A simpering Trump now refuses to work

The Dems don't want to work with Trump. That's a fact jack.
That's only because with trump it's his way or the highway Deal maker?? That's a FN laugh

LMAO Well his way is working pretty damned good so far.

Oh and he is THE deal maker.

Piss off dumbass.
Piss off yourself asshole and reach deeper into your pockets to pay for everything you buy Trump will fight to the last drop of your blood and you're enough of an idiot not to know it

And your an idiot to believe that clap trap you posted.

Carry on dipshit.
Oh I am?? Listen to all the dept stores reporting saying because of tariffs prices will have to go up?
How's the DOW doing ? You know the one the POS bragged about all the time You have put a mentally disabled man in our WH and he's intent on destroying America like he's done with so many of his own businesses

The market goes up. The market goes down. That's how the market works.

The only mentally unstable man I see is your mentally ill ass.

Carry on brainless.
I said it yesterday that the result of his actions here would be these sorts of statements.

I also said the dems had no intention of doing any deal that would reflect well on him prior to the election and I still think that is 110% true.

The difference is Nancy and Chuck are career politicians and know that optics are important so they'll play their game and pretend to be working on things they have every intention of poison pilling or finding a reason not to pass.

Trump is relying on his own experience of boardroom negotiations, out of the public eye, where absolutist positions can work at times. He is handing the dems leverage by losing the optics battle on this one and would be better served to play along with their bullshit in this case, as he can't simply make a statement that he's done working with a year and a half until the next election.

He has now painted himself into a corner on this issue. He'll have to buckle to work on anything, as the dems will not stop their bullshit, in which case the dems win, or he'll have to follow through and do nothing, in which case the dems win. The sooner he walks this back the better for him and if he doesn't he's going to hand them a tool for the campaign season. He needs to be more strategic with these people, as he played right into their hands this time....

Republican Richard Nixon and Democrat Bill Clinton both faced impeachment, yet worked with their opposing party in Congress to move legislation forward despite the threat of removal from office and ugly criticism. Do you know why? Because despite their flaws, they believed they owed the American people a duty to do their job, despite the outcome of investigations of their wrongdoing. Not so with Donald Trump. This simpering, cowardly man simply refuses to work with Democrats on anything until all investigations stop. America elected this man to do a job, and now he won't. Nixon and Clinton, despite their flaws were both far better Presidents than this pathetic excuse for a man.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts. :bye1:

Trump refuses to work with Democrats amid simmering impeachment debate

I think the Republican end of Congress should also refuse to work with the Democrats. It's not like they're doing any work anyway.

The Senate Judiciary Committee, in the meantime, should "request" ten years of tax returns from all the Democrat House leadership, and follow through with subpoenas if necessary. They really need to check and see if "the IRS is doing its job." :113:
How's the DOW doing ? You know the one the POS bragged about all the time You have put a mentally disabled man in our WH and he's intent on destroying America like he's done with so many of his own businesses
Everything is doing great. Even though everything the democrats trying to reverse it.
The difference is Nancy and Chuck are career politicians and know that optics are important so they'll play their game and pretend to be working on things they have every intention of poison pilling or finding a reason not to pass.

Trump is relying on his own experience of boardroom negotiations, out of the public eye, where absolutist positions can work at times. He is handing the dems leverage by losing the optics battle on this one and would be better served to play along with their bullshit in this case, as he can't simply make a statement that he's done working with a year and a half until the next election.

You certainly have a point here.

However, Donald J. Trump has violated other generally accepted rules of politics since he disembarked from the golden escalator 4 years ago. And it has turned out well.

The rules of the past are being written, and people are more and more able to see through Chuck and Nancy's manuevers
The Dems don't want to work with Trump. That's a fact jack.
If that were true they wouldn't have shown up for yesterdays meeting.

Nah. He showed up for that meeting to ream some asses which he did. He then left.

One real short meeting.

Go Trump.
Well, it is obvious that you and folks like you can't see through DJTs reality TV theatrics. A 1 to 2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill is a huge deal that every state in the Union wants a piece of. And remember DJT is the one that heralded this as a bipartisan $2 trillion infrastructure plan. instead of negotiating sources of funding and projects he threw a Trump classic tantrum.
Democrats don't seem to understand economics at all. Where do they think that the money for infrastructure projects will come from? They are already touting Medicare for all, reparations, the new crazy green deal and other give aways. ACA costs millions each year, snap, welfare and other programs burn into not only the taxes taken in but enlarge the deficit.
The Dems don't want to work with Trump. That's a fact jack.
If that were true they wouldn't have shown up for yesterdays meeting.

Nah. He showed up for that meeting to ream some asses which he did. He then left.

One real short meeting.

