A socialist hell on earth

I'm not a conservative, i'm a libertarian. And I understand what you are saying just fine, and I directly addressed it. If you like socialist programs like social security and medicare that's fine, if everyone likes them that's fine. But they are socialism.

That's idiotic. No, they are not 'socialism'

It is NOT socialist to make YOU pay for your OWN retirement and your OWN Medical care after retirement.

That's just stupidity.

You people need to leave the 'S' word alone. You have NO clue what it means.


No one is paying for their own retirement with social security. There is no trust fun. The money was spent as it was brought in, nothing was left to us by our parents. Zero. So here's what you're saying:

1) General revenue: Government spends money, taxes my generation for the bills. that is not a trust fun

2) Social security: Government spends money, taxes my generation for the bills. that is a trust fun.

That's ridiculous.

Social security is pure redistribution of money. I'm paying for my parents, they saved zero. Doing the same thing to my kids isn't me saving money either. I don't want to do that to them even though my parents did it to me

Wrong, as usual. The Trust Fund is invested. It draws interest. It holds bonds.

What is the Trust Fund "invested" in?

Essentially the same thing your money market mutual fund is invested in. US treasuries.

But in 1945 the USA was still a young nation, with more resources that were untapped and more ground in which to expand than the historically much older European nations. Also post WWII those Socialist shitholes were having to rebuild their entire infrastructures due to the a long and drawn out war that had devistated them. If the US turned up at the start of world wars instead of the end of them maybe it wouldnt have been the powerhouse that is was in the second half of the 20th century.

Odd that these countires you denegrate so happily all have standards of living roughly equivolent to that of the US.

The capitalistic US provided billions of dollars for the war mongering Eurotrash to rebuild their infrastructures and they did it relatively quickly.

That was an excuse for a few years but after decades of the more capitalistic US doing better than the more socialistic euro shitholes then that excuse falls apart.

These socialist counties have a poorer standard of living than the US. It is not a third world difference but it is significant.

However, don't fret. The Liberals in this country are bound and determined to make this country a soulless euro type shithole. Obama made significant strides towards doing that.

What are you talking about? Have you even read the ideas? He isn't just throwing money at schools he is trying to give those who can't afford college the opportunity to go. I don't fully agree with his free for all system but I appreciate the effort to do something and can recognize a problems we have with poverty, education, and opportunity

This asshole Obama is propping up the greedy teacher's unions and the failed big city and blue state deficit budgets with wasted education money. The results is that we spend more money on education than anybody else in the world but graduate ghetto monkeys that can't read or write no less do math.

The Federal government does not need to be in the business of education.

It is not my responsibility to pay for your college education. It is your responsibility. You have no right to a college education or anything else simply because you exist.

I know you Libtards think that you have a right to demand that I pay your bills simply because you are alive but that is nothing more than your greed talking.

What are you talking about? Have you even read the ideas? He isn't just throwing money at schools he is trying to give those who can't afford college the opportunity to go. I don't fully agree with his free for all system but I appreciate the effort to do something and can recognize a problems we have with poverty, education, and opportunity

This asshole Obama is propping up the greedy teacher's unions and the failed big city and blue state deficit budgets with wasted education money. The results is that we spend more money on education than anybody else in the world but graduate ghetto monkeys that can't read or write no less do math.

The Federal government does not need to be in the business of education.

It is not my responsibility to pay for your college education. It is your responsibility. You have no right to a college education or anything else simply because you exist.

I know you Libtards think that you have a right to demand that I pay your bills simply because you are alive but that is nothing more than your greed talking.

The concept of social responsibility just doesn't even register with you does it?
Name a social democracy that has devolved into dictatorship?
The Weimer Republic.

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The exception that proves the rule. :eusa_angel:

That isn't how the phrase goes. It's "the exception that tests the rule." If you have an exception, then it isn't a rule. However, all the examples given previously that you rejected are also valid. I just listed one that you couldn't possibly reject.

Exception that proves the rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We can argue about the phrase all day, but the fact is that exceptions don't prove the rule. They disprove it. If physicists found exceptions to the law of gravity, they would toss out the theory and look for a new one.

There are not other exceptions. Not in the natural course of things. What are you talking about, Pinochet? The Shah? Those were done by our CIA :cuckoo:

The concept of social responsibility just doesn't even register with you does it?

The concept of personal responsibility just doesn't even register with you, does it?

