A Successful Black Democrat Taking a Black Conservative to Task


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Black conservatives run their mouths sounding stupid. Yet in places like this these black conservtive idiots are ampified and honored. This is not done because those who amplify or honor them respect the black conservative, no, it is done because the black conservative is a useful idiot in their quest to achieve the return to the white America of their dreams. In this video, you will see a black conservative spewing nonsense. Of course many here will cite his nonsense and claim that he's speaking fact. Mind you, that the one running his mouth with the anti black female nonsense is a gay black republican. Watch how he is treated by his fellow conservatives. Here we see a succesful and intelligent man who breaks down the stuff right wingers have said here.

Black conservatives run their mouths sounding stupid. Yet in places like this these black conservtive idiots are ampified and honored. This is not done because those who amplify or honor them respect the black conservative, no, it is done because the black conservative is a useful idiot in their quest to achieve the return to the white America of their dreams. In this video, you will see a black conservative spewing nonsense. Of course many here will cite his nonsense and claim that he's speaking fact. Mind you, that the one running his mouth with the anti black female nonsense is a gay black republican. Watch how he is treated by his fellow conservatives. Here we see a succesful and intelligent man who breaks down the stuff right wingers have said here.

Black conservatives are honored because they are intelligent enough to escape the white liberal master's plantation. They face a lot of criticism from other blacks for "acting white". Acting white apparently means studying and applying oneself to a meaningful goal, Great men like Ben Carson are pariahs to the black leftwing community, when they should be celebrated as heroes.
Indeed, the black conservative whoops the black liberal in debate every time...
Black conservatives run their mouths sounding stupid. Yet in places like this these black conservtive idiots are ampified and honored. This is not done because those who amplify or honor them respect the black conservative, no, it is done because the black conservative is a useful idiot in their quest to achieve the return to the white America of their dreams. In this video, you will see a black conservative spewing nonsense. Of course many here will cite his nonsense and claim that he's speaking fact. Mind you, that the one running his mouth with the anti black female nonsense is a gay black republican. Watch how he is treated by his fellow conservatives. Here we see a succesful and intelligent man who breaks down the stuff right wingers have said here.

You run your mouth and sound stupid every day IM2. All you do is look for nasty confrontational videos that reflect the hatred in you.
Black conservatives are honored because they are intelligent enough to escape the white liberal master's plantation. They face a lot of criticism from other blacks for "acting white". Acting white apparently means studying and applying oneself to a meaningful goal, Great men like Ben Carson are pariahs to the black leftwing community, when they should be celebrated as heroes.
There is no such plantation. You saw what happened to that black conservative at a conservative event.
Black conservatives run their mouths sounding stupid. Yet in places like this these black conservtive idiots are ampified and honored. This is not done because those who amplify or honor them respect the black conservative, no, it is done because the black conservative is a useful idiot in their quest to achieve the return to the white America of their dreams. In this video, you will see a black conservative spewing nonsense. Of course many here will cite his nonsense and claim that he's speaking fact. Mind you, that the one running his mouth with the anti black female nonsense is a gay black republican. Watch how he is treated by his fellow conservatives. Here we see a succesful and intelligent man who breaks down the stuff right wingers have said here.

Have you received those reparations you've been crying about yet? Harris has been promising them, and since she is a direct descendent of a major slave owner and trader, you need to contact her for your settlement.
Have Black folks improved themselves since becoming shackled by Democrats?
Nobody has been shackled. We were Republicans for 100 years. We've come farther in the 60 years we have been Democrats. We damn sure won't improve by joining the party that thinks equal opportunity is anti white discrimination.
IM2 , shame on you take a listen . Liberal whites

Look white boy, I don't need YOU to be telling ME what black person I should listen to. Fuck Brandumb Tatum, he is a sellout. Other black conservatives don't like his punk ass.

Nor do I need to listen to some white conservative trying to tell me about white liberals. There is not one white liberal in this forum consistently trying to steer me to who they thnk I need to listen to. Only you raggedy ass right wing pricks do that. So go on and jack off listening to Tatum telling you what YOU need to hear in order to feel good about being a racist. I will not be watching the video.

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