Go Trump.
Well, it is obvious that you and folks like you can't see through DJTs reality TV theatrics. A 1 to 2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill is a huge deal that every state in the Union wants a piece of. And remember DJT is the one that heralded this as a bipartisan $2 trillion infrastructure plan. instead of negotiating sources of funding and projects he threw a Trump classic tantrum.
Democrats don't seem to understand economics at all. Where do they think that the money for infrastructure projects will come from? They are already touting Medicare for all, reparations, the new crazy green deal and other give aways. ACA costs millions each year, snap, welfare and other programs burn into not only the taxes taken in but enlarge the deficit.

Sure, the D's understand economics, and they know that their plans if implemented would put the US economy into the shitter.

But that's their goal. The crappier the economy, the more dependent people are on the federal government, and they more loyalty they get from the people. It isn't a coincidence that the D's always win big time in the nation's Housing Projects.
Republican Richard Nixon and Democrat Bill Clinton both faced impeachment, yet worked with their opposing party in Congress to move legislation forward despite the threat of removal from office and ugly criticism. Do you know why? Because despite their flaws, they believed they owed the American people a duty to do their job, despite the outcome of investigations of their wrongdoing. Not so with Donald Trump. This simpering, cowardly man simply refuses to work with Democrats on anything until all investigations stop. America elected this man to do a job, and now he won't. Nixon and Clinton, despite their flaws were both far better Presidents than this pathetic excuse for a man.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts. :bye1:

Trump refuses to work with Democrats amid simmering impeachment debate
Isn't it Congress that makes The Laws?

Trump cannot make Pelosi or Schummer do their jobs.

They have to create a bill, get it passed in The House and Senate and present it to The President.

Exactly what has Pelois and Schummer accomplished in the last 3 years anyways?
Lol, then why was there a meeting on infrastructure scheduled for yesterday?
The Dems don't want to work with Trump. That's a fact jack.
If that were true they wouldn't have shown up for yesterdays meeting.

Nah. He showed up for that meeting to ream some asses which he did. He then left.

One real short meeting.

Go Trump.
Well, it is obvious that you and folks like you can't see through DJTs reality TV theatrics. A 1 to 2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill is a huge deal that every state in the Union wants a piece of. And remember DJT is the one that heralded this as a bipartisan $2 trillion infrastructure plan. instead of negotiating sources of funding and projects he threw a Trump classic tantrum.
Democrats don't seem to understand economics at all. Where do they think that the money for infrastructure projects will come from? They are already touting Medicare for all, reparations, the new crazy green deal and other give aways. ACA costs millions each year, snap, welfare and other programs burn into not only the taxes taken in but enlarge the deficit.

Sure, the D's understand economics, and they know that their plans if implemented would put the US economy into the shitter.

But that's their goal. The crappier the economy, the more dependent people are on the federal government, and they more loyalty they get from the people. It isn't a coincidence that the D's always win big time in the nation's Housing Projects.
I think you missed one important item. They were hoping to hang the increase in debt on Trump. Claim it was all his fault.

Republican Richard Nixon and Democrat Bill Clinton both faced impeachment, yet worked with their opposing party in Congress to move legislation forward despite the threat of removal from office and ugly criticism. Do you know why? Because despite their flaws, they believed they owed the American people a duty to do their job, despite the outcome of investigations of their wrongdoing. Not so with Donald Trump. This simpering, cowardly man simply refuses to work with Democrats on anything until all investigations stop. America elected this man to do a job, and now he won't. Nixon and Clinton, despite their flaws were both far better Presidents than this pathetic excuse for a man.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts. :bye1:

Trump refuses to work with Democrats amid simmering impeachment debate

Those are YOUR "facts", Bill and you're so obviously biased in your opinions that this entire string borders on FARCE!

Trump has been working to make the United States better since he took office! The things that he has accomplished despite rabid opposition from Democrats and non stop attacks from the main stream media who refuse to report on the good things that are happening while they fixate on pipe dream narratives like Russian collusion and obstruction are quite frankly...AMAZING!

You liberals need to push this load of crap because what else do YOU have to offer the American people? A Green New Deal? Democrats wouldn't even vote for that when Mitch McConnell forced their hand by bringing it onto the Senate floor for a vote! It's THAT ridiculous of a notion! Open borders and the abolishment of ICE? The American people don't want that! They want a secure border and a rational immigration system! Free education for all? The American people are smart enough to understand that there is no "free" anything! Someone always has to pay for it and that someone is usually the Middle Class!
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Republican Richard Nixon and Democrat Bill Clinton both faced impeachment, yet worked with their opposing party in Congress to move legislation forward despite the threat of removal from office and ugly criticism. Do you know why? Because despite their flaws, they believed they owed the American people a duty to do their job, despite the outcome of investigations of their wrongdoing. Not so with Donald Trump. This simpering, cowardly man simply refuses to work with Democrats on anything until all investigations stop. America elected this man to do a job, and now he won't. Nixon and Clinton, despite their flaws were both far better Presidents than this pathetic excuse for a man.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts. :bye1:

Trump refuses to work with Democrats amid simmering impeachment debate
Isn't it Congress that makes The Laws?

