A Third Of US Young Adults Not Eligible For Military Recruiting Due To Obesity


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
A Third Of US Young Adults Not Eligible For Military Recruiting Due To Obesity LIFE Tech Times
Wow. I didn't know we have so many obese people in the US. That's really shameful. We have a long military tradition and it should not end this way. Our children need to care more about their health as it will help them a lot in future. We have too many entertainment options nowadays which don't require any physical activity and it leads to depression and mental diseases. It has to be changed.
Yo, thank you Socialist Obama, your food stamp program is working, ****!

I'd rather send these kids to be our explorers on mars! We don't have to blow resources on nation building Iran for a decade..WE can spend some on getting into our solar system and getting more resources.

These kids have a better chance of surviving and leading humanity outwards.
Considered joining the CIA/NSA,etc once, but it was as unattractive a career for me as economics.

As for military service, I would be able to handle most of it, but I don't respond well to authority figures telling me what to do.

A lot of obesity is down to bad genetics or bad attitude, rather than laziness; my genetics means I don't even have to exercise much to keep off the weight or stay healthy.

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