A socialist hell on earth


Such a loaded word, "propaganda". It's rich with totalitarian thought control implications isn't it. All the nations listed have had ruling parties with socialist leanings, none of them are in any way worse off for it. The USA has more science nobel prizes than all other nations put togther, are you going to tell me that a good schools system isn't the basis for that? Or that innovation isn't the key to good business? Or will you skirt round the edges of Godwin using emotionally loaded terms?

Many of those Noble Prize winners were educated in private universities. Most of what is considered top notch universities in the US are private.

Throwing money into an inefficient and politically influenced education system runs up the cost of government but does nothing to improve education. In fact it usually hurts education.

My children went to a private school that spent 1/3rd as much per student as the country district and they received an excellent education.

Only stupid Libtards think more money equals better.

I weep for humankind that your genes have been continued
Socialist always make the claim that their brand of socialism will somehow be successful when the record clearly shows that it has failed every place else.


Socialism hasn't failed in Canada, Great Britain, Australia, France, Germany, Scandanavia, the Netherlands, and any number of socialist countries around the world, including the US.

In fact, the reason why the US became the most wealthy country is the world is through the socialism of free public school education. Having a vast pool of educated labour, enabled the country floursih last century. Of course, Republicans are busy dismantling the public education system and the US continues to decline in education standard compared to other first world nations.

It has failed everywhere it's been tried. All the socialist programs in the countries you listed are headed for bankruptcy. They aren't sustainable.

Public schools did not make the US wealthy. That's socialist propaganda.
Really? This is news to me. Care to support this assertion with actual documentation.

No, I won't bother. If you think the US government can actually make good on its promises, then you're a fool. It has $215 trillion in unfunded liabilities. All the countries you listed are in a similar position.

Such a loaded word, "propaganda". It's rich with totalitarian thought control implications isn't it. All the nations listed have had ruling parties with socialist leanings, none of them are in any way worse off for it. The USA has more science nobel prizes than all other nations put togther, are you going to tell me that a good schools system isn't the basis for that? Or that innovation isn't the key to good business? Or will you skirt round the edges of Godwin using emotionally loaded terms?

Many of those Noble Prize winners were educated in private universities. Most of what is considered top notch universities in the US are private.

Throwing money into an inefficient and politically influenced education system runs up the cost of government but does nothing to improve education. In fact it usually hurts education.

My children went to a private school that spent 1/3rd as much per student as the country district and they received an excellent education.

Only stupid Libtards think more money equals better.
What are you talking about? Have you even read the ideas? He isn't just throwing money at schools he is trying to give those who can't afford college the opportunity to go. I don't fully agree with his free for all system but I appreciate the effort to do something and can recognize a problems we have with poverty, education, and opportunity
Socialist always make the claim that their brand of socialism will somehow be successful when the record clearly shows that it has failed every place else.


Socialism hasn't failed in Canada, Great Britain, Australia, France, Germany, Scandanavia, the Netherlands, and any number of socialist countries around the world, including the US.

In fact, the reason why the US became the most wealthy country is the world is through the socialism of free public school education. Having a vast pool of educated labour, enabled the country floursih last century. Of course, Republicans are busy dismantling the public education system and the US continues to decline in education standard compared to other first world nations.

It has failed everywhere it's been tried. All the socialist programs in the countries you listed are headed for bankruptcy. They aren't sustainable.

Public schools did not make the US wealthy. That's socialist propaganda.
Really? This is news to me. Care to support this assertion with actual documentation.

No, I won't bother. If you think the US government can actually make good on its promises, then you're a fool. It has $215 trillion in unfunded liabilities. All the countries you listed are in a similar position.

Can we all play the game where we can just state our opinion as fact and then not bother to back it up with any evidence?
I remember a lot of idiocy reactionaries to this when it was first presented by the right. Again I will remind you many countries including the UK and Canada have no term limits. Not one person on any political forum asserted that these countries were run by dictators but somehow Venezuela is. More fear induced right-wing nonsense.

You're comparing a Parliamentary system to a Presidential system?

You really are stupid.

In a Parliamentary system such as the UK, the PM can be removed on a whim. And the PM is not a Chief Executive.

A Presidential system, the Chief Executive serves for 'X' number of years certain.

Go back to school.

