A trip to look at art

It varies. But dolts wouldn't know. They're trying to ruin a kid's innocent WAY before their time.

"It varies", yes, that's why I put the condition in. However you won't say what that condition is.

And "But dolts......" doesn't mean anything. It's like you're trying to say idiots wouldn't know, but then you don't seem to know, dangerous ground now. Either you tell me or you're a self confessed "dolt".
"It varies", yes, that's why I put the condition in. However you won't say what that condition is.

And "But dolts......" doesn't mean anything. It's like you're trying to say idiots wouldn't know, but then you don't seem to know, dangerous ground now. Either you tell me or you're a self confessed "dolt".
Yeah? So? Who's fault is that? When I was 11, I hadn't seen much worse than that. But then, there were no sex freaks running around back then trying to corrupt little kids and had someone tried, my father and every other father in the neighborhood would have beat them to within an inch of their lives.

I'm an artist, Festus, I don't arrack art, just sick freaks using art as another tool to harm little kids.

Are you saying that Michelangelo is a "sick freak".?
What did these poor kids think they were going to be taught in "classical art" ?
Are you saying that Michelangelo is a "sick freak".?
How STUPID do you have to be to get THAT out of what was said? Are you a COMPLETE moron?

What did these poor kids think they were going to be taught in "classical art" ?
Classical art is high-school stuff, not for 11 year old, idiot. Sixth graders have far more basic things to learn first before trying to learn how to interpret Vincent Van Gogh or Pablo Picasso.
Great, you don't know.

Let's try this. When does a kid have their first sexual thought?
Generally, at the time of puberty when (in the case of boys) they start noticing girls. That's the natural chain of events. But if you live with Dems, it starts a wee bit younger than that:




The parents and guardians of these poor little kids should be hanged by the neck until dead.
How STUPID do you have to be to get THAT out of what was said? Are you a COMPLETE moron?

Classical art is high-school stuff, not for 11 year old, idiot. Sixth graders have far more basic things to learn first before trying to learn how to interpret Vincent Van Gogh or Pablo Picasso.
It would certainly be a challenge for the likes of you.
Generally, at the time of puberty when (in the case of boys) they start noticing girls. That's the natural chain of events. But if you live with Dems, it starts a wee bit younger than that:


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The parents and guardians of these poor little kids should be hanged by the neck until dead.

Thing is you're saying that "dems" do this. I'd think 99.99% of dems don't do anything like this at all. Yes, there are people who do ridiculous things and yes people should tell them this isn't acceptable. However, what we're talking about doesn't seem to represent that.

Now where do you start with sex ed?

The human body? At what point do you tell a boy that girls don't have weiners and tell girls boys don't have holes? I'm sure they kind of know.
At what point do you tell kids about the reproductive system?

Somewhere where I grew up got pregnant at the age of 13. So that's too late to start telling them about the reproductive system. Girls need to know about periods before the age of 10. When do boys need to start understand what's going on with them?
Thing is you're saying that "dems" do this. I'd think 99.99% of dems don't do anything like this at all. Yes, there are people who do ridiculous things and yes people should tell them this isn't acceptable. However, what we're talking about doesn't seem to represent that.

Now where do you start with sex ed?

The human body? At what point do you tell a boy that girls don't have weiners and tell girls boys don't have holes? I'm sure they kind of know.
At what point do you tell kids about the reproductive system?

Somewhere where I grew up got pregnant at the age of 13. So that's too late to start telling them about the reproductive system. Girls need to know about periods before the age of 10. When do boys need to start understand what's going on with them?

Result of the unfettered, Dem-backed Teachers' Union.

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