the system of Justice in this country set forth by their own 2009 Massey Coal Decision that bound them to recuse themselves for presiding as the embodiment of the fed over a state performing gay marriages while the question of "should the fed preside over any state on the question of gay marriage" was pending.

Their flagrant display of bias before that question was Heard was large, evident, blatant and arrogant. On those grounds they must withdraw their votes or face impeachment.

I've said this before but if this was a question pending on easements for the Keystone Pipeline; which some states are resisting, where the fed was to preside in eminant domain, it would be like a conservative Justice posing in a state who had ratified the easement (unlike its neighbor) with a shovel breaking ground on the Pipeline in that state's section and at the same time asking the public to believe he would be unbiased at a hearing on eminant domain of the Pipeline forced upon the states that don't want it.

The same people celebrating this gutting of Justice in the gay marriage Decision would flip out about the same exact scenario if it was the Keystone Pipeline. They would demand recusal. And well they should. So in a sense, we all agree: Ginsburg and Kagan must withdraw their votes or be impeached.
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by this time next year the courts will be filled with QWEERS/LESBOS suing for divorce due to spousal physical and mental abuse.

i am taking bets, anyone else ?
by this time next year the courts will be filled with QWEERS/LESBOS suing for divorce due to spousal physical and mental abuse.

i am taking bets, anyone else ?

Yeah, but we're getting in line behind you hets that have already filled them.
The topic of this thread is Ginsburg and Kagan recusing themselves for displaying bias on the gay marriage issue before it was Heard.

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