A simple explanation of the pandemic.

No teachers here are teaching what you claim. Maybe in a few locations but the vast majority of teachers have no "agenda.". They teach the curriculum given by their schoolboards. But this is not the point. The point is that no average workers public or private are a problem. Truth is 40 grand today anywhere is a pittance, nothing. Yet we attack those workers. We clamor that they make waaaaay too much money while we worship the billionaires who have nothing but disdain for other average workers. It makes absolutely zero sense. To me it's the biggest problem in our society today.

They teach the curriculum... which unfortunately includes anal sex "education". The pupils did not lose much of anything during the time the schools were closed.

The teachers are paid by tax dollars.
In 2004, John Kerry walked into an Ohio grocery store with cameras rolling and uttered a grammatically fractured query: "Can I get "me" a hunting license here? Kerry, an elitist, living in an insular bubble, no doubt thought he was endearing himself to the plebian masses by speaking that way. He believed that this is the way people he looks down on and despises speak. He thought he could trick the rubes into believing he was one of them.

In 2017, Elizabeth Warren went on Instagram and said, "hold on a second, I'm gonna get "me" a beer. See the connection? It's standard elitist trickery right from the same playbook. This is the old evil-leading the-stupid tactic for votes. No one was fooled but the mere fact that these elites even keep trying this is disturbing. Talking down to the people is as old prostitution but some of the really stupid still fall for it.

This is the hole we've dug by splitting ourselves into tribes - we end up defending and enabling the worst of our tribe because we think we're in a "war" and we can't give an inch.
it's no accident that it's become a social construct
Agreed, and it's my concern that we're clearly not evolving beyond it.

Much tougher when the problem feeds on itself like this.
The OP is about the ruling class vs. the rest of We the Great Unwashed.

THAT^^^^^ is what the 'powers that be' live in fear of our collective focus on Odd one

Once one rises above party lines and partisans to the reality that $$$$ is power is control is 'the system' objectivity , one views us differently

Our so called leaders are merely puppet mouthpieces , our legislators bought, our judicals merely foot soldiers , our constitution a joke , and our future a farce

That's exactly who I read to be the "smart people" in the OP....And the all-too-familiar chihuahuas -including those who so piously claim to be above it all- started yipping and yapping about how ORANGE MAN BAAAAD!

Hell, you and I don't agree on very much politically, but we get it.....WTF?
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Hell, you and I don't agree on very much politically, but we get it.....WTF?

Actually we agree more than i let on Odd one, i just tend to poon everyone , right/left/dem/rep/Trump/Obama/Biden/Clinton...they're all the same to me

Smart people are cool. They go to great institutions of learning where other smart people teach them to gravitate into positions of leadership. We know they are smart because they always end up in possession of a power we have here on Earth called money. The rest of us wo are not smart know what money is and if we get some we can do things we enjoy and get things we need.

But smart people are special. They know the rest of us are not smart so they can trick us into believing things that are not only untrue, but detrimental and downright dangerous to us, our neighbors, and our children. How do they do this? Well, they learn to recognize those among us who are not just unsmart but just plain stupid. Unfortunately for the human race, there is not enough money for everyone to cash in on getting the power to get things they need, let alone want.

Why should smart people suffer? Aren’t they smarter than the rest of us? Is that not what being smart is all about? You see, there are many more unsmart people than smart ones so if a few smart people get together they can elevate themselves to a position of control while the rest of us do all the work to stay alive. We have a name for that here in the US, we call it Congress.

Smart people do not think like the rest of us who are not smart. They know they can use trickery to rile us, not just against one another, but against other far away unsmart people. Then they get together with other smart people far away and divide up spoils of treasure while the rest of us fight just to survive. We call that globalization.

The unsmart needed a champion and they got one. A crude, unpolished leader appeared called Donald Trump. He already had money, so he did not need to trick us. He wanted us to have a future free from the yoke of a totalitarian aristocracy of educated smart people keeping us in the trenches while they live in the clouds.

