A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

so the best Punkotard could find after a few days of arguing is that immigrants are using this technology- maybe.

Again, I wonder if he would have as much concern about people who have abortions because they are poor, about 50% of all abortions performed - as he has for two abortions performed for sex selection.

Somehow. i think not.

If you won't even admit the truth that female feticide is an international issue and has now reached our shores there is no point in dealing with the likes of you.

But considering you put up that you believe that abortions are based on poverty, by all means put up your statistics to prove your assumption.
"There are now four studies proving sex-selective abortions are happening in the United States, according to Franks’s office, which cited a study from the University of California Berkeley, the University of Texas, the University of Connecticut, and Columbia University.

The 2008 Columbia report found that there is “strong son bias” within selected American communities as revealed in census data and “clear evidence of sex-selection, most likely at the prenatal stage,” as quoted by Franks’s office."

Despite WH Claim, Ban on Sex-Selection Abortion Didn

Those that will argue our statistics on gendercide are the same that would argue that a mother has the right to slam a toddler's head against a wall to kill it because the toddler hadn't reached the optimum 24 months where it could be considered a true human being.

What the fuck? Are you fucking stupid?

What the hell kind of disease raped your mind?

Those that will argue our statistics on gendercide are the same that would argue that a mother has the right to slam a toddler's head against a wall to kill it because the toddler hadn't reached the optimum 24 months where it could be considered a true human being.

What the fuck? Are you fucking stupid?

Cowfart can't handle the obvious.

From the link:
“I know most Americans think this is something that happens overseas in places like China and India. However, a Columbia University study found evidence that sex selection at the prenatal level is happening right here in the United States,” said Pitts, who represents the 16th Congressional District. “We shouldn’t wait any longer to ban this barbaric and socially unhealthy practice.”

Has anyone seen the Columbia University study or are people just believing it because they want too?
so the best Punkotard could find after a few days of arguing is that immigrants are using this technology- maybe.

Again, I wonder if he would have as much concern about people who have abortions because they are poor, about 50% of all abortions performed - as he has for two abortions performed for sex selection.

Somehow. i think not.

Instead of relying on guesses and assumptions like an idiot, why not ask me right after you answer my question from before.

Because I don't have enough respect for you to care what your answer is, Anger Management.
Do you think this dodge covers your shame, coward? You have avoided answering direct questions, relied upon asinine guesses and assumptions, and showed anyone reading this what a truly stupid person you are. Your cowardly dodge won't change that, chump.

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