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A Tale Of Two Administrations

1. H1N1 a national emergency
  • The Obama administration declared swine flu, or H1N1, a public health emergency six weeks before H1N1 was declared a pandemic.
  • No H1N1 deaths had yet been recorded in the United States.
  • Six months after that initial declaration, when more than 1,000 deaths had occurred, Obama himself declared H1N1 a national emergency.
Obama acted before pandemic declared
Obama’s acting director of health and human services declared H1N1 a public health emergency on April 26, 2009.
That was when only 20 cases of H1N1 — and no deaths — around the country had been confirmed.

2. How did the World Health Organization warn the current administration?
The WHO told them information they had at the time. It has been asked have you any proof that WHO told them information the knew to be false?

3. Trump: When did he know, and how long did he wait?
The travel ban as explained served little purpose. It was just a block on direct travel which couldn't be done anyway as the airlines had already stopped flying.

After that he downplayed the virus and told everyone there was no need to worry (prepare).

4. And as soon as Trump stopped travel with China, Biden and the Democrats called him a racist xenophobe for doing so
We have explained this time and time again... He said Trump is a racist xenophobe, which there is plenty of evidence.
Biden points out that it is hard to trust a racist xenophobe actions in a crisis, which means is he doing things because he is a racist xenophobe or because he is fighting the crisis.
That is a fair comment and would need to be said if Trump wasn't a racist xenophobe.

Let's check:

Obama.....took him 6 months and 1,000 dead Americans to act.

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26,
2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency - CNN.com

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

That was CNN.

You are a liar as usual.

Obama's acting HHS director declared a national health emergency on April 26, 2009. At the time, no one died and 20 people were infected. WHO declared a pandemic on June 11, 2009. Obama declared a second emergency so doctors could bypass certain federal regulations.

For weeks Trump dithered and told us there was nothing wrong when his scientists were telling him the exact opposite. He refused to invoke the Defense Production Act until March 15. Then there was a delay in using it once he invoked it.

When did the President of the United States declare a national health emergency per the H1N1 epidemic?

And, if "Obama's acting HHS director declared a national health emergency on April 26, 2009," why would Hussein have done it again in October, six months later, after 1,000 Americans had died?

Maybe he did it every month?

He'd have to have been a moron, huh?

From the CDC website:
CDC activated its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) on April 22, 2009, to coordinate the response to this emerging public health threat.

Obama did not declare a national health emergency. He declared a national emergency to allow doctors to bypass certain federal regulations.

From Fox News:
"President Obama signed a proclamation declaring the H1N1 influenza a national emergency, giving doctors and medical facilities greater leeway in responding to the flu pandemic.

Obama signed the declaration late Friday, which the White House said allows medical treatment facilities to better handle a surge in flu patients by waiving federal requirements on a case-by-case basis."

I really didn't need your spin.

I pointed out that Trump declared a national emergency 11 days after the event, and Obama did so 6 months after the event and 1,000 Americans dead.

CNN stated it, and you verified it.
Why is the Democrat Party on the side of the Chinese Communists who inflicted this virus on the world?

"Adam Schiff Begs Trump to Stop Blaming China and the WHO for the Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) joined the growing list of Democrats who are calling on President Trump to not blame the Chinese Communist Party and the World Health Organization for the United States' epidemic of COVID-19.

...Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) absolved China of the blame for the resulting worldwide pandemic of the coronavirus after it originated from Wuhan, China.

"The reason that we're in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that China did," Murphy told CNN on Tuesday."
Why is the Democrat Party on the side of the Chinese Communists who inflicted this virus on the world?
Why would you make up such an obvious lie? Oh.........wait............it's how you roll.

It was early January, and the call with a Hong Kong epidemiologist left Matthew Pottinger rattled.

Mr. Pottinger, the deputy national security adviser and a hawk on China, took a blunt warning away from the call with the doctor, a longtime friend: A ferocious, new outbreak that on the surface appeared similar to the SARS epidemic of 2003 had emerged in China. It had spread far more quickly than the government was admitting to, and it wouldn’t be long before it reached other parts of the world.

It was one of the earliest warnings to the White House, and it echoed the intelligence reports making their way to the National Security Council. While most of the early assessments from the C.I.A. had little more information than was available publicly, some of the more specialized corners of the intelligence world were producing sophisticated and chilling warnings.

