A Showdown Like No Other


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The Dims and Never Trumpers are finally awakening to the power of Donald J Trump in gaining popular support for his agenda – and what the American people so loudly spoke up about in 2016. Their desperation is clear and their tactics reach beyond anything seen before in the American political arena.

What we are witnessing is the parting fusillade of the NeverTrumpers and goal-line stand of the Democrats who have only recently realized that they had a serious survival problem on their hands, and that Trump is a formidable enemy and cannot easily be banished.

This is a two-front war; the Democrats are trying to block a conservative majority on the Supreme Court and are trying to bait the president and his Senate colleagues into language and actions that would inflame the hypersensitive and volatile feminist-activist vote and deliver the Congress to the Democrats in the midterm elections.

The stakes are very high and vastly transcend the protagonists. Both Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser Christine Blasey Ford performed well, though histrionically, before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, and the pressure on them was visibly intense. It may have been unseemly for a long-serving circuit court of appeal judge to be on the edge of tears for more than 10 minutes, but it was not affected. Senator Chris Coons’ (D-Del.) near-tearful performance the next day was tougher to explain. It does not lie in the mouths of those who have not faced such pressures to be cynical about Ford’s references to threats she has received and Judge Kavanaugh referring to his reputation and the lives of his family having been “destroyed.”

This and very much more @ A Showdown Like No Other
"Christine Blasey Ford performed well" is such a bullshit, politically correct cliche. The fact is Ford appeared to be mentally fucking ill.
"Christine Blasey Ford performed well" is such a bullshit, politically correct cliche. The fact is Ford appeared to be mentally fucking ill.

She was the lousiest actress I ever watched.

I didn't believe her and neither did any of my friends. Hell she couldn't remember anything and the two witnesses she put forth said they weren't at that party.

The whole thing stinks like week old dead fish.
"Christine Blasey Ford performed well" is such a bullshit, politically correct cliche. The fact is Ford appeared to be mentally fucking ill.

She did perform well. Keep in mind, her character is one who suffers mental disorders like PTSD and anxiety from this assault years ago. I think something happened to her, but she is so vague on significant details (where, who, when) that no reasonable person would let her testimony derail the confirmation of an otherwise qualified canidate.
Every time one turns around another of her lies is discovered. She claimed the polygraph frightened her in spite of the fact that she was witnessed teaching someone how to pass one.
The FBI report will be issued soon, the Senate will vote to confirm Kavanaugh, and then the mid-terms will happen. After the mid-terms we'll see who the bullshitters are. Then everyone's attention will turn to normal business, like Mueller, Russia, NK, China, tariffs, Iran, the wall, the Debt, infrastructure, immigration, save SS, save Medicare, replace Obamacare, etc.
Every time one turns around another of her lies is discovered. She claimed the polygraph frightened her in spite of the fact that she was witnessed teaching someone how to pass one.
Who witnessed it? Too fucking stupid. Good god.
"Christine Blasey Ford performed well" is such a bullshit, politically correct cliche. The fact is Ford appeared to be mentally fucking ill.

Well....if liberals are setting the standard Ford is less mentally ill than many liberals.

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