A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

It's not murder just cause you say so, there are laws against murder. If it was murder, the law would be enforced.

I am not in the slightest bit interested in your quibble.

Abortion is NOT murder. No shit, Sherlock. The POINT is that YOU claim that the "choice" to have an abortion is a choice belonging entirely to the mother. And you argued that it is somehow hypocritical to place value on freedom of choice in all other contexts, but not in this. So, I pointed out to you that it's not true.

I place great stock in our liberties and freedoms. But I recognize -- all the same -- that there are LIMITS. And just because the fucking SCOTUS once "ruled" (legislated from the bench to be more honest about it) that there is a "right" to an abortion, that does not mean that there is no viable way to challenge that fucking unauthorized judicial EDICT.

I get it that YOU may not agree. I also get it that there ARE very thorny complications. The entire moral debate is beyond complicated. NEVERTHELESS, there are those who firmly commit themselves to the precept that the right to life is the PARAMOUNT right of all human beings. (Without life itself, there are no other rights.)

And some of these folks BELIEVE that a pre-born human being is no less entitled to that right to life itself than you are today. And to the extent that they are right and justified in that belief, then the right to "choice" does take a back seat. Just like our firm commitment to personal liberties does not authorize us to steal whatever we wish whenever we want something. And just like our belief that our home is our castle and that we have a legitimate expectation of a right to privacy in our homes does NOT make it "ok" to conspire to murder someone (as long as the conspiracy communications are conducted within our own walls).

There is a whole lot MORE to this "debate" than YOU seem willing to either recognize or admit. YOUR simplistic formulations are just that: simple. But simple is not the same as "right."

Now I see why this is so long. Its full of bullshit.

1st point I never said the choice is "entirely" up to the mother. But you need a straw man to argue with. Neither did I say "somehow hypocritical to place value on freedom of choice in all other contexts, but not in this." as you claimed...if you can find it post and stop translating. I speak english just fine. Thats just the first paragraph.

2nd Paragraph...Whew! Wow, so you are saying there are limits to freedom? Whoa, next you're going to tell me that trees have leaves and other mindblowing discoveries.

3rd paragraph...You can find people that believe all sorts of bullshit. Just because they believe it means diddly squat. And making laws or restrictions based on what some wackjob "believes" means nothing. Trying to make laws based on those idiots belief is giving the wack jobs credibility that wack jobs dont deserve because ...yanno, wacko

There is no more to this debate. Here's the debate in a nutshell. I say women have the right to choose according to the law and the wackos "believe" in a sky man that according to their interpretation of the sky man this legal thing should not be legal because they "believe it to be true"

If I believed that the bible entitled me to your money. Would you say, "This is my money BUT there is more to this debate."? Hell no :lol: But that is what you are doing taking the beliefs of one person or group and without evidence that these things are true you demand everyone make the people who believe feel better.

Fuck 'em...


You calling anyone else a wacko is really beyond the pale.
I already answered your question. It's just too bad that your Home-skule didn't teach you critical thinking enough to understand it....

I'll bet you were the Valedictorian of your home-skule, though.

You did NOT answer the question. Are you still afraid to do so? If you feel like you need to boast about your education (which I'm sure is super, super impressive) then go ahead. No need for stupid, baseless 'guesses' about mine.

Corky the retard is more educated than you are, guy...

There's another guess! Are you really this eager to make a fool of yourself?

And for the record, jerk, there really are mentally retarded people in this world. They are human beings deserving of respect and not punchlines for assholes like you who can't think of another 'insult.' That shit is offensive and you should at least muster the character to knock it off.
Yeah, and I've met a lot of atheist idiots who were the product of public schools. I have hired and had to fire a few of these bigoted, self-obsessed jerks.

Actually, I went to Catholic schools for 12 years. Which is probably why I'm an atheist today.

Because you were too stupid to pay attention, think, and actually learn something while you were there? What a waste.

Not at all.

In fact, when I was 11, we had this nasty old nun, Sr. Mary Bonaventure. Nasty bit of work. I think she was about 100 or so. Pretty much what happens when a self-loathing lesbian decides to replace religion for sex for life.

So she was telling us the Noah's Ark story. And she told us how God drowned everyone becuase they were "wicked". So being a sensible, sensitive 11 year old, I asked why God drowned all the babies. "Because they were WIIIIIIIIICKED babies!" the old crone rasped. "Wiiiiiicked!!!"

Mind you, at 11, pretty much figured out at that point the whole thing was kind of bullshit.

A God that drowns babies isn't worthy of anyone's worship.

Now, I've discussed this wonderful stories with people of all denominations, and not a one of them ever came up with an answer that wasn't every bit as retarded as Sister Mary B.'s
You did NOT answer the question. Are you still afraid to do so? If you feel like you need to boast about your education (which I'm sure is super, super impressive) then go ahead. No need for stupid, baseless 'guesses' about mine.

Corky the retard is more educated than you are, guy...

There's another guess! Are you really this eager to make a fool of yourself?

And for the record, jerk, there really are mentally retarded people in this world. They are human beings deserving of respect and not punchlines for assholes like you who can't think of another 'insult.' That shit is offensive and you should at least muster the character to knock it off.