In a report to the director of national intelligence, the State Department’s epidemiologist wrote in early January that the virus was likely to spread across the globe, and warned that the coronavirus could develop into a pandemic.
It's pathetic you clowns keep pointing to the ineffectual China travel restriction in your failed defense of Dear Leader. It wasn't nearly enough and does not excuse the lack of planning regarding medical supplies and a national approach to mitigation coming from the federal government.

Nearly 40k flew to U.S. from China after Trump's coronavirus travel ban
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Trump is cesperate to rewrite history...just weeks out from the events.

Is it working?

We all REMEMBER him talking down the virus and holding rallies

And we can SEE the results of his concern (actual lack of)
...Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) absolved China of the blame for the resulting worldwide pandemic of the coronavirus after it originated from Wuhan, China.
Speaking of Sen. Murphy................
FEB. 5

Just left the Administration briefing on Coronavirus. Bottom line: they aren't taking this seriously enough. Notably, no request for ANY emergency funding, which is a big mistake. Local health systems need supplies, training, screening staff etc. And they need it now.
Why is the Democrat Party on the side of the Chinese Communists who inflicted this virus on the world?

Why would you make up such an obvious lie? Oh.........wait............it's how you roll.

It was early January, and the call with a Hong Kong epidemiologist left Matthew Pottinger rattled.

Mr. Pottinger, the deputy national security adviser and a hawk on China, took a blunt warning away from the call with the doctor, a longtime friend: A ferocious, new outbreak that on the surface appeared similar to the SARS epidemic of 2003 had emerged in China. It had spread far more quickly than the government was admitting to, and it wouldn’t be long before it reached other parts of the world.

It was one of the earliest warnings to the White House, and it echoed the intelligence reports making their way to the National Security Council. While most of the early assessments from the C.I.A. had little more information than was available publicly, some of the more specialized corners of the intelligence world were producing sophisticated and chilling warnings.

In a report to the director of national intelligence, the State Department’s epidemiologist wrote in early January that the virus was likely to spread across the globe, and warned that the coronavirus could develop into a pandemic.
It's pathetic you clowns keep pointing to the ineffectual China travel restriction in your failed defense of Dear Leader. It wasn't nearly enough and does not excuse the lack of planning regarding medical supplies and a national approach to mitigation coming from the federal government.

Nearly 40k flew to U.S. from China after Trump's coronavirus travel ban

PoliticalChic said:
Why is the Democrat Party on the side of the Chinese Communists who inflicted this virus on the world?
"Why would you make up such an obvious lie? Oh.........wait............it's how you roll. "

Watch me rip you a new one.......again:

"Dem Rep Spreads Chinese Propaganda While Blaming Coronavirus Deaths on Trump
As COVID-19 spreads across the nation, Rep. Sean Casten (D., Ill.) has repeatedly attempted to blame Trump and Republicans for the death toll, accusing them of spreading fatal misinformation about the pandemic. Casten himself, however, has misinformed the public about China's role in the pandemic. When one of his constituents asked about the early Chinese response to the outbreak at a March 21 electronic town hall, the congressman refused to talk about the regime's coverup of the virus. Instead, he incorrectly said that China had successfully isolated the outbreak in Wuhan.

"China, to their credit, once they realize they had a problem, shut down the entire province that this was in and they seem to have largely isolated the cases in China," Casten said. "We have missed that window in the United States."
In reality, however, China has failed to isolate the cases in the province of Wuhan, the origin of the illness. The virus has spread to nearly every part of the country, killing thousands in distant provinces such as Guangdong and Zhejiang. And while China's self-reported data indicate the worst has passed, reports of funeral homes overflowing with urns have led critics to believe that the regime is grossly underreporting the impact of the pandemic.”
Dem Rep Spreads Chinese Propaganda While Blaming Coronavirus Deaths on Trump

More Democrats groveling at the feet of the Chinese Communists....

"‘I Take My Hat Off to China’: Obama’s China Ambassador Praises Chinese Response to Virus

Barack Obama's China ambassador Max Baucus, who established extensive business ties with China after leaving the ambassadorship in 2017, extolled China's government on Tuesday for the way the country has responded to the coronavirus outbreak.