On second thought -- Don't bother. It wouldn't do any good
I'm not comparing Presidential systems to Parliamentary systems. I'm comparing political systems with free elections to other political systems with free elections. The PM is the leader of the nation just like the President. Also many Presidential countries have no term limits. Uruguay, Angola, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Italy, Iceland and many more. I would be happy to have you point out any threads were people called the rulers of these countries out as dictators.

What was that about going back to school.
Did you miss my Post?

The USA ranked 31st in Math out of the 34 OECD Countries tested.

And some lame-brained twatwaffle thinks the key to our success has been our Public Education System?

I think that is the most damning statement possible on our educational system.

It is a joke. A bad joke.

And the people that think it is anything other than a disaster are its most glaringly stupid examples.

Programme for International Student Assessment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 2012 PISA tests we ranked behind such luminaries as Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Latvia and 35 (THIRTY-FIVE) other Countries, some of them THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES, in Mathematics.

In Science, we did a little better -- 28th.

In reading comprehension, 24th. Most of that is due to the superiority of the English Language. Most other languages are primitive and stupid. Gender-based idiocy. Die, Das, Der..... Even German is backwards compared to English. French is hopeless and Spanish should be made illegal. It's that bad.

Our Education System is a PERFECT example of what happens when dimocrap SCUM controls government and grabs hold of something.

We used to have the BEST schools on the Planet.

Now, they're dimocrap FILTH controlled pusholes putting out idiots.

Don't believe me? Just hang out in here for a little while
Did you miss my Post?

The USA ranked 31st in Math out of the 34 OECD Countries tested.

And some lame-brained twatwaffle thinks the key to our success has been our Public Education System?

I think that is the most damning statement possible on our educational system.

It is a joke. A bad joke.

And the people that think it is anything other than a disaster are its most glaringly stupid examples.

Programme for International Student Assessment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 2012 PISA tests we ranked behind such luminaries as Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Latvia and 35 (THIRTY-FIVE) other Countries, some of them THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES, in Mathematics.

In Science, we did a little better -- 28th.

In reading comprehension, 24th. Most of that is due to the superiority of the English Language. Most other languages are primitive and stupid. Gender-based idiocy. Die, Das, Der..... Even German is backwards compared to English. French is hopeless and Spanish should be made illegal. It's that bad.

Our Education System is a PERFECT example of what happens when dimocrap SCUM controls government and grabs hold of something.

We used to have the BEST schools on the Planet.

Now, they're dimocrap FILTH controlled pusholes putting out idiots.

Don't believe me? Just hang out in here for a little while

So what you're convincing us in your post is that the American school system is turning out idiots? You make a compelling case.
It is a Friday night in Venezuela. Five nights ago, the country imploded under the weight of its socialist policies. Riots, and the subsequent violence reigned and fires lit up the pre-dawn sky. The government backed paramilitary, National Police and National Guard set upon various cities across the country, snuffing out dissent, shooting at and in some cases murdering student protesters, carrying out brutal beatings, shooting tear gas into buildings and silencing other protests against its strict censorship of the media and speech wherever they saw it.

This is prime evidence that wherever socialism goes, it leaves death, destruction and chaos in its wake. What makes this even worse is that the world isn't paying any attention. With Syria and the conflict between Russia and The Ukraine dominating the headlines, the violence in Venezuela is being ignored.

(Yes, I'm looking at you, Bernie Sanders supporters)

Tonight, Venezuela is seeing a spasm of violence that’s unlike anything the country has experienced since 1989. Information is fragmented, since an almost complete media black-out is in place, but you don’t need the media to hear your neighbor’s screams.

Caracas, Valencia, Merida and San Cristobal in particular have become virtual war zones: National Guard units and National Police have been shooting tear gas canisters and buckshot sometimes directly at protesters, sometimes into residential buildings and, raiding any place they think student protesters may be hiding. Alongside them, the government backed colectivos (basically paramilitary gangs on motorbikes, a tropical basij) shoot at people with live ammo.

But of course, this is no war zone: in a war zone you have two sides shooting at each other. Tonight one side is doing all the shooting, the other side is [corrected for grammar] being shot at.

19F - The Night Venezuela Finally Imploded | Caracas Chronicles

It's amazing that you cannot see the difference in Bernie's Democratic Socialism, which is similar to countries like Norway and Sweden, versus the near dictatorships of Venezuela and similar countries. SMH
Well, these are people who see tyranny everywhere (except in their own fascist-lite politics). Health care is tyranny. Speed limits and stop signs are big government tyranny. Heck, gravity is probably considered tyranny and Obama is no doubt responsible for it somehow.
Socialist always make the claim that their brand of socialism will somehow be successful when the record clearly shows that it has failed every place else.