Trump cannot make Pelosi or Schummer do their jobs.

They have to create a bill, get it passed in The House and Senate and present it to The President.

Exactly what has Pelois and Schummer accomplished in the last 3 years anyways?

All Pelousy's Dem led House have done is hold investigation after investigation and hearing after hearing. Looking at things that have already been settled.

UpChuck has no power and he knows it.

All the Dems are doing is paving the way to a Trump win in 2020.

God Dems.

The President told them to put a Bill on his desk he can sign.

So when are they going to do that?
The difference is Nancy and Chuck are career politicians and know that optics are important so they'll play their game and pretend to be working on things they have every intention of poison pilling or finding a reason not to pass.

Trump is relying on his own experience of boardroom negotiations, out of the public eye, where absolutist positions can work at times. He is handing the dems leverage by losing the optics battle on this one and would be better served to play along with their bullshit in this case, as he can't simply make a statement that he's done working with a year and a half until the next election.

You certainly have a point here.

However, Donald J. Trump has violated other generally accepted rules of politics since he disembarked from the golden escalator 4 years ago. And it has turned out well.

The rules of the past are being written, and people are more and more able to see through Chuck and Nancy's manuevers

I agree to a large extent. He's gotten away with a lot of stuff that is unconventional. People are sick of the status quo and we saw that with Trump and Sanders the last election cycle.

I'm looking at the upcoming election and where it matters - the independent/undecided voters.

He has the economy, which if it holds is a very powerful argument, and he could have used the dems investigations and obstruction since literally Day 1 against them very legitimately to highlight why he hasn't been able to do more. He has, at best, now neutralized that and may have handed them the only legitimate weapon they have to this point.

We'll see how it plays out, but I think he screwed up on this one....

Republican Richard Nixon and Democrat Bill Clinton both faced impeachment, yet worked with their opposing party in Congress to move legislation forward despite the threat of removal from office and ugly criticism. Do you know why? Because despite their flaws, they believed they owed the American people a duty to do their job, despite the outcome of investigations of their wrongdoing. Not so with Donald Trump. This simpering, cowardly man simply refuses to work with Democrats on anything until all investigations stop. America elected this man to do a job, and now he won't. Nixon and Clinton, despite their flaws were both far better Presidents than this pathetic excuse for a man.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts. :bye1:

Trump refuses to work with Democrats amid simmering impeachment debate
You walk into a room and find the 2 people who actively engaged in the proven / exposed failed coup attempt that pushed a false narrative and knowingly illegally used political opposition propaganda to affect a political coup.

Despite 3 years, 4 investigations, and a final report that could not prove guilt and failed to result in indictments or obstruction for collusion / Obstruction, they continue this political coup attempt. Pelosi went as far as facilitating the vote against the US AG to hold him in 'Contempt' for NOT BREAKING THE LAW as they demanded he do.

And they - and snowflakes - are surprised, in the midst of their still-on-going political effort to take him down, he can't trust them and doesn't want to work with them?

Deranged Left Tards are still Hung over from Drinking Russian Collusion.


The Party Is Over & You Are The Drunk Still On The Lawn In The Morning
This is all political theater for the 2020 election.

Trump running on:

  1. Illegal immigration / Strong Border Security
  2. Economy
  3. Military Strength
  4. Trade Deals
  5. Improved Healthcare
  6. Strong relations with Israel
  7. Fiscal Responsibility
Democrats running on:

  1. We dislike Trump
  2. Allow biological males who identify as females to compete in sports with biological females
  3. Antisemitism
  4. Higher Taxes
  5. Words are violence...PC culture
  6. Universal Healthcare
  7. Open Borders
Republican Richard Nixon and Democrat Bill Clinton both faced impeachment, yet worked with their opposing party in Congress to move legislation forward despite the threat of removal from office and ugly criticism. Do you know why? Because despite their flaws, they believed they owed the American people a duty to do their job, despite the outcome of investigations of their wrongdoing. Not so with Donald Trump. This simpering, cowardly man simply refuses to work with Democrats on anything until all investigations stop. America elected this man to do a job, and now he won't. Nixon and Clinton, despite their flaws were both far better Presidents than this pathetic excuse for a man.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts. :bye1:

Trump was elected to DEFY and OPPOSE the Democrats and Establishment Republicans, not to work with them. So he IS doing his job, as I see it.

- A Trump Supporter
The Dims have made it clear, they will not work with this president, no intention of working for the people that elected them, why, because they simply know what’s best, furthermore view the electorate as ignorant and misguided little sheep.

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