A Take on Occupy Wall Street


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2008
I've been wathing these young people at Occupy Wall Street lately and while I don't know every single detail of what they seem to want from Wall Street, the very idea that they take the time to exercise rights given to them under the constitution and for the most part peacefully should be admired. We as Americans can disagree, and we seem to be doing an awful lot of that lately, but rights such as the right to assemble , free speech, and any other are rights that are daily defended all over the world by young men and women with their very lives and has been for this nations over 200 plus year history. these young people camp out there in the street because they feel that the opportunity that their fathers and grandfathers had is no longer available to them and in some way's they are right when you look at American companies that have laid off or fired over 2.9 Million Americans in the last 10 years and Hired 2.4 Million overseas according to the Dept. of Labor. That being said, while many of us may or may not agree on why they are there, they are exercising the same right's given under the same constitution that every American lives under and should love. While many may not agree with me here, I for one admire all those young people, for taking part in the very nation they live and while I may not agree with everything they stand for, they are exercising a right that many who wore a uniform to defend, and in a small way it gives me hope that this young generation loves the nation as much as all those who came before them.
And yet when the Tea party started PEACEFULLY and for the sole purpose of utilizing the Constitutional right to vote, what exactly was your "feelings" then?
And yet when the Tea party started PEACEFULLY and for the sole purpose of utilizing the Constitutional right to vote, what exactly was your "feelings" then?

The same, in fact the Tea Party has every right and still does to this day to do the exact same. I don't see much difference between the two other than the issues they wish to be heard to be quite honest.
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The right to peaceably assemble will not survive the crime it has come to attract.
The right to peaceably assemble will not survive the crime it has come to attract.

The right to peacefully assemble, like all rights has limits. Funny how the left adore this right NOW but complained bitterly about it when the right uses it.

Could someone point out a recent event where the right illegally took over a park, destroying it in the process, illegally blocked traffic and spent over a month in violation of the laws?
The right to peaceably assemble will not survive the crime it has come to attract.

I'm sure it will, Tipsy. These rights have survived much more than Occupy Wall Street as well as many others and will continue to.
I've been wathing these young people at Occupy Wall Street lately and while I don't know every single detail of what they seem to want from Wall Street, the very idea that they take the time to exercise rights given to them under the constitution and for the most part peacefully should be admired. We as Americans can disagree, and we seem to be doing an awful lot of that lately, but rights such as the right to assemble , free speech, and any other are rights that are daily defended all over the world by young men and women with their very lives and has been for this nations over 200 plus year history. these young people camp out there in the street because they feel that the opportunity that their fathers and grandfathers had is no longer available to them and in some way's they are right when you look at American companies that have laid off or fired over 2.9 Million Americans in the last 10 years and Hired 2.4 Million overseas according to the Dept. of Labor. That being said, while many of us may or may not agree on why they are there, they are exercising the same right's given under the same constitution that every American lives under and should love. While many may not agree with me here, I for one admire all those young people, for taking part in the very nation they live and while I may not agree with everything they stand for, they are exercising a right that many who wore a uniform to defend, and in a small way it gives me hope that this young generation loves the nation as much as all those who came before them.

They're past the 'peacefully assemble' part. Not to mention the fact that they are being manipulated by those who are funding and organized it.
I've been wathing these young people at Occupy Wall Street lately and while I don't know every single detail of what they seem to want from Wall Street, the very idea that they take the time to exercise rights given to them under the constitution and for the most part peacefully should be admired. We as Americans can disagree, and we seem to be doing an awful lot of that lately, but rights such as the right to assemble , free speech, and any other are rights that are daily defended all over the world by young men and women with their very lives and has been for this nations over 200 plus year history. these young people camp out there in the street because they feel that the opportunity that their fathers and grandfathers had is no longer available to them and in some way's they are right when you look at American companies that have laid off or fired over 2.9 Million Americans in the last 10 years and Hired 2.4 Million overseas according to the Dept. of Labor. That being said, while many of us may or may not agree on why they are there, they are exercising the same right's given under the same constitution that every American lives under and should love. While many may not agree with me here, I for one admire all those young people, for taking part in the very nation they live and while I may not agree with everything they stand for, they are exercising a right that many who wore a uniform to defend, and in a small way it gives me hope that this young generation loves the nation as much as all those who came before them.

They're past the 'peacefully assemble' part. Not to mention the fact that they are being manipulated by those who are funding and organized it.

rights given to them under the constitution and for the most part peacefully should be admired.

