A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

You need to listen carefully. Guttmacher, the CDC and even planned parenthood plant disclaimers discreetly all over their sites that state that they don't have real stats because so many states aren't required to report, and because PP doesn't report truthfully.

Which is why those numbers mean exactly squat.

And is why they are fighting so hard NOT to use ultrasound methods to determine fetal age. They LIE about fetal age all the time, because it's fairly fuzzy. The ultrasound will pinpoint it, and make it almost impossible for them to lie to women and to staticians the ages of the babies they're killing.

I've listened carefully. I've blown your argument to bits. I specifically used conservative anti-abortion sites to show that 99% of abortions are performed before you can determine fetus gender.

The reason they are fighting to stop ultrasounds is because it's a mean-spirited shaming ritual from people who need to mind their own business.

Honestly, I've never heard of a couple that went five months into a pregnancy, and then aborted because it was the wrong gender. In fact, anyone I've known has eitehr aborted in the second month because they didn't want it, or they went all the way.
Leaving aside how illogical that statement was, it is also obviously inaccurate.

See the post above, dumbass...

The post where you started qualifying your previously categorical statement? Yeah, I saw that.

You mean the one where I provided facts and figures to back up my statement that it doesn't occur, you mean that one? Um, yeah.

Totally blasted this latest stupidity out of the water.

I'm old enough to have seen the same lame argument used multiple times by the religious zealots. I'm actually surprised they are pushing this one out again.
Heres the deal, the age, sex etc doesn't have anything to do with a Womans right to choose. Squawking about it is just crying about something that is legal.
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Which reasons for abortion do you personally consider 'morally acceptable'?

Are you answering a question with a question?

You didn't ask me. I'm asking your opinion. If you're afraid to state your opinion, fine. That's very common around here among the rightwingers, for some strange reason.

You're gonna have to answer my question before asking yours. So, if you really want an answer you know what to do.
See the post above, dumbass...

The post where you started qualifying your previously categorical statement? Yeah, I saw that.

You mean the one where I provided facts and figures to back up my statement that it doesn't occur, you mean that one?

No, the one where you started qualifying your previously categorical statement because even a numbskull like you could see that it wouldn't hold up. It still doesn't, but at least you had the tiny bit of sense enough to hedge.
The post where you started qualifying your previously categorical statement? Yeah, I saw that.

You mean the one where I provided facts and figures to back up my statement that it doesn't occur, you mean that one?

No, the one where you started qualifying your previously categorical statement because even a numbskull like you could see that it wouldn't hold up. It still doesn't, but at least you had the tiny bit of sense enough to hedge.

Uh, guy, your side has provided no proof that there's widespread sex selection abortion in the US, or even ANY. In fact, you've been unable to cite ONE CASE of it happening.

I pointed out, using math, that only about 1% of ALL abortions are peformed at a point where gender can even be determined (and again, most of those are for reasons like the baby had some horrid deformity on the ultrasound, not a vagina.)
I've blown your argument to bits. .

People who post stupid shit like this are almost always trying to provide cover for their own retreat.

Guy, seriously, I trounce your arguments every time you show up, usually because you don't have the reasoning skills to drill down past one sentence.

I mean, you make KosherGirl look smart. YOu make JakeStarkey look honest, and you make Great Gatsby look rational. That's an accomplishment.
You mean the one where I provided facts and figures to back up my statement that it doesn't occur, you mean that one?

No, the one where you started qualifying your previously categorical statement because even a numbskull like you could see that it wouldn't hold up. It still doesn't, but at least you had the tiny bit of sense enough to hedge.

Uh, guy, your side has provided no proof that there's widespread sex selection abortion in the US, or even ANY.

There's another qualifier: "widespread." LOL
No, the one where you started qualifying your previously categorical statement because even a numbskull like you could see that it wouldn't hold up. It still doesn't, but at least you had the tiny bit of sense enough to hedge.

Uh, guy, your side has provided no proof that there's widespread sex selection abortion in the US, or even ANY.

There's another qualifier: "widespread." LOL

Guy, the issue is, you have not provided ONE CASE where there was a sex selection abortion performed in the US.

It's really not on me to disprove them, it's imcumbant on you to PROVE it is happening.

I just pointed out statistically, it's pretty fucking improbable.
I'll bet that most Conservatives aren't really as keen to go after the real root cause of abortion.

Nope, it isn't sex selection, it's poverty.

From the same anti-Abortion website that admits only 1% of abortions happen after sex can be determined...

Women with family incomes less than $15,000 obtain 28.7% of all abortions; Women with family incomes between $15,000 and $29,999 obtain 19.5%; Women with family incomes between $30,000 and $59,999 obtain 38.0%; Women with family incomes over $60,000 obtain 13.8%.

In short, 50% of women who have abortions have them because they have a household income of less than $30,000 a year.

But somehow, I don't think you'll see Punkotard or KosherGirl or any of the other religious fanatics pushing for an end to income inequality in this country.

So they'll worry about the 1% who might be considering Gender as a factor (although they've yet to prove any do) but not the half of all abortions performed because they are too damned poor to have a baby.
But somehow, I don't think you'll see Punkotard or KosherGirl or any of the other religious fanatics pushing for an end to income inequality in this country.

Typical lefty attempting to hold the lives of the unborn hostage unless his far-left policies are embraced. Illogical nonsense.

Typical insecure atheist attempting to inject religion into a discussion in order to decry it. I don't recall mentioning religion, you idiot.
But somehow, I don't think you'll see Punkotard or KosherGirl or any of the other religious fanatics pushing for an end to income inequality in this country.

Typical lefty attempting to hold the lives of the unborn hostage unless his far-left policies are embraced. Illogical nonsense.

Typical insecure atheist attempting to inject religion into a discussion in order to decry it. I don't recall mentioning religion, you idiot.

Come on, guy, that's the only thing this is about, really. Abortion make your invisible friend in the sky cry.

It's not a matter of left or right, guy. If people are poor, abortions are cheaper than kids. Period. So how do you plan to fix that?
But somehow, I don't think you'll see Punkotard or KosherGirl or any of the other religious fanatics pushing for an end to income inequality in this country.

Typical lefty attempting to hold the lives of the unborn hostage unless his far-left policies are embraced. Illogical nonsense.

Typical insecure atheist attempting to inject religion into a discussion in order to decry it. I don't recall mentioning religion, you idiot.

Come on, guy, that's the only thing this is about, really.

Who is saying that? Anyone other than you? For you the issue is about your existential insecurities? That's your fucking problem. Don't inject the issue and then demand that it is the central one.
Typical lefty attempting to hold the lives of the unborn hostage unless his far-left policies are embraced. Illogical nonsense.

Typical insecure atheist attempting to inject religion into a discussion in order to decry it. I don't recall mentioning religion, you idiot.

Come on, guy, that's the only thing this is about, really.

Who is saying that? Anyone other than you? For you the issue is about your existential insecurities? That's your fucking problem. Don't inject the issue and then demand that it is the central one.

It's the only issue here, guy.

You wanting to impose your religous stupid on the rest of us.
So you're admitting you have nothing to add to the conversation, as usual, right?

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