Socialism hasn't failed in Canada, Great Britain, Australia, France, Germany, Scandanavia, the Netherlands, and any number of socialist countries around the world, including the US.

In fact, the reason why the US became the most wealthy country is the world is through the socialism of free public school education. Having a vast pool of educated labour, enabled the country floursih last century. Of course, Republicans are busy dismantling the public education system and the US continues to decline in education standard compared to other first world nations.

It has failed everywhere it's been tried. All the socialist programs in the countries you listed are headed for bankruptcy. They aren't sustainable.

Public schools did not make the US wealthy. That's socialist propaganda.
Really? This is news to me. Care to support this assertion with actual documentation.

No, I won't bother. If you think the US government can actually make good on its promises, then you're a fool. It has $215 trillion in unfunded liabilities. All the countries you listed are in a similar position.

Can we all play the game where we can just state our opinion as fact and then not bother to back it up with any evidence?
Did you miss my Post?

The USA ranked 31st in Math out of the 34 OECD Countries tested.

And some lame-brained twatwaffle thinks the key to our success has been our Public Education System?

I think that is the most damning statement possible on our educational system.

It is a joke. A bad joke.

And the people that think it is anything other than a disaster are its most glaringly stupid examples.

Programme for International Student Assessment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 2012 PISA tests we ranked behind such luminaries as Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Latvia and 35 (THIRTY-FIVE) other Countries, some of them THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES, in Mathematics.

In Science, we did a little better -- 28th.

In reading comprehension, 24th. Most of that is due to the superiority of the English Language. Most other languages are primitive and stupid. Gender-based idiocy. Die, Das, Der..... Even German is backwards compared to English. French is hopeless and Spanish should be made illegal. It's that bad.

Our Education System is a PERFECT example of what happens when dimocrap SCUM controls government and grabs hold of something.

We used to have the BEST schools on the Planet.

Now, they're dimocrap FILTH controlled pusholes putting out idiots.

Don't believe me? Just hang out in here for a little while

So what you're convincing us in your post is that the American school system is turning out idiots? You make a compelling case.
Your cheap ad hominems only prove that you have no facts or logic to support your claims.
Did you miss my Post?

The USA ranked 31st in Math out of the 34 OECD Countries tested.

And some lame-brained twatwaffle thinks the key to our success has been our Public Education System?

I think that is the most damning statement possible on our educational system.

It is a joke. A bad joke.

And the people that think it is anything other than a disaster are its most glaringly stupid examples.

Programme for International Student Assessment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 2012 PISA tests we ranked behind such luminaries as Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Latvia and 35 (THIRTY-FIVE) other Countries, some of them THIRD COUNTRIES, in Mathematics.

In Science, we did a little better -- 28th.

In reading comprehension, 24th. Most of that is due to the superiority of the English Language. Most other languages are primitive and stupid. Gender-based idiocy. Die, Das, Der..... Even German is backwards compared to English. French is hopeless and Spanish should be made illegal. It's that bad.

Our Education System is a PERFECT example of what happens when dimocrap SCUM controls government and grabs hold of something.

We used to have the BEST schools on the Planet.

Now, they're dimocrap FILTH controlled pusholes putting out idiots.

Don't believe me? Just hang out in here for a little while
I think this argument helps the socialism aspect. If the US spent more money developing their public school system, then perhaps you would rank a little higher. The money has been slowly eroding from the public school systems over the years. Seems pretty cut and dry.
It is a Friday night in Venezuela. Five nights ago, the country imploded under the weight of its socialist policies. Riots, and the subsequent violence reigned and fires lit up the pre-dawn sky. The government backed paramilitary, National Police and National Guard set upon various cities across the country, snuffing out dissent, shooting at and in some cases murdering student protesters, carrying out brutal beatings, shooting tear gas into buildings and silencing other protests against its strict censorship of the media and speech wherever they saw it.

This is prime evidence that wherever socialism goes, it leaves death, destruction and chaos in its wake. What makes this even worse is that the world isn't paying any attention. With Syria and the conflict between Russia and The Ukraine dominating the headlines, the violence in Venezuela is being ignored.

(Yes, I'm looking at you, Bernie Sanders supporters)

Tonight, Venezuela is seeing a spasm of violence that’s unlike anything the country has experienced since 1989. Information is fragmented, since an almost complete media black-out is in place, but you don’t need the media to hear your neighbor’s screams.

