A tale of Libya Consulate and a short film mocking the prophet Mohammed


Feb 9, 2013
Why do you want to know?
I have a tale to tell of the attack on the US Consulate in Libya, and a short 14-minute trailer on the internet mocking the prophet Mohammed. There were protests over the internet video in countries across the Middle East, and in countries such as Sudan, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Malaysia. When I was working as a top secret security officer with internet credentials I warned the current administration that Libya would become more important than anything else that was happening all over the region and the Muslim world at the time. I had my crystal ball with me and it clearly showed what the future would behold.

Muslim riots spread across Middle East, ... JPost - International

Don't Be Fooled, The Middle Eastern Riots Aren't What You Think They Are - Forbes

Egypt Terror Leader Possibly Linked to Benghazi Attack Arrested - ABC News
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