I personally believe that given the sheer number of these young people that are invloved in this thing, that for the most part yes they are peaceful. While yes there have been arrests of some, would someone point out to me where there has been real violence involved in these protests, other than the fact where you had an Officer with the NYPD, use his Pepper Spray in a manner not perscribed by the Department? If there has been then I have yet to see it.

An internal New York Police Department review has found a senior police officer violated NYPD guidelines when he used pepper spray on Occupy Wall Street protesters last month, ABC confirmed.
The right to peaceably assemble will not survive the crime it has come to attract.

The right to peacefully assemble, like all rights has limits. Funny how the left adore this right NOW but complained bitterly about it when the right uses it.

Could someone point out a recent event where the right illegally took over a park, destroying it in the process, illegally blocked traffic and spent over a month in violation of the laws?

Right-wing extremists who question the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s presidency tried to take on local law enforcement recently — and they seem to have come out on the losing end.
Right-Wing Extremists Take On Local Law Enforcement, Lose | TPMMuckraker

Angry enough, in fact, for one TPer, Jim Canelos of Golden Valley, to be arrested for trespassing during a meeting, after his refusal to comply with the regulation (he donned an American flag hat while speaking at the podium during the meeting) and then a request to leave the premises.

The Tea Partiers are also upset over this particular county's passage last year of an ordinance prohibiting weapons on county property. In March 2010 Mervin Fried of Kingman, Arizona, was arrested after violating this ordinance by bringing a pitchfork into the county administration building.

I am always gratified to see Tea Party members devoting their energy to this sort of protest
Daily Kos: Arizona Tea Party Member Arrested While Protesting For His Rights - To Wear a Hat

Point is, people are going to express themselves in one way or the other and to say that every person be they Tea Party members or Occupy Wall street can be defined as left or right is somewhat of an over simplification much less, no one here knows what each and every person who is involved with those groups political leanings are. While it's well documented that for the most part the Tea Party is associated with the Republican Party, in each and every interview with members , they are just as critical to both sides and will tell you that they are NOT a left and right movement. As for Occupy Wall Street as they have yet to have a singular message other than the one I mentioned, the same things can be said for all the people there too. I was simply pointing out to exercise one's rights under the constitution is a good thing, not something to be shouted down or denegrated be it a Tea Party gathering, or Occupy Wall Street.
The right to peaceably assemble will not survive the crime it has come to attract.

I'm sure it will, Tipsy. These rights have survived much more than Occupy Wall Street as well as many others and will continue to.

Let me clarify. The exercise of Occupy Wall Street's right to peaceably assemble will not survive the crime it has come to attract.

They are accomplishing nothing. They are getting ripped off, raped and assaulted. The free stuff they advertise will increase the number of criminals. Tired of a futile exercise that only causes loss, the protesters will find other things to do.
The right to peaceably assemble will not survive the crime it has come to attract.

I'm sure it will, Tipsy. These rights have survived much more than Occupy Wall Street as well as many others and will continue to.

Let me clarify. The exercise of Occupy Wall Street's right to peaceably assemble will not survive the crime it has come to attract.

They are accomplishing nothing. They are getting ripped off, raped and assaulted. The free stuff they advertise will increase the number of criminals. Tired of a futile exercise that only causes loss, the protesters will find other things to do.

You know Tipsy, sadly in way I have to agree with you on one point, in the end they most likely will not accomplish much. I don't see them causing a rush of American companies as a result of these groups coming back to the United States to begin manufacturing here or much less a rapid change in the economic situation. Sadly, more often than not these groups OCW, the Tea Party and others original message is co-opted by every special interest group seeking to further an agenda and in the middle are the same people who have always been there and thats everyone else.
I've been wathing these young people at Occupy Wall Street lately and while I don't know every single detail of what they seem to want from Wall Street, the very idea that they take the time to exercise rights given to them under the constitution and for the most part peacefully should be admired. We as Americans can disagree, and we seem to be doing an awful lot of that lately, but rights such as the right to assemble , free speech, and any other are rights that are daily defended all over the world by young men and women with their very lives and has been for this nations over 200 plus year history. these young people camp out there in the street because they feel that the opportunity that their fathers and grandfathers had is no longer available to them and in some way's they are right when you look at American companies that have laid off or fired over 2.9 Million Americans in the last 10 years and Hired 2.4 Million overseas according to the Dept. of Labor. That being said, while many of us may or may not agree on why they are there, they are exercising the same right's given under the same constitution that every American lives under and should love. While many may not agree with me here, I for one admire all those young people, for taking part in the very nation they live and while I may not agree with everything they stand for, they are exercising a right that many who wore a uniform to defend, and in a small way it gives me hope that this young generation loves the nation as much as all those who came before them.

