A simple question for Trump fans: Is Trump above the law?

worked out very well after 2016. 2020 was a successful coup of the US government and our election system. Senile ole joe did not win the 2020 election, he and fools like you, stole it.
Did it though?
Did the “lock her up” work out?
Was the swamp drained?
for the OP. Are the bidens above the law?, are the clintons? Trump is indicted for made up charges while the Bidens and Clintons walk free after committing bribery and treason. WTF is wrong with you libs that you think this is right?

So Trump didn't steal top secret documents and refused to return them all? You mean those charges?
But a lot of people hate his guts. Wouldn't it be better to have a President who isn't so divisive, who doesn't inspire so much animosity?
He's considered "divisive" because of the 24/7/365 hate from the left for seven years now.
Sure. But wouldn't it be better to nominate and elect someone they didn't hate?
Nope. In case you haven't figured it out he represents an existential threat to their rice bowls (and more then 50% of the elected Repubs) which is why they need him out of the picture. My support for him grows proptionally to the amount of hate they pour on him.
Nope. In case you haven't figured it out he represents an existential threat to their rice bowls (and more then 50% of the elected Repubs) which is why they need him out of the picture. My support for him grows proptionally to the amount of hate they pour on him.
You really think that will work? You can't govern a country if half, or even a third, of the country hates you.

This is where partisans go full-retard. They actually want candidates that the other side hates. What's the fucking point in that? Just for the fun of stirring up shit?
You really think that will work? You can't govern a country if half, or even a third, of the country hates you.

This is where partisans go full-retard. They actually want candidates that the other side hates. What's the fucking point in that? Just for the fun of stirring up shit?

That has been proven to be true the last two years.
You are an independent/3rd party douchebag, yes?
So you're a partisan drone, eh?

You clearly can't answer the question, can you? Or, rather, don't want to.

Here ya go: "So why are we still doing it? Why do partisans still prefer divisive douchebags when it's obviously not working?"

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