A talk with Gary Johnson


Aug 5, 2012
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlLBz7X6Www]Libertarian Party Candidate Gary Johnson on Voting Libertarian For One Election - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjVTBKVGDFE&feature=related]Who is Gary Johnson? - YouTube[/ame]

Leave the asshole opinions elsewhere for a change,if you don't want to listen to the guy then don't,but please don't be a prick and leave idiotic replies.Some of us actually are interested in voting for him.
Most radical Libertariantards have abandoned this forum.

Nobody is buying the nonsense you are selling.
Most radical Libertariantards have abandoned this forum.

Nobody is buying the nonsense you are selling.

According to the poll I put on here at least 17 people here plan on voting for Johnson so spread your bullshit lies somewhere else. You don't like it fuck off and go boost your post numbers elsewhere.
I agree with his proposal to get the federal government's strings and mandates out of medicare/medicaid, fortunately that's the Romney/Ryan plan too.
He has a lot of good ideas its to bad the people have it to good that they won't give it a try.
Great videos. I love all the be libertarian with me videos on YouTube.

Gary Johnson has my vote.
I've been following Johnson since, oh, 2007? Maybe earlier. He's had my vote for quite some time...
I watched... I'm voting for Ron or Gary. I think it's likely that I'll be voting for both... Which... Wow...
I like Gary's straight ahead approach. Ron is more of a grandfather figure and is not real pushy when someone interrupts him or lies about something...Gary is. He is only in his late 50's so maybe he is our banner carrier for 2016 for the liberty movement.

I may end up voting for Johnson because I agree with Libertarians on my top two issues, they're against America As Policeman Of The World, and they have no use for Political Correctness/Identity Politics.

But I'll be holding my nose. There are some real nutcases in that party, can't deny it.


I may end up voting for Johnson because I agree with Libertarians on my top two issues, they're against America As Policeman Of The World, and they have no use for Political Correctness/Identity Politics.

But I'll be holding my nose. There are some real nutcases in that party, can't deny it.


I'll also add that they really want to protect Our Civil Liberties. That is one of my most important qualifications.

ETA: There are "nutters" in almost every party or group.

I may end up voting for Johnson because I agree with Libertarians on my top two issues, they're against America As Policeman Of The World, and they have no use for Political Correctness/Identity Politics.

But I'll be holding my nose. There are some real nutcases in that party, can't deny it.


Who is a nutcase in the Libertarian Party? I am not a member of any party and will be registering as an independent asap I was registered as a republican simply to vote in the primaries for Paul.

I may end up voting for Johnson because I agree with Libertarians on my top two issues, they're against America As Policeman Of The World, and they have no use for Political Correctness/Identity Politics.

But I'll be holding my nose. There are some real nutcases in that party, can't deny it.


Who is a nutcase in the Libertarian Party? I am not a member of any party and will be registering as an independent asap I was registered as a republican simply to vote in the primaries for Paul.

There are/were libertarians who are just taking it too far, at least for me.

Those who were running around saying that we're going to shut down, what was it, five government agencies; those who act as if any income tax is a bad thing, etc. The absolutists, holy crap, there's enough of those polluting the GOP right now.

I do like the purity of the Libertarians, I admire that, but I don't agree with them on issues like that. Unfortunately for me, the Dems and the GOP are worse. I guess to choice to me is the naivete of the Libertarians versus the dishonesty and hypocrisy of the two "major" parties. Given that choice, I have to go with the former.

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I like Gary's straight ahead approach. Ron is more of a grandfather figure and is not real pushy when someone interrupts him or lies about something...Gary is. He is only in his late 50's so maybe he is our banner carrier for 2016 for the liberty movement.
I think Gary will take Ron as VP. I think Ron cares more about the message than becoming president. I think he'd be happy as hell as VP with the country moving toward, regardless who's leading, values that actually make logical sense.

I may end up voting for Johnson because I agree with Libertarians on my top two issues, they're against America As Policeman Of The World, and they have no use for Political Correctness/Identity Politics.

But I'll be holding my nose. There are some real nutcases in that party, can't deny it.


Who is a nutcase in the Libertarian Party? I am not a member of any party and will be registering as an independent asap I was registered as a republican simply to vote in the primaries for Paul.

There are/were libertarians who are just taking it too far, at least for me.

Those who were running around saying that we're going to shut down, what was it, five government agencies; those who act as if any income tax is a bad thing, etc. The absolutists, holy crap, there's enough of those polluting the GOP right now.

I do like the purity of the Libertarians, I admire that, but I don't agree with them on issues like that. Unfortunately for me, the Dems and the GOP are worse. I guess to choice to me is the naivete of the Libertarians versus the dishonesty and hypocrisy of the two "major" parties. Given that choice, I have to go with the former.


Well we do need to shut down several agencies including the EPA,DOE,IRS that's just a start. The income tax is theft. period. We did without an income tax for over 100 years in this country and we were growing nicely.Oh and the FDA. It's so full of people who work in the food industry and they are just policing themselves its idiotic and a waste of money.
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I like Gary's straight ahead approach. Ron is more of a grandfather figure and is not real pushy when someone interrupts him or lies about something...Gary is. He is only in his late 50's so maybe he is our banner carrier for 2016 for the liberty movement.
I think Gary will take Ron as VP. I think Ron cares more about the message than becoming president. I think he'd be happy as hell as VP with the country moving toward, regardless who's leading, values that actually make logical sense.

In my opinion, I don't think that Ron will do that. He wants a future for his son in the republican party.
We need to get him polling at 15% to get into the debates.

That is crucial exposure.

Then after four more years of Obomny, the Libertarian party will be in a position to make a real run in 2016. Hopefully Johnson will still be the man.

First step: get polling numbers to 15%!
I like Gary's straight ahead approach. Ron is more of a grandfather figure and is not real pushy when someone interrupts him or lies about something...Gary is. He is only in his late 50's so maybe he is our banner carrier for 2016 for the liberty movement.
I think Gary will take Ron as VP. I think Ron cares more about the message than becoming president. I think he'd be happy as hell as VP with the country moving toward, regardless who's leading, values that actually make logical sense.

In my opinion, I don't think that Ron will do that. He wants a future for his son in the republican party.

We'll see.

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