What do you expect with someone with an avatar from a Pink Floyd album that resemble a swastika?
The Home-Skulers I've encountered are actually kind of weirdos, and they never last long in a work environment where you have to be part of a team, and not the center of attention. And a lot of htem believe absolutely batshit crazy stuff, like the Dinosaurs died out because Noah didn't have room for them on the ark.

Noah and the Ark Gracie?

My elitist charge stands.:eusa_hand:

Only to right-wing funditards does "elite" become a bad thing.

Hey, when I'm sick, I want the "elite" guy working on me. And I want the "elite" guy flying the plane that gets me from point a to point b. .

He didn't say "elite," he said "elitist," you idiot. I see you also failed to develop any reading comprehension skills during the time you wasted in school.
Noah and the Ark Gracie?

My elitist charge stands.:eusa_hand:

Only to right-wing funditards does "elite" become a bad thing.

Hey, when I'm sick, I want the "elite" guy working on me. And I want the "elite" guy flying the plane that gets me from point a to point b. .

He didn't say "elite," he said "elitist," you idiot. I see you also failed to develop any reading comprehension skills during the time you wasted in school.

He knows...he's being obteuse as usual.
You did NOT answer the question. Are you still afraid to do so? If you feel like you need to boast about your education (which I'm sure is super, super impressive) then go ahead. No need for stupid, baseless 'guesses' about mine.

Corky the retard is more educated than you are, guy...

There's another guess! Are you really this eager to make a fool of yourself?

And for the record, jerk, there really are mentally retarded people in this world. They are human beings deserving of respect and not punchlines for assholes like you who can't think of another 'insult.' That shit is offensive and you should at least muster the character to knock it off.

Why are they worthy of "respect"?

Sympathy and pity. I'll give them that.

But frankly, their existence just underlines my atheism. Only a cruel sadist of a God would do that to anyone.
Noah and the Ark Gracie?

My elitist charge stands.:eusa_hand:

Only to right-wing funditards does "elite" become a bad thing.

Hey, when I'm sick, I want the "elite" guy working on me. And I want the "elite" guy flying the plane that gets me from point a to point b. .

He didn't say "elite," he said "elitist," you idiot. I see you also failed to develop any reading comprehension skills during the time you wasted in school.

Again, you can't spell "elitist" without "elite".

But I think it's interesting that you jokers want to take the country away from the Ph.D's and J.D. and turn it over the the MBA's. Most of whom have a lot of "elitist" contempt for your sort, anyway.

Do you think the people who really run things in your party think that Noah didn't have room for the dinosaurs? Nope.
Corky the retard is more educated than you are, guy...

There's another guess! Are you really this eager to make a fool of yourself?

And for the record, jerk, there really are mentally retarded people in this world. They are human beings deserving of respect and not punchlines for assholes like you who can't think of another 'insult.' That shit is offensive and you should at least muster the character to knock it off.

Why are they worthy of "respect"?

Sympathy and pity. I'll give them that.

But frankly, their existence just underlines my atheism. Only a cruel sadist of a God would do that to anyone.

That response proves what an ignorant, no-class, fucking low-life piece of shit you really are. YOU REALLY ARE.
Only to right-wing funditards does "elite" become a bad thing.

Hey, when I'm sick, I want the "elite" guy working on me. And I want the "elite" guy flying the plane that gets me from point a to point b. .

He didn't say "elite," he said "elitist," you idiot. I see you also failed to develop any reading comprehension skills during the time you wasted in school.

Again, you can't spell "elitist" without "elite".

You are unbelievably stupid, you really are.
and frankly, guy, boasting about the people you've fired as shift leader at McDonald's isn't impressing anyone.

For someone so bad at guessing, you sure do seem to love trying.

Guy, I don't think you're mentally stable enough to be in charge of anything, and if you fired someone for being an atheist, he'd have probably come back and sued you for wrongful dismissal.

I mean, geez, given your impulse control issues you show here, you'd be awesome for a good labor lawyer to get on the stand.
and frankly, guy, boasting about the people you've fired as shift leader at McDonald's isn't impressing anyone.

For someone so bad at guessing, you sure do seem to love trying.

Guy, I don't think you're mentally stable enough to be in charge of anything, and if you fired someone for being an atheist, he'd have probably come back and sued you for wrongful dismissal.

You really don't care how stupid you make yourself look, do you? More guesses? More idiotic, false assumptions? More lack of reading comprehension and basic logic? You are fucking hopeless.

I never said I ever fired anyone for being an atheist, you drooling moron. I see you also failed to learn English when you wasted everyone's time at that Catholic school.
There's another guess! Are you really this eager to make a fool of yourself?

And for the record, jerk, there really are mentally retarded people in this world. They are human beings deserving of respect and not punchlines for assholes like you who can't think of another 'insult.' That shit is offensive and you should at least muster the character to knock it off.

Why are they worthy of "respect"?

Sympathy and pity. I'll give them that.

But frankly, their existence just underlines my atheism. Only a cruel sadist of a God would do that to anyone.

