A Suppressed atrocity: The day Israel attacked the U.S.A.

Kondor3 is exactly the type of brainwashed American citizen I was talking about.

He will side with Israel rather than believe the USS Liberty sailor's who emphatically state on the video that the attack by Israel was deliberate and not an accident..

And then has the gall to call other American citizens "the Enemy" for siding with the brave USS Liberty sailors.

I don't consider Kondor3 an American. And that goes for Kondor2 and Kondor1. They should all be charged with sedition.

For a guy who not only rejects America's conclusions on the Liberty tragedy but buddies up with a Sunni Boy to do so, your ability to determine who is and who is not an American has been deemed inadequate.
How does it feel to be deemed inadequate, Princess?
BTW, I understand al Jazeera English is about to re-air their POV on the Liberty. I know you need to see that again.
Toastman isn't here to debate the attack on the USS Liberty.

His mission is to disrupt and derail the thread.

Because his precious Israel is being discussed in a negative manner. .....

Call me crazy but I'm not concerned about the threat one such as you believes Israel (or Jews) represents to America but I am concerned about the threat radical Islamists (your brethren) represent not only to America (see: 9/11) but to the world.

So concerned you support radicalising thousands more through applying unAmerican levels of injustice in Palestine, which every enquiry worth its salt has identified as the major cause of radicalising Muslims.

And when I say "unAmerican" I used it in the sense of America's claim to being a champion of justice, universal human rights and anti-Colonialism.

Those claims may never have been completely true, but these days they seem utterly ironic, in that America has become the champion of exceptionalism, international (and domestic) injustice and Colonialism.

Those who seek to undermine America's policies abroad are more akin to the Minute Men than is the US establishment.
Toastman isn't here to debate the attack on the USS Liberty.

His mission is to disrupt and derail the thread.

Because his precious Israel is being discussed in a negative manner. .....

Call me crazy but I'm not concerned about the threat one such as you believes Israel (or Jews) represents to America but I am concerned about the threat radical Islamists (your brethren) represent not only to America (see: 9/11) but to the world.

So concerned you support radicalising thousands more through applying unAmerican levels of injustice in Palestine, which every enquiry worth its salt has identified as the major cause of radicalising Muslims.

And when I say "unAmerican" I used it in the sense of America's claim to being a champion of justice, universal human rights and anti-Colonialism.

Those claims may never have been completely true, but these days they seem utterly ironic, in that America has become the champion of exceptionalism, international (and domestic) injustice and Colonialism.

Those who seek to undermine America's policies abroad are more akin to the Minute Men than is the US establishment.
Take it up with Obama. He's the MMFIC.

If I had a son, he'd look just like Beelzebub!!!!
It's more congress, that the POTUS. Any POTUS that is. Each one is hog-tied by a congress which sold its soul for campaign funds decades ago.

Not that the POTUS's hadn't of course.
America sold out its principles for 'easy money' a long time back. Of course the money is only easy for a tiny number. Those without money are of no consequence anyhow, and they are sent off to do the killing and dying, with messages that they do it "for freedom". Which is one big fucking lie, of course.
toastman, why do you feel the need to follow me from thread to thread attacking me and calling me names?

Have your ever considered just debating the topic without all of the personal slander and drama? ...... :cool:

I don't follow you. Thats what yo do to Sally in ever single thread she starts.
And I do follow the topic. It's you who trolls threads all over the forum. Accusing me
For what it's worth, I do consider him more American than you are!

That's because you haven't seen his posts outside of the Israel Palestine forum.

He's about as American as Osama bin Laden was.
Perhaps you could quote his rooting against this country? Meanwhile, one doesn't need to dig terribly deep to find numerous examples posters whose disdain for both Israel and Jews boils over into anti-American vitriol.
Defending Israel in the Liberty incident, is rooting against this country.

