A socialist hell on earth

It's doesn't work that way Sheila. We don't talk shit and try to blame it on somebody else.
I guess you don't want to take it up with Kaz.

Can't blame you.

This whole thread is about people trying to pretend the Democrats want to turn America into Cuba and Venezuela. Keep running with that, you're doing great.


I agreed that if you asked them they don't want to do that. What I said was they will never stop, that will be the end result.

So when you said I said the Democrats "want to" turn us into Cuba, that was a lie
I didn't quote you, nor did I say you had said that.

Look at this very thread.

Wow. You are noteworthy. you are the first conservative on my ignore list. You just flat out lied, and it's in the chain you quoted.

So my last and final quote to you is, fuck you and the fart that blew you in.

You are a L-I-A-R. Good day, mate
Too bad I'm not a conservative.


And you're lying, I didn't say that you said that.

Gosh, I hope I recover from this.
She's a sensitive one... takes everything you say way too personally. Not worth the time...
Personal Responsibility > Government Thievery.

Libtards never understand that equation.
OP- Before that, it was a plutocrat hell on Earth lol. Hugo DID halve poverty and illiteracy. And was never a dictator or the other crappe GOPers were brainwashed into believing. Its problems are mainly due to low oil prices and plutocrat sabotage...
That's idiotic. No, they are not 'socialism'

It is NOT socialist to make YOU pay for your OWN retirement and your OWN Medical care after retirement.

That's just stupidity.

You people need to leave the 'S' word alone. You have NO clue what it means.


No one is paying for their own retirement with social security. There is no trust fun. The money was spent as it was brought in, nothing was left to us by our parents. Zero. So here's what you're saying:

1) General revenue: Government spends money, taxes my generation for the bills. that is not a trust fun

2) Social security: Government spends money, taxes my generation for the bills. that is a trust fun.

That's ridiculous.

Social security is pure redistribution of money. I'm paying for my parents, they saved zero. Doing the same thing to my kids isn't me saving money either. I don't want to do that to them even though my parents did it to me

Wrong, as usual. The Trust Fund is invested. It draws interest. It holds bonds.

What is the Trust Fund "invested" in?

Essentially the same thing your money market mutual fund is invested in. US treasuries.

In other words, the government loaned the money to itself. Only a terminally gullible dipstick like you would think that's an actual "investment."
The vast majority of our Debt is a composition of investments through the lending process and sale of Treasury bonds. Separate discussion but do some homework on the economics of a sovereign nation and effects of our national debt. I've heard a lot of misconceptions thrown out on this thread, as its a whole different ballgame then how we understand our personal economics.
Being a socialist is like being a pedophile.

The idea of personal responsibility is just as alien to a socialist as to why you shouldn't have sex with a child is alien to a pedophile.

If you have to explain to somebody what is wrong with socialism then you are probably just wasting your time. They will never understand.
Do they have a section in this forum for complete morons? I nominate Flash as the captain
Being a socialist is like being a pedophile.

The idea of personal responsibility is just as alien to a socialist as to why you shouldn't have sex with a child is alien to a pedophile.

If you have to explain to somebody what is wrong with socialism then you are probably just wasting your time. They will never understand.
Do they have a section in this forum for complete morons? I nominate Flash as the captain

Like I said. If you don't understand what is wrong with the filthy ass government taking your money by force and giving it to the welfare queens then you are incapable of ever being able to pull your head out of your ass.
Really? This is news to me. Care to support this assertion with actual documentation.

No, I won't bother. If you think the US government can actually make good on its promises, then you're a fool. It has $215 trillion in unfunded liabilities. All the countries you listed are in a similar position.

Can we all play the game where we can just state our opinion as fact and then not bother to back it up with any evidence?

It's common knowledge. I don't need to back it up. Read a newspaper.
Actually you are dead wrong as I proved (with documentation in post #311.)

Post #311 didn't prove jack. What are the unfunded liabilities for these countries?
Here is a perfect example of the logical fallacy "moving the goalposts"

In post 255 Flash asserts "Socialist always make the claim that their brand of socialism will somehow be successful when the record clearly shows that it has failed every place else."