I am quite capable of making my own determination of "social responsibility". I don't need the filthy ass government shoving it down my throat. I don't need corrupt government assholes, elected by greedy special interest groups, stealing my money to use for their stupid selfish ideas of social responsibility.

I don't mind being taxed for legitimate government functions like defense, courts, police, etc and I don't mind paying user fees (like gasoline tax) for roads because after all their ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

However, when you use the force of government to take money away from me to give it some shithead then that is nothing more than slavery.


But in 1945 the USA was still a young nation, with more resources that were untapped and more ground in which to expand than the historically much older European nations. Also post WWII those Socialist shitholes were having to rebuild their entire infrastructures due to the a long and drawn out war that had devistated them. If the US turned up at the start of world wars instead of the end of them maybe it wouldnt have been the powerhouse that is was in the second half of the 20th century.

Odd that these countires you denegrate so happily all have standards of living roughly equivolent to that of the US.

The capitalistic US provided billions of dollars for the war mongering Eurotrash to rebuild their infrastructures and they did it relatively quickly.

That was an excuse for a few years but after decades of the more capitalistic US doing better than the more socialistic euro shitholes then that excuse falls apart.

These socialist counties have a poorer standard of living than the US. It is not a third world difference but it is significant.

However, don't fret. The Liberals in this country are bound and determined to make this country a soulless euro type shithole. Obama made significant strides towards doing that.
Are you talking about Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland? They seem to be just doing fine.
Are you talking about Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland? They seem to be just doing fine.

Wow. There's just something wrong with you.

You think Iceland is doing fine? Seriously?

Sweden, Norway and Denmark are about to fall into the abyss and the Netherlands aren't much better.

You're not worth the time.
In reality, conservatives have been saying we to fix Medicare and Social Security because it isn't sustainable. You hear screaming because that's what you do.
Kaz says that Medicare and Social Security are socialism. Take it up with him.

If you want to pretend he's the only one who says that, great.
It's doesn't work that way Sheila. We don't talk shit and try to blame it on somebody else.
I guess you don't want to take it up with Kaz.

Can't blame you.

This whole thread is about people trying to pretend the Democrats want to turn America into Cuba and Venezuela. Keep running with that, you're doing great.


I agreed that if you asked them they don't want to do that. What I said was they will never stop, that will be the end result.

So when you said I said the Democrats "want to" turn us into Cuba, that was a lie
I didn't quote you, nor did I say you had said that.

Look at this very thread.

Wow. You are noteworthy. you are the first conservative on my ignore list. You just flat out lied, and it's in the chain you quoted.

So my last and final quote to you is, fuck you and the fart that blew you in.

You are a L-I-A-R. Good day, mate
Kaz says that Medicare and Social Security are socialism. Take it up with him.

If you want to pretend he's the only one who says that, great.
It's doesn't work that way Sheila. We don't talk shit and try to blame it on somebody else.
I guess you don't want to take it up with Kaz.

Can't blame you.

This whole thread is about people trying to pretend the Democrats want to turn America into Cuba and Venezuela. Keep running with that, you're doing great.


I agreed that if you asked them they don't want to do that. What I said was they will never stop, that will be the end result.

So when you said I said the Democrats "want to" turn us into Cuba, that was a lie
I didn't quote you, nor did I say you had said that.

Look at this very thread.

Wow. You are noteworthy. you are the first conservative on my ignore list. You just flat out lied, and it's in the chain you quoted.

So my last and final quote to you is, fuck you and the fart that blew you in.

You are a L-I-A-R. Good day, mate
Too bad I'm not a conservative.


And you're lying, I didn't say that you said that.

Gosh, I hope I recover from this.
Are you talking about Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland? They seem to be just doing fine.

Wow. There's just something wrong with you.

You think Iceland is doing fine? Seriously?

You're not worth the time.
Iceland is on their way to a great recovery.
Despite the initial pushback from the international community, Iceland’s "great escape" should serve as a model for all nations. A steady diet of capital controls, IMF loans, and stable economic growth have paid dividends for the Icelandic system, which has been feverishly paying off loans and accumulating capital to offset the fallout from the crash. Iceland does still owe $1.8 billion to the Washington-IMF, Nordic governments and Poland from the initial funds it borrowed, however, the Icelandic people and their government deserve credit for making the best of a bad situation. While the initial collapse garnered world-wide breaking news coverage, their recovery has gone relatively unreported.
The Current State of the Icelandic Economy
Sweden, Norway and Denmark are about to fall into the abyss and the Netherlands aren't much better.