Typical camel crap from the anti-Israel/anti-Jew cabalist. Kondor's position is in line with US findings in the tragic, friendly fire incident. Your position - like that of Sunni Boy - is just the self-serving continuation of your hate.
If that's his stance, then maybe he needs to be reminded of all the Americans killed on purpose by Palestinian suicide bombers.
I find it quite astounding the number American's on this board that cheer and support Israel's attack on the USS Liberty and the deaths of our sailors as though it's somehow patriotic. .. :cuckoo:

How many ISLAMONAZI sailors died onboard the USS Liberty
I find it quite astounding the number American's on this board that cheer and support Israel's attack on the USS Liberty and the deaths of our sailors as though it's somehow patriotic. .. :cuckoo:

How many ISLAMONAZI sailors died onboard the USS Liberty

Please answer that question Phoney. I am really quite intrigued that you asked. Maybe your own conclusion will shed some light ...
I find it quite astounding the number American's on this board that cheer and support Israel's attack on the USS Liberty and the deaths of our sailors as though it's somehow patriotic. .. :cuckoo:
It is astounding how people can put Israel before the United States can still call themselves Americans!
If these traitors really feel this way they should pack up and move to the country they feel so adamant about.

Is that why you put ISLAMONAZI interests before those of America, and want to see the final solution become final.
I find it quite astounding the number American's on this board that cheer and support Israel's attack on the USS Liberty and the deaths of our sailors as though it's somehow patriotic. .. :cuckoo:

How many ISLAMONAZI sailors died onboard the USS Liberty

Please answer that question Phoney. I am really quite intrigued that you asked. Maybe your own conclusion will shed some light ...

The poster I replied to is a RABID ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST and only has one interest. that is the furtherance of islam and its world domination. So I asked him how many of his fellow ISLAMONAZI's were killed onboard the USS Liberty
I find it quite astounding the number American's on this board that cheer and support Israel's attack on the USS Liberty and the deaths of our sailors as though it's somehow patriotic. .. :cuckoo:

How many ISLAMONAZI sailors died onboard the USS Liberty

Please answer that question Phoney. I am really quite intrigued that you asked. Maybe your own conclusion will shed some light ...

The poster I replied to is a RABID ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST and only has one interest. that is the furtherance of islam and its world domination. So I asked him how many of his fellow ISLAMONAZI's were killed onboard the USS Liberty

So, how many Phoney?
The thing about Conspiracy theories.

No matter how many times you prove it was a weather balloon, they'll insist it's a flying saucer.

In the Israeli government investigations historical report, it was acknowledged that IDF naval headquarters knew at least three hours before the attack that the ship was "an electromagnetic audio-surveillance ship of the U.S. Navy"

There are other reports that state IDF knew of the USS Liberty upto 9 hours before the attack...

This is a very detailed account of the attack...

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Typical attempt to deceive by an anti-Israel/anti-Jew cabalist.
While it is true Israel identified an American Naval vessel hours before, as witnessed by the changes of the Liberty's position and status they had no reason to believe the Liberty was that vessel. From your source (note that Rabin made no mention of an American ship in the area):
At 11:24 am, Israeli Chief of Naval Operations received a report that Arish was being shelled from the sea...
Additionally, at 11:27 am Israeli Supreme Command Head of Operations received a report stating that a ship had been shelling Arish, but the shells had fallen short...
At 11:45 am, another report arrived at Supreme Command saying two ships were approaching the Arish coast...
As Commander Oren headed toward Arish, he was informed by Naval Operations of the reported shelling of Arish and told that IAF aircraft would be dispatched to the area after the target had been detected...
Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin was concerned that the supposed Egyptian shelling was the prelude to an amphibious landing that could outflank Israeli forces. Rabin reiterated the standing order to sink any unidentified ships in the area, but advised caution, as Soviet vessels were reportedly operating nearby...

Where was my attempt to deceive?

Did you read my post?

Did it not say Israeli government investigations?

Where is the deception in the Israeli government investigations?

I find it extremely unlikely you do not understand the deception you've attempted, therefore I must conclude you are doubling down on it.
Your point was that Israel knew the Liberty was an American ship at the time of the attack and clearly that was not the case.

Why is it that you try and argue against FACT?

The point is that the Israeli government DID know that the ship they were about to attack WAS American!

As stated in the Israeli Government's OWN report... "at least 3 hours before the attack"

Gee's man don't take my word for it... READ THE LINK I POSTED!
Funny how this thread about Israel attacking the USS Liberty has turned to talking about radical Muslims that had nothing to do with the attack.
Changing the subject, will not change the facts.
In the Israeli government investigations historical report, it was acknowledged that IDF naval headquarters knew at least three hours before the attack that the ship was "an electromagnetic audio-surveillance ship of the U.S. Navy"

There are other reports that state IDF knew of the USS Liberty upto 9 hours before the attack...

This is a very detailed account of the attack...

