A Tale of Two Women....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
....on opposite sides of the aisle, but on the same page politically.

What this OP will show is that, Liberal or Conservative, stating the truth will put them on that same page.

1. Professor Phyllis Chesler, author of "The Death of Feminism," makes the point that what is colloquially known as 'Feminism' is nothing but DNC talking points wearing a chemise, a dress, or a miniskirt.

In her precincts, the universities, to gain advancement, one must be a card-carrying Liberal:

a. "Academic feminists who received tenure, promotion, and funding, tended to be pro-abortion, pro-pornography (anti-censorship), pro-prostitution (pro-sex workers), pro-surrogacy, and anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist, and anti-American…proponents of simplistic gender-neutrality (women and men are exactly the same) or essentialist: men and women are completely different, and women are better. They are loyal to their careers and their cliques, not to the truth."
“The Death of Feminism,” by Phyllis Chesler

2. Written a decade ago, Chesler's book makes these points:
"Feminism today is often a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party. Having grown up with a priority of being accepted by the group, fearing being ‘different,’ many women accept the voice of the (mainly Democrat) mainstream feminist movement of America, and deviate not an iota from its orthodoxy. The same party that claims to stand for diversity and tolerance is totally intolerant to ‘difference.’"

a. "This rigid intolerance as exercised by the movement, unfortunately, has driven away women who choose motherhood over high-powered careers, women who are American patriots, many religious women, women who do not identify themselves primarily in terms of sexual preference, and women who oppose abortion, pornography and prostitution. The outside-the-mainstream feminists hold abolitionist views about pornography, prostitution, trafficking, and sexual slavery; viewing freedom as a universal value; in short, are conservative."

3. Powerful as the indictment was a decade ago, to find the same view in the current work of the brilliant, gay, Liberal Professor Camille Paglia, is validating!

"Paglia, the author of “Free Women, Free Men: Sex, Gender, Feminism,” said she does not like the current direction of the feminist movement and would prefer to see it include a larger swath of women.

“I want feminism to include women who are conservative, women who are church-going, women who are into home-schooling and so on. As well as women like me, who favor total abortion rights,” she said.
“I don’t like the way feminism has gotten bogged down by being identified with one party: my party, the Democratic Party,” Paglia said.....
Camille Paglia: Feminism ‘Bogged Down’ By Being Identified With Democratic Party

4. The time has come for women who have always voted Democrat to understand how they have been manipulated.

Stop being cowards, and use that God-given intelligence to recognize the truth.
Republicans on women being in the military:

Republicans on women being in the military:


Unfortunately for your post fail, 99 percent of women in combat cannot keep up physically with men. It's a fact of life, and when liberals ignore that fact, people can and do die. So far no woman has made to spec ops without lowering the bar. Women in combat are dangerous to other men because it's natural for a man to want to protect a women, and it's natural at times for men and women to be attracted to each other, which has no place in combat. It can be a distraction, and it is foolhardy, like most all liberalism. GI Jane is a myth.
Republicans on women being in the military:


Unfortunately for your post fail, 99 percent of women in combat cannot keep up physically with men. It's a fact of life, and when liberals ignore that fact, people can and do die. So far no woman has made to spec ops without lowering the bar. Women in combat are dangerous to other men because it's natural for a man to want to protect a women, and it's natural at times for men and women to be attracted to each other, which has no place in combat. It can be a distraction, and it is foolhardy, like most all liberalism. GI Jane is a myth.
Thanks for supporting my post my man :thup:
Trolling again huh?
No. There is a reason that republicans lose the women's vote every single election. And in lage part it's because you and the OP agree with both of the images that I posted.
Last time I checked republicans won this time around. Lots of women voted for Trump. It's too bad really but women and men are different in more ways then one.
Trolling again huh?
No. There is a reason that republicans lose the women's vote every single election. And in lage part it's because you and the OP agree with both of the images that I posted.

"Clinton Couldn’t Win Over White Women"
Clinton Couldn’t Win Over White Women
54% of women voted for Clinton. 42% voted for Trump. And that's after Russian sabotage and last minute FBI treason.
“I want feminism to include women who are conservative, women who are church-going, women who are into home-schooling and so on. As well as women like me, who favor total abortion rights,” she said.
“I don’t like the way feminism has gotten bogged down by being identified with one party: my party, the Democratic Party,” Paglia said.....

I'll buy that. But I've known plenty of feminists in the real world who go to church, fuss over their kids' education, clean their ovens and still love their husbands. I think most women of all stripes are too sensible to buy extremes in either direction.

Jono and Ben parody interrupted BBC interview
It seems to be saying that the Democrat party is worse than feminism.

It's painful watching conservative women trying to squash feminism into traditional values.

I'll put it this way, if there is something wrong with the Democrat party, it's feminism, not the other way around.
It seems to be saying that the Democrat party is worse than feminism.

It's painful watching conservative women trying to squash feminism into traditional values.

I'll put it this way, if there is something wrong with the Democrat party, it's feminism, not the other way around.
It's painful watching conservative women trying to squash feminism into traditional values.
Could you bring that down to a real world example for me? I'm not sure what you mean.
Republicans on violence against women:


Newsflash, a meme isn't a fact, anyone can make one saying anything they want it to.

Here...go make one...

Make a Meme - Funny memes and meme generator
Okay here's a fact; republicans fought tooth and nail against renewing the violence against women act. It took a complete backlash from the people to make them change their minds, and still every vote in opposition was republican. There you go. What a fun fact!
Republicans on violence against women:


Newsflash, a meme isn't a fact, anyone can make one saying anything they want it to.

Here...go make one...

Make a Meme - Funny memes and meme generator
Okay here's a fact; republicans fought tooth and nail against renewing the violence against women act. It took a complete backlash from the people to make them change their minds, and still every vote in opposition was republican. There you go. What a fun fact!
I can't believe Republicans condone violence against women. It must have had something to do with guns or money.
Republicans on violence against women:


Newsflash, a meme isn't a fact, anyone can make one saying anything they want it to.

Here...go make one...

Make a Meme - Funny memes and meme generator
Okay here's a fact; republicans fought tooth and nail against renewing the violence against women act. It took a complete backlash from the people to make them change their minds, and still every vote in opposition was republican. There you go. What a fun fact!
I can't believe Republicans condone violence against women. It must have had something to do with guns or money.
A few may condone it, but the majority aren't bothered by it. They think it's just a thing that happens and there shouldn't be any special laws about it.
It seems to be saying that the Democrat party is worse than feminism.

It's painful watching conservative women trying to squash feminism into traditional values.

I'll put it this way, if there is something wrong with the Democrat party, it's feminism, not the other way around.
It's painful watching conservative women trying to squash feminism into traditional values.
Could you bring that down to a real world example for me? I'm not sure what you mean.
The OP

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