How Sweden created a model economy

Denmark maintained a healthy budget surplus for many years up to 2008, but the budget balance swung into deficit in 2009, where it remains. In spite of the deficits, the new coalition government delivered a modest stimulus to the economy in 2012. Nonetheless, Denmark's fiscal position remains among the strongest in the EU with public debt at about 46% of GDP in 2013.
Denmark Economy Profile 2014

Economic growth is projected to strengthen further and to remain broad-based. Private consumption and residential investment will remain robust thanks to the housing market recovery, employment growth and a reduction in income taxes. The brighter economic outlook should further support business investment. The relatively strong performance of the Netherlands’ key export markets will underpin export growth.
Netherlands - Economic forecast summary (November 2015) - OECD

Is this where you try to tell me to go back to school like you did with the no term limits BS.
Socialist always make the claim that their brand of socialism will somehow be successful when the record clearly shows that it has failed every place else.


Socialism hasn't failed in Canada, Great Britain, Australia, France, Germany, Scandanavia, the Netherlands, and any number of socialist countries around the world, including the US.

In fact, the reason why the US became the most wealthy country is the world is through the socialism of free public school education. Having a vast pool of educated labour, enabled the country floursih last century. Of course, Republicans are busy dismantling the public education system and the US continues to decline in education standard compared to other first world nations.

It has failed everywhere it's been tried. All the socialist programs in the countries you listed are headed for bankruptcy. They aren't sustainable.

Public schools did not make the US wealthy. That's socialist propaganda.
Really? This is news to me. Care to support this assertion with actual documentation.

No, I won't bother. If you think the US government can actually make good on its promises, then you're a fool. It has $215 trillion in unfunded liabilities. All the countries you listed are in a similar position.

Can we all play the game where we can just state our opinion as fact and then not bother to back it up with any evidence?

It's common knowledge. I don't need to back it up. Read a newspaper.
]Are you talking about Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland? They seem to be just doing fine.

Those are small homogeneous counties without a big welfare populations and are not comparable to the US and our tens of millions of welfare queens that take but do not contribute.

A few years ago even Sweden (Scandinavia's bastion of socialism) decided they had enough of that socialistic shit and moved away from it.

Sweden’s turn from socialism

Sweden’s turn from socialism

A global reality pressured most directly by its membership in the European Union has forced Sweden to open its semi-isolated, protected market. Today, Mr. Reinfeldt’s nonsocialist alliance reflects a generational change similar to political shifts recently witnessed in France and Germany.
Socialism hasn't failed in Canada, Great Britain, Australia, France, Germany, Scandanavia, the Netherlands, and any number of socialist countries around the world, including the US.

In fact, the reason why the US became the most wealthy country is the world is through the socialism of free public school education. Having a vast pool of educated labour, enabled the country floursih last century. Of course, Republicans are busy dismantling the public education system and the US continues to decline in education standard compared to other first world nations.

It has failed everywhere it's been tried. All the socialist programs in the countries you listed are headed for bankruptcy. They aren't sustainable.

Public schools did not make the US wealthy. That's socialist propaganda.
Really? This is news to me. Care to support this assertion with actual documentation.

No, I won't bother. If you think the US government can actually make good on its promises, then you're a fool. It has $215 trillion in unfunded liabilities. All the countries you listed are in a similar position.

Can we all play the game where we can just state our opinion as fact and then not bother to back it up with any evidence?

It's common knowledge. I don't need to back it up. Read a newspaper.
Actually you are dead wrong as I proved (with documentation in post #311.)
I'm not a conservative, i'm a libertarian. And I understand what you are saying just fine, and I directly addressed it. If you like socialist programs like social security and medicare that's fine, if everyone likes them that's fine. But they are socialism.

That's idiotic. No, they are not 'socialism'

It is NOT socialist to make YOU pay for your OWN retirement and your OWN Medical care after retirement.

That's just stupidity.

You people need to leave the 'S' word alone. You have NO clue what it means.


No one is paying for their own retirement with social security. There is no trust fun. The money was spent as it was brought in, nothing was left to us by our parents. Zero. So here's what you're saying:

1) General revenue: Government spends money, taxes my generation for the bills. that is not a trust fun

2) Social security: Government spends money, taxes my generation for the bills. that is a trust fun.

That's ridiculous.

