A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

Actually, I did give a pretty good explanation in the previous post, but you are so slack jawed and dumb you probably still won't understand after reading it.

And this is why arguing with you is kind of pointless. YOu are all emotion and no reason.

You ducked the question and still refuse to answer it because you are a gutless coward who knows his position is morally indefensible. Hide behind your nihilistic atheism and bigotry, but the fact remains.

So you really didn't understand the answer, then?

I understand that you did not answer it. Let's try again, coward: If rape were not illegal, would you be personally opposed to it? Any answer other than 'yes' or 'no' will prove beyond a doubt that you are the moral and intellectual coward I take you for.
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Which brings me back to my religion test. We throw you off the top of the Sears Tower. If God catches you on the way down, I will totally convert to your religion and sign over all my worldly goods.

If you go splat, we all admit your religion is bunk and we sell off all your Church's assets to do something useful like feed poor people or something.

I mean, that sounds completely reasonable to me. Any takers? Anyone? Buehler? Buehler?

We know you're stupid. The thing is, deep down you know it too.

actually, it sounds like a pretty straightfoward proposition...

No, it sounds like you are a developmentally stunted fool who is applying a 5 year old's understanding of a subject and demanding to be taken seriously.
I don't consider fetuses to be babies. Neither does the law. Neither does medical science. Neither does the Bible. Sorry.

Even when abortion was illegal, not one person was charged with murder for killing a fetus.

Fact is, after abortion was legalized, there was not a drop in the birth rate. Which means that before Roe, just as many women were finding ways to get rid of their "little problem" as after.

At what stage of pregnancy can a fetus' gender or homosexual gene be determined? You have argued this subject and pretend to be an expert on abortion, hence my question.

Answer my question, and I will tell you what my position is on the subject if you are interested. And, you may be surprised.

To my knowledge, no homosexual gene has ever been identified... so I'm not sure why you even bring that up.

Two methods of determining gender. Ultrasound and Amniocentesis. Ultrasound can detect a gender between the 18-22nd week of a pregnancy. Amniocentesis can be performed after the 15th week, but most doctors wait until the 20th week.

The latter method is painful, presents a risk to the pregnancy, and is rarely used to determine gender. (Usually, it's used to determine more serious problems, like Down Syndrome and Tay-Sachs)

But again, only 5% of abortions are peformed after the 15th week and only 1% after the 20th, usually for serious health issues.

I asked the question because the subject of the OP is "A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide.

I will research the answer to my question because most of the bullshit you post is just that.

And, I will share my position on abortion. If I can put my ear to the belly of a pregnant woman and hear two heartbeats, one is a BABY and the other is the mother.

Is that too difficult for you?
At what stage of pregnancy can a fetus' gender or homosexual gene be determined? You have argued this subject and pretend to be an expert on abortion, hence my question.

Answer my question, and I will tell you what my position is on the subject if you are interested. And, you may be surprised.

To my knowledge, no homosexual gene has ever been identified... so I'm not sure why you even bring that up.

Two methods of determining gender. Ultrasound and Amniocentesis. Ultrasound can detect a gender between the 18-22nd week of a pregnancy. Amniocentesis can be performed after the 15th week, but most doctors wait until the 20th week.

The latter method is painful, presents a risk to the pregnancy, and is rarely used to determine gender. (Usually, it's used to determine more serious problems, like Down Syndrome and Tay-Sachs)

But again, only 5% of abortions are peformed after the 15th week and only 1% after the 20th, usually for serious health issues.

I asked the question because the subject of the OP is "A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide.

I will research the answer to my question because most of the bullshit you post is just that.

And, I will share my position on abortion. If I can put my ear to the belly of a pregnant woman and hear two heartbeats, one is a BABY and the other is the mother.

Is that too difficult for you?

It's too difficult for him to be honest about, because he doesn't want to be.
You ducked the question and still refuse to answer it because you are a gutless coward who knows his position is morally indefensible. Hide behind your nihilistic atheism and bigotry, but the fact remains.

So you really didn't understand the answer, then?

I understand that you did not answer it. Let's try again, coward: If rape were not illegal, would you be personally opposed to it? Any answer other than 'yes' or 'no' will prove beyond a doubt that you are the moral and intellectual coward I take you for.

Um, not it would just prove that you are too simple to understand an answer. Rape is illegal because everyone except rapists thinks it should be illegal. Abortion is legal because most sensible people realize you can't outlaw it effectively.

If you don't understand this, then you are kind of a simpleton.
At what stage of pregnancy can a fetus' gender or homosexual gene be determined? You have argued this subject and pretend to be an expert on abortion, hence my question.

Answer my question, and I will tell you what my position is on the subject if you are interested. And, you may be surprised.

To my knowledge, no homosexual gene has ever been identified... so I'm not sure why you even bring that up.

Two methods of determining gender. Ultrasound and Amniocentesis. Ultrasound can detect a gender between the 18-22nd week of a pregnancy. Amniocentesis can be performed after the 15th week, but most doctors wait until the 20th week.

The latter method is painful, presents a risk to the pregnancy, and is rarely used to determine gender. (Usually, it's used to determine more serious problems, like Down Syndrome and Tay-Sachs)

But again, only 5% of abortions are peformed after the 15th week and only 1% after the 20th, usually for serious health issues.

I asked the question because the subject of the OP is "A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide.

I will research the answer to my question because most of the bullshit you post is just that.

And, I will share my position on abortion. If I can put my ear to the belly of a pregnant woman and hear two heartbeats, one is a BABY and the other is the mother.

Is that too difficult for you?

No, but it's too simple for you.

