A trifecta of missed opportunities: why the republican pr machine is incompetent


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
The low hanging fruit is rotting on the vine because of mainstream republican ineptitude. Here are three examples

Michelle Obama Urges All High School Students to Apply for Federal Aid: 'Don't Leave Money on the Table'

Student loan debt is greater than credit card debt. The percentage of those graduating that can't find a decent job is huge. The default rate is ten per cent, and yet Obama wants more of the same, doubling down on a failed policy in order to have more people beholden and under the thumb of another govt policy. And by all means don't even worry about paying it all back. So he doesn't want to create more high paying jobs but he does want to indenture more young people to govt. John Boehner can't body slam Obama with this one?

Number 2: Dems want Supreme Court judge Elena Kagan to step down so Obama can appoint a younger liberal to the court. Hello? We're not interested in justice we are interested in promoting our agenda. This is a freaking home run for conservatives but no we have to have a republican media wimpathon.

Thirdly: the venerable Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel was quoted as saying it might take until 2020 to realize the benefits of obamacare but then it will be the greatest social program ever devised. Oh yeah by the way he authored it. This is so rich it boggles the mind. What parallel universe are we living in? Let's just say I am a CEO and I'm am telling my stockholders that I have a plan that will make the company immensely rich in six years, but in that time period many employees might lose their jobs and the company might go bankrupt, oh and by the way I can't guarantee this outcome. I wonder how long it would take security to escort me to the exit? How damn hard can it be to make Dr. Ego the poster child of failure for obamacare?

I said trifecta, but something just came in the mail that has to be outed. I was not in the service and have not heard from veterans affairs since I registered over forty years ago , but just recently I received a Manila envelope from veterans affairs which I opened to find reams of paper telling me to sign up for obamacare. So here we have an administration taking money from veterans to buy propaganda to send via veterans affairs to promote their signature failure. How many more examples do we need to expose the base corruption of this administration?

The mainstream repubs don't have a brain trust, they have brain rust. Until and unless there is new blood and new brains we will continue to concede elections to liberals.
Can you say mainstream media?

That, coupled with the idiocracy that has become America, is the perfect formula for a perfectly screwed up society.

We are PC driven these days, and to step out of that sacred box is to commit political suicide.

Obama has set the bar, and I fear that we will never recover as a nation.
Mr H I hear ya. My wife and I were talking after watching the interviews of college students at American university that can't identify ONE us senator. It will take a whole generation to undo the damage that liberals have wrought on our education system and political system, and that is if we started tomorrow. Ain't looking good for the the grandkids, or the great grandkids.

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