A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

Sounds to me like you were boasting of firing them for their views... .

That's because you are too fucking stupid to read and understand. You really are an idiot.

If you were capable of reading and understanding you'd see that I made it clear they were fired for being bigoted, self-obsessed jerks like you, not because they were atheists. Do you understand even a little? Is anything getting through?
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I think your ire is misdirected, don't you?

No, YOU have proven yourself to be a scumbag piece of shit and a complete idiot as well.

Thanks for proving my point about your impulse control problems.

Thanks for proving again that you have no grasp of logic or reading comprehension, moron.

There is no reasonable way to determine any sort of "impulse control" based on a reply to a post on a discussion forum. By that reasoning everyone, including you, who ever replies to a post as "impulse control problems." You wanted to use that phrase as an insult but you used it so poorly that you only made yourself look stupid again.
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Most atheists I know are the products of religious education and religious families.

How the hell do you even function in daily life being so stupid?

First of all, "most atheists I know" is not a logical foundation for general conclusions. Second, considering that most families in the US are religious it stands to reason that most of any sort of person comes from such a family.

Is any of this getting through to you?
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Why are they worthy of "respect"?

Sympathy and pity. I'll give them that.

But frankly, their existence just underlines my atheism. Only a cruel sadist of a God would do that to anyone.

That response proves what an ignorant, no-class, fucking low-life piece of shit you really are. YOU REALLY ARE.

Most of women who find out their fetus have Down's Syndrome abort. Unlike your fantasies about sex selecton abortions, these numbers are actually verifiable.

Down syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A 2002 literature review of elective abortion rates found that 91–93% of pregnancies in the United Kingdom and Europe with a diagnosis of Down syndrome were terminated.[72] Data from the National Down Syndrome Cytogenetic Register in the United Kingdom indicates that from 1989 to 2006 the proportion of women choosing to terminate a pregnancy following prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome has remained constant at around 92%.[73][74]

In the United States a number of studies have examined the abortion rate of fetuses with Down syndrome. Three studies estimated the termination rates at 95%, 98%, and 87% respectively.[72]

Which means, obviously, that "consevative" "Christian" and "Republican" women are having abortions for this reason at a pretty good rate.

I think your ire is misdirected, don't you?

Aborting a Downs Syndrome child is as abhorrent as aborting any child. It is not a matter of political affiliation- it is a matter of protecting the life of the unborn.
Aborting a Downs Syndrome child is as abhorrent as aborting any child. It is not a matter of political affiliation- it is a matter of protecting the life of the unborn.

But again, 91% of women who get that diagnosis do exactly that.

I can have more sympathy for a woman who aborts to spare a child a lifetime of pain from a disease like Downs or Tay-Sachs than a woman who aborts a completely healthy fetus because, hey, that guy wasn't good father material, anyway.

But in any case, that's her choice, not yours and not mine. Which is the point here.
Aborting a Downs Syndrome child is as abhorrent as aborting any child. It is not a matter of political affiliation- it is a matter of protecting the life of the unborn.

But again, 91% of women who get that diagnosis do exactly that.

I can have more sympathy for a woman who aborts to spare a child a lifetime of pain from a disease like Downs or Tay-Sachs than a woman who aborts a completely healthy fetus because, hey, that guy wasn't good father material, anyway.

But in any case, that's her choice, not yours and not mine. Which is the point here.

Abortion kills. It is a barbaric practice that caters to the most selfish kind of narcissism in society- the "it's my body" crowd.

No one wants to look at what it does (pictures are available) No, they want to present their position as noble- "it's the business of the woman; her family; and doctor"- In other words let's keep it all hush hush- because well- to look at it and talk about isn't very comfortable.

There are also those who wish to make it about women's health- yet less then 1% of abortions are actually performed because a woman's life is in danger. With the advancement of medical treatment even this number could be reduced. You also have the rape and incest advocates- this decision is based on the less then 2% of all abortions. Then we have "the baby was not healthy" group- less than 1%. Those that practice eugenics as if they are doing the baby, instead of themselves a favor- ask a disabled person sometime how they like breathing.

What we are left with is 95 to 96% of all abortions performed in this country, being for no other reason, then the convenience of the person seeking to kill her child. Yes, 97% of abortions cater to a selfish narcissistic instinct.-SELF.