Caracas, Valencia, Merida and San Cristobal in particular have become virtual war zones: National Guard units and National Police have been shooting tear gas canisters and buckshot sometimes directly at protesters, sometimes into residential buildings and, raiding any place they think student protesters may be hiding. Alongside them, the government backed colectivos (basically paramilitary gangs on motorbikes, a tropical basij) shoot at people with live ammo.

But of course, this is no war zone: in a war zone you have two sides shooting at each other. Tonight one side is doing all the shooting, the other side is [corrected for grammar] being shot at.

19F - The Night Venezuela Finally Imploded | Caracas Chronicles

It's amazing that you cannot see the difference in Bernie's Democratic Socialism, which is similar to countries like Norway and Sweden, versus the near dictatorships of Venezuela and similar countries. SMH
Well, these are people who see tyranny everywhere (except in their own fascist-lite politics). Health care is tyranny. Speed limits and stop signs are big government tyranny. Heck, gravity is probably considered tyranny and Obama is no doubt responsible for it somehow.

You're an idiot.
Did you miss my Post?

The USA ranked 31st in Math out of the 34 OECD Countries tested.

And some lame-brained twatwaffle thinks the key to our success has been our Public Education System?

I think that is the most damning statement possible on our educational system.

It is a joke. A bad joke.

And the people that think it is anything other than a disaster are its most glaringly stupid examples.

Programme for International Student Assessment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 2012 PISA tests we ranked behind such luminaries as Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Latvia and 35 (THIRTY-FIVE) other Countries, some of them THIRD COUNTRIES, in Mathematics.

In Science, we did a little better -- 28th.

In reading comprehension, 24th. Most of that is due to the superiority of the English Language. Most other languages are primitive and stupid. Gender-based idiocy. Die, Das, Der..... Even German is backwards compared to English. French is hopeless and Spanish should be made illegal. It's that bad.

Our Education System is a PERFECT example of what happens when dimocrap SCUM controls government and grabs hold of something.

We used to have the BEST schools on the Planet.

Now, they're dimocrap FILTH controlled pusholes putting out idiots.

Don't believe me? Just hang out in here for a little while
I think this argument helps the socialism aspect. If the US spent more money developing their public school system, then perhaps you would rank a little higher. The money has been slowly eroding from the public school systems over the years. Seems pretty cut and dry.

The US spends more per capita than any other nation, so your theory is obviously false. Funding for public schools in constant dollars is greater than it has ever been. Is everything you believe a lie?
So what you're convincing us in your post is that the American school system is turning out idiots? You make a compelling case.

When I graduated High School, American Schools were rated the best in the world.

You shouldn't talk about Schools anyway.

The UK ranked only slightly better than the US; and we have a 30% minority population.

What's your excuse?
It is a Friday night in Venezuela. Five nights ago, the country imploded under the weight of its socialist policies. Riots, and the subsequent violence reigned and fires lit up the pre-dawn sky. The government backed paramilitary, National Police and National Guard set upon various cities across the country, snuffing out dissent, shooting at and in some cases murdering student protesters, carrying out brutal beatings, shooting tear gas into buildings and silencing other protests against its strict censorship of the media and speech wherever they saw it.

This is prime evidence that wherever socialism goes, it leaves death, destruction and chaos in its wake. What makes this even worse is that the world isn't paying any attention. With Syria and the conflict between Russia and The Ukraine dominating the headlines, the violence in Venezuela is being ignored.

(Yes, I'm looking at you, Bernie Sanders supporters)

Tonight, Venezuela is seeing a spasm of violence that’s unlike anything the country has experienced since 1989. Information is fragmented, since an almost complete media black-out is in place, but you don’t need the media to hear your neighbor’s screams.

Caracas, Valencia, Merida and San Cristobal in particular have become virtual war zones: National Guard units and National Police have been shooting tear gas canisters and buckshot sometimes directly at protesters, sometimes into residential buildings and, raiding any place they think student protesters may be hiding. Alongside them, the government backed colectivos (basically paramilitary gangs on motorbikes, a tropical basij) shoot at people with live ammo.

But of course, this is no war zone: in a war zone you have two sides shooting at each other. Tonight one side is doing all the shooting, the other side is [corrected for grammar] being shot at.

