A toxic President

Obama is toxic, he is endangering the American public he is sworn to protect by not enacting a travel ban from west African countries. WHY? Quarantines are routine and common sense things. Not hate... Why doesn't Obama not see that? He was born overseas and is "multicultural/multiracial". Meaning, Obama can't relate to most Americans. I have a feeling in November, 2014 on. Liberals are really going to regret indulging in this PC madness.

"It would make it harder to move health workers and supplies back and forth.

"Experience shows that it could also cause people in the affected region to change their travel, to evade screening, and make the disease even harder to track."

He stressed that the US was not in the middle of an outbreak or an epidemic and urged Americans to stay calm.

Of course they are going to change their travel. Destination USA will no longer be on their itinerary. There's no need for "screening" when they aren't allowed to come here.

These excuses are downright stupid.

They just will lie about where they've been or who they've been in contact with. Like the poor guy in Dallas.

(sigh) Once again let me explain, the passports are ALL tracked.

You can't go anywhere or be coming FROM anywhere that they don't know about.

The numskull has obviously never traveled overseas.
An excellent summary of the national mood, created by outside circumstances and a President who consistently drops the ball and then ducks responsibility for it.
A toxic president New York Post
A Toxic President
by Michael Goodwin
Oct. 19, 2014
Chalk it up to karma, fate or bad luck. Whatever you call it, the Ebola scare is proof that Bad Things Happen to Bad Presidents.

The morphing of what is a single case into near panic is, according to medical experts, unwarranted. They point out that, so far, one person from Liberia died in a Texas hospital and two nurses who treated him got sick. Period, end of panic.

In rational and medical terms, they may be right. But their calculations omit another factor. It’s the X factor.

In this case, X stands for trust.

President Obama has spent six years squandering it, and the administration’s confusion, contradictions and mistakes on Ebola fit the pattern. This is how he rolls.

Don’t worry, there’s no chance of an outbreak, they said. Then it was, Oops, we must rethink all procedures for handling cases. Then there was no worry about a “wide” outbreak, yet quarantines for lots of people.

The irrational fear of an alien pathogen is fueled by rational suspicion of an incompetent and dishonest government. How did the so-called experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention give Nurse No. 2 permission to travel by air, even though she had a mild fever?

That’s a great question — if only the CDC would answer it. “I have not seen the transcript of the conversation,” was Director Thomas Frieden’s lame answer.

Meanwhile, the most obvious move, a travel ban from affected countries, is rejected with unpersuasive claims about the need to get aid workers to Africa. It looks and smells like political correctness searching for logic.

There isn’t any logic, so bet your hazmat suit a ban will happen soon. It’ll be one way for the new Ebola czar to make a mark.

But it will take a miracle worker to restore Barack Obama’s credibility. While there are many things to say about his tenure, the one thing you cannot say is that the nation trusts him.

Poll after poll, on subject after subject, show a collapse. Consistently now, a majority of Americans say Obama is not trustworthy. Most think he’s a failure, many say he is incompetent and the vast bulk — 70 percent in some cases — says his key policies are wrong for America.

He is so unpopular that members of his own party don’t want to be seen with him, lest his failures spawn a political plague.

Against that backdrop, any emergency will cause the national yips. The rise of the Islamic State and its beheadings of two Americans did it, and now Ebola is doing it.

As “Ghostbusters” asked, who you gonna call? Certainly not this White House.

Credibility is like a reservoir or a bank account. You make deposits in good times so you can make withdrawals when you need them.

Obama never made the deposits. It’s been all downhill since Day One. He blames others for failures, and when cornered or ambitious, reaches for a lie. Routinely.

The claim that “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” is a defining example, but hardly the only one. Don’t forget “shovel-ready jobs” to justify a trillion-dollar boondoggle. Or there’s “not a smidgen” of corruption at the IRS. And Benghazi was caused by an anti-Muslim video.

His lies are legion and now he’s like the boy who cried wolf. When he makes a national appeal on Ebola, the trust tank is empty.

If there’s one encouraging sign, it’s that Obama may sense he’s walking on thin ice. When Ebola started to dominate the news, he canceled two fund-raising trips.

Talk about miracles.

What a crock of bullshit. When American's elected a black man as their president the crusty old WASP's in Washington duely noted that their precious presidential portraits consisting of 43 white men was now ruined. The Republicans swore to obstruct President Obama in every way possible - what President Obama was for the Republicans would be against.

That obstructionism is why we're so fucked up today, and there are the rightists claiming President Obama is toxic - on their dime.

But really, if you right wing freaks aren't aware of how our deficit rose so much, you aren't paying attention and you're lying to yourselves. You thin liberal Americans are stupid - but we see straight through your bullshit.
An excellent summary of the national mood, created by outside circumstances and a President who consistently drops the ball and then ducks responsibility for it.
A toxic president New York Post
A Toxic President
by Michael Goodwin
Oct. 19, 2014
Chalk it up to karma, fate or bad luck. Whatever you call it, the Ebola scare is proof that Bad Things Happen to Bad Presidents.

The morphing of what is a single case into near panic is, according to medical experts, unwarranted. They point out that, so far, one person from Liberia died in a Texas hospital and two nurses who treated him got sick. Period, end of panic.

In rational and medical terms, they may be right. But their calculations omit another factor. It’s the X factor.

In this case, X stands for trust.

President Obama has spent six years squandering it, and the administration’s confusion, contradictions and mistakes on Ebola fit the pattern. This is how he rolls.

Don’t worry, there’s no chance of an outbreak, they said. Then it was, Oops, we must rethink all procedures for handling cases. Then there was no worry about a “wide” outbreak, yet quarantines for lots of people.

