A Tribute to President Trump....as the left tries to destroy him and his supporters....

For one of the best Presidents we have ever had...who put the American people first, who tried to take on the swamp....who created a booming economy, peace movement in the middle east....

To you President Trump......

MAGA forever...

I actually thought he deserved a tribute for attempting something on unfair trade (although I thought his gripe with Europe was just his personal ego tiff) and trying to end forever wars. Whatever else his failures were, even if the flirted with fascism, imo he had a sincere desire to do some good for America.

But he encouraged an attempted insurrection last Wed. That is his legacy. The only potus to ever do that. Not even Nixon. Not even Andrew Johnson. Not Buchanan. Even Andrew Jackson accepted an election result he believed (with some reason) was corrupt. Even Gore who probably should have won Fla if "voter intent" counted.

He didn't flirt with fascism......that's just a stupid thing to say. the democrat party is fascist...as we are now seeing...with the Capitol Reichstag Fire they are using to clamp down on opposition.
With all the accurate criticisms one can make of the duopoly, distorting the meanings of words is not necessary.
He will go down as the worst President ever.
And they absolutely adore him.

Adore him? No. Recognize what he accomplished, and how he drew out the enemies of this country.......took on the foreign enemies of this country...while shit heels like you supported violence, racism and hate by backing the democrat party.
He befriended the enemies and shunned the allies.
I'd bet you a dollar that most of these anti-Trump loons are in fact foreigners or even CCP zombies.
Make that a ruble (or a bottle of vodka). This has become so ridiculously obvious that you look a little funny even saying it. They are the same as the pro-Trump "loons".

Trump was part of the Establishment "Dog and pony / Good cop - bad cop Show" all along.

Keep an open mind.

And keep in mind the objective is to keep the American people (BOTH sides) distracted and hopeful every step of the way as they lead us into submission and total control so that we all stay focused everywhere EXCEPT on them.

Objective higher thought will be beyond some, such as Christ_on_a_croissant, and other Godless heathens.
Yeah I’m not sold on trump either,the fact he used guliani as a defense lawyer is a red flag cause he was involved in the 9/11 coverup. To me trump seems more concerned about getting re-elected than serving the people and draining the swamp,he had four years to get rid of the cia,fib and fed and did not lift one finger to do so,also why has he not told the media to stop lying about the jfk assassination or why did he not demand a new independent 9/11 investigation? You got to Romberg the day 9/11 happened he said he believed bombs brought down the towers,two days later,he changed his tune and tooted the governments explanation that the jet fuel caused them. I hate to say it but I think you are right,that it’s a dog and pony show with him playing the good cop role.
Downright fucking embarrassing OP. This is gonna follow you around like a new puppy.
Here, you'll need these
Cultists. No self-respect whatsoever. SMGDFH

You're no better if you believe Obama or Biden was or will be better

Same thing.....different flavor

Actually, there is the appearance that Trump did in fact try to do more for America vs ALL the others combined. But I stop short of worshiping Trump
He indeed is one stupid fuck if he thinks Obama was better or Biden will be. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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