"I think that the big lesson here [is] that when you take charge and when you tell the entire country, Wuhan, other provinces what to do, they get in gear and get the job done," Baucus said during an interview on MSNBC. "I take my hat off to China for doing so."

The former Montana senator's praise of China comes amid a propaganda campaign waged by China's state-run media outlets, which have been pushing the narrative that China isn't responsible for the ongoing coronavirus pandemic."

"Democratic Michigan Sen. Gary Peters on Friday praised the Chinese government as the deadly disease which started in China continues to spread throughout the world.

Peters went on Morning Joe to discuss the crisis and was asked about how the U.S. avoids a recession, to which he began to praise the Chinese government, especially naming the Hubei province, saying they handled the spread of the virus very well and that the United States needs to follow in China’s footsteps."
Sen. Gary Peters Praises Chinese Government As Coronavirus Continues To Spread

Democrat "Adam Schiff Begs Trump to Stop Blaming China and the WHO for the Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) joined the growing list of Democrats who are calling on President Trump to not blame the Chinese Communist Party and the World Health Organization for the United States' epidemic of COVID-19.

...Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) absolved China of the blame for the resulting worldwide pandemic of the coronavirus after it originated from Wuhan, China.

"The reason that we're in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that China did," Murphy told CNN on Tuesday."

Adam Schiff Begs Trump to Stop Blaming China and the WHO for the Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic

.04/18/2020 13:08:48PM EST.



Soooo.....you've proven that I never lie......but, unnecessary.

Now....answer the question, fool.......

Why is the Democrat Party on the side of the Chinese Communists who inflicted this virus on the world?

...Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) absolved China of the blame for the resulting worldwide pandemic of the coronavirus after it originated from Wuhan, China.
Speaking of Sen. Murphy................
FEB. 5

Just left the Administration briefing on Coronavirus. Bottom line: they aren't taking this seriously enough. Notably, no request for ANY emergency funding, which is a big mistake. Local health systems need supplies, training, screening staff etc. And they need it now.

Why is the Democrat Party on the side of the Chinese Communists who inflicted this virus on the world?

Don't run away again......answer the question:

Why is the Democrat Party on the side of the Chinese Communists who inflicted this virus on the world?
Watch me rip you a new one.......again:
I'm sure I'm not the first person to point out to you that using fatuous, flame baiting sites who routinely distort the truth in order to dupe hapless fools like yourself does you no favors.

For example, the bullshit included in this pile of crap.....................https://townhall.com/tipsheet/juliorosas/2020/04/17/adam-schiff-begs-trump-to-stop-blaming-china-and-the-who-for-the-wuhan-coronavirus-pandemic-n2567159

................is so transparent a 10 year old could see it. Schiff was calling on Trump to take responsibility for his own failures, not defending China. But since you absorb this propaganda like a sponge with no critical thought you continue to embarrass yourself without any help from me. Carry on.
Watch me rip you a new one.......again:
I'm sure I'm not the first person to point out to you that using fatuous, flame baiting sites who routinely distort the truth in order to dupe hapless fools like yourself does you no favors.

For example, the bullshit included in this pile of crap.....................https://townhall.com/tipsheet/juliorosas/2020/04/17/adam-schiff-begs-trump-to-stop-blaming-china-and-the-who-for-the-wuhan-coronavirus-pandemic-n2567159

................is so transparent a 10 year old could see it. Schiff was calling on Trump to take responsibility for his own failures, not defending China. But since you absorb this propaganda like a sponge with no critical thought you continue to embarrass yourself without any help from me. Carry on.

Every time I force you to scamper off, I chalk it up as a victory for me....y'know, over evil and ignorance......

So right now, you're on the batting side of a no-hitter.

Write soon......I've got a shut out goin'!!!!!
Last edited:
1. H1N1 a national emergency
  • The Obama administration declared swine flu, or H1N1, a public health emergency six weeks before H1N1 was declared a pandemic.
  • No H1N1 deaths had yet been recorded in the United States.
  • Six months after that initial declaration, when more than 1,000 deaths had occurred, Obama himself declared H1N1 a national emergency.
Obama acted before pandemic declared
Obama’s acting director of health and human services declared H1N1 a public health emergency on April 26, 2009.
That was when only 20 cases of H1N1 — and no deaths — around the country had been confirmed.