I also fully suport their right to assemble and protest. I personally think the rights on protesting are actually a bit too stringent. Read an article where some uber feminist author was arrested for.....'something', story didn't really say and while I'm sure I would disagree with this person about nearly everything, but it seems to me she was wrongly arrested. I guess I also agree that it's encouraging to see so many young people participiatng in democracy, but on the flip if they are this uneducated (and you have to be to protest what they're protesting), this illogical in going from a means to an end, I have to say I'm more concerned about that.

My problem with OWS is not what they're doing. It's how they're doing it. It makes absolutely no sense I still don't know what their upset about or what they want to happen. Best I can figure is they're tired of government bail outs and the benefits the rich get from government. Assuming that's the case, why aren't they marching a couple hudred miles to the south in DC? They're far more likely to effect change there and maybe actually get government to end some of the corporate cronyism.
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I've been wathing these young people at Occupy Wall Street lately and while I don't know every single detail of what they seem to want from Wall Street, the very idea that they take the time to exercise rights given to them under the constitution and for the most part peacefully should be admired. We as Americans can disagree, and we seem to be doing an awful lot of that lately, but rights such as the right to assemble , free speech, and any other are rights that are daily defended all over the world by young men and women with their very lives and has been for this nations over 200 plus year history. these young people camp out there in the street because they feel that the opportunity that their fathers and grandfathers had is no longer available to them and in some way's they are right when you look at American companies that have laid off or fired over 2.9 Million Americans in the last 10 years and Hired 2.4 Million overseas according to the Dept. of Labor. That being said, while many of us may or may not agree on why they are there, they are exercising the same right's given under the same constitution that every American lives under and should love. While many may not agree with me here, I for one admire all those young people, for taking part in the very nation they live and while I may not agree with everything they stand for, they are exercising a right that many who wore a uniform to defend, and in a small way it gives me hope that this young generation loves the nation as much as all those who came before them.

They're past the 'peacefully assemble' part. Not to mention the fact that they are being manipulated by those who are funding and organized it.

rights given to them under the constitution and for the most part peacefully should be admired.

I personally believe that given the sheer number of these young people that are invloved in this thing, that for the most part yes they are peaceful. While yes there have been arrests of some, would someone point out to me where there has been real violence involved in these protests, other than the fact where you had an Officer with the NYPD, use his Pepper Spray in a manner not perscribed by the Department? If there has been then I have yet to see it.

An internal New York Police Department review has found a senior police officer violated NYPD guidelines when he used pepper spray on Occupy Wall Street protesters last month, ABC confirmed.

I have absolutely no issue with them 'peacefully' assembling. I have an issue with those behind this 'spontaneous' protest. I dislike my fellow Americans being manipulated by people with an agenda that is dangerous to our Constitution. Simple as that.

I also have an issue with the left who high five these people's right to peacefully assemble just months after decrying the TEA Partiers doing the same thing. They were mocked and called racists.... and that was not true. And they continue to repeat that bullshit about one side while ignoring far stronger evidence from these 'protesters'.
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I've been wathing these young people at Occupy Wall Street lately and while I don't know every single detail of what they seem to want from Wall Street, the very idea that they take the time to exercise rights given to them under the constitution and for the most part peacefully should be admired. We as Americans can disagree, and we seem to be doing an awful lot of that lately, but rights such as the right to assemble , free speech, and any other are rights that are daily defended all over the world by young men and women with their very lives and has been for this nations over 200 plus year history. these young people camp out there in the street because they feel that the opportunity that their fathers and grandfathers had is no longer available to them and in some way's they are right when you look at American companies that have laid off or fired over 2.9 Million Americans in the last 10 years and Hired 2.4 Million overseas according to the Dept. of Labor. That being said, while many of us may or may not agree on why they are there, they are exercising the same right's given under the same constitution that every American lives under and should love. While many may not agree with me here, I for one admire all those young people, for taking part in the very nation they live and while I may not agree with everything they stand for, they are exercising a right that many who wore a uniform to defend, and in a small way it gives me hope that this young generation loves the nation as much as all those who came before them.