That response proves what an ignorant, no-class, fucking low-life piece of shit you really are. YOU REALLY ARE.

Most of women who find out their fetus have Down's Syndrome abort. Unlike your fantasies about sex selecton abortions, these numbers are actually verifiable.

Down syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A 2002 literature review of elective abortion rates found that 91–93% of pregnancies in the United Kingdom and Europe with a diagnosis of Down syndrome were terminated.[72] Data from the National Down Syndrome Cytogenetic Register in the United Kingdom indicates that from 1989 to 2006 the proportion of women choosing to terminate a pregnancy following prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome has remained constant at around 92%.[73][74]

In the United States a number of studies have examined the abortion rate of fetuses with Down syndrome. Three studies estimated the termination rates at 95%, 98%, and 87% respectively.[72]

Which means, obviously, that "consevative" "Christian" and "Republican" women are having abortions for this reason at a pretty good rate.

I think your ire is misdirected, don't you?
For someone so bad at guessing, you sure do seem to love trying.

Guy, I don't think you're mentally stable enough to be in charge of anything, and if you fired someone for being an atheist, he'd have probably come back and sued you for wrongful dismissal.

You really don't care how stupid you make yourself look, do you? More guesses? More idiotic, false assumptions? More lack of reading comprehension and basic logic? You are fucking hopeless.

I never said I ever fired anyone for being an atheist, you drooling moron. I see you also failed to learn English when you wasted everyone's time at that Catholic school.

Your exact statement from Page 16...

Yeah, and I've met a lot of atheist idiots who were the product of public schools. I have hired and had to fire a few of these bigoted, self-obsessed jerks.

Sounds to me like you were boasting of firing them for their views...

Not that the Public Schools are creating atheists... exactly. Most atheists I know are the products of religious education and religious families.
I think your ire is misdirected, don't you?

No, YOU have proven yourself to be a scumbag piece of shit and a complete idiot as well. My ire was aimed at YOU for your callous attitude, and you proved that ire to have been quite properly directed.
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I am not in the slightest bit interested in your quibble.

Abortion is NOT murder. No shit, Sherlock. The POINT is that YOU claim that the "choice" to have an abortion is a choice belonging entirely to the mother. And you argued that it is somehow hypocritical to place value on freedom of choice in all other contexts, but not in this. So, I pointed out to you that it's not true.

I place great stock in our liberties and freedoms. But I recognize -- all the same -- that there are LIMITS. And just because the fucking SCOTUS once "ruled" (legislated from the bench to be more honest about it) that there is a "right" to an abortion, that does not mean that there is no viable way to challenge that fucking unauthorized judicial EDICT.

I get it that YOU may not agree. I also get it that there ARE very thorny complications. The entire moral debate is beyond complicated. NEVERTHELESS, there are those who firmly commit themselves to the precept that the right to life is the PARAMOUNT right of all human beings. (Without life itself, there are no other rights.)

And some of these folks BELIEVE that a pre-born human being is no less entitled to that right to life itself than you are today. And to the extent that they are right and justified in that belief, then the right to "choice" does take a back seat. Just like our firm commitment to personal liberties does not authorize us to steal whatever we wish whenever we want something. And just like our belief that our home is our castle and that we have a legitimate expectation of a right to privacy in our homes does NOT make it "ok" to conspire to murder someone (as long as the conspiracy communications are conducted within our own walls).

There is a whole lot MORE to this "debate" than YOU seem willing to either recognize or admit. YOUR simplistic formulations are just that: simple. But simple is not the same as "right."

Now I see why this is so long. Its full of bullshit.

1st point I never said the choice is "entirely" up to the mother. But you need a straw man to argue with. Neither did I say "somehow hypocritical to place value on freedom of choice in all other contexts, but not in this." as you claimed...if you can find it post and stop translating. I speak english just fine. Thats just the first paragraph.

2nd Paragraph...Whew! Wow, so you are saying there are limits to freedom? Whoa, next you're going to tell me that trees have leaves and other mindblowing discoveries.

3rd paragraph...You can find people that believe all sorts of bullshit. Just because they believe it means diddly squat. And making laws or restrictions based on what some wackjob "believes" means nothing. Trying to make laws based on those idiots belief is giving the wack jobs credibility that wack jobs dont deserve because ...yanno, wacko

There is no more to this debate. Here's the debate in a nutshell. I say women have the right to choose according to the law and the wackos "believe" in a sky man that according to their interpretation of the sky man this legal thing should not be legal because they "believe it to be true"

If I believed that the bible entitled me to your money. Would you say, "This is my money BUT there is more to this debate."? Hell no :lol: But that is what you are doing taking the beliefs of one person or group and without evidence that these things are true you demand everyone make the people who believe feel better.

Fuck 'em...


You calling anyone else a wacko is really beyond the pale.

thats your contribution to this subject. :lol:
I think your ire is misdirected, don't you?

No, YOU have proven yourself to be a scumbag piece of shit and a complete idiot as well.

Thanks for proving my point about your impulse control problems.

Do you lose your shit in real life when you hear stuff you dont' like?

Or are you a meek guy who sits behind his desk and everyone thinks is a little weird?

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