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Typical attempt to deceive by an anti-Israel/anti-Jew cabalist.
While it is true Israel identified an American Naval vessel hours before, as witnessed by the changes of the Liberty's position and status they had no reason to believe the Liberty was that vessel. From your source (note that Rabin made no mention of an American ship in the area):
At 11:24 am, Israeli Chief of Naval Operations received a report that Arish was being shelled from the sea...
Additionally, at 11:27 am Israeli Supreme Command Head of Operations received a report stating that a ship had been shelling Arish, but the shells had fallen short...
At 11:45 am, another report arrived at Supreme Command saying two ships were approaching the Arish coast...
As Commander Oren headed toward Arish, he was informed by Naval Operations of the reported shelling of Arish and told that IAF aircraft would be dispatched to the area after the target had been detected...
Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin was concerned that the supposed Egyptian shelling was the prelude to an amphibious landing that could outflank Israeli forces. Rabin reiterated the standing order to sink any unidentified ships in the area, but advised caution, as Soviet vessels were reportedly operating nearby...

Where was my attempt to deceive?

Did you read my post?

Did it not say Israeli government investigations?

Where is the deception in the Israeli government investigations?

I find it extremely unlikely you do not understand the deception you've attempted, therefore I must conclude you are doubling down on it.
Your point was that Israel knew the Liberty was an American ship at the time of the attack and clearly that was not the case.

Why is it that you try and argue against FACT?

The point is that the Israeli government DID know that the ship they were about to attack WAS American!

As stated in the Israeli Government's OWN report... "at least 3 hours before the attack"

Gee's man don't take my word for it... READ THE LINK I POSTED!

What is wrong with you? I not only read your link, I QUOTED FROM IT and clearly it states the Israelis lost track of the Liberty and did not know they were attacking an American ship. Once again, from your source:
"At about 6:00 am, the aerial naval observer reported that the ship appeared like a U.S. Navy supply ship; the red marker was replaced with a green marker to indicate a neutral vessel, at about 9:00 am... USS Liberty's marker was removed from CCC's Control Table at 11:00 am, due to its positional information being considered stale."
Funny how this thread about Israel attacking the USS Liberty has turned to talking about radical Muslims that had nothing to do with the attack.
Changing the subject, will not change the facts.

And the fact, according to various US gov't investigations, was that the Liberty tragedy was one of friendly fire although some people just can't (or won't) let go.
For a guy who not only rejects America's conclusions on the Liberty tragedy but buddies up with a Sunni Boy to do so, your ability to determine who is and who is not an American has been deemed inadequate.
How does it feel to be deemed inadequate, Princess?
BTW, I understand al Jazeera English is about to re-air their POV on the Liberty. I know you need to see that again.
That wasn't America's conclusions, it was a bullshit whitewash attempt to appease the Israeli lobby.

Fact: Israel attacked an American ship.
Fact: Israel knew it was an American ship when they attacked.
Fact: Israel kept on shooting after they knew it was an American ship.

Ask the American's on board that ship what their conclusions are?
Toastman isn't here to debate the attack on the USS Liberty.

His mission is to disrupt and derail the thread.

Because his precious Israel is being discussed in a negative manner. .....

Call me crazy but I'm not concerned about the threat one such as you believes Israel (or Jews) represents to America but I am concerned about the threat radical Islamists (your brethren) represent not only to America (see: 9/11) but to the world.

So concerned you support radicalising thousands more through applying unAmerican levels of injustice in Palestine, which every enquiry worth its salt has identified as the major cause of radicalising Muslims...

There is NOTHING we can do, short of submitting to Islam or committing national suicide, which will stem the radicalization of naïve, impressionable, ignorant and desperate youths by media savvy manipulators. Even if we succumbed I believe they would continue to enlist their Islamist armies and turn on each other.
It is simply the way of the "Religion of Peace" and it's time you face that very obvious fact.
For a guy who not only rejects America's conclusions on the Liberty tragedy but buddies up with a Sunni Boy to do so, your ability to determine who is and who is not an American has been deemed inadequate.
How does it feel to be deemed inadequate, Princess?
BTW, I understand al Jazeera English is about to re-air their POV on the Liberty. I know you need to see that again.
That wasn't America's conclusions, it was a bullshit whitewash attempt to appease the Israeli lobby...

And yet here we are nearly 50 years later and there not a shred of evidence to support your claim (yet plenty to support the US's conclusions). Don't you ever get tired of posting BS?

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