A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

Rape has a victim. Abortion doesn't.

That's the answer.

I haven't asked you about abortion. The answer to my question is yes or no. Pick one, coward.

I have. I mean, just because you are some kind of high functioning retard who can't process answers, I'm not going to waste time on you...

Other than fun it is to mock you...

I haven't asked you about abortion. The answer to my question is yes or no. Pick one, coward.

I have.

No, you have ducked the question time and time again. It's a yes or no question and you are too much of a pussy to answer it. And we both know why.

I've answered it very clearly and very understandably with anyone with a brain.

rape has victims. Abortion doesn't.

Apples and Oranges.

Unless you are some kind of hateful, OCD retard.

Abortion has victims.

Mother and baby.

Um, gee, I'm sorry, are they like grabbing women off the street and dragging them to the abortion clinics and strapping them down?


The Woman decides to get an abortion. She makes an appointment, she drives herself down there, hopefully not running into a bunch of funditards protesting the clinic with pictures of medical waste on them.

She then goes in, pays the folks for their services, and gets the job done.

To say that she is victimized by the clinic is like saying McDonalds made you fat.

And fetuses aren't babies. Sorry. Not in the eyes of medical science, the law or even the Bible.

No victims. Sorry. Just aren't.

The only people complaining are funditards who ought to mind their own business, and maybe wake up and realize they are being played.

You have ducked the question and you continue to duck the question, coward. We both know why.

No, I gave an answer you didn't like. Because you want to put a victimless action on the same level as one with victims.
Abortion has victims.

Mother and baby.

Um, gee, I'm sorry, are they like grabbing women off the street and dragging them to the abortion clinics and strapping them down?


The Woman decides to get an abortion. She makes an appointment, she drives herself down there, hopefully not running into a bunch of funditards protesting the clinic with pictures of medical waste on them.

She then goes in, pays the folks for their services, and gets the job done.

To say that she is victimized by the clinic is like saying McDonalds made you fat.

And fetuses aren't babies. Sorry. Not in the eyes of medical science, the law or even the Bible.

No victims. Sorry. Just aren't.

The only people complaining are funditards who ought to mind their own business, and maybe wake up and realize they are being played.

She is victimized by the clinic, and by assholes like you who pretend there is no coercion going on.

The babies are victimized, obviously.

What is your horse in this race? Men always have a motivation for wanting abortion. And funny, it's always men who #1, insist there is no victim, and #2, deny coercion is an issue.

Using your logic, marital rape was a victimless crime as wel., before the law changedl..since the law didn't recognize it as rape. Slavery was a victimless crime, since nobody was ever arrested for holding/abusing slaves, when it was legal.

She is victimized by the clinic, and by assholes like you who pretend there is no coercion going on.

The babies are victimized, obviously.

Again, how is she "victimized" when she gets a service she asked for?

And as I've pointed out, even when abortion was illegal, no one was ever charged with murdering a baby.

[What is your horse in this race? Men always have a motivation for wanting abortion. And funny, it's always men who #1, insist there is no victim, and #2, deny coercion is an issue.

Actually, the strongest pro-choice crusaders I've seen are women, and the biggest anti-choice nutjobs I see are men.

But my horse in this race is one that we stop trying to legislate morality and deal with the real problem in this country, economic inequality. You can't bitch about laws that allow abortion when you support an economic system that encourages them.

When you support universal health care and paid family and medical leave, I'll take you seriously on your oppossition to abortion.

[Using your logic, marital rape was a victimless crime as wel., before the law changedl..since the law didn't recognize it as rape. Slavery was a victimless crime, since nobody was ever arrested for holding/abusing slaves, when it was legal.

Yes, The Bible said both of those things were perfectly fine at one point.

And the bible doesn't say jack-diddly about abortion.

But you'll all claim your Invisible Sky Pixie is crying about Abortion.

She is victimized by the clinic, and by assholes like you who pretend there is no coercion going on.

The babies are victimized, obviously.

Again, how is she "victimized" when she gets a service she asked for?

And as I've pointed out, even when abortion was illegal, no one was ever charged with murdering a baby.

[What is your horse in this race? Men always have a motivation for wanting abortion. And funny, it's always men who #1, insist there is no victim, and #2, deny coercion is an issue.

Actually, the strongest pro-choice crusaders I've seen are women, and the biggest anti-choice nutjobs I see are men.

But my horse in this race is one that we stop trying to legislate morality and deal with the real problem in this country, economic inequality. You can't bitch about laws that allow abortion when you support an economic system that encourages them.

When you support universal health care and paid family and medical leave, I'll take you seriously on your oppossition to abortion.

[Using your logic, marital rape was a victimless crime as wel., before the law changedl..since the law didn't recognize it as rape. Slavery was a victimless crime, since nobody was ever arrested for holding/abusing slaves, when it was legal.

Yes, The Bible said both of those things were perfectly fine at one point.

And the bible doesn't say jack-diddly about abortion.

But you'll all claim your Invisible Sky Pixie is crying about Abortion.

You're the one bringing that up.

So what is your motivation? Why are you a man so committed to promoting abortion?

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