2. How did the World Health Organization warn the current administration?
The WHO told them information they had at the time. It has been asked have you any proof that WHO told them information the knew to be false?

3. Trump: When did he know, and how long did he wait?
The travel ban as explained served little purpose. It was just a block on direct travel which couldn't be done anyway as the airlines had already stopped flying.

After that he downplayed the virus and told everyone there was no need to worry (prepare).

4. And as soon as Trump stopped travel with China, Biden and the Democrats called him a racist xenophobe for doing so
We have explained this time and time again... He said Trump is a racist xenophobe, which there is plenty of evidence.
Biden points out that it is hard to trust a racist xenophobe actions in a crisis, which means is he doing things because he is a racist xenophobe or because he is fighting the crisis.
That is a fair comment and would need to be said if Trump wasn't a racist xenophobe.

Let's check:

Obama.....took him 6 months and 1,000 dead Americans to act.

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26,
2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency - CNN.com

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

That was CNN.

You are a liar as usual.

Obama's acting HHS director declared a national health emergency on April 26, 2009. At the time, no one died and 20 people were infected. WHO declared a pandemic on June 11, 2009. Obama declared a second emergency so doctors could bypass certain federal regulations.

For weeks Trump dithered and told us there was nothing wrong when his scientists were telling him the exact opposite. He refused to invoke the Defense Production Act until March 15. Then there was a delay in using it once he invoked it.

When did the President of the United States declare a national health emergency per the H1N1 epidemic?

And, if "Obama's acting HHS director declared a national health emergency on April 26, 2009," why would Hussein have done it again in October, six months later, after 1,000 Americans had died?

Maybe he did it every month?

He'd have to have been a moron, huh?

From the CDC website:
CDC activated its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) on April 22, 2009, to coordinate the response to this emerging public health threat.

Obama did not declare a national health emergency. He declared a national emergency to allow doctors to bypass certain federal regulations.

From Fox News:
"President Obama signed a proclamation declaring the H1N1 influenza a national emergency, giving doctors and medical facilities greater leeway in responding to the flu pandemic.

Obama signed the declaration late Friday, which the White House said allows medical treatment facilities to better handle a surge in flu patients by waiving federal requirements on a case-by-case basis."

I really didn't need your spin.

I pointed out that Trump declared a national emergency 11 days after the event, and Obama did so 6 months after the event and 1,000 Americans dead.

CNN stated it, and you verified it.

The Obama Administration declared a national health emergency which is confirmed by the CDC. It was even before WHO declared a
worldwide healthcare emergency. As Fox News pointed out, Obama's declaration was to bypass certain regulations and give doctors some flexibility. The Federal government was already on high alert since April. I verified nothing you lying little weasel. Obama didn't feel the need to make it about him as Trump has.
1. H1N1 a national emergency
  • The Obama administration declared swine flu, or H1N1, a public health emergency six weeks before H1N1 was declared a pandemic.
  • No H1N1 deaths had yet been recorded in the United States.
  • Six months after that initial declaration, when more than 1,000 deaths had occurred, Obama himself declared H1N1 a national emergency.
Obama acted before pandemic declared
Obama’s acting director of health and human services declared H1N1 a public health emergency on April 26, 2009.
That was when only 20 cases of H1N1 — and no deaths — around the country had been confirmed.

2. How did the World Health Organization warn the current administration?
The WHO told them information they had at the time. It has been asked have you any proof that WHO told them information the knew to be false?

3. Trump: When did he know, and how long did he wait?
The travel ban as explained served little purpose. It was just a block on direct travel which couldn't be done anyway as the airlines had already stopped flying.

After that he downplayed the virus and told everyone there was no need to worry (prepare).

4. And as soon as Trump stopped travel with China, Biden and the Democrats called him a racist xenophobe for doing so
We have explained this time and time again... He said Trump is a racist xenophobe, which there is plenty of evidence.
Biden points out that it is hard to trust a racist xenophobe actions in a crisis, which means is he doing things because he is a racist xenophobe or because he is fighting the crisis.
That is a fair comment and would need to be said if Trump wasn't a racist xenophobe.