It was working so after failing to trick us with inquisitions, it looks like smart people got together to unleash a great pestilence on us to teach us a lesson. Will it work? We will see.
That sounds too much like a conspiracy theory to me. Well written though.
Again they do not teach that stuff where I live. Tell me where this is happening. I had 3 kids go thru our schools and not one was ever taught this. Yes they are paid by tax dollars big whoop. They put their money right back into the economy rather than in some overseas account. They aren't the problem. Somewhere you swallowed the hook line and sinker. Everyone should be making less except the wealthy is your motto. Got it.
In 2004, John Kerry walked into an Ohio grocery store with cameras rolling and uttered a grammatically fractured query: "Can I get "me" a hunting license here? Kerry, an elitist, living in an insular bubble, no doubt thought he was endearing himself to the plebian masses by speaking that way. He believed that this is the way people he looks down on and despises speak. He thought he could trick the rubes into believing he was one of them.

In 2017, Elizabeth Warren went on Instagram and said, "hold on a second, I'm gonna get "me" a beer. See the connection? It's standard elitist trickery right from the same playbook. This is the old evil-leading the-stupid tactic for votes. No one was fooled but the mere fact that these elites even keep trying this is disturbing. Talking down to the people is as old prostitution but some of the really stupid still fall for it.

Wanna beer too, hunny?.....Fetch me my Winstons, I'm hankerin' for a smoke! :auiqs.jpg:
Smart people are cool. They go to great institutions of learning where other smart people teach them to gravitate into positions of leadership. We know they are smart because they always end up in possession of a power we have here on Earth called money. The rest of us wo are not smart know what money is and if we get some we can do things we enjoy and get things we need.

But smart people are special. They know the rest of us are not smart so they can trick us into believing things that are not only untrue, but detrimental and downright dangerous to us, our neighbors, and our children. How do they do this? Well, they learn to recognize those among us who are not just unsmart but just plain stupid. Unfortunately for the human race, there is not enough money for everyone to cash in on getting the power to get things they need, let alone want.

Why should smart people suffer? Aren’t they smarter than the rest of us? Is that not what being smart is all about? You see, there are many more unsmart people than smart ones so if a few smart people get together they can elevate themselves to a position of control while the rest of us do all the work to stay alive. We have a name for that here in the US, we call it Congress.

Smart people do not think like the rest of us who are not smart. They know they can use trickery to rile us, not just against one another, but against other far away unsmart people. Then they get together with other smart people far away and divide up spoils of treasure while the rest of us fight just to survive. We call that globalization.

The unsmart needed a champion and they got one. A crude, unpolished leader appeared called Donald Trump. He already had money, so he did not need to trick us. He wanted us to have a future free from the yoke of a totalitarian aristocracy of educated smart people keeping us in the trenches while they live in the clouds.

It was working so after failing to trick us with inquisitions, it looks like smart people got together to unleash a great pestilence on us to teach us a lesson. Will it work? We will see.
That sounds too much like a conspiracy theory to me. Well written though.
It's not a conspiracy when they're doing it every day right up in your face and you keep falling for it....It's now SOP.
I put all my faith in my Lord and savior Jesus. It amazes me people follow elected officials so much. I never have never will.
Smart people are cool. They go to great institutions of learning where other smart people teach them to gravitate into positions of leadership. We know they are smart because they always end up in possession of a power we have here on Earth called money. The rest of us wo are not smart know what money is and if we get some we can do things we enjoy and get things we need.

But smart people are special. They know the rest of us are not smart so they can trick us into believing things that are not only untrue, but detrimental and downright dangerous to us, our neighbors, and our children. How do they do this? Well, they learn to recognize those among us who are not just unsmart but just plain stupid. Unfortunately for the human race, there is not enough money for everyone to cash in on getting the power to get things they need, let alone want.

Why should smart people suffer? Aren’t they smarter than the rest of us? Is that not what being smart is all about? You see, there are many more unsmart people than smart ones so if a few smart people get together they can elevate themselves to a position of control while the rest of us do all the work to stay alive. We have a name for that here in the US, we call it Congress.

Smart people do not think like the rest of us who are not smart. They know they can use trickery to rile us, not just against one another, but against other far away unsmart people. Then they get together with other smart people far away and divide up spoils of treasure while the rest of us fight just to survive. We call that globalization.

