A Simple Solution to solving ISIS


Platinum Member
Sep 22, 2014
I don't understand why the US Neocons want to put US soldiers on the ground. When a simpler solution is available.

A major in the Indian army make $99 dollars a month. A lot of these soldiers have military experience and the army 1.3 million big. They 20% muslim. Bangladesh has also a big army as do many muslim nations.

I figure if you offer $1000 a month salary and another $1000 for support you could raise an army of volunteers (100,000+) from these various armies for about $200m a month. With western air support they could defeat ISIS in a matter of months. Performance driven.

We could use the UN if needed but ISIS are war criminals so that would be much of a hassle. So the years bill would be $2.4 billion spread between a lot countries. You get a friendly Muslim country to propose it, US is better leading from the back on this one.

So a great Muslim Army defeats the radicals and the West looks like we have nothing to do with it.

This is not a new plan and was done plenty of time in the Cold War.

Bit trick is to figure out a post war plan. Syria has be in control when finished or another uprising with the same crowd would happen. At this stage the Muslim Brotherhood would look good but a modern muslim secular like Turkey would be best.

This is a far reduced price tag and less blow back on US and other western states.
"I don't understand why the US Neocons want to put US soldiers on the ground."

some idiots ... RW idiots can't learn from mistakes, that's why they're idiots.
"I don't understand why the US Neocons want to put US soldiers on the ground."

some idiots ... RW idiots can't learn from mistakes, that's why they're idiots.

You wouldn't mind but the plan above was from old school neocons... It is how the Brits kept control of the world for so long...
Get locals to sort out local Sh*t.
Obama is right, sending is the US Army would resonate around the world as US as oppressors.
Seems like the best solution would be to castrate each male ISIS member before you kill him. Those sons of the bitch are not afraid of death but might be terrified to become eunuchs (castrates) before "going to Heavens" . Promised 72 (or heck knows how many) virgins after their death will loose any appeal to them. Besides, since they cut our heads off live, we could think about cutting their balls off live.

What you think?
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Cowboyost: 12979571 said:
I don't understand why the US Neocons want to put US soldiers on the ground. When a simpler solution is available.

A major in the Indian army make $99 dollars a month. A lot of these soldiers have military experience and the army 1.3 million big. They 20% muslim. Bangladesh has also a big army as do many muslim nations.

I figure if you offer $1000 a month salary and another $1000 for support you could raise an army of volunteers (100,000+) from these various armies for about $200m a month. With western air support they could defeat ISIS in a matter of months. Performance driven.

We could use the UN if needed but ISIS are war criminals so that would be much of a hassle. So the years bill would be $2.4 billion spread between a lot countries. You get a friendly Muslim country to propose it, US is better leading from the back on this one.

So a great Muslim Army defeats the radicals and the West looks like we have nothing to do with it.

This is not a new plan and was done plenty of time in the Cold War.

Bit trick is to figure out a post war plan. Syria has be in control when finished or another uprising with the same crowd would happen. At this stage the Muslim Brotherhood would look good but a modern muslim secular like Turkey would be best.

This is a far reduced price tag and less blow back on US and other western states.
Isis would beat them. Its well known mercenary armies aren't any use against a determined enemy.
I don't understand why the US Neocons want to put US soldiers on the ground. When a simpler solution is available.

A major in the Indian army make $99 dollars a month. A lot of these soldiers have military experience and the army 1.3 million big. They 20% muslim. Bangladesh has also a big army as do many muslim nations.

I figure if you offer $1000 a month salary and another $1000 for support you could raise an army of volunteers (100,000+) from these various armies for about $200m a month. With western air support they could defeat ISIS in a matter of months. Performance driven.

We could use the UN if needed but ISIS are war criminals so that would be much of a hassle. So the years bill would be $2.4 billion spread between a lot countries. You get a friendly Muslim country to propose it, US is better leading from the back on this one.

So a great Muslim Army defeats the radicals and the West looks like we have nothing to do with it.

This is not a new plan and was done plenty of time in the Cold War.

Bit trick is to figure out a post war plan. Syria has be in control when finished or another uprising with the same crowd would happen. At this stage the Muslim Brotherhood would look good but a modern muslim secular like Turkey would be best.

This is a far reduced price tag and less blow back on US and other western states.

There's an even easier way, that's to drop about 10 Atomic Bombs on the Middle East....the ENTIRE Middle East, let's just be done with that whole region. Many people have really had enough of that region, it's people arguing and killing each other, they're never happy, always causing some trouble and then the West goes on Meddling Missions for the umpteenth time, then the Wests soldiers get killed and then we get the terrorists coming to our nations etc.

So, I say about 10 A-Bombs should do it.

Then kick Turkey out of NATO and put full sanctions on Turkey and keep them on, bring Turkey to it's knees and destroy it.
Cowboyost: 12979571 said:
I don't understand why the US Neocons want to put US soldiers on the ground. When a simpler solution is available.

A major in the Indian army make $99 dollars a month. A lot of these soldiers have military experience and the army 1.3 million big. They 20% muslim. Bangladesh has also a big army as do many muslim nations.

I figure if you offer $1000 a month salary and another $1000 for support you could raise an army of volunteers (100,000+) from these various armies for about $200m a month. With western air support they could defeat ISIS in a matter of months. Performance driven.

We could use the UN if needed but ISIS are war criminals so that would be much of a hassle. So the years bill would be $2.4 billion spread between a lot countries. You get a friendly Muslim country to propose it, US is better leading from the back on this one.

So a great Muslim Army defeats the radicals and the West looks like we have nothing to do with it.

This is not a new plan and was done plenty of time in the Cold War.

Bit trick is to figure out a post war plan. Syria has be in control when finished or another uprising with the same crowd would happen. At this stage the Muslim Brotherhood would look good but a modern muslim secular like Turkey would be best.

This is a far reduced price tag and less blow back on US and other western states.
Isis would beat them. Its well known mercenary armies aren't any use against a determined enemy.

The irony there is that ISIL/ISIS/Daesh are mercenaries. All the different nationalities, it's a classic paid-for mercenary situation....the Sugar Daddy being the usual criminal organisation ie. the CIA.
Seems like the best solution would be to castrate each male ISIS member before you kill him. Those sons of the bitch are not afraid of death but might be terrified to become eunuchs (castrates) before "going to Heavens" . Promised 72 (or heck knows how many) virgins after their death will stop making any sense for them. Besides, since they cut our heads off live, we could cut their balls off live.

What you think?

What do I think? I agree with you 100% darling!
I say castrate all RW's and eliminate the nuclear threat .. simpletons forget the rest of the world has to live with the fallout for the next 50 years- INCLUDING THEM.

Seems like the best solution would be to castrate each male ISIS member before you kill him. Those sons of the bitch are not afraid of death but might be terrified to become eunuchs (castrates) before "going to Heavens" . Promised 72 (or heck knows how many) virgins after their death will loose any appeal to them. Besides, since they cut our heads off live, we could cut their balls off live.

What you think?

There might be a few geneva conventions you ploughed through... If caught I would treat them really well... Offer them whiskey and cigars... A few girls if they would like... Viideotape the lot and show it all over Muslim countries...

Rem 'you ain't no muslim bruv'....

Show these guys as being bad muslims and you have half the battle won...
I don't understand why the US Neocons want to put US soldiers on the ground. When a simpler solution is available.

A major in the Indian army make $99 dollars a month. A lot of these soldiers have military experience and the army 1.3 million big. They 20% muslim. Bangladesh has also a big army as do many muslim nations.

I figure if you offer $1000 a month salary and another $1000 for support you could raise an army of volunteers (100,000+) from these various armies for about $200m a month. With western air support they could defeat ISIS in a matter of months. Performance driven.

We could use the UN if needed but ISIS are war criminals so that would be much of a hassle. So the years bill would be $2.4 billion spread between a lot countries. You get a friendly Muslim country to propose it, US is better leading from the back on this one.

So a great Muslim Army defeats the radicals and the West looks like we have nothing to do with it.

This is not a new plan and was done plenty of time in the Cold War.

Bit trick is to figure out a post war plan. Syria has be in control when finished or another uprising with the same crowd would happen. At this stage the Muslim Brotherhood would look good but a modern muslim secular like Turkey would be best.

This is a far reduced price tag and less blow back on US and other western states.
We have been providing money to Iraq for their military support for several years.

And we saw how their army collapsed and ran in the face of ISISBOOMBAH, leaving behind all that US military equipment which ISIS now owns.

The Iraqi army vastly outnumbered ISIS, and they still tucked tail and ran.

So there's that precedent going for you.

You know what's funny?

The whole reason Osama bin Laden created Al Qaeda is because he wanted Muslim troops to deal with the invasion of Kuwait. He didn't want the US involved.

And look how things have gone since then.

And now here you are, uttering the exact same party line as OBL.

Isn't that interesting?
Cowboyost: 12979571 said:
I don't understand why the US Neocons want to put US soldiers on the ground. When a simpler solution is available.

A major in the Indian army make $99 dollars a month. A lot of these soldiers have military experience and the army 1.3 million big. They 20% muslim. Bangladesh has also a big army as do many muslim nations.

I figure if you offer $1000 a month salary and another $1000 for support you could raise an army of volunteers (100,000+) from these various armies for about $200m a month. With western air support they could defeat ISIS in a matter of months. Performance driven.

We could use the UN if needed but ISIS are war criminals so that would be much of a hassle. So the years bill would be $2.4 billion spread between a lot countries. You get a friendly Muslim country to propose it, US is better leading from the back on this one.

So a great Muslim Army defeats the radicals and the West looks like we have nothing to do with it.

This is not a new plan and was done plenty of time in the Cold War.

Bit trick is to figure out a post war plan. Syria has be in control when finished or another uprising with the same crowd would happen. At this stage the Muslim Brotherhood would look good but a modern muslim secular like Turkey would be best.

This is a far reduced price tag and less blow back on US and other western states.
Isis would beat them. Its well known mercenary armies aren't any use against a determined enemy.

The Muslim Army are a professional army with battleground experience unlike the Iraq Army. They have superior numbers, air support, artillery support, satellite support, drones...

Sorry this is not the an Iraq type army which was an army to keep guys employed.
I don't understand why the US Neocons want to put US soldiers on the ground.

You won't actually find any pseudo-conservatives committing to this plan. You won't find them committing to any plan, except one which involves sending innocents back home to be slaughtered and bugging mosques.

Like always, they have no plan. They only have an anti-plan: "Whatever Obama is doing, we are against that."
Seems like the best solution would be to castrate each male ISIS member before you kill him. Those sons of the bitch are not afraid of death but might be terrified to become eunuchs (castrates) before "going to Heavens" . Promised 72 (or heck knows how many) virgins after their death will loose any appeal to them. Besides, since they cut our heads off live, we could cut their balls off live.

What you think?

There might be a few geneva conventions you ploughed through... If caught I would treat them really well... Offer them whiskey and cigars... A few girls if they would like... Viideotape the lot and show it all over Muslim countries...

Rem 'you ain't no muslim bruv'....

Show these guys as being bad muslims and you have half the battle won...

The Geneva Convention doesn't apply to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, for a start they're not a legitimate army, normal battlefield rules therefore don't apply when dealing with them.

Human Rights? Who cares. When you're in a battle with absolute monsters that hack peoples' heads off with knives, crucify people, burn people alive, bury people alive etc....why should we care about their "human rights"....how can in-human monsters have "human rights" when by their very actions they consistently show the world that they're not even human beings?

In order to be granted human rights you first must be human yourself.
I don't understand why the US Neocons want to put US soldiers on the ground. When a simpler solution is available.

A major in the Indian army make $99 dollars a month. A lot of these soldiers have military experience and the army 1.3 million big. They 20% muslim. Bangladesh has also a big army as do many muslim nations.

I figure if you offer $1000 a month salary and another $1000 for support you could raise an army of volunteers (100,000+) from these various armies for about $200m a month. With western air support they could defeat ISIS in a matter of months. Performance driven.

We could use the UN if needed but ISIS are war criminals so that would be much of a hassle. So the years bill would be $2.4 billion spread between a lot countries. You get a friendly Muslim country to propose it, US is better leading from the back on this one.

So a great Muslim Army defeats the radicals and the West looks like we have nothing to do with it.

This is not a new plan and was done plenty of time in the Cold War.

Bit trick is to figure out a post war plan. Syria has be in control when finished or another uprising with the same crowd would happen. At this stage the Muslim Brotherhood would look good but a modern muslim secular like Turkey would be best.

This is a far reduced price tag and less blow back on US and other western states.

$25 mil reward went unclaimed for info on ObL. They don't value money like westerners do.
I don't understand why the US Neocons want to put US soldiers on the ground.

You won't actually find any pseudo-conservatives committing to this plan. You won't find them committing to any plan, except one which involves sending innocents back home to be slaughtered and bugging mosques.

Like always, they have no plan. They only have an anti-plan: "Whatever Obama is doing, we are against that."

Huh? Obama is following the Neo-Conservatives plan himself.
Then kick Turkey out of NATO and put full sanctions on Turkey and keep them on, bring Turkey to it's knees and destroy it.

Another useful idiot drinking Putin's piss.

Turkey is a long and faithful ally to the US.
I don't understand why the US Neocons want to put US soldiers on the ground.

You won't actually find any pseudo-conservatives committing to this plan. You won't find them committing to any plan, except one which involves sending innocents back home to be slaughtered and bugging mosques.

Like always, they have no plan. They only have an anti-plan: "Whatever Obama is doing, we are against that."

Huh? Obama is following the Neo-Conservatives plan himself.
It is impossible to follow a plan which does not exist. The pseudo-conservatives don't have a plan.
I say castrate all RW's and eliminate the nuclear threat .. simpletons forget the rest of the world has to live with the fallout for the next 50 years- INCLUDING THEM.


WE have to live with the fallout from the Leftists, Anarcho-Marxists, the myriad of Activists and the Political Correct crowd insanely trying to convince EVERYONE than if we only just sat and held hands with a variety of savages pretending to be "poor refugees" then all this awful Radical Islamic extremism will just disappear and it'll be one great big love-in in full Multicultural Nirvana-style.

WE ALL have to live with the consequences of their idiotic and demented altruism.

So let's just castrate the Leftists, Anarcho-Marxists, the myriad of Activists and the Political Correct crowd instead.

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