A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

I think I pointed out the fallacies of your argument in full living color, and really, going on when you can't even process simple logic like only 1% of abortions occur before gender can be determined, really doesn't make it worth my time.

50% of abortions are had by poor people for economic reasons, but you aren't about to go out and try to fix economic inequality in this country. You are going to go on about the third world immigrant who might be having a sex selection abortion.
your just embarrassing yourself now.


No, I really did. Your inability to comprehend the point is not my problem.

If you pro-life people were really for reducing the number of abortions, you'd be liberals, not conservatives. Because countries that follow liberal social policies like family and medical leave, strong workers rights and universal health care have less abortions per capita than we do.

Instead, you try to find "outrages" like sex selection abortion or partial birth abortion, which are rare or non-existant.

Another argument with too many big words that you won't be able to respond to.
I think I pointed out the fallacies of your argument in full living color, and really, going on when you can't even process simple logic like only 1% of abortions occur before gender can be determined, really doesn't make it worth my time.

50% of abortions are had by poor people for economic reasons, but you aren't about to go out and try to fix economic inequality in this country. You are going to go on about the third world immigrant who might be having a sex selection abortion.

And yet your side ignores that 97% of all abortions are for convenience.
No, I really did.

Nope. If you think you did, go ahead and answer it again clearly and directly right now. If you can't, you are admitting you are completely full of shit.

And, it's official.
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I think I pointed out the fallacies of your argument in full living color, and really, going on when you can't even process simple logic like only 1% of abortions occur before gender can be determined, really doesn't make it worth my time.

50% of abortions are had by poor people for economic reasons, but you aren't about to go out and try to fix economic inequality in this country. You are going to go on about the third world immigrant who might be having a sex selection abortion.

Again. The statistics are not reliable, as all the pro-abortion statiticians admit. Stop prating the numbers as if anyone even knows the reality. They don't, they admit they don't, and you certainly don't.
"Using the 2000 U.S. Census, we find that the sex ratio of the oldest child to be normal, but that of subsequent children to be heavily male if there was no previous son. The sex ratio of the second child was 1.17 if the first child was a girl. At third parity, boys outnumbered girls by 1.51:1 if the two previous children were girls (Fig. 1 Lower)."

Son-biased sex ratios in the 2000 United States Census

From the link:
“I know most Americans think this is something that happens overseas in places like China and India. However, a Columbia University study found evidence that sex selection at the prenatal level is happening right here in the United States,” said Pitts, who represents the 16th Congressional District. “We shouldn’t wait any longer to ban this barbaric and socially unhealthy practice.”

Has anyone seen the Columbia University study or are people just believing it because they want too?

soooooo, are we just believing that columbia university has this study just because someone said it or has anyone seen it? Link it?
Go find it, ya lazy bitch, or look it up yourself. I found it, you can too.
I think I pointed out the fallacies of your argument in full living color, and really, going on when you can't even process simple logic like only 1% of abortions occur before gender can be determined, really doesn't make it worth my time.

50% of abortions are had by poor people for economic reasons, but you aren't about to go out and try to fix economic inequality in this country. You are going to go on about the third world immigrant who might be having a sex selection abortion.

And yet your side ignores that 97% of all abortions are for convenience.

I think it depends on how you define "convenience", doesn't it?

An abortion costs about $300.00. A live birth without complications costs about $10,000. Which is really hard to wing if you don't have insurance.

If you know that having a baby is going to cost you your job, because you work for the kind of jerkwad who fires pregnant women, I'd call that necessity.

If you know you can't afford a baby because said jerkwad is barely paying you enough to keep a roof over your head, I'd call that necessity.

Mitt Romney gets rid of good paying union jobs and replaces them with crappy McJobs at Staples, and you praise the snot out of him and think he's a genius, but then you don't realize, yeah, there's a reason why those Staple Employees have abortions.
I think I pointed out the fallacies of your argument in full living color, and really, going on when you can't even process simple logic like only 1% of abortions occur before gender can be determined, really doesn't make it worth my time.

50% of abortions are had by poor people for economic reasons, but you aren't about to go out and try to fix economic inequality in this country. You are going to go on about the third world immigrant who might be having a sex selection abortion.

Again. The statistics are not reliable, as all the pro-abortion statiticians admit. Stop prating the numbers as if anyone even knows the reality. They don't, they admit they don't, and you certainly don't.

These were statistics provided by a pro-Life Website, that admitted both that 50% of abortions are had by poor women, and only 1% occur after the fetus' gender can even be determined.

Even in cases in third world countries where sex selection abortions happen, we are talking economics again. A boy can support you in your old age. A girl can't. When you are talking a country like China which has by necessity limited births, that becomes an important issue.

And who keeps moving the good paying jobs to China? Yup. Plutocrats like Mitt Romney, who you will happily support in November.
I think I pointed out the fallacies of your argument in full living color, and really, going on when you can't even process simple logic like only 1% of abortions occur before gender can be determined, really doesn't make it worth my time.

50% of abortions are had by poor people for economic reasons, but you aren't about to go out and try to fix economic inequality in this country. You are going to go on about the third world immigrant who might be having a sex selection abortion.

And yet your side ignores that 97% of all abortions are for convenience.

I think it depends on how you define "convenience", doesn't it?

An abortion costs about $300.00. A live birth without complications costs about $10,000. Which is really hard to wing if you don't have insurance.

If you know that having a baby is going to cost you your job, because you work for the kind of jerkwad who fires pregnant women, I'd call that necessity.

If you know you can't afford a baby because said jerkwad is barely paying you enough to keep a roof over your head, I'd call that necessity.

Mitt Romney gets rid of good paying union jobs and replaces them with crappy McJobs at Staples, and you praise the snot out of him and think he's a genius, but then you don't realize, yeah, there's a reason why those Staple Employees have abortions.

That's good Nazi reasoning of the type they applied when making abortions de rigeur in Poland.

BTW..if you work for a boss who fires pregnant women, that's discrimination, and said boss needs to be reported. It's also abortion COERCION and is one of the things that PP covers up. You're saying that as long as there are people who want to force other people to get abortions, then we need to have abortions available for them.

This is my primary issue with abortion. It isn't about women's rights. It's about victimizing them. It's also why men are the staunchest supporters of abortion on demand. The ones who go to bat for it are all about coercing women into abortion.
I think I pointed out the fallacies of your argument in full living color, and really, going on when you can't even process simple logic like only 1% of abortions occur before gender can be determined, really doesn't make it worth my time.

50% of abortions are had by poor people for economic reasons, but you aren't about to go out and try to fix economic inequality in this country. You are going to go on about the third world immigrant who might be having a sex selection abortion.

Again. The statistics are not reliable, as all the pro-abortion statiticians admit. Stop prating the numbers as if anyone even knows the reality. They don't, they admit they don't, and you certainly don't.

These were statistics provided by a pro-Life Website, that admitted both that 50% of abortions are had by poor women, and only 1% occur after the fetus' gender can even be determined.

Even in cases in third world countries where sex selection abortions happen, we are talking economics again. A boy can support you in your old age. A girl can't. When you are talking a country like China which has by necessity limited births, that becomes an important issue.

And who keeps moving the good paying jobs to China? Yup. Plutocrats like Mitt Romney, who you will happily support in November.

Yeah, bullshit. Lies, lies, and more lies.

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