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A solution to please everyone - I know, you CAN'T please everyone....but

You could ship them off to California or New York where most of them already are congregated.
Why don't we propose that all the Leftist here who don't like the way America is run....move to a more Leftist friendly European nation?

No...wait....seriously.....it's not a crazy idea....just ahead of it's time.

Why force people to be what they're not? At the same time, let all conservative minded people move from Europe to the USA. Let Europe be as Leftist as it pleases....the US can get back to it's roots as a conservative, religious based society where those who choose that lifestyle can live. In Europe, anything can go for the liberals. Drugs (already), sexual deviation as much as desired (already there in Europe)....but WHY force everyone to accept others who's beliefs are so fundamentally different that coexistence is not possible?

WHY on Earth would Leftist want to remain here and live in a nation founded by those "dumbass retard" Conservatives when Europe and the Leftist Utopia it offers is where they would be in heaven?

If we continue to force integration of people so different, we'll all end up with chaos, hatred and strife.

I really think this is the only way to avoid severe problems.

In hundreds of years has tolerance and integration solved anything? NO. IT'S GETTING WORSE!

Really, we should start pushing for this. It's the only way. A Left wing Europe (already is) and a Right wing USA (born that way and going to hell trying to change it)

Why is this NOT a great idea?

You know, there's also several Theocracies or all-white countries out there for the bigot pigs and religious nutters dragging our country down.

Meanwhile, moderates on the left and right will keep on keepin' on...
You know, there's also several Theocracies or all-white countries out there for the bigot pigs and religious nutters dragging our country down.
Meanwhile, moderates on the left and right will keep on keepin' on...

Poor thing....you're naturally seeing this as a racist thread.
It has NOTHING to do with race. It's all about political ideology whether you're black, white, green, brown, yellow, or even orange.

And if you look around you see that this nation is as divided as ever like it or not....so obviously status quo just isn't working.
Why don't we propose that all the Leftist here who don't like the way America is run....move to a more Leftist friendly European nation?

No...wait....seriously.....it's not a crazy idea....just ahead of it's time.

Why force people to be what they're not? At the same time, let all conservative minded people move from Europe to the USA. Let Europe be as Leftist as it pleases....the US can get back to it's roots as a conservative, religious based society where those who choose that lifestyle can live. In Europe, anything can go for the liberals. Drugs (already), sexual deviation as much as desired (already there in Europe)....but WHY force everyone to accept others who's beliefs are so fundamentally different that coexistence is not possible?

WHY on Earth would Leftist want to remain here and live in a nation founded by those "dumbass retard" Conservatives when Europe and the Leftist Utopia it offers is where they would be in heaven?

If we continue to force integration of people so different, we'll all end up with chaos, hatred and strife.

I really think this is the only way to avoid severe problems.

In hundreds of years has tolerance and integration solved anything? NO. IT'S GETTING WORSE!

Really, we should start pushing for this. It's the only way. A Left wing Europe (already is) and a Right wing USA (born that way and going to hell trying to change it)

Why is this NOT a great idea?

You know, there's also several Theocracies or all-white countries out there for the bigot pigs and religious nutters dragging our country down.

Meanwhile, moderates on the left and right will keep on keepin' on...

ROTFLMAO!!!!! You believe yourself to be a "moderate"? That qualifies as the funniest post of the week
We're not talking apartheid here people.....just the OPPOSITE

We're talking about allowing people to live as they CHOOSE.

Why should Leftist be forced to live with Conservative Religious nuts (like me) ?
so why don't you fuck right off to lithuania, toots?
problem solved

You give the Left a bad name.
There really is no need for that type of nastiness. Noone's been nasty in this thread except you.

Grow up.
Why is it that most people on the Right would rather bicker and waste countless hours bitching about the Left......

rather than actually trying to DO something about the problem?
Just think if every hard core leftist that decided to move, they were given 100,000 US.....that would be billions upon billions....but once gone, we could see the benefits quickly in savings on public programs to the tune of billions and billions and billions

Sure: President Wilson agreed with you. Homogeneity is the crucial basis of nationhood. Otherwise, you just have empires of many different ethnic and political (and now racial) groups which cannot and do not get along. After WWI Wilson promoted nationstates that were ethnically homogeneous. The Austria-Hungarian Empire, composed of 17 various ethnic groups, had started WWI and then entirely disintegrated in starvation and defeat (no one would fight together, so they lost a lot of battles).

Now we're the Austria-Hungarian Empire and likely to break up. Wilson was right about states needing to be homogeneous to be a nation that holds together.
Why don't we propose that all the Leftist here who don't like the way America is run....move to a more Leftist friendly European nation?

Because that would deny us the pleasure of destroying them. There is BIG trouble brewing in the liberal run Dem party, the SCOTUS may gut the Democratic party's funding e.g. forcing public employees to pay union dues. If they do that stick a fork in the Democratic party they are finished.
Why don't we propose that all the Leftist here who don't like the way America is run....move to a more Leftist friendly European nation?

Because that would deny us the pleasure of destroying them. There is BIG trouble brewing in the liberal run Dem party, the SCOTUS may gut the Democratic party's funding e.g. forcing public employees to pay union dues. If they do that stick a fork in the Democratic party they are finished.

I do hope you're correct.
But I also see the reality of the depth of the corruption and the degree to which these corrupt Leftist have indeed over-run our system usually with no consequences.

Obama Signed an UnConstitutional EO and created the DACA program. No consequences to him.
Hillary used a dossier that was completely bogus to undermine a Presidential election...no consequences.
Hillary obtained the Presidential election questions from the DNC prior to a critical Presidential Debate with Trump - NO CONSEQUENCES.
Obama's head of the DOJ met secretly with Hiilary's husband on an airport Tarmac while there was an investigation open on her. Again, no consequences. Are we a nation of laws or not? Apparently not for Select people on the Left..

Now imagine the RNC had done all those exact same things......

Can we all say it together........WTF ??????
We have to face reality...the Left has a HUGE upper hand.....plus the media on it's side.

I think the problem is so deep that there is no cure possible from Washington. It can ONLY come from the people of the Right...and they are too weak and apathetic to ever put up a real fight. No sir. Only people on the Left put up real fights. And it's why they are winning.

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