Let's check:

Obama.....took him 6 months and 1,000 dead Americans to act.

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26,
2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency - CNN.com

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

That was CNN.

You are a liar as usual.

Obama's acting HHS director declared a national health emergency on April 26, 2009. At the time, no one died and 20 people were infected. WHO declared a pandemic on June 11, 2009. Obama declared a second emergency so doctors could bypass certain federal regulations.

For weeks Trump dithered and told us there was nothing wrong when his scientists were telling him the exact opposite. He refused to invoke the Defense Production Act until March 15. Then there was a delay in using it once he invoked it.

When did the President of the United States declare a national health emergency per the H1N1 epidemic?

And, if "Obama's acting HHS director declared a national health emergency on April 26, 2009," why would Hussein have done it again in October, six months later, after 1,000 Americans had died?

Maybe he did it every month?

He'd have to have been a moron, huh?

From the CDC website:
CDC activated its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) on April 22, 2009, to coordinate the response to this emerging public health threat.

Obama did not declare a national health emergency. He declared a national emergency to allow doctors to bypass certain federal regulations.

From Fox News:
"President Obama signed a proclamation declaring the H1N1 influenza a national emergency, giving doctors and medical facilities greater leeway in responding to the flu pandemic.

Obama signed the declaration late Friday, which the White House said allows medical treatment facilities to better handle a surge in flu patients by waiving federal requirements on a case-by-case basis."

I really didn't need your spin.

I pointed out that Trump declared a national emergency 11 days after the event, and Obama did so 6 months after the event and 1,000 Americans dead.

CNN stated it, and you verified it.

The Obama Administration declared a national health emergency which is confirmed by the CDC. It was even before WHO declared a
worldwide healthcare emergency. As Fox News pointed out, Obama's declaration was to bypass certain regulations and give doctors some flexibility. The Federal government was already on high alert since April. I verified nothing you lying little weasel. Obama didn't feel the need to make it about him as Trump has.

That's not what CNN said.
Here is a perspective based on the facts.

1.The H1N 1 epidemic was in 2009.

Hussein was in charge for the following eight years.

First, 1,000 Americans had died, and six months passed, before Hussein declared H1N1 a national emergency.

What did he learn from the H1N1, and how did his administration prepare America for the next epidemic?

2. How did the World Health Organization warn the current administration?

“WHO Claimed In January Wuhan Virus Couldn’t Be Transmitted to Humans, Because China Said It Wasn’t Contagious, Destroyed Evidence

China has been lying since at least December about the nature of the virus and that’s in part why it has been able to spread.

Here’s a WHO advisory from Jan. 14 trying to tell people that it couldn’t be transmitted between humans, according to China.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China
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Twitter for Websites — ads info and privacy

3. Trump: When did he know, and how long did he wait?

Trump took 11 days from the realization of how dangerous the Wuhan death virus was…..

News of the virus’ highly contagious nature didn’t surface publicly until Jan. 20, Human-to-human transmission confirmed in China coronavirus

…and it took Trump a whole 11 days to shut down travel with China.

“Trump already signed an order Jan. 31 barring entry to foreign nationals,…” Trump sets new travel restrictions over coronavirus, considering southern border shutdown

Eleven days….

February 29th, first American died of the virus. First American has died from coronavirus, health officials confirm

March 13th…Trump declared a national health emergency due to the virus. Trump declares national emergency over coronavirus outbreak

4. And as soon as Trump stopped travel with China, Biden and the Democrats called him a racist xenophobe for doing so.

“We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.”

5. Eight years after the Obamunists experienced the H1N1, how is it that they never replenished ventilators, never replenished testing kits, never made sure there were enough PTE’s, the face shields, the masks, enough gloves, etc.???

Gives poignant meaning to ‘a day late, and a dollar short.’

These are not the facts.
1. H1N1 a national emergency
  • The Obama administration declared swine flu, or H1N1, a public health emergency six weeks before H1N1 was declared a pandemic.
  • No H1N1 deaths had yet been recorded in the United States.
  • Six months after that initial declaration, when more than 1,000 deaths had occurred, Obama himself declared H1N1 a national emergency.
Obama acted before pandemic declared
Obama’s acting director of health and human services declared H1N1 a public health emergency on April 26, 2009.
That was when only 20 cases of H1N1 — and no deaths — around the country had been confirmed.