A heartbeat does not make one human. We pull the plug on brain dead people with heartbeats every day. Sometimes they even leave instructions to do just that.

If you accept that a fetus has as many or more rights than the woman it is in, then the moral question of why one has an abortion is irrelevent. It is just as wrong to save her from imminent death as it would be because it didn't have the eye color she wanted. It would be just as wrong as five minutes before birth with a D & X procedure as it would be the week after conception using RU486.

I've known women who've had miscarriages and have lost babies. Even they don't put them in the same category.
So you really didn't understand the answer, then?

I understand that you did not answer it. Let's try again, coward: If rape were not illegal, would you be personally opposed to it? Any answer other than 'yes' or 'no' will prove beyond a doubt that you are the moral and intellectual coward I take you for.

Um, not it would just prove that you are too simple to understand an answer. Rape is illegal because everyone except rapists thinks it should be illegal. Abortion is legal because most sensible people realize you can't outlaw it effectively.

If you don't understand this, then you are kind of a simpleton.

Thanks for proving yet again that you are weak-minded coward I took you for.
I understand that you did not answer it. Let's try again, coward: If rape were not illegal, would you be personally opposed to it? Any answer other than 'yes' or 'no' will prove beyond a doubt that you are the moral and intellectual coward I take you for.

Um, not it would just prove that you are too simple to understand an answer. Rape is illegal because everyone except rapists thinks it should be illegal. Abortion is legal because most sensible people realize you can't outlaw it effectively.

If you don't understand this, then you are kind of a simpleton.

Thanks for proving yet again that you are weak-minded coward I took you for.

Thanks for pointing you are simple minded fool with anger management problems.

The Ideal GOP voter today, which is why the GOP is in decline. They stopped appeal to smart people a long time ago.
Um, not it would just prove that you are too simple to understand an answer. Rape is illegal because everyone except rapists thinks it should be illegal. Abortion is legal because most sensible people realize you can't outlaw it effectively.

If you don't understand this, then you are kind of a simpleton.

Thanks for proving yet again that you are weak-minded coward I took you for.

Thanks for pointing you are simple minded fool with anger management problems.

The Ideal GOP voter today, which is why the GOP is in decline. They stopped appeal to smart people a long time ago.

You've had two chances now to answer and you ducked both, coward. I don't blame you for realizing your position is indefensible, coward.
Thanks for proving yet again that you are weak-minded coward I took you for.

Thanks for pointing you are simple minded fool with anger management problems.

The Ideal GOP voter today, which is why the GOP is in decline. They stopped appeal to smart people a long time ago.

You've had two chances now to answer and you ducked both, coward. I don't blame you for realizing your position is indefensible, coward.

No, I answered in a way any reasonable person would understand. That you are too-simple minded to understand the answer isn't my problem.


"Doooy, Corky only understand answer which are simple yes and no."

It's clear Obama and many on the left don't care if people want to find out what sex their unborn baby is before deciding to abort them or not.

What if it's true that Homosexuality is really genetic?

What if they were to isolate that gene?

What if they were able to say definitively that their child is gonna be straight or Gay and people decided to abort the child accordingly?

What if people started using sexual orientation as a reason to snuff that unborn baby out of existence?

Would you feel the same way about Gendercide...or in this case Homocide.

Just asking.

Excellent question. I would think that of course most would opt to abort male homosexual fetuses. Who really wants them around or wants to be around them except other homosexuals ~shrug~
Thanks for pointing you are simple minded fool with anger management problems.

The Ideal GOP voter today, which is why the GOP is in decline. They stopped appeal to smart people a long time ago.

You've had two chances now to answer and you ducked both, coward. I don't blame you for realizing your position is indefensible, coward.

No, I answered in a way any reasonable person would understand.

You ducked a simple yes or no question because you are a moral and intellectual coward. You continue to prove yourself so.
You've had two chances now to answer and you ducked both, coward. I don't blame you for realizing your position is indefensible, coward.

No, I answered in a way any reasonable person would understand.

You ducked a simple yes or no question because you are a moral and intellectual coward. You continue to prove yourself so.

No, I answered it intelligently... which went way above your head.
No, I answered in a way any reasonable person would understand.

You ducked a simple yes or no question because you are a moral and intellectual coward. You continue to prove yourself so.

No, I answered it intelligently... which went way above your head.

You are incapable of doing anything intelligently, you idiotic coward. Now, yes or no: If rape were not illegal, would you oppose it? Yes or no? Yes or no? Yes or no?
You are incapable of doing anything intelligently, you idiotic coward. Now, yes or no: If rape were not illegal, would you oppose it? Yes or no? Yes or no? Yes or no?

Wow... man, you are really like unhinged, aren't you?

I gave you an answer. I can't dumb it down any more for you..
Fucking coward.

Now, Corky, I think that your inability to understand complex ideas is really your own limitation, and I can't help you with that.

Rape has a victim. Abortion doesn't.

That's the answer.

Even when abortion was illegal, no one was charged with murder for having one. Or charged at all for having one, and rarely for performing one.

So comparing them to Rape laws is silly. They are more like prostitution laws. Something that everyone claims is bad, but they still use them.

Sorry, can't make it any more simple for you than that.
Abortion has two victims..the woman who is duped or forced into it, and the baby.

Okay, if you say so.

Except that even when abortion was illegal, no one was ever charged with murder for killing a fetus. So that argument goes right out the window. In fact, more often than not, the only time an abortionist got investigated was when they goofed up and injured someone.

And frankly, if you want to make the argument that women aren't capable of making their own decisions, why not revoke the 19th Amendment and go back to all marriages being arranged?

No woman is "duped" into having an abortion. Quite the contrary, it's their own decision.

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