A simple question for Trump fans: Is Trump above the law?

If "being Trump" means being suspected -- with a mountain of evidence, including his own voice and direct sworn testimony from his own lawyers -- that he has flagrantly broken some important laws pertaining to America's national security, acts to which he has fully, publicly admitted -- then yes.
He just won't quit confessing.
Redfish, whatever you write or say, the world knows you are magaturd from your history of orangeturd posts from the presses of the far right cess pool.
Stop lying, we know what you are. we all know that you are a lefty from your history of left loving posts. you are not what you are claiming to be.
nice try, but you get an F. I post the truth, you cannot stand to hear the truth about you lying dem/libs and their cronies in the lying media. Go away.
I just do not understand how he has so many followers.
its simple. unlike most politicians, he did what he said he would do during the campaign. During his 4 years in office our country was safe, financially sound, had record low unemployment, rising stock market, low inflation, no new wars. it was the best 4 years this country has had for decades. That is why he has a huge following. He gets things done. He may talk like a typical rich NY asshole, but so what? He got the job done.=================and will again.
About half the Republican Party are no longer conservatives. They are the Trump party that is grievance based, conspiracy theory, hate motivated cult. Facts are whatever the cult leader says they are.
you have it wrong, half of the republican party today are rinos and dems in disguise. But the majority of the country is waking up to the failures of the dem version of woke socialism and will kick the dem/libs out of office next year.
for the OP. Are the bidens above the law?, are the clintons? Trump is indicted for made up charges while the Bidens and Clintons walk free after committing bribery and treason. WTF is wrong with you libs that you think this is right?
you have it wrong, half of the republican party today are rinos and dems in disguise. But the majority of the country is waking up to the failures of the dem version of woke socialism and will kick the dem/libs out of office next year.
Half of your party (per you) and all the Dems are against Trump, yet you claim the majority of the county is waking up to dem failures? I don't think the math works.
Half of your party (per you) and all the Dems are against Trump, yet you claim the majority of the county is waking up to dem failures? I don't think the math works.
not what I said, maybe a reading comprehension course is in your future. current polls (which you libs claim are always right) have Trump winning both the primary and the general by significant margins.
I just do not understand how he has so many followers.

It is really the simplest of simple things.

Candidate Trump applied for a job with The American People.
We liked the interview process.
We hired him.
He promised to do certain things that we wanted him to do.
We liked and appreciated that he did what was feasible, he was stopped from doing everything, mostly by forces beyond his control.

Now do you understand?
It is really the simplest of simple things.

Candidate Trump applied for a job with The American People.
We liked the interview process.
We hired him.
He promised to do certain things that we wanted him to do.
We liked and appreciated that he did what was feasible, he was stopped from doing everything, mostly by forces beyond his control.

Now do you understand?
No, not really. We hired a clown and got a circus.
And that is exactly why most INDEPENDENTS don't support the indictment.

Leftists are in big trouble and it seems they're finally waking up to it.
Independents say he should have been charged in the polls I have seen...

Saying that, this is court of law not a popularity contest...
This will be decided by jury of his peers...

Jack Smith has offered Trump to clear his name as soon as possible. I think that is very fair and if Trump is innocent he should take him up on his offer, if he is not, he should delay..
for the OP. Are the bidens above the law?, are the clintons? Trump is indicted for made up charges while the Bidens and Clintons walk free after committing bribery and treason. WTF is wrong with you libs that you think this is right?

This started with Obama and his Transformational Change.

Prior to him Republican and Democrats (mostly) wanted the best for the country, we simply had different ideas on how to get there.

Obama scrapped that - and started a movement to fundamentally change the USA and make it less relevant om the world stage.
What we are experiencing is travel down that path.

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