2. How did the World Health Organization warn the current administration?
The WHO told them information they had at the time. It has been asked have you any proof that WHO told them information the knew to be false?

3. Trump: When did he know, and how long did he wait?
The travel ban as explained served little purpose. It was just a block on direct travel which couldn't be done anyway as the airlines had already stopped flying.

After that he downplayed the virus and told everyone there was no need to worry (prepare).

4. And as soon as Trump stopped travel with China, Biden and the Democrats called him a racist xenophobe for doing so
We have explained this time and time again... He said Trump is a racist xenophobe, which there is plenty of evidence.
Biden points out that it is hard to trust a racist xenophobe actions in a crisis, which means is he doing things because he is a racist xenophobe or because he is fighting the crisis.
That is a fair comment and would need to be said if Trump wasn't a racist xenophobe.

Let's check:

Obama.....took him 6 months and 1,000 dead Americans to act.

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26,
2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency - CNN.com

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

That was CNN.

You are a liar as usual.

Obama's acting HHS director declared a national health emergency on April 26, 2009. At the time, no one died and 20 people were infected. WHO declared a pandemic on June 11, 2009. Obama declared a second emergency so doctors could bypass certain federal regulations.

For weeks Trump dithered and told us there was nothing wrong when his scientists were telling him the exact opposite. He refused to invoke the Defense Production Act until March 15. Then there was a delay in using it once he invoked it.

When did the President of the United States declare a national health emergency per the H1N1 epidemic?

And, if "Obama's acting HHS director declared a national health emergency on April 26, 2009," why would Hussein have done it again in October, six months later, after 1,000 Americans had died?

Maybe he did it every month?

He'd have to have been a moron, huh?

From the CDC website:
CDC activated its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) on April 22, 2009, to coordinate the response to this emerging public health threat.

Obama did not declare a national health emergency. He declared a national emergency to allow doctors to bypass certain federal regulations.

From Fox News:
"President Obama signed a proclamation declaring the H1N1 influenza a national emergency, giving doctors and medical facilities greater leeway in responding to the flu pandemic.

Obama signed the declaration late Friday, which the White House said allows medical treatment facilities to better handle a surge in flu patients by waiving federal requirements on a case-by-case basis."

I really didn't need your spin.

I pointed out that Trump declared a national emergency 11 days after the event, and Obama did so 6 months after the event and 1,000 Americans dead.

CNN stated it, and you verified it.

The Obama Administration declared a national health emergency which is confirmed by the CDC. It was even before WHO declared a
worldwide healthcare emergency. As Fox News pointed out, Obama's declaration was to bypass certain regulations and give doctors some flexibility. The Federal government was already on high alert since April. I verified nothing you lying little weasel. Obama didn't feel the need to make it about him as Trump has.

That's not what CNN said.

And since CNN is not the administration...
Here is a perspective based on the facts.

1.The H1N 1 epidemic was in 2009.

Hussein was in charge for the following eight years.

First, 1,000 Americans had died, and six months passed, before Hussein declared H1N1 a national emergency.

What did he learn from the H1N1, and how did his administration prepare America for the next epidemic?

2. How did the World Health Organization warn the current administration?

“WHO Claimed In January Wuhan Virus Couldn’t Be Transmitted to Humans, Because China Said It Wasn’t Contagious, Destroyed Evidence

China has been lying since at least December about the nature of the virus and that’s in part why it has been able to spread.

Here’s a WHO advisory from Jan. 14 trying to tell people that it couldn’t be transmitted between humans, according to China.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China
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Twitter for Websites — ads info and privacy

3. Trump: When did he know, and how long did he wait?

Trump took 11 days from the realization of how dangerous the Wuhan death virus was…..

News of the virus’ highly contagious nature didn’t surface publicly until Jan. 20, Human-to-human transmission confirmed in China coronavirus

…and it took Trump a whole 11 days to shut down travel with China.

“Trump already signed an order Jan. 31 barring entry to foreign nationals,…” Trump sets new travel restrictions over coronavirus, considering southern border shutdown

Eleven days….

