A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

Yawn, so nothing to add, as usual, other than your anger management problems...right?

So let's be honest, you don't care about poor kids being aborted, then. This is just something for you to be upset about because you can't address the things that are really wrong in your life.
So you're admitting you have nothing to add to the conversation, as usual, right?

Are you having trouble reading? I asked you who, besides you, is insisting that this issue is about religion? Add to the conversation by answering, unless you have some reason to dodge.
So let's be honest, you don't care about poor kids being aborted, then. This is just something for you to be upset about because you can't address the things that are really wrong in your life.

And now you are reduced to very poorly constructed straw men? Even you should know what that says about you and your ability to discuss the actual issue.
Proving me right again... I've batted the issue out of the park, you've had no response to it, other than your belief that there are folks otu there somewhere aborting baby girls....
Proving me right again... I've batted the issue out of the park, ....

Becaaaaaauuuuse................you are afraid to answer a question and have been reduced to fabricating straw men? Yeah...ok...that's an interesting 'park' you have there, champ.
Proving me right again... I've batted the issue out of the park, ....

Becaaaaaauuuuse................you are afraid to answer a question and have been reduced to fabricating straw men? Yeah...ok...that's an interesting 'park' you have there, champ.

Um, yeah, it's the one where your hypocrisy and lies are exposed for all the world to see.

But of course, the reality is, the "Pro-Life" movement are probably the biggest chumps in the world...

The GOP doesn't want to ban abortion. If they ever did, angry women would wipe them from the face of the earth.

They just want to keep stupid religious people good and angry about it so they keep voting for the economic interests of the rich.

It's why 30 years after Reagan, abortion is still legal, but Free Trade, union busting, and tax cuts for rich douchebags have all happened.

This is another argument you will have the complete inability to process, so you probabaly will only respond to the first sentence.
Dumping everything in your purse out on the floor is not an "argument," champ. Let's go back and have you answer my previous question, ms. 'out-of-the-park.'
But somehow, I don't think you'll see Punkotard or KosherGirl or any of the other religious fanatics pushing for an end to income inequality in this country.

Typical lefty attempting to hold the lives of the unborn hostage unless his far-left policies are embraced. Illogical nonsense.

Typical insecure atheist attempting to inject religion into a discussion in order to decry it. I don't recall mentioning religion, you idiot.

Come on, guy, that's the only thing this is about, really. Abortion make your invisible friend in the sky cry.

It's not a matter of left or right, guy. If people are poor, abortions are cheaper than kids. Period. So how do you plan to fix that?

If people are poor, the man who slaughters all his childred is only being reasonable. If the old are a burden, kill them too. A woman who offs a husband unable to work can't be guilty of murder. Punishment for murder is just something the religious dreamed up to make the lives of reasonable people uncomfortable. The way to prove how un religious someone is, really is to throw the nonsense of religion right back at them and kill as many people as possible. There's no God to be angry.
Dumping everything in your purse out on the floor is not an "argument," champ. Let's go back and have you answer my previous question, ms. 'out-of-the-park.'

I already answered your question. It's just too bad that your Home-skule didn't teach you critical thinking enough to understand it....

I'll bet you were the Valedictorian of your home-skule, though.
If people are poor, the man who slaughters all his childred is only being reasonable. If the old are a burden, kill them too. A woman who offs a husband unable to work can't be guilty of murder. Punishment for murder is just something the religious dreamed up to make the lives of reasonable people uncomfortable. The way to prove how un religious someone is, really is to throw the nonsense of religion right back at them and kill as many people as possible. There's no God to be angry.

Wow, that's the most retarded thing I ever saw on this thread, and I've already talked to Punkotard today.

The problem with the abortion is murder thing is that in the eyes of the law, Abortion isn't Murder. Never has been, not even when Abortion was illegal. Women who had abortions weren't charged, ever, and the people who performed them weren't charged with murder unless the woman died.

