A Travesty: Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Chanted Every Friday Across Campus At Duke University

If true, then...

Hopefully, the entire Alumni Association stops their donations...

Hopefully, donations from most other sources dry up, as well...

Hopefully, others challenge this audio intrusion into the hearing and minds of non-Muslim students...

Hopefully, the non-Muslim majority at the school embark upon protests against their Administration...

Hopefully, somebody with deep pockets challenges this in court, beginning with an immediate injunction against doing so...

The day the University of Riyad or the University of Karachi allows similar broadcasting of Ave Maria and Amazing Grace from their minarets on a regular daily basis, then maybe schools in the US can reciprocate, but not until then... no reciprocity, no original accommodation... no tickee, no washee...

Hopefully, the Board of Trustees encounters such a shit-storm that they have no choice but to direct school administration to reverse its decision...

Frigging Hyper-Liberal Academia Idiots...

Hmmm why not?

In the tower of Duke Chapel is a 50-bell carillon, played on weekdays at 5:00 p.m. and before and after Sunday worship services and special events.

The University Carillonneur begins the 5:00 p.m. recitals by ringing the hour on the largest bell. For holidays or other public occasions, the programs often feature selections appropriate to the day. In a tradition started during Terry Sanford’s tenure as University President, the Duke Alma Mater (“Dear Old Duke”) is played every Friday.

Carillon Duke University Chapel
The muslims will eventually demand that the school stop accepting Christians and Jews.

The opposite. Islam only recognizes the people under the Torah, Bible Scriptures, and Quran.
It does not SPECIFICALLY recognize any other religions, only Muslim Christians and Jews as people of the Book.
They are SUPPOSED to receive and respect "All Sent by God" but those are the only three formally recognized
without going into interpretations that are debated.

In order to recognize other religions "through Islam," you can either *interpret* Mohammad's teachings
on "no compulsion in religion" as respecting the beliefs of others without coersion,
or *interpret* Sura 109 to mean peaceful coexistence even if there are differences,
or if you *interpret* respect for the civil laws of the country you are in to mean
respecting religious freedom under the Constitution or other secular laws. But it isn't directly instructed in Islam;
only the Jews Christians and Muslims are formally recognized, and the rest depends on interpretation.
Our mosque wanted to broadcast the Adhan (call to prayer) through a loudspeaker on the roof.

Some people objected and the issue went before the City Council.

It was brought up that the Catholic church a block down the street rang it's steeple bells several times per day.

We won the case and the beautiful Adhan now permeates the air 5 times per day. ...... :thup:
Our mosque wanted to broadcast the Adhan (call to prayer) through a loudspeaker on the roof.

Some people objected and the issue went before the City Council.

It was brought up that the Catholic church a block down the street rang it's steeple bells several times per day.

We won the case and the beautiful Adhan now permeates the air 5 times per day. ...... :thup:
Broadcasting evil over the speakers

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