February 29th, first American died of the virus. First American has died from coronavirus, health officials confirm

March 13th…Trump declared a national health emergency due to the virus. Trump declares national emergency over coronavirus outbreak

4. And as soon as Trump stopped travel with China, Biden and the Democrats called him a racist xenophobe for doing so.

“We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.”

5. Eight years after the Obamunists experienced the H1N1, how is it that they never replenished ventilators, never replenished testing kits, never made sure there were enough PTE’s, the face shields, the masks, enough gloves, etc.???

Gives poignant meaning to ‘a day late, and a dollar short.’

These are not the facts.

You should take it up with CNN.....they published it.

When you do, they may offer you a show on the channel....they're running out of leftwing nuts.
1. H1N1 a national emergency
  • The Obama administration declared swine flu, or H1N1, a public health emergency six weeks before H1N1 was declared a pandemic.
  • No H1N1 deaths had yet been recorded in the United States.
  • Six months after that initial declaration, when more than 1,000 deaths had occurred, Obama himself declared H1N1 a national emergency.
Obama acted before pandemic declared
Obama’s acting director of health and human services declared H1N1 a public health emergency on April 26, 2009.
That was when only 20 cases of H1N1 — and no deaths — around the country had been confirmed.

2. How did the World Health Organization warn the current administration?
The WHO told them information they had at the time. It has been asked have you any proof that WHO told them information the knew to be false?

3. Trump: When did he know, and how long did he wait?
The travel ban as explained served little purpose. It was just a block on direct travel which couldn't be done anyway as the airlines had already stopped flying.

After that he downplayed the virus and told everyone there was no need to worry (prepare).

4. And as soon as Trump stopped travel with China, Biden and the Democrats called him a racist xenophobe for doing so
We have explained this time and time again... He said Trump is a racist xenophobe, which there is plenty of evidence.
Biden points out that it is hard to trust a racist xenophobe actions in a crisis, which means is he doing things because he is a racist xenophobe or because he is fighting the crisis.
That is a fair comment and would need to be said if Trump wasn't a racist xenophobe.

Let's check:

Obama.....took him 6 months and 1,000 dead Americans to act.

"Obama declares H1N1 emergency
October 26,
2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus."
Obama declares H1N1 emergency - CNN.com

It isn't until paragraph 10 that this is noted:

"Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

That was CNN.

You are a liar as usual.

Obama's acting HHS director declared a national health emergency on April 26, 2009. At the time, no one died and 20 people were infected. WHO declared a pandemic on June 11, 2009. Obama declared a second emergency so doctors could bypass certain federal regulations.

For weeks Trump dithered and told us there was nothing wrong when his scientists were telling him the exact opposite. He refused to invoke the Defense Production Act until March 15. Then there was a delay in using it once he invoked it.

When did the President of the United States declare a national health emergency per the H1N1 epidemic?

And, if "Obama's acting HHS director declared a national health emergency on April 26, 2009," why would Hussein have done it again in October, six months later, after 1,000 Americans had died?

Maybe he did it every month?

He'd have to have been a moron, huh?

From the CDC website:
CDC activated its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) on April 22, 2009, to coordinate the response to this emerging public health threat.

Obama did not declare a national health emergency. He declared a national emergency to allow doctors to bypass certain federal regulations.

From Fox News:
"President Obama signed a proclamation declaring the H1N1 influenza a national emergency, giving doctors and medical facilities greater leeway in responding to the flu pandemic.

Obama signed the declaration late Friday, which the White House said allows medical treatment facilities to better handle a surge in flu patients by waiving federal requirements on a case-by-case basis."

I really didn't need your spin.

I pointed out that Trump declared a national emergency 11 days after the event, and Obama did so 6 months after the event and 1,000 Americans dead.

CNN stated it, and you verified it.

The Obama Administration declared a national health emergency which is confirmed by the CDC. It was even before WHO declared a
worldwide healthcare emergency. As Fox News pointed out, Obama's declaration was to bypass certain regulations and give doctors some flexibility. The Federal government was already on high alert since April. I verified nothing you lying little weasel. Obama didn't feel the need to make it about him as Trump has.

That's not what CNN said.

And since CNN is not the administration...



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