A TrumpUSA Game: Capitalism Diaries [Village of Donald]


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Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA remind you of The Running Man (e.g., WikiLeaks intrigue reflective mind-games)?

What do you think?



"Americans negotiated with the marketing power of various society-rich icons/symbols such as popular TV series characters and avatars (e.g., Knight Rider, Richie Rich) and why they captured a general interest in fortune and risk in a world governed by capitalism. Why was folklore so intriguing to Americans? Did capitalism make TrumpUSA a tower of dramatic imagineerism?"


"Well, the god of destruction/meditation Shiva, who prayed on his mountaintop in Nepal, decided to descend to Earth and disguise himself as a human and participate in some 'TrumpUSA' capitalism-imagination 'games' with everyday civilians/pedestrians, organizing them into 'goal-directed' capitalism-challenge labyrinths designed to make modern traffic feel more 'folkloric.' This wasn't the era of Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men in the forests of England; no, this was a time of crime syndicates and pirate-profiteers in major U.S. cities like Chicago and L.A. Shiva understood that to play worthwhile 'capitalism-games' in this traffic-intriguing TrumpUSA required a specific focus on the human qualities of corruption-medicine."


"That's why to stand against the axis of Shiva rose special urban youth-gangs called Red Tribes who often wore masks to signify their stance on piracy-dominions in TrumpUSA. As Shiva rallied various civilians to serve as everyday pedestrian capitalism enthusiasts and priests, the Red Tribes continued to exercise their conspicuous brand of traffic incitement, using media-scandals and protests to generate intrigue about socialization frustration in TrumpUSA. Now, Shiva was the Commander-General of a great American 'capitalism-game' involving pedagoguery, masked crusaders, and of course, everyday heroes."


"Well, to challenge the command of Shiva, the diabolical Ravana rose to great social power and prestige in TrumpUSA. Ravana commandeered the forces of the Red Tribes and a legion of urban women in modern-day America willing to serve as 'fortune sirens' in a new landscape governed mostly by capitalism-cunning. As Shiva rallied youth clubs and summer school camps in America to encourage students to think about the user-friendly features of consumerism, Ravana and the Red Tribes rallied the forces of 'urban seduction' in what became a 'piracy magazine folk-tale'."


"Shiva was not going to give up easily, so he told his youth-forces of students to wear special masquerading costumes/masks for Halloween and Earth Day to celebrate the general social interest in pedagoguery-based patriotism. These masked youth would highlight Americans' appreciation of basic educational values as they applied to a social fervor towards more engaged consumerism. These youth would serve to remind society that Burger King America was about more than just cholesterol, piracy, and mustached bankers(!)."


"So a great game ensued, between the patriot-forces of Shiva (rallying the spirit of social poetry!) and the subversive forces of the shrewd Ravana (rallying the restless fever of general social angst towards capitalism-tediums!). This was something of a 'war of the pantheon of ideology gods' overseeing/managing the tone and color of TrumpUSA-capitalism (and nationalism-rhetoric too!). Who would win? Would TrumpUSA-capitalism be a bastion of poetry (as Shiva hoped) or perhaps a den of warlocks (as Ravana envisioned)?"


RAVANA: Your 'mission' is one of optimism (not pragmatism)!
SHIVA: You underestimate the potency of the imagination...
RAVANA: You may understand human will, but I know human character.
SHIVA: There are contours between will and character (e.g., The People's Court)!
RAVANA: This TrumpUSA 'game' we're playing is building a 'village for Donald.'
SHIVA: Donald Trump understands well the qualities of fortune-hunting.
RAVANA: He was a terrific capitalism-baron and casino-mogul in Atlantic City!
SHIVA: He was a true 'American.'
RAVANA: They will remember me as an outstanding 'Bolshevik warlock.'
SHIVA: Isn't it ironic how politics creates so much 'traffic-diarism'?
RAVANA: Well, if we continue this 'Donald Village' TrumpUSA-game, I'll win!
SHIVA: Perhaps...but at least I tried to insert some cinnamon into the field...
RAVANA: Patriotism has become more about vanity.
SHIVA: American capitalism will always cater to dollhouse interests...


"So Shiva and Ravana continued to play their TrumpUSA 'traffic-game.' Various groups and interests were 'fed' by this great game and were able to cater their curiosities about the depths and contours of capitalism in modern civilization. Shiva appreciated how kids learned to play with computers and why their parents purchased for them toy-phones and computers for Christmas --- to elevate their sense of consumerism-patriotism in this age of gadgets and gizmos. Ravana made a special social Facebook-contract with Bill Gates of Microsoft, trying to utilize the 'sociocultural features' of fortune-and-innovation hypnosis (e.g., Nickelodeon). After all, commerce was all about design, right?"


MELANIA: Oh, I'm a huge fan of the 'TrumpUSA-game.'
CNN: Are you an advocate of consumerism aesthetics?
MELANIA: I like Consumer Reports and Toy Story films.
CNN: Do you prefer Shiva or Ravana's methods of ideology/propaganda?
MELANIA: I like Shiva's sense of patriotism, but I prefer Ravana's view of humanity!
CNN: Yes, Ravana understands the 'