A small trip to the grocery...a large aggravation.

Mebbe you could make up a list of foods only poor people can eat, iamwhatiseem. Jesus, the snobbery of some people.

Snobbery? Hilarious.

I suppose you have no problem with someone spending $100 a month or so on cigarettes getting taxpayer funded Mountain Dew?
Why should a country that is in VERY serious financial shape be buying people soda pop and snack food?

grow up.

When you are very poor, the aid you receive in food stamps occassionally exceeds your needs. (In some ways, it also falls short...food stamps cannot be used for nonconsumables and so people struggle to buy toilet paper and shampoo.) This excess sometimes gets spent on frivolities. If there is someone who has absolutely no indulgences, I'd like to meet them. Meanwhile, you can take this moral superiority of yours and shove it.
What you fail to realize is that we taxpayers will also end up footing the bill when they have a coronary. When bypass surgery is necessary because the shit they eat clogs their arteries. When their teeth start rotting from all that soda, we the taxpayers will be footing the bill for dental care.

And then of course, it's a real pisser to see someone spending so much on cigarretes with CASH, while buying groceries on the taxpayers dime.
Snobbery? Hilarious.

I suppose you have no problem with someone spending $100 a month or so on cigarettes getting taxpayer funded Mountain Dew?
Why should a country that is in VERY serious financial shape be buying people soda pop and snack food?

grow up.

When you are very poor, the aid you receive in food stamps occassionally exceeds your needs. (In some ways, it also falls short...food stamps cannot be used for nonconsumables and so people struggle to buy toilet paper and shampoo.) This excess sometimes gets spent on frivolities. If there is someone who has absolutely no indulgences, I'd like to meet them. Meanwhile, you can take this moral superiority of yours and shove it.
What you fail to realize is that we taxpayers will also end up footing the bill when they have a coronary. When bypass surgery is necessary because the shit they eat clogs their arteries. When their teeth start rotting from all that soda, we the taxpayers will be footing the bill for dental care.

And then of course, it's a real pisser to see someone spending so much on cigarretes with CASH, while buying groceries on the taxpayers dime.

You make having a coronary sound like winning a lottery.

Why do you suppose anyone would fill their arteries with crap, rot their teeth, and pollute their lungs?

Because they don't have to pay for it?:eusa_eh:
Which is food. Is it good for you nutritionally and healthwise? Probably not. Could you buy fresh fruits and vegetables and make the money go further? Probably. But bottom line, she spent her gubmint food bucks on food.

Sorry, beyond the technical, Soda pop is not food.
And no matter what hysterical premise some here try to make out - I will never agree that it is the governments place to take money from one citizen and buy Mountain Dew for another with it.

Food provided to families via taxpayer dollars should absolutely be regulated. They can buy the soda pop and cheese popcorn with their own money.

So because someone is less fortunate financially and needs the assistance to be able to obtain food, they should have limited freedom in what they eat?

The regulation should go no further than merely making sure it is only FOOD being bought, and nothing more. Why in the fucking world you would care what someone decides to obtain and eat with their food money is beyond me.

You want to instill your own will on them; Decide for them how they should live their life because they happen to not make enough money to afford adequate groceries.

That's some fucking authoritarian bullshit right there.

No that is your incapable brain unable to correctly process information.
No one in this thread that I have saw, most certainly not me, has ever stated once that they should only be able to eat certain foods or prohibited from buying whatever the heck they want....with THEIR OWN MONEY.
In case you haven't noticed our nation is bankrupt by any definition. Cutting waste is not only reasonable - but should be mandated. And cutting free soda pop for 100,000's of people is not unreasonable.
Sorry, beyond the technical, Soda pop is not food.
And no matter what hysterical premise some here try to make out - I will never agree that it is the governments place to take money from one citizen and buy Mountain Dew for another with it.

Food provided to families via taxpayer dollars should absolutely be regulated. They can buy the soda pop and cheese popcorn with their own money.

So because someone is less fortunate financially and needs the assistance to be able to obtain food, they should have limited freedom in what they eat?

The regulation should go no further than merely making sure it is only FOOD being bought, and nothing more. Why in the fucking world you would care what someone decides to obtain and eat with their food money is beyond me.

You want to instill your own will on them; Decide for them how they should live their life because they happen to not make enough money to afford adequate groceries.

That's some fucking authoritarian bullshit right there.

No that is your incapable brain unable to correctly process information.
No one in this thread that I have saw, most certainly not me, has ever stated once that they should only be able to eat certain foods or prohibited from buying whatever the heck they want....with THEIR OWN MONEY.
In case you haven't noticed our nation is bankrupt by any definition. Cutting waste is not only reasonable - but should be mandated. And cutting free soda pop for 100,000's of people is not unreasonable.
If you cut junk food out of what's allowed, they will still use their alloted funds to buy food. The same amount of money is still being spent.

But you'll just feel better about yourself because you dictated what they could and couldn't eat, and somehow feel like a winner because now they're eating healthier. Not because they WANT to, but because you MADE them.

I've never once donated money to something, and added caveats to it. I simply gave my money and felt good knowing that it would be used to help someone.

I don't care if Katrina victims, for instance, used their donated money to buy skittles or heads of broccoli. If they satisfied their hunger, then :thup:

Who really cares in the end, as long as they don't starve to death? Your idea of what's good for you may not be someone else's idea of what's good for them. Just a poor diet ALONE is not necessarily any kind of huge health risk in and of itself.
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Sorry, beyond the technical, Soda pop is not food.
And no matter what hysterical premise some here try to make out - I will never agree that it is the governments place to take money from one citizen and buy Mountain Dew for another with it.

Food provided to families via taxpayer dollars should absolutely be regulated. They can buy the soda pop and cheese popcorn with their own money.

So because someone is less fortunate financially and needs the assistance to be able to obtain food, they should have limited freedom in what they eat?

The regulation should go no further than merely making sure it is only FOOD being bought, and nothing more. Why in the fucking world you would care what someone decides to obtain and eat with their food money is beyond me.

You want to instill your own will on them; Decide for them how they should live their life because they happen to not make enough money to afford adequate groceries.

That's some fucking authoritarian bullshit right there.

No that is your incapable brain unable to correctly process information.
No one in this thread that I have saw, most certainly not me, has ever stated once that they should only be able to eat certain foods or prohibited from buying whatever the heck they want....with THEIR OWN MONEY.
In case you haven't noticed our nation is bankrupt by any definition. Cutting waste is not only reasonable - but should be mandated. And cutting free soda pop for 100,000's of people is not unreasonable.
So, cut the amount of assistance because some buy soda with assistance?

That's certainly not what you said in the OP. You're pissed off because they are not buying what YOU would buy with that money.

Paulie is spot on with calling that an authoritarian attitude.
Another thing that's possible, this junk food could have been the birthday present for her kid. Who knows. It just seems arrogant to pass negative judgment on her based on assumptions from witnessing a few minutes of her life at a grocery store.
Another thing that's possible, this junk food could have been the birthday present for her kid. Who knows. It just seems arrogant to pass negative judgment on her based on assumptions from witnessing a few minutes of her life at a grocery store.

Nope, she clearly maintains her entire family's diet on soda and snacks. She's obviously never bought so much as a single solitary vegetable with her stamps.
We have all seen it...each time frowning in quiet frustration.
I saw it again today.
I decided to make a tomato-cucumber salad to go with chicken breast I am going to grill, but I didn't have any red onions, or for that matter cucumbers either.
I am standing in the "fast lane" looking at what this women and daughter in front of me were buying.
A quick inventory and I summed up the following:

4 -12 packs of soda pop.
2 - packages of bologna.
1 giant bag of cheese-ball puffs.
1 giant bag of cheese popcorn.
1 loaf of bread.
2 - 1 litre cold coke bottles (guess they can't wait till they get home..need it now)

Annnnd...3 packs of cigarettes.

She mentioned to the clerk to ring up the cigarettes separately. The clerk didn't blink an eye.
Then I understood why - she paid for the junk food and pop with a food stamp card, and the f*cking cigarettes with cash.

Yet another example of wasted taxpayer money.
Man that pisses me off.

I think it reflects the inability of modern day Americans to cook. To the poor it means bologna and cheeze puffs...to the rich it means expensive take-out food

What irritates me more is the wealthy putting an expensive, professional grade, $100,000+ kitchen in their home and using nothing but the microwave
We have all seen it...each time frowning in quiet frustration.
I saw it again today.
I decided to make a tomato-cucumber salad to go with chicken breast I am going to grill, but I didn't have any red onions, or for that matter cucumbers either.
I am standing in the "fast lane" looking at what this women and daughter in front of me were buying.
A quick inventory and I summed up the following:

4 -12 packs of soda pop.
2 - packages of bologna.
1 giant bag of cheese-ball puffs.
1 giant bag of cheese popcorn.
1 loaf of bread.
2 - 1 litre cold coke bottles (guess they can't wait till they get home..need it now)

Annnnd...3 packs of cigarettes.

She mentioned to the clerk to ring up the cigarettes separately. The clerk didn't blink an eye.
Then I understood why - she paid for the junk food and pop with a food stamp card, and the f*cking cigarettes with cash.

Yet another example of wasted taxpayer money.
Man that pisses me off.

I think it reflects the inability of modern day Americans to cook. To the poor it means bologna and cheeze puffs...to the rich it means expensive take-out food

What irritates me more is the wealthy putting an expensive, professional grade, $100,000+ kitchen in their home and using nothing but the microwave
No Rw....What irritates you is that they have the freedom to do so.
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Another thing that's possible, this junk food could have been the birthday present for her kid. Who knows. It just seems arrogant to pass negative judgment on her based on assumptions from witnessing a few minutes of her life at a grocery store.

Of course we don't know the specifics regarding that particular woman. She might have been buying food for her invalid neighbor or sister. The cigarettes may have certainly been for someone else.

But, the general philosophic question the thread brings up is a valid one. Many lower income people receiving government assistance do squander that assistance irresponsibly. There is a very sizable portion of that population that is irresponsible, with poor eating habits that damage their health, and the health of their children. Pop and chips, Twinkies, and other crap are all foods that, if eaten on a regular basis, will damage ones health.

Our nation has an explosion of chronic diseases that result from unhealthy eating habits. Childhood obesity is epidemic, and will lead to type 2 diabetes, which leads to heart disease, kidney disease, vascular disease, the list goes on and on. This next generation is facing a bleak future, and our healthcare system will eventually go bankrupt if we keep traveling down this path.

Because of this, I favor the food stamp program limiting recipients' choices. The lower classes, in particular, have trouble making healthy choices in eating. This has been documented in study after study.
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I don't see a lot (if any) food stampers in my neck of the woods, and for that I'm extremely thankful.

And for the rest of you petty assholes who would begrudge some poor down and outer a bag of Wavy Lays or a bottle of soda, you should be thankful also.
This authoritarian crap is what is wrong with the US. You bitch and complain about liberals wanting to establish how we live our lives, and then have the audacity to try and do JUST THAT, when it suits your own beliefs.

You fake ass conservatives have no fucking clue about freedom, and are what's ruining it for the right.
A quick inventory and I summed up the following:

4 -12 packs of soda pop.
2 - packages of bologna.
1 giant bag of cheese-ball puffs.
1 giant bag of cheese popcorn.
1 loaf of bread.
2 - 1 litre cold coke bottles (guess they can't wait till they get home..need it now)

Annnnd...3 packs of cigarettes.

Sounds like what a well educated College student would buy

Would you be as outraged if it was Joe College?
This authoritarian crap is what is wrong with the US. You bitch and complain about liberals wanting to establish how we live our lives, and then have the audacity to try and do JUST THAT, when it suits your own beliefs.

You fake ass conservatives have no fucking clue about freedom, and are what's ruining it for the right.
The shit needs to be regulated. Somebody on food stamps wants to buy a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper, fine. Buying 4 cases is ridiculous. They want to buy a bag o' pork rinds, fine. Buying 5 is fucking ridiculous. After all, we the taxpayers are going to foot the bill for their idiotic habits. It's we who contribute to society who will be paying for their crappy health. If those on food stamps have kids, and they are stupid enough to fill their kids with that crap, then it should be regulated......Also, make those people get off their asses and earn those food stamps and welfare. Enough of this BS where they just sit around on their asses doing nothing but stuffing their faces with crap while they wait for the FS card to reload, and that monthly check arrives. If they are able bodied, put their asses to work!
This authoritarian crap is what is wrong with the US. You bitch and complain about liberals wanting to establish how we live our lives, and then have the audacity to try and do JUST THAT, when it suits your own beliefs.

You fake ass conservatives have no fucking clue about freedom, and are what's ruining it for the right.

Socialism comes in two flavors, Republican and Democrat. It just depends on which side of the fence you are on the kind of social programs and laws you want.
This authoritarian crap is what is wrong with the US. You bitch and complain about liberals wanting to establish how we live our lives, and then have the audacity to try and do JUST THAT, when it suits your own beliefs.

You fake ass conservatives have no fucking clue about freedom, and are what's ruining it for the right.
The shit needs to be regulated. Somebody on food stamps wants to buy a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper, fine. Buying 4 cases is ridiculous. They want to buy a bag o' pork rinds, fine. Buying 5 is fucking ridiculous. After all, we the taxpayers are going to foot the bill for their idiotic habits. It's we who contribute to society who will be paying for their crappy health. If those on food stamps have kids, and they are stupid enough to fill their kids with that crap, then it should be regulated......Also, make those people get off their asses and earn those food stamps and welfare. Enough of this BS where they just sit around on their asses doing nothing but stuffing their faces with crap while they wait for the FS card to reload, and that monthly check arrives. If they are able bodied, put their asses to work!

Fuck yeah bubba, make em join the goddamn military!!!
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This authoritarian crap is what is wrong with the US. You bitch and complain about liberals wanting to establish how we live our lives, and then have the audacity to try and do JUST THAT, when it suits your own beliefs.

You fake ass conservatives have no fucking clue about freedom, and are what's ruining it for the right.
The shit needs to be regulated. Somebody on food stamps wants to buy a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper, fine. Buying 4 cases is ridiculous. They want to buy a bag o' pork rinds, fine. Buying 5 is fucking ridiculous. After all, we the taxpayers are going to foot the bill for their idiotic habits. It's we who contribute to society who will be paying for their crappy health. If those on food stamps have kids, and they are stupid enough to fill their kids with that crap, then it should be regulated......Also, make those people get off their asses and earn those food stamps and welfare. Enough of this BS where they just sit around on their asses doing nothing but stuffing their faces with crap while they wait for the FS card to reload, and that monthly check arrives. If they are able bodied, put their asses to work!

You make so many assumptions about shit, a lot of which you clearly have no idea about.

Seriously dude, you parrot the typical Republican campaign season talking points like you've got a manual in front of you.

You're a fake ass conservative and I'm ashamed to have you on my side of the aisle. Go drop some bombs on someone who isn't western enough and shut the fuck up :rolleyes:
Once you buy into the idea of regulating things based on health, you're on the fast track to socialism. It's a game in which everybody loses. You object to my cigarettes, I object to your motorcycle. You object to my cheeseburger/fries diet, I object to your drinking. Everybody loses when freedoms of some are eroded via the health argument, because eventually they'll be coming to your house too.

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