The unsmart needed a champion and they got one. A crude, unpolished leader appeared called Donald Trump. He already had money, so he did not need to trick us. He wanted us to have a future free from the yoke of a totalitarian aristocracy of educated smart people keeping us in the trenches while they live in the clouds.

It was working so after failing to trick us with inquisitions, it looks like smart people got together to unleash a great pestilence on us to teach us a lesson. Will it work? We will see.

let's see how long that stays up this time eh?


That’s what she said
No. We have Trump because the American people are fed up with the corruption in the imperial capital, but also because O and Her are terrible criminal frauds. They hoped Donnie would be better for the people, not just the extreme wealthy. They were wrong.

Had O left behind a successful presidency, Hilly would have won easily.
Didn't figure out that you are the "unsmart" people Ray is talking about, didja?

Try reading the OP over and over again for comprehension.
Just one man’s opinion.
That's just one man reading for comprehension.....You're becoming a shittier and shittier excuse for an alleged libertarian every day....A few more months and you'll end up as big a poseur as Golfing Gomer.

People use the term libertarian the same way as centrist in the sense of not picking side. Unfortunately many want to have their cake and eat it too, claiming to not take sides while taking sides.

In any case, the guy is obviously not a libertarian.
You wouldn’t know a libertarian if they hit you in the face.

Yes I do...

So how much of Rothbard, Ayn Rand or Hayek have you read? Have you even read Henry Hazlitt's introduction? Did you even vote for Ron Paul?

You are an anti-establishment left-winger. That was easy...
You haven’t bothered to review Biden’s record. He’s a con like you. Love him.

What does Biden's record have to do with you being libertarian?
Unsmart working class people attack other working class people. For example, attacking public workers because they have a certain benefit or attacking an auto worker or grocery store worker because they have a union. But they for some reason will worship the billionaires who have absolutely not a financial worry in the world. So the rich of this nation have to be sitting back laughing hysterically as people making a pittance like 35 thousand dollars per year attack your average kindergarten teacher or grocery store manager. They fight to keep wages down.
Manufactured bullshit.

The right attacks the UNIONS not the employees.
And lol at you pretending the UNIONS aren't at the top of the food chain.

Fuck the unions. I hope they all go bankrupt. Some of the MOST corrupt entities in our nation.
Unsmart working class people attack other working class people. For example, attacking public workers because they have a certain benefit or attacking an auto worker or grocery store worker because they have a union. But they for some reason will worship the billionaires who have absolutely not a financial worry in the world. So the rich of this nation have to be sitting back laughing hysterically as people making a pittance like 35 thousand dollars per year attack your average kindergarten teacher or grocery store manager. They fight to keep wages down.
Manufactured bullshit.

The right attacks the UNIONS not the employees.
And lol at you pretending the UNIONS aren't at the top of the food chain.

Fuck the unions. I hope they all go bankrupt. Some of the MOST corrupt entities in our nation.
We need more unions, not less. As you say, many unions become corrupt. If this could be stopped, unions would be a huge improvement for the middle class.

Europe is heavily unionized so their workers are protected and granted a good wage and benefits. Apparently in the richest third world nation the world has ever known, this just can’t be done.
Unsmart working class people attack other working class people. For example, attacking public workers because they have a certain benefit or attacking an auto worker or grocery store worker because they have a union. But they for some reason will worship the billionaires who have absolutely not a financial worry in the world. So the rich of this nation have to be sitting back laughing hysterically as people making a pittance like 35 thousand dollars per year attack your average kindergarten teacher or grocery store manager. They fight to keep wages down.
Manufactured bullshit.

The right attacks the UNIONS not the employees.
And lol at you pretending the UNIONS aren't at the top of the food chain.

Fuck the unions. I hope they all go bankrupt. Some of the MOST corrupt entities in our nation.
We need more unions, not less. As you say, many unions become corrupt. If this could be stopped, unions would be a huge improvement for the middle class.

Europe is heavily unionized so their workers are protected and granted a good wage and benefits. Apparently in the richest third world nation the world has ever known, this just can’t be done.
I have lost corporate contracts because union picketing outside our jobsite. One particularly big one too. Was guaranteed work EVERY WINTER remodeling showrooms for new products. They now FLY IN FOREIGN CREWS.

Fuck the union

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