Scientifically, abortion isn't murder, either. SO I guess that just leaves you with your magic sky man. So what does the bible say about the death of unborn fetuses?

Ummm.. not much.

If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life. -- Exodus 21:22-23

Wow. Did you get that? Cause a miscarriage, or an abortion, and you are only required to pay the father a fine.

This is the same bible that thought people should be stoned to death for such crimes as working on the sabbath, having gay sex, and not being a virgin on your wedding night, but kill a fetus, no big deal. It's a fine.

Now, if you want to say that you think abortion is bad, and you want less of them, how about instead of fretting about sex selection abortions (which aren't really happening in this country) worry about the people who get them LEGALLY because they are too poor.

Explain to me what "scientific" murder is.

Abortion is murder. Just as killing slaves was murder, or killing your wife or daughter is murder under Sharia...just because the law is wrong doesn't make it less murder. It just means you won't get convicted.

You people think that changing the definition of things changes the fact that those things are wrong. You've always thought that way...you think the definition determines the meaning, which is why you like changing definitions all over the place. IT'S STILL THE SAME THING. Just because the law has changed doesn't mean it isn't still murder, and just because YOU say it's not a baby doesn't change the fact that it is.
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Explain to me what "scientific" murder is.

Abortion is murder. Just as killing slaves was murder, or killing your wife or daughter is murder under Sharia...just because the law is wrong doesn't make it less murder. It just means you won't get convicted.

Medical Science does not recognize fetuses as people. Sorry, just doesn't.

I find it interesting that you go to Sharia, but Sharia is closer to biblical law than what you mope do today.
I've never argued for biblical law. The assumption that everybody who argues for babies is doing so out of religious fervor is your own thing. It has nothing to do with reality. You have to make up arguments that are different than the ones being made to distract from the appalling nature of your own.
It's their choice dude...in another thread you're going to talk about how freedom is good in every way, not in this one

Nobody has the lawful (or defensible) "choice" to commit murder.

There are bounds to lots of things.

Grow up.

It's not murder just cause you say so, there are laws against murder. If it was murder, the law would be enforced.

I am not in the slightest bit interested in your quibble.

Abortion is NOT murder. No shit, Sherlock. The POINT is that YOU claim that the "choice" to have an abortion is a choice belonging entirely to the mother. And you argued that it is somehow hypocritical to place value on freedom of choice in all other contexts, but not in this. So, I pointed out to you that it's not true.

I place great stock in our liberties and freedoms. But I recognize -- all the same -- that there are LIMITS. And just because the fucking SCOTUS once "ruled" (legislated from the bench to be more honest about it) that there is a "right" to an abortion, that does not mean that there is no viable way to challenge that fucking unauthorized judicial EDICT.

I get it that YOU may not agree. I also get it that there ARE very thorny complications. The entire moral debate is beyond complicated. NEVERTHELESS, there are those who firmly commit themselves to the precept that the right to life is the PARAMOUNT right of all human beings. (Without life itself, there are no other rights.)

And some of these folks BELIEVE that a pre-born human being is no less entitled to that right to life itself than you are today. And to the extent that they are right and justified in that belief, then the right to "choice" does take a back seat. Just like our firm commitment to personal liberties does not authorize us to steal whatever we wish whenever we want something. And just like our belief that our home is our castle and that we have a legitimate expectation of a right to privacy in our homes does NOT make it "ok" to conspire to murder someone (as long as the conspiracy communications are conducted within our own walls).

There is a whole lot MORE to this "debate" than YOU seem willing to either recognize or admit. YOUR simplistic formulations are just that: simple. But simple is not the same as "right."
Nobody has the lawful (or defensible) "choice" to commit murder.

There are bounds to lots of things.

Grow up.

It's not murder just cause you say so, there are laws against murder. If it was murder, the law would be enforced.

I am not in the slightest bit interested in your quibble.

Abortion is NOT murder. No shit, Sherlock. The POINT is that YOU claim that the "choice" to have an abortion is a choice belonging entirely to the mother. And you argued that it is somehow hypocritical to place value on freedom of choice in all other contexts, but not in this. So, I pointed out to you that it's not true.

