A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

I don't consider fetuses to be babies. .

You don't want to, because you are too much of a coward to face the moral implications of your position.

No, i just recognize that something that is the size of a kidney bean and can't live outside the womb is not the same as a baby.

2/3rds of fertilized eggs don't attach to the uterine wall. We don't hold funerals over tampons.

You're too much of a coward to face your own position.
Guy, I was brought up Catholic and got the whole "zygotes are people" propaganda bullshit.

And I believed in it for a very long time. Until a few years ago, when I realized the Plutocrats were playing me on this and a bunch of other issues.

The reality is, unless you are going to put women under house arrest from conception to birth, you can't stop them from having abortions. Period.

Especially now when you have drugs like RU486.

People are going to do what they are going to do. I don't get involved.
People are going to do what they are going to do. I don't get involved.

Do you take that approach to murder? Assault? Grand theft auto? Shop lifting?

Close your eyes real tight and it all goes away?
People are going to do what they are going to do. I don't get involved.

Do you take that approach to murder? Assault? Grand theft auto? Shop lifting?

Close your eyes real tight and it all goes away?

No, we have laws to punish those things, and most people would vote to convict.

That's the difference.

Do you know how many women were arrested for having abortions before 1973?

Only two. Back before 1922.

Unless you are willing to prosecute women for having abortions (something that will anger just about everyone), then you have laws that are ineffective.

Like Prohibition, or the prostitution laws. Yup, they were or are illegal, but most folks didn't consider them big deals.

You see, you are about getting angry, because for years, they've learned to push your buttons.

I'm about effective solutions.
I call it putting the shoe on the other foot.

It is both sickening, and sad. Some males may press for sons, but gender motivated abortions remain unacceptable to me, at least. I know of only case wherein a woman said she would have aborted had the unborn child been female because her new husband "wanted a son".
Abortion is often about coercion. That's the way it is. It's a man's game.
I have just one thought. Forcing a person to raise a child they will dislike or resent as some sort of punishment for gendercide is the wrong way to go. This is a child that will need love and care, and forcing it on someone who really does not want it will most likely not lead to a happy child. If you want to punish it then find some other way to do it.

There is this thing thats been around for a long time....Its called adoption.
This would make the racist pig Margret Sanger proud seeing her dream of using eugenics to get the black people and other undesirables to kill their young leaving more for them.

Scumbags defend abortion.
Guy, I was brought up Catholic and got the whole "zygotes are people" propaganda bullshit.

And I believed in it for a very long time. Until a few years ago, when I realized the Plutocrats were playing me on this and a bunch of other issues.

The reality is, unless you are going to put women under house arrest from conception to birth, you can't stop them from having abortions. Period.

Especially now when you have drugs like RU486.

People are going to do what they are going to do. I don't get involved.

How heroic of you!
Do you take that approach to murder? Assault? Grand theft auto? Shop lifting?

Close your eyes real tight and it all goes away?

No, we have laws to punish those things, and most people would vote to convict. .

If we did not have laws prohibiting those things would you accept them?

Yup, cuz he wouldn't get involved. People are gonna do what they're gonna do, none of his bizness.
Abortion is often about coercion. That's the way it is. It's a man's game.

To hear you tell it, women are so stupid they can't do anything without a man telling them what to do...

Frankly, I'm always amused that Republicans who screech about "personal responsibility" when someone puts their babies on welfare, scream about "coercion" when they suck fetuses into a sink.
Do you take that approach to murder? Assault? Grand theft auto? Shop lifting?

Close your eyes real tight and it all goes away?

No, we have laws to punish those things, and most people would vote to convict. .

If we did not have laws prohibiting those things would you accept them?

If my Aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.

The fact is, we have laws because most people don't want to live in a world where you can do those things.

Abortion. Well, shit, the fact is, it's like prostitution. Everyone says it's bad, but the people screaming the loudest are the best customers.
Guy, I was brought up Catholic and got the whole "zygotes are people" propaganda bullshit.

