A Third World War


The Raven King
Mar 6, 2014
If there is going to be a 3rd World War anytime soon, I believe it will be caused by Russia. Why? Putin knows the West is run by cowards who will never seriously take him on. So if Russia keeps adding land, he knows the West will never do anything other than slap laughable sanctions on him and his officials. Eventually, though, a country will stand up to Russia while being invaded and form a coalition of nations to kick their butts all the way to Siberia. Russia, being pissed, will keep sending more and more troops until their entire army is wiped out. Now, one of two things happen.
1. Russia nukes the hell out of the coalition, starting WWIII by finally forcing the West to respond to nuclear war. Result: World ended in a radioactive slug fest.
2. The coalition invades Russia as punishment, taking over all of the Russian Federation and their territories. Then they do something like become the new Russia and violently take land, or attack the West in retribution for not aiding them when they had the chance or beating Russia from the onset. Result: The coalition wins (depending on which countries they have to begin with and gain) and subjugates the West, or the West gets lucky, ousts their idiotic leaders, and show them why the EU and the USA have always been on the winning side of World Wars.
Either way, perhaps billions dead, all because Obama can't be stern.
Anybody else have their own ideas of how WWIII starts or agree with me? Or just plain believe WWIII will never happen?
There will very likely be a world war sometime, but in this century I'm not sure. However, we should be way harder to Russia.
It will happen when the worlds financial systems collapse from too much debt.

Until then, let the good times roll.
There won't be a war over what Russia is doing. Europe doesn't care that much and obama won't do anything anyway.

If there is to be nuclear war, it will be Iran and their twelver suicide cult that starts it.

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