The bottom line is that abortion serves self. But the wickedness of it, is that it does so at the expense of human life- the individual and uniquely separate, life of another, the developing baby in the womb.

This baby is not a mere mass of cells; a "potential" life. It is a complete human being. Nothing more is added to make it more or less human after implantation takes place. All it needs to be born is to be left to grow in its natural environment. Like the newborn and even the toddler, it needs a care giver. As a society we do not kill because of a need for care to born children. If a woman truly does feel unprepared for motherhood she can place her child for adoption- but that would require a selfless act. And THAT is what underlies the entire debate...a microscopic look at why abortion happens need go no farther then motivation. At the heart of motive you will find the word "I".
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Aborting a Downs Syndrome child is as abhorrent as aborting any child. It is not a matter of political affiliation- it is a matter of protecting the life of the unborn.

But again, 91% of women who get that diagnosis do exactly that.

I can have more sympathy for a woman who aborts to spare a child a lifetime of pain from a disease like Downs or Tay-Sachs than a woman who aborts a completely healthy fetus because, hey, that guy wasn't good father material, anyway.

But in any case, that's her choice, not yours and not mine. Which is the point here.

Abortion kills. It is a barbaric practice that caters to the most selfish kind of narcissism in society- the "it's my body" crowd.

No one wants to look at what it does (pictures are available) No, they want to present their position as noble- "it's the business of the woman; her family; and doctor"- In other words let's keep it all hush hush- because well- to look at it and talk about isn't very comfortable.

There are also those who wish to make it about women's health- yet less then 1% of abortions are actually performed because a woman's life is in danger. With the advancement of medical treatment even this number could be reduced. You also have the rape and incest advocates- this decision is based on the less then 2% of all abortions. Then we have "the baby was not healthy" group- less than 1%. Those that practice eugenics as if they are doing the baby, instead of themselves a favor- ask a disabled person sometime how they like breathing.

What we are left with is 95 to 96% of all abortions performed in this country, being for no other reason, then the convenience of the person seeking to kill her child. Yes, 97% of abortions cater to a selfish narcissistic instinct.-SELF.

The bottom line is that abortion serves self. But the wickedness of it, is that it does so at the expense of human life- the individual and uniquely separate, life of another, the developing baby in the womb.

This baby is not a mere mass of cells; a "potential" life. It is a complete human being. Nothing more is added to make it more or less human after implantation takes place. All it needs to be born is to be left to grow in its natural environment. Like the newborn and even the toddler, it needs a care giver. As a society we do not kill because of a need for care to born children. If a woman truly does feel unprepared for motherhood she can place her child for adoption- but that would require a selfless act. And THAT is what underlies the entire debate...a microscopic look at why abortion happens need go no farther then motivation. At the heart of motive you will find the word "I".

Since we are arguing from an emotional stand point then...

Point is is that you can call it narcissist, selfish, bad choice or anything you want. But after you try to shame them into making another choice you'll realize that it's their choice. Women a woman is carrying a child...Yes, the word "I" will be used like.."I'm pregnant"

Big deal..
But again, 91% of women who get that diagnosis do exactly that.

I can have more sympathy for a woman who aborts to spare a child a lifetime of pain from a disease like Downs or Tay-Sachs than a woman who aborts a completely healthy fetus because, hey, that guy wasn't good father material, anyway.

But in any case, that's her choice, not yours and not mine. Which is the point here.

Abortion kills. It is a barbaric practice that caters to the most selfish kind of narcissism in society- the "it's my body" crowd.

No one wants to look at what it does (pictures are available) No, they want to present their position as noble- "it's the business of the woman; her family; and doctor"- In other words let's keep it all hush hush- because well- to look at it and talk about isn't very comfortable.

There are also those who wish to make it about women's health- yet less then 1% of abortions are actually performed because a woman's life is in danger. With the advancement of medical treatment even this number could be reduced. You also have the rape and incest advocates- this decision is based on the less then 2% of all abortions. Then we have "the baby was not healthy" group- less than 1%. Those that practice eugenics as if they are doing the baby, instead of themselves a favor- ask a disabled person sometime how they like breathing.

What we are left with is 95 to 96% of all abortions performed in this country, being for no other reason, then the convenience of the person seeking to kill her child. Yes, 97% of abortions cater to a selfish narcissistic instinct.-SELF.