And I believed in it for a very long time. Until a few years ago, when I realized the Plutocrats were playing me on this and a bunch of other issues.

The reality is, unless you are going to put women under house arrest from conception to birth, you can't stop them from having abortions. Period.

Especially now when you have drugs like RU486.

People are going to do what they are going to do. I don't get involved.

How heroic of you!

Just as heroic as you screaming about it and then supporting an economic system that demands it.
The only thing I see is the assholes that own this circus need to fix the "signature" part of the users capabilities.
I can do it but gaWd knowz they wont let me.
No, we have laws to punish those things, and most people would vote to convict. .

If we did not have laws prohibiting those things would you accept them?

If my Aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.

The fact is, we have laws because most people don't want to live in a world where you can do those things.

Abortion. Well, shit, the fact is, it's like prostitution. Everyone says it's bad, but the people screaming the loudest are the best customers.

You didn't answer my question.
If we did not have laws prohibiting those things would you accept them?

If my Aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.

The fact is, we have laws because most people don't want to live in a world where you can do those things.

Abortion. Well, shit, the fact is, it's like prostitution. Everyone says it's bad, but the people screaming the loudest are the best customers.

You didn't answer my question.

Yes, I did. That you were too stupid to understand the answer isn't my problem.
It's none of his business. In other words, people can kill each other, fuck each other, rape each other, whatever....it's none of his business. Don't ask him to intervene or say it's "bad".
If my Aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.

The fact is, we have laws because most people don't want to live in a world where you can do those things.

Abortion. Well, shit, the fact is, it's like prostitution. Everyone says it's bad, but the people screaming the loudest are the best customers.

You didn't answer my question.

Yes, I did. That you were too stupid to understand the answer isn't my problem.

Stop ducking the question, coward.
It's none of his business. In other words, people can kill each other, fuck each other, rape each other, whatever....it's none of his business. Don't ask him to intervene or say it's "bad".

Didn't say that at all.

In fact, if people rape or kill each other, usually you'll have a complaining witness or a body or evidence and people perfectly willing to file charges or make a complaint, and juries willing to send those folks to prison. So I'm not worried about those laws. Those thing will still happen, because we have depraved people, but society will do something about it.

Abortion. Well, medical professionals will perform them, women will still get them and you'd never find a jury in this country willing to convict someone for it. Society won't consider those people to be depraved or feel they are a threat to them.

Which is why no women were ever convicted of having abortions before Roe, and no one ever charged an abortionist with "murder". (And convictions for the very lesser crime of performing abortions were so incredibly rare no one was afraid of them.)

Again, I point to the example of Dr. Ruth Barnett. Portland area abortionist who peformed 50 abortions a day according to her own account. Her sentence? Two consecutive six month jail terms. She served four months. This is when abortion was illegal and "everyone" thought it was a good idea to keep it illegal. She was arrested a second time later in the 1950's and got 10 months. After a third arrest in 1965, she finally agreed to stop performing abortions.

This is an account of her life from an anti-Choice website. Lot of words, and they completely miss the point of why abortion laws won't work. They whine about how much money she made.


Imagine trying to enforce such a law after abortions has been legal for 40 years and people who aren't quivering before magic sky men accept that it should be. Imagine sting operations against gynocologists who will still perform abortions. Yeah, that's going to go over well.

A ban on abortion will not be like laws against murder and rape, that everyone agrees are good ideas.

They will be like laws against prostitution, or drugs, or gun control bans, that only some people think are a good idea and most other people will ignore, the authorities will only enforce sporadically and convictions will be impossible to get.

Which is why, I'd rather have us be like France, and give women other options without condemnation, than the Philippines, where they have a law that is ignored with impunity with bad results.

Any of this getting through, or are we going to get another round of "Abortion bad, Men make women have them"?
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