Social security is pure redistribution of money. I'm paying for my parents, they saved zero. Doing the same thing to my kids isn't me saving money either. I don't want to do that to them even though my parents did it to me

Wrong, as usual. The Trust Fund is invested. It draws interest. It holds bonds.

What is the Trust Fund "invested" in?

Essentially the same thing your money market mutual fund is invested in. US treasuries.

In other words, the government loaned the money to itself. Only a terminally gullible dipstick like you would think that's an actual "investment."
]Are you talking about Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland? They seem to be just doing fine.

Those are small homogeneous counties without a big welfare populations and are not comparable to the US and our tens of millions of welfare queens that take but do not contribute.

A few years ago even Sweden (Scandinavia's bastion of socialism) decided they had enough of that socialistic shit and moved away from it.

Sweden’s turn from socialism

Sweden’s turn from socialism

A global reality pressured most directly by its membership in the European Union has forced Sweden to open its semi-isolated, protected market. Today, Mr. Reinfeldt’s nonsocialist alliance reflects a generational change similar to political shifts recently witnessed in France and Germany.
That piece is from 13 years ago and is pure speculation. Guess what Sweden hasn't changed.

What are you talking about? Have you even read the ideas? He isn't just throwing money at schools he is trying to give those who can't afford college the opportunity to go. I don't fully agree with his free for all system but I appreciate the effort to do something and can recognize a problems we have with poverty, education, and opportunity

This asshole Obama is propping up the greedy teacher's unions and the failed big city and blue state deficit budgets with wasted education money. The results is that we spend more money on education than anybody else in the world but graduate ghetto monkeys that can't read or write no less do math.

The Federal government does not need to be in the business of education.

It is not my responsibility to pay for your college education. It is your responsibility. You have no right to a college education or anything else simply because you exist.

I know you Libtards think that you have a right to demand that I pay your bills simply because you are alive but that is nothing more than your greed talking.
It's the difference between activity and inactivity. I agree that the Feds aren't the best to run education, it should be done at a state/community level and supported by the feds. You don't suggest any solutions only bitch about problems, and in the process you make horrible points. We have poverty, crime, debt, and unemployment problems in the county... Education is a strong factor that will help each of these issues. It's not a discussion about rights it's a discussion on how to better our country and communities. Many agree with this and thats what the vote is all about.

You are in the minority sir... Lastly, "Ghetto Monkeys"??? When did the trailer park get WiFi? Wish you would put some of that energy into intelligent thought.
It has failed everywhere it's been tried. All the socialist programs in the countries you listed are headed for bankruptcy. They aren't sustainable.

Public schools did not make the US wealthy. That's socialist propaganda.
Really? This is news to me. Care to support this assertion with actual documentation.

No, I won't bother. If you think the US government can actually make good on its promises, then you're a fool. It has $215 trillion in unfunded liabilities. All the countries you listed are in a similar position.

Can we all play the game where we can just state our opinion as fact and then not bother to back it up with any evidence?

It's common knowledge. I don't need to back it up. Read a newspaper.
Actually you are dead wrong as I proved (with documentation in post #311.)

Post #311 didn't prove jack. What are the unfunded liabilities for these countries?

The concept of social responsibility just doesn't even register with you does it?

The concept of personal responsibility just doesn't even register with you, does it?

I am quite capable of making my own determination of "social responsibility". I don't need the filthy ass government shoving it down my throat. I don't need corrupt government assholes, elected by greedy special interest groups, stealing my money to use for their stupid selfish ideas of social responsibility.

I don't mind being taxed for legitimate government functions like defense, courts, police, etc and I don't mind paying user fees (like gasoline tax) for roads because after all their ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

However, when you use the force of government to take money away from me to give it some shithead then that is nothing more than slavery.

Look at what you want the government to spend on "defense, courts, police, etc." All are protections and incrimination that are focused around crime which is mostly caused by low education, poverty, and desperation. This is where you old schoolers fall short, you have no vision for the future or on how to improve a situation... I'm not one for frivolous spending and certainly don't think that the government has all the answers, but I do know that efforts need to be made to improve education, jobs, poverty, and mental illness, if we want to have a positive effect on crime.
Being a socialist is like being a pedophile.

The idea of personal responsibility is just as alien to a socialist as to why you shouldn't have sex with a child is alien to a pedophile.

If you have to explain to somebody what is wrong with socialism then you are probably just wasting your time. They will never understand.

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