I also fully suport their right to assemble and protest. I personally think the rights on protesting are actually a bit too stringent. Read an article where some uber feminist author was arrested for.....'something', story didn't really say and while I'm sure I would disagree with this person about nearly everything, but it seems to me she was wrongly arrested. I guess I also agree that it's encouraging to see so many young people participiatng in democracy, but on the flip if they are this uneducated (and you have to be to protest what they're protesting), this illogical in going from a means to an end, I have to say I'm more concerned about that.

My problem with OWS is not what they're doing. It's how they're doing it. It makes absolutely no sense I still don't know what their upset about or what they want to happen. Best I can figure is they're tired of government bail outs and the benefits the rich get from government. Assuming that's the case, why aren't they marching a couple hudred miles to the south in DC? They're far more likely to effect change there and maybe actually get government to end some of the corporate cronyism.

What you say does make sense, after a while is no one listens then it's rather like banging your head up against a Wall, no pun intended. You make a good point, that if all these kids marched South with all of this, then it might get some attention in congress. However, like most movements as I said in a previous posting, this one seems to have been co-opted by every group thats had a beef recently. Which leads to the lack of a coherent message. I believe at first this protest much like most of these grassroots movements was very much intended to send a message to those that done such things as I pointed out in my original post. Again sadly, it really doesn't make OWS much different in that respect than most recent grassroots movements that are often co-opted.
They're past the 'peacefully assemble' part. Not to mention the fact that they are being manipulated by those who are funding and organized it.

rights given to them under the constitution and for the most part peacefully should be admired.

I personally believe that given the sheer number of these young people that are invloved in this thing, that for the most part yes they are peaceful. While yes there have been arrests of some, would someone point out to me where there has been real violence involved in these protests, other than the fact where you had an Officer with the NYPD, use his Pepper Spray in a manner not perscribed by the Department? If there has been then I have yet to see it.

An internal New York Police Department review has found a senior police officer violated NYPD guidelines when he used pepper spray on Occupy Wall Street protesters last month, ABC confirmed.
NYPD Cop Disciplined Over Occupy Wall Street Pepper Spray - ABC News

I have absolutely no issue with them 'peacefully' assembling. I have an issue with those behind this 'spontaneous' protest. I dislike my fellow Americans being manipulated by people with an agenda that is dangerous to our Constitution. Simple as that.

I also have an issue with the left who high five these people's right to peacefully assemble just months after decrying the TEA Partiers doing the same thing. They were mocked and called racists.... and that was not true. And they continue to repeat that bullshit about one side while ignoring far stronger evidence from these 'protesters'.

As I said several times in this thread, and you know this too, I admire the Tea Party for much the same reasons I admire these young people. I do agree that these goups and even the Tea Party are co-opted by special interests with an agenda that have little or no interest in what the original movement was started for. I believe that these movements at their core are made up of well meanings people (outside of special interests)) be they left or right , both of which have a love of this nation. What generally happens though especially today, media starts to seperate people into catagories and personally, I'd still like to believe the only one that matters is American, but until the media starts using that as its first priority then the OWS and the Tea Parties of this world will continue to be seen in the light they want us to see them in.
OWS seems to be wearing out its welcome.

They’re defecating on our doorsteps,” fumed board member Catherine Hughes, a stay-at-home mom who lives one block from the protest. “The cowbells start at 4 a.m. and the drumming goes past 10 a.m. A lot of people are very frustrated. A lot of people are concerned about the safety of our kids.”

Fed-up homeowners said they’ve been insulted and harassed as they trek to their jobs each morning. “The protesters taunt people who are on their way to work,” said James Fernandez, 51.

Read more: Zuccotti neighbors: Stop dumping on us - NYPOST.com

No doubt expressing contempt and hatred for the people who work will get the parasies a lot of sympathy and support.
Despite my objections about the cluelessness of the OWS movement to date, I am more supportive of the OWS movment today than I was when it started.

The very fact that its making so many of this board right wing trolls nuts amuses the heck out of me.

You can read how nervous this really makes then from the senseless vitriol in their posts.

Anything that so pisses off these lying sacks of shit can't be all bad.
...... While many may not agree with me here, I for one admire all those young people, for taking part in the very nation they live and while I may not agree with everything they stand for, they are exercising a right that many who wore a uniform to defend, and in a small way it gives me hope that this young generation loves the nation as much as all those who came before them.

Of course I agree with much of what you've said: However, I do not agree that these demonstrations have anything to do with, "this young generation loves the nation," founded upon individual liberty.