He is then challenged by Dragonlady who lists a few socialist countries that have done well economically.

You then intervened with "It has failed everywhere it's been tried. All the socialist programs in the countries you listed are headed for bankruptcy."

On a related note Flash also interjects with "These socialist counties have a poorer standard of living than the US. It is not a third world difference but it is significant."

I not only rebutted both your claims but backed it up.

You are now moving the goalposts and I'm sure you will continue to move them. Eventually, after a few hundred assertions you may be right about something but you certainly will not be right about your first assertion. That is dead and buried.
Explaining to a Liberal what is wrong with the government taking you money by force and giving it to the welfare queens and illegal aliens is just as much a waste of time as to explain to them what is wrong with murdering children on demand.

They are simply too far gone to understand the immorality.
It is great to live in a greedy country like the US, isn't it?

Here you have 45% of the people in this country that don't have to pay any of the trillion a year collected in income taxes but yet the greedy bastards get food stamps, subsidized health care, housing subsidizes and even free cell phones. All they have to do is vote for Liberals and they get their free stuff.

Legalized slavery. You work and your labor is given to others.

45 percent of Americans pay no federal income tax | New York Post

45 percent of Americans pay no federal income tax

Many Americans don’t have to worry about giving Uncle Sam part of their hard-earned cash for their income taxes this year.

An estimated 45.3 percent of American households — roughly 77.5 million — will pay no federal individual income tax, according to data for the 2015 tax year from the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan Washington-based research group. (Note that this does not necessarily mean they won’t owe their states income tax.)

Roughly half pay no federal income tax because they have no taxable income, and the other roughly half get enough tax breaks to erase their tax liability, explains Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center.

Despite the fact that rich people paying little in the way of income taxes makes plenty of headlines, this is the exception to the rule: The top 1 percent of taxpayers pay a higher effective income tax rate than any other group (around 23 percent, according to a report released by the Tax Policy Center in 2014) — nearly seven times higher than those in the bottom 50 percent.

On average, those in the bottom 40 percent of the income spectrum end up getting money from the government. Meanwhile, the richest 20 percent of Americans, by far, pay the most in income taxes, forking over nearly 87 percent of all the income tax collected by Uncle Sam.

The top 1 percent of Americans, who have an average income of more than $2.1 million, pay 43.6 percent of all the federal individual income tax in the US; the top 0.1 percent — just 115,000 households, whose average income is more than $9.4 million — pay more than 20 percent of it.

The concept of social responsibility just doesn't even register with you does it?

The concept of personal responsibility just doesn't even register with you, does it?

I am quite capable of making my own determination of "social responsibility". I don't need the filthy ass government shoving it down my throat. I don't need corrupt government assholes, elected by greedy special interest groups, stealing my money to use for their stupid selfish ideas of social responsibility.

I don't mind being taxed for legitimate government functions like defense, courts, police, etc and I don't mind paying user fees (like gasoline tax) for roads because after all their ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

However, when you use the force of government to take money away from me to give it some shithead then that is nothing more than slavery.

Look at what you want the government to spend on "defense, courts, police, etc." All are protections and incrimination that are focused around crime which is mostly caused by low education, poverty, and desperation. This is where you old schoolers fall short, you have no vision for the future or on how to improve a situation... I'm not one for frivolous spending and certainly don't think that the government has all the answers, but I do know that efforts need to be made to improve education, jobs, poverty, and mental illness, if we want to have a positive effect on crime.
Crime exists because lazy assholes think they are entitled to your stuff. Morality has decreased, families falling apart, self absorbed entitlement is becoming the norm. That's where you young fucks fall apart. Too stupid and spineless to make you own way so you want to attach yourself to another's earnings.
OP- Before that, it was a plutocrat hell on Earth lol. Hugo DID halve poverty and illiteracy. And was never a dictator or the other crappe GOPers were brainwashed into believing. Its problems are mainly due to low oil prices and plutocrat sabotage...
oh yeah Hugo was such a great socialist leader.......btw did they ever figure out that toilet paper problem.....? :hellno:
Being a socialist is like being a pedophile.