The bottom line is that abortion serves self. But the wickedness of it, is that it does so at the expense of human life- the individual and uniquely separate, life of another, the developing baby in the womb.

This baby is not a mere mass of cells; a "potential" life. It is a complete human being. Nothing more is added to make it more or less human after implantation takes place. All it needs to be born is to be left to grow in its natural environment. Like the newborn and even the toddler, it needs a care giver. As a society we do not kill because of a need for care to born children. If a woman truly does feel unprepared for motherhood she can place her child for adoption- but that would require a selfless act. And THAT is what underlies the entire debate...a microscopic look at why abortion happens need go no farther then motivation. At the heart of motive you will find the word "I".

Since we are arguing from an emotional stand point then...

Point is is that you can call it narcissist, selfish, bad choice or anything you want. But after you try to shame them into making another choice you'll realize that it's their choice. Women a woman is carrying a child...Yes, the word "I" will be used like.."I'm pregnant"

Big deal..

No, not only an emotional standpoint- a medical and moral one as well. Pregnancy is a medical condition used to describe a woman with child. Killing said child for convenience, is an abhorrent and selfish act.

If only shame worked to save the life of the child. Killing children at any stage should be illegal- it used to be.

The big deal is that people like yourself kill children- whether you do so actively as a woman having an abortion or a medical professional performing one. Or, like you, passively, as someone who supports the act.
Abortion kills. It is a barbaric practice that caters to the most selfish kind of narcissism in society- the "it's my body" crowd.

No one wants to look at what it does (pictures are available) No, they want to present their position as noble- "it's the business of the woman; her family; and doctor"- In other words let's keep it all hush hush- because well- to look at it and talk about isn't very comfortable.

There are also those who wish to make it about women's health- yet less then 1% of abortions are actually performed because a woman's life is in danger. With the advancement of medical treatment even this number could be reduced. You also have the rape and incest advocates- this decision is based on the less then 2% of all abortions. Then we have "the baby was not healthy" group- less than 1%. Those that practice eugenics as if they are doing the baby, instead of themselves a favor- ask a disabled person sometime how they like breathing.

What we are left with is 95 to 96% of all abortions performed in this country, being for no other reason, then the convenience of the person seeking to kill her child. Yes, 97% of abortions cater to a selfish narcissistic instinct.-SELF.

The bottom line is that abortion serves self. But the wickedness of it, is that it does so at the expense of human life- the individual and uniquely separate, life of another, the developing baby in the womb.

This baby is not a mere mass of cells; a "potential" life. It is a complete human being. Nothing more is added to make it more or less human after implantation takes place. All it needs to be born is to be left to grow in its natural environment. Like the newborn and even the toddler, it needs a care giver. As a society we do not kill because of a need for care to born children. If a woman truly does feel unprepared for motherhood she can place her child for adoption- but that would require a selfless act. And THAT is what underlies the entire debate...a microscopic look at why abortion happens need go no farther then motivation. At the heart of motive you will find the word "I".

Since we are arguing from an emotional stand point then...

Point is is that you can call it narcissist, selfish, bad choice or anything you want. But after you try to shame them into making another choice you'll realize that it's their choice. Women a woman is carrying a child...Yes, the word "I" will be used like.."I'm pregnant"

Big deal..

No, not only an emotional standpoint- a medical and moral one as well. Pregnancy is a medical condition used to describe a woman with child. Killing said child for convenience, is an abhorrent and selfish act.

If only shame worked to save the life of the child. Killing children at any stage should be illegal- it used to be.

The big deal is that people like yourself kill children- whether you do so actively as a woman having an abortion or a medical professional performing one. Or, like you, passively, as someone who supports the act.

You call abhorrent and selfish and I call it legal. See how that works? What you call it means nothing. You can call the estate tax "unfair, dividing etc" but does that mean its not legal? Nope.

If it was killing a child they would go to jail for murder. Put your money where your mouth is. Should women and doctors be sentenced for murder when they get an abortion? Once you flop around the subject you'll see the folly in yelling "Murder! Murder!"
How many homosexuals are killed by liberals via abortion?

How many blacks are killed by liberals via abortion? Blacks are the number #1 group killed via abortion.
Since we are arguing from an emotional stand point then...

Point is is that you can call it narcissist, selfish, bad choice or anything you want. But after you try to shame them into making another choice you'll realize that it's their choice. Women a woman is carrying a child...Yes, the word "I" will be used like.."I'm pregnant"

Big deal..