I place great stock in our liberties and freedoms. But I recognize -- all the same -- that there are LIMITS. And just because the fucking SCOTUS once "ruled" (legislated from the bench to be more honest about it) that there is a "right" to an abortion, that does not mean that there is no viable way to challenge that fucking unauthorized judicial EDICT.

I get it that YOU may not agree. I also get it that there ARE very thorny complications. The entire moral debate is beyond complicated. NEVERTHELESS, there are those who firmly commit themselves to the precept that the right to life is the PARAMOUNT right of all human beings. (Without life itself, there are no other rights.)

And some of these folks BELIEVE that a pre-born human being is no less entitled to that right to life itself than you are today. And to the extent that they are right and justified in that belief, then the right to "choice" does take a back seat. Just like our firm commitment to personal liberties does not authorize us to steal whatever we wish whenever we want something. And just like our belief that our home is our castle and that we have a legitimate expectation of a right to privacy in our homes does NOT make it "ok" to conspire to murder someone (as long as the conspiracy communications are conducted within our own walls).

There is a whole lot MORE to this "debate" than YOU seem willing to either recognize or admit. YOUR simplistic formulations are just that: simple. But simple is not the same as "right."

And to further the SCOTUS with Roe v. Wade stepped on the 10th.
I've never argued for biblical law. The assumption that everybody who argues for babies is doing so out of religious fervor is your own thing. It has nothing to do with reality. You have to make up arguments that are different than the ones being made to distract from the appalling nature of your own.

Well, gee, then why is always the religious wingnuts like yourself that get all worked up about it if it isn't a religous issue, then?
If people are poor, the man who slaughters all his childred is only being reasonable. If the old are a burden, kill them too. A woman who offs a husband unable to work can't be guilty of murder. Punishment for murder is just something the religious dreamed up to make the lives of reasonable people uncomfortable. The way to prove how un religious someone is, really is to throw the nonsense of religion right back at them and kill as many people as possible. There's no God to be angry.

Wow, that's the most retarded thing I ever saw on this thread, and I've already talked to Punkotard today.

The problem with the abortion is murder thing is that in the eyes of the law, Abortion isn't Murder. Never has been, not even when Abortion was illegal. Women who had abortions weren't charged, ever, and the people who performed them weren't charged with murder unless the woman died.

Scientifically, abortion isn't murder, either. SO I guess that just leaves you with your magic sky man. So what does the bible say about the death of unborn fetuses?

Ummm.. not much.

If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life. -- Exodus 21:22-23

Wow. Did you get that? Cause a miscarriage, or an abortion, and you are only required to pay the father a fine.

This is the same bible that thought people should be stoned to death for such crimes as working on the sabbath, having gay sex, and not being a virgin on your wedding night, but kill a fetus, no big deal. It's a fine.

Now, if you want to say that you think abortion is bad, and you want less of them, how about instead of fretting about sex selection abortions (which aren't really happening in this country) worry about the people who get them LEGALLY because they are too poor.

I wouldn't imagine the price to pay would be a fine. It is whatever price the father would lay upon him. Money isn't what they had in mind. It gave the father the right to demand whatever ultimate price he saw fit.

Now if what you intend is to reduce the number of poor people by killing them off, that's a entirely different argument. Perhaps the poor, being so unintelligent they can't work out of poverty should be killed off. That was Margaret Sanger's solution and why she founded Planned Parenthood in the first place. It is also the basis for Malthusian economics. The poor will always overbreed. Killing off the masses of poor has always been an enlightened philosophy, worthy of its own thread.

Whatever noble purpose abortion had in the dim and distant past is gone. It is now grotesque. Instead of wanting to keep babies alive, we're dithering over what to do with the ones who refuse to take those lives! What should their punishment be? All those awful people who refuse to kill, what should be done to them? That's what abortion has come to.

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