The irrational fear of an alien pathogen is fueled by rational suspicion of an incompetent and dishonest government. How did the so-called experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention give Nurse No. 2 permission to travel by air, even though she had a mild fever?

That’s a great question — if only the CDC would answer it. “I have not seen the transcript of the conversation,” was Director Thomas Frieden’s lame answer.

Meanwhile, the most obvious move, a travel ban from affected countries, is rejected with unpersuasive claims about the need to get aid workers to Africa. It looks and smells like political correctness searching for logic.

There isn’t any logic, so bet your hazmat suit a ban will happen soon. It’ll be one way for the new Ebola czar to make a mark.

But it will take a miracle worker to restore Barack Obama’s credibility. While there are many things to say about his tenure, the one thing you cannot say is that the nation trusts him.

Poll after poll, on subject after subject, show a collapse. Consistently now, a majority of Americans say Obama is not trustworthy. Most think he’s a failure, many say he is incompetent and the vast bulk — 70 percent in some cases — says his key policies are wrong for America.

He is so unpopular that members of his own party don’t want to be seen with him, lest his failures spawn a political plague.

Against that backdrop, any emergency will cause the national yips. The rise of the Islamic State and its beheadings of two Americans did it, and now Ebola is doing it.

As “Ghostbusters” asked, who you gonna call? Certainly not this White House.

Credibility is like a reservoir or a bank account. You make deposits in good times so you can make withdrawals when you need them.

Obama never made the deposits. It’s been all downhill since Day One. He blames others for failures, and when cornered or ambitious, reaches for a lie. Routinely.

The claim that “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” is a defining example, but hardly the only one. Don’t forget “shovel-ready jobs” to justify a trillion-dollar boondoggle. Or there’s “not a smidgen” of corruption at the IRS. And Benghazi was caused by an anti-Muslim video.

His lies are legion and now he’s like the boy who cried wolf. When he makes a national appeal on Ebola, the trust tank is empty.

If there’s one encouraging sign, it’s that Obama may sense he’s walking on thin ice. When Ebola started to dominate the news, he canceled two fund-raising trips.

Talk about miracles.

What a crock of bullshit. When American's elected a black man as their president the crusty old WASP's in Washington duely noted that their precious presidential portraits consisting of 43 white men was now ruined. The Republicans swore to obstruct President Obama in every way possible - what President Obama was for the Republicans would be against.

That obstructionism is why we're so fucked up today, and there are the rightists claiming President Obama is toxic - on their dime.

But really, if you right wing freaks aren't aware of how our deficit rose so much, you aren't paying attention and you're lying to yourselves. You thin liberal Americans are stupid - but we see straight through your bullshit.

So your point is that we are against Obama because he is Black?

Why do we care what you think about anything?
he's been toxic alright. TO US and our COUNTRY

When he bused in all those ugly people for his crowing as President and they started singing some stupid song to President Bush. I knew right then he hated us and planned on making us hurt for it
You can all bet your asses another black president will never happen. He is representin', ya know. And he SUCKS.

Condoleeza would make a great Prez.

You mean the woman knowingly lied about Saddam's efforts to rebuild his Nuclear program over and over throughout 2002 and part of 2003. Dream on........
I thought lying was a prerequisite to run for president. Oh, that's the Democrat Party.
Jesus H Chryst, how on earth did the worse president in history beat Mittens?
Easy, food stamps and stupid voters.
20 million poor White folks are on food stamps. Most live in Red States.

It 8217 s Official White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp 8216 Moochers 8217 in the Country Americans Against the Tea Party
Americans Against the Tea party sounds legit.

"According to demographic data, 43% of SNAP participants are white,"

SNAP Frequently Asked Questions Snap To Health

Do the math, 47 million (46.5) * .43 = 19.99 million.

Feel better now?
Yes. You clearly are talking out of your ass.
As Obama pointed out last week or so, even though he is not on the ballot this time, his issues and programs definitely are.

And they are dragging down the Democrats huge.

Democrat programs always do, once they are in place and people find out how different they are from what was promised.
Jesus H Chryst, how on earth did the worse president in history beat Mittens?
Easy, food stamps and stupid voters.
20 million poor White folks are on food stamps. Most live in Red States.

It 8217 s Official White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp 8216 Moochers 8217 in the Country Americans Against the Tea Party
Americans Against the Tea party sounds legit.

"According to demographic data, 43% of SNAP participants are white,"

SNAP Frequently Asked Questions Snap To Health

Do the math, 47 million (46.5) * .43 = 19.99 million.

Feel better now?
Yes. You clearly are talking out of your ass.

I guess that's better that the Bull-Shit coming out of your mouth.
Americans Against the Tea party sounds legit.

"According to demographic data, 43% of SNAP participants are white,"

SNAP Frequently Asked Questions Snap To Health

Do the math, 47 million (46.5) * .43 = 19.99 million.

Feel better now?
Yes. You clearly are talking out of your ass.

I guess that's better that the Bull-Shit coming out of your mouth.
No bullshit coming from my mouth.
Plenty coming from your keyboard. Keep posting. I need the laughs.
Time to take a break from the constant insults and denigration, and get back to the subject of the thread, however briefly:

It's gotten to the point where the American people (this time even including Democrats) aren't upset just about any one problem.

They are tired of being constantly lied to, constantly seeing Americans beheaded and the government respond with tepid measures that don't work, constantly seeing their taxes rise due to programs that were supposed to save money, and on and on.

The no longer trust the Democrats, and are ready to look elsewhere.

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