No, not only an emotional standpoint- a medical and moral one as well. Pregnancy is a medical condition used to describe a woman with child. Killing said child for convenience, is an abhorrent and selfish act.

If only shame worked to save the life of the child. Killing children at any stage should be illegal- it used to be.

The big deal is that people like yourself kill children- whether you do so actively as a woman having an abortion or a medical professional performing one. Or, like you, passively, as someone who supports the act.

You call abhorrent and selfish and I call it legal. See how that works? What you call it means nothing. You can call the estate tax "unfair, dividing etc" but does that mean its not legal? Nope.

If it was killing a child they would go to jail for murder. Put your money where your mouth is. Should women and doctors be sentenced for murder when they get an abortion? Once you flop around the subject you'll see the folly in yelling "Murder! Murder!"

C'mon Clevergirl, got something else to do suddenly? :lol:
How many homosexuals are killed by liberals via abortion?

How many blacks are killed by liberals via abortion? Blacks are the number #1 group killed via abortion.

<yawn> Fetuses are not part of the demographics.
so the best Punkotard could find after a few days of arguing is that immigrants are using this technology- maybe.

Again, I wonder if he would have as much concern about people who have abortions because they are poor, about 50% of all abortions performed - as he has for two abortions performed for sex selection.

Somehow. i think not.
No, not only an emotional standpoint- a medical and moral one as well. Pregnancy is a medical condition used to describe a woman with child. Killing said child for convenience, is an abhorrent and selfish act.

If only shame worked to save the life of the child. Killing children at any stage should be illegal- it used to be.

The big deal is that people like yourself kill children- whether you do so actively as a woman having an abortion or a medical professional performing one. Or, like you, passively, as someone who supports the act.

You call abhorrent and selfish and I call it legal. See how that works? What you call it means nothing. You can call the estate tax "unfair, dividing etc" but does that mean its not legal? Nope.

If it was killing a child they would go to jail for murder. Put your money where your mouth is. Should women and doctors be sentenced for murder when they get an abortion? Once you flop around the subject you'll see the folly in yelling "Murder! Murder!"

C'mon Clevergirl, got something else to do suddenly? :lol:

Yes, as a matter of fact I did. Unlike you I am apparently able and free to walk away for a bit :confused:
Since we are arguing from an emotional stand point then...

Point is is that you can call it narcissist, selfish, bad choice or anything you want. But after you try to shame them into making another choice you'll realize that it's their choice. Women a woman is carrying a child...Yes, the word "I" will be used like.."I'm pregnant"

Big deal..

No, not only an emotional standpoint- a medical and moral one as well. Pregnancy is a medical condition used to describe a woman with child. Killing said child for convenience, is an abhorrent and selfish act.

If only shame worked to save the life of the child. Killing children at any stage should be illegal- it used to be.

The big deal is that people like yourself kill children- whether you do so actively as a woman having an abortion or a medical professional performing one. Or, like you, passively, as someone who supports the act.

You call abhorrent and selfish and I call it legal. See how that works? What you call it means nothing. You can call the estate tax "unfair, dividing etc" but does that mean its not legal? Nope.

If it was killing a child they would go to jail for murder. Put your money where your mouth is. Should women and doctors be sentenced for murder when they get an abortion? Once you flop around the subject you'll see the folly in yelling "Murder! Murder!"

Exactly true- and calling it legal does not make it moral or right. Slavery used to be legal...did that make it moral or right> Do you see the shallowness of your logic?

No, it is killing a child, it is not "legally" speaking murder- but it is still killing a child. A child at its most infantile stage of development to be sure. But everything that it contains within its uniquely individual make-up is complete. There is nothing more to add to it. Until about the age of 25 we are all going through stages of development medically speaking- At that age we begin to decline- This is known as the life cycle which began at pregnancy. This is not a legal notion, but a scientific fact.

The courts stepping in and providing a subjective standard does not change this fact. When you have an abortion you kill an unborn child.
so the best Punkotard could find after a few days of arguing is that immigrants are using this technology- maybe.

Again, I wonder if he would have as much concern about people who have abortions because they are poor, about 50% of all abortions performed - as he has for two abortions performed for sex selection.

Somehow. i think not.

Instead of relying on guesses and assumptions like an idiot, why not ask me right after you answer my question from before.

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