19F - The Night Venezuela Finally Imploded | Caracas Chronicles

It's amazing that you cannot see the difference in Bernie's Democratic Socialism, which is similar to countries like Norway and Sweden, versus the near dictatorships of Venezuela and similar countries. SMH
Well, these are people who see tyranny everywhere (except in their own fascist-lite politics). Health care is tyranny. Speed limits and stop signs are big government tyranny. Heck, gravity is probably considered tyranny and Obama is no doubt responsible for it somehow.

You're an idiot.
And you're a stupid asshole. GFY.
It is a Friday night in Venezuela. Five nights ago, the country imploded under the weight of its socialist policies. Riots, and the subsequent violence reigned and fires lit up the pre-dawn sky. The government backed paramilitary, National Police and National Guard set upon various cities across the country, snuffing out dissent, shooting at and in some cases murdering student protesters, carrying out brutal beatings, shooting tear gas into buildings and silencing other protests against its strict censorship of the media and speech wherever they saw it.

This is prime evidence that wherever socialism goes, it leaves death, destruction and chaos in its wake. What makes this even worse is that the world isn't paying any attention. With Syria and the conflict between Russia and The Ukraine dominating the headlines, the violence in Venezuela is being ignored.

(Yes, I'm looking at you, Bernie Sanders supporters)

Tonight, Venezuela is seeing a spasm of violence that’s unlike anything the country has experienced since 1989. Information is fragmented, since an almost complete media black-out is in place, but you don’t need the media to hear your neighbor’s screams.

Caracas, Valencia, Merida and San Cristobal in particular have become virtual war zones: National Guard units and National Police have been shooting tear gas canisters and buckshot sometimes directly at protesters, sometimes into residential buildings and, raiding any place they think student protesters may be hiding. Alongside them, the government backed colectivos (basically paramilitary gangs on motorbikes, a tropical basij) shoot at people with live ammo.

But of course, this is no war zone: in a war zone you have two sides shooting at each other. Tonight one side is doing all the shooting, the other side is [corrected for grammar] being shot at.

19F - The Night Venezuela Finally Imploded | Caracas Chronicles

It's amazing that you cannot see the difference in Bernie's Democratic Socialism, which is similar to countries like Norway and Sweden, versus the near dictatorships of Venezuela and similar countries. SMH
Well, these are people who see tyranny everywhere (except in their own fascist-lite politics). Health care is tyranny. Speed limits and stop signs are big government tyranny. Heck, gravity is probably considered tyranny and Obama is no doubt responsible for it somehow.

You're an idiot.
And you're a stupid asshole. GFY.

My, my, my, that really hurts . . . . NOT!

If you don't want to be insulted, then try quitting the ad hominems and lying about what your critics have to say. Until then, insults are all you deserve.
Oh, I'm the last person here to say someone shouldn't say something.

I'll try to make my point one last time: When you call programs like Medicare and Social Security "socialism", most people are going to say "well, I like those programs, I think they're good for the country, so maybe socialism ain't that bad".

And this is happening right now, before our eyes. Screaming "socialism!" is simply no longer working, and in fact, may be pushing us there faster. Conservatives have been doing liberals a great favor - they're just screaming "socialism" and the liberals are making a case for it.

You're certainly welcome to do that.
In reality, conservatives have been saying we to fix Medicare and Social Security because it isn't sustainable. You hear screaming because that's what you do.
Kaz says that Medicare and Social Security are socialism. Take it up with him.

If you want to pretend he's the only one who says that, great.
It's doesn't work that way Sheila. We don't talk shit and try to blame it on somebody else.
I guess you don't want to take it up with Kaz.

Can't blame you.

This whole thread is about people trying to pretend the Democrats want to turn America into Cuba and Venezuela. Keep running with that, you're doing great.


I agreed that if you asked them they don't want to do that. What I said was they will never stop, that will be the end result.

So when you said I said the Democrats "want to" turn us into Cuba, that was a lie
I didn't quote you, nor did I say you had said that.

Look at this very thread.
Socialism hasn't failed in Canada, Great Britain, Australia, France, Germany, Scandanavia, the Netherlands, and any number of socialist countries around the world, including the US.

In fact, the reason why the US became the most wealthy country is the world is through the socialism of free public school education. Having a vast pool of educated labour, enabled the country floursih last century. Of course, Republicans are busy dismantling the public education system and the US continues to decline in education standard compared to other first world nations.