Few know what they are demonstrating, however, it is not hard to conclude that most are unemployed, or have been underemployed for an extended period, and are disgruntled with a "system" that isn't "fair."

Nations designed to be "fair" for eveyone fail.

Their is nothing in the US constitution that guarantees that all citizens will receive whatever each deems is "fair." It, and our federal laws, DO promote the possibility that no citizen will be handicapped by race, gender, etc., in pursuit of their INDIVIDUAL aspirations.

Many of "this young generation" are demonstrating their immaturity. Rather than improvising, perservering, and overcomming adversity, they seem to need Weening off the Government Tit, and a Diaper Change.
...... While many may not agree with me here, I for one admire all those young people, for taking part in the very nation they live and while I may not agree with everything they stand for, they are exercising a right that many who wore a uniform to defend, and in a small way it gives me hope that this young generation loves the nation as much as all those who came before them.

Of course I agree with much of what you've said: However, I do not agree that these demonstrations have anything to do with, "this young generation loves the nation," founded upon individual liberty.

Few know what they are demonstrating, however, it is not hard to conclude that most are unemployed, or have been underemployed for an extended period, and are disgruntled with a "system" that isn't "fair."

Nations designed to be "fair" for eveyone fail.

Their is nothing in the US constitution that guarantees that all citizens will receive whatever each deems is "fair." It, and our federal laws, DO promote the possibility that no citizen will be handicapped by race, gender, etc., in pursuit of their INDIVIDUAL aspirations.

Many of "this young generation" are demonstrating their immaturity. Rather than improvising, perservering, and overcomming adversity, they seem to need Weening off the Government Tit, and a Diaper Change.

Do you know Samson there was a time I would have just looked at these kids and said " go to the recruiters office, they will give you a job" and for some of them that still holds true. However, I do admire these young people for exercising their rights that many have fought for and for me at least it validates that, regardless of the political leanings, be they OWS, Tea Party etc. Now while I may not agree with them, they are exercising their rights in a manner that our constitution for the most part allows them to do. As to their employment situation, it appears to me now that they are made up of a whole mish mash of young people and yes even some not so likeable groups that do not have the best of intentions. The sad thing is that, those who have genuine intentions here will for the most part be lost in the sea of those with agendas. I have noticed though that at least for some in this group they share some of the same feelings towards Wall Street that even the Tea Party shares, not that it matters much, I honestly do not see OWS as lasting as it is now, but will no doubt morph into some lobbying group as they all usually do.
...... While many may not agree with me here, I for one admire all those young people, for taking part in the very nation they live and while I may not agree with everything they stand for, they are exercising a right that many who wore a uniform to defend, and in a small way it gives me hope that this young generation loves the nation as much as all those who came before them.

Of course I agree with much of what you've said: However, I do not agree that these demonstrations have anything to do with, "this young generation loves the nation," founded upon individual liberty.

Few know what they are demonstrating, however, it is not hard to conclude that most are unemployed, or have been underemployed for an extended period, and are disgruntled with a "system" that isn't "fair."

Nations designed to be "fair" for eveyone fail.

Their is nothing in the US constitution that guarantees that all citizens will receive whatever each deems is "fair." It, and our federal laws, DO promote the possibility that no citizen will be handicapped by race, gender, etc., in pursuit of their INDIVIDUAL aspirations.

Many of "this young generation" are demonstrating their immaturity. Rather than improvising, perservering, and overcomming adversity, they seem to need Weening off the Government Tit, and a Diaper Change.

Do you know Samson there was a time I would have just looked at these kids and said " go to the recruiters office, they will give you a job" and for some of them that still holds true. However, I do admire these young people for exercising their rights that many have fought for and for me at least it validates that, regardless of the political leanings, be they OWS, Tea Party etc. Now while I may not agree with them, they are exercising their rights in a manner that our constitution for the most part allows them to do. As to their employment situation, it appears to me now that they are made up of a whole mish mash of young people and yes even some not so likeable groups that do not have the best of intentions. The sad thing is that, those who have genuine intentions here will for the most part be lost in the sea of those with agendas. I have noticed though that at least for some in this group they share some of the same feelings towards Wall Street that even the Tea Party shares, not that it matters much, I honestly do not see OWS as lasting as it is now, but will no doubt morph into some lobbying group as they all usually do.

I suppose every group can be viewed as a bunch of whiners; however, when they have no specific goal (e.g. ending a war, womens sufferage, racial equality) the appearance is that they are throwing a tantrum.

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