The idea of personal responsibility is just as alien to a socialist as to why you shouldn't have sex with a child is alien to a pedophile.

If you have to explain to somebody what is wrong with socialism then you are probably just wasting your time. They will never understand.
Red Herring and a Strawman and a cast of many other logical fallacies. Since you've been wrong about everything else I should point out that your wrong about pedophiles. Some of them know why it is wrong and yet they still did it. It doesn't make it right or excuse them but they know what they are doing is wrong. Read some interviews.
Being a socialist is like being a pedophile.

The idea of personal responsibility is just as alien to a socialist as to why you shouldn't have sex with a child is alien to a pedophile.

If you have to explain to somebody what is wrong with socialism then you are probably just wasting your time. They will never understand.
Do they have a section in this forum for complete morons? I nominate Flash as the captain

Like I said. If you don't understand what is wrong with the filthy ass government taking your money by force and giving it to the welfare queens then you are incapable of ever being able to pull your head out of your ass.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
OP- Before that, it was a plutocrat hell on Earth lol. Hugo DID halve poverty and illiteracy. And was never a dictator or the other crappe GOPers were brainwashed into believing. Its problems are mainly due to low oil prices and plutocrat sabotage...
oh yeah Hugo was such a great socialist leader.......btw did they ever figure out that toilet paper problem.....? :hellno:
Go read some Wiki or something, brainwashed functional moron. lol
OP- Before that, it was a plutocrat hell on Earth lol. Hugo DID halve poverty and illiteracy. And was never a dictator or the other crappe GOPers were brainwashed into believing. Its problems are mainly due to low oil prices and plutocrat sabotage...
oh yeah Hugo was such a great socialist leader.......btw did they ever figure out that toilet paper problem.....? :hellno:
Go read some Wiki or something, brainwashed functional moron. lol
the absence of TP is the essence of socialism....think about it halfwit....
OP- Before that, it was a plutocrat hell on Earth lol. Hugo DID halve poverty and illiteracy. And was never a dictator or the other crappe GOPers were brainwashed into believing. Its problems are mainly due to low oil prices and plutocrat sabotage...
oh yeah Hugo was such a great socialist leader.......btw did they ever figure out that toilet paper problem.....? :hellno:
Go read some Wiki or something, brainwashed functional moron. lol
the absence of TP is the essence of socialism....think about it halfwit....
BS- Sabotage by RWSers can be. BTW, you're confusing it with communism AGAIN.
Bernies plans are nothing like the type of Socialism instituted in Venezuela. Ditch the pointless labels and look at the policy ideas... If you must use a label then at least use the correct one... The term is "Democratic Socialist"

A spade is a spade.
OP- Before that, it was a plutocrat hell on Earth lol. Hugo DID halve poverty and illiteracy. And was never a dictator or the other crappe GOPers were brainwashed into believing. Its problems are mainly due to low oil prices and plutocrat sabotage...
oh yeah Hugo was such a great socialist leader.......btw did they ever figure out that toilet paper problem.....? :hellno:
Go read some Wiki or something, brainwashed functional moron. lol
the absence of TP is the essence of socialism....think about it halfwit....
BS- Sabotage by RWSers can be. BTW, you're confusing it with communism AGAIN.
socialism is a centrally planned economy and that always leads to shortages of goods....
Being a socialist is like being a pedophile.

The idea of personal responsibility is just as alien to a socialist as to why you shouldn't have sex with a child is alien to a pedophile.

If you have to explain to somebody what is wrong with socialism then you are probably just wasting your time. They will never understand.
Do they have a section in this forum for complete morons? I nominate Flash as the captain

Like I said. If you don't understand what is wrong with the filthy ass government taking your money by force and giving it to the welfare queens then you are incapable of ever being able to pull your head out of your ass.
The government doesn't take that much of my money and if they did then I'd make more... It's not that hard if your head isn't stuck up your ass. Is this the cause of your problems? I'll send you some vasoline

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