It has failed everywhere it's been tried. All the socialist programs in the countries you listed are headed for bankruptcy. They aren't sustainable.

Public schools did not make the US wealthy. That's socialist propaganda.
Really? This is news to me. Care to support this assertion with actual documentation.

No, I won't bother. If you think the US government can actually make good on its promises, then you're a fool. It has $215 trillion in unfunded liabilities. All the countries you listed are in a similar position.

Can we all play the game where we can just state our opinion as fact and then not bother to back it up with any evidence?
Did you miss my Post?

The USA ranked 31st in Math out of the 34 OECD Countries tested.

And some lame-brained twatwaffle thinks the key to our success has been our Public Education System?

I think that is the most damning statement possible on our educational system.

It is a joke. A bad joke.

And the people that think it is anything other than a disaster are its most glaringly stupid examples.

Programme for International Student Assessment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 2012 PISA tests we ranked behind such luminaries as Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Latvia and 35 (THIRTY-FIVE) other Countries, some of them THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES, in Mathematics.

In Science, we did a little better -- 28th.

In reading comprehension, 24th. Most of that is due to the superiority of the English Language. Most other languages are primitive and stupid. Gender-based idiocy. Die, Das, Der..... Even German is backwards compared to English. French is hopeless and Spanish should be made illegal. It's that bad.

Our Education System is a PERFECT example of what happens when dimocrap SCUM controls government and grabs hold of something.

We used to have the BEST schools on the Planet.

Now, they're dimocrap FILTH controlled pusholes putting out idiots.

Don't believe me? Just hang out in here for a little while

So what you're convincing us in your post is that the American school system is turning out idiots? You make a compelling case.
Your cheap ad hominems only prove that you have no facts or logic to support your claims.

Where as you do but refuse point blank to post them? Or are you the pot calling the kettle black?
Did you miss my Post?

The USA ranked 31st in Math out of the 34 OECD Countries tested.

And some lame-brained twatwaffle thinks the key to our success has been our Public Education System?

I think that is the most damning statement possible on our educational system.

It is a joke. A bad joke.

And the people that think it is anything other than a disaster are its most glaringly stupid examples.

Programme for International Student Assessment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 2012 PISA tests we ranked behind such luminaries as Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Latvia and 35 (THIRTY-FIVE) other Countries, some of them THIRD COUNTRIES, in Mathematics.

In Science, we did a little better -- 28th.

In reading comprehension, 24th. Most of that is due to the superiority of the English Language. Most other languages are primitive and stupid. Gender-based idiocy. Die, Das, Der..... Even German is backwards compared to English. French is hopeless and Spanish should be made illegal. It's that bad.

Our Education System is a PERFECT example of what happens when dimocrap SCUM controls government and grabs hold of something.

We used to have the BEST schools on the Planet.

Now, they're dimocrap FILTH controlled pusholes putting out idiots.

Don't believe me? Just hang out in here for a little while
I think this argument helps the socialism aspect. If the US spent more money developing their public school system, then perhaps you would rank a little higher. The money has been slowly eroding from the public school systems over the years. Seems pretty cut and dry.

The US spends more per capita than any other nation, so your theory is obviously false. Funding for public schools in constant dollars is greater than it has ever been. Is everything you believe a lie?
They are not the highest they are in the top 10 for all education. Here is the last update from 2015. The Condition of Education - Elementary and Secondary Education - Finance - Education Expenditures by Country - Indicator May (2015)

"In terms of countries' direct expenditures by education level, the percentage of GDP the United States spent on elementary and secondary education (3.7 percent) was slightly lower than the OECD average (3.8 percent). Eleven OECD countries spent less than 3.7 percent of their GDP on elementary/secondary education, 11 countries spent between 3.7 and 4.1 percent, and seven countries spent more than 4.1 percent. New Zealand (5.4 percent) was the OECD country that spent the highest percentage of GDP on elementary/secondary education."

That puts the US at number 17 for percentage of GDP the United States spent on elementary and secondary education.
So what you're convincing us in your post is that the American school system is turning out idiots? You make a compelling case.

When I graduated High School, American Schools were rated the best in the world.

You shouldn't talk about Schools anyway.

The UK ranked only slightly better than the US; and we have a 30% minority population.

What's your excuse?

I live in Germany. And I went to the one of the top 5 rated state schools in the UK. It was an elite school and kids were assesed at the age of 11 with the top 25% going to schools for pupils of higher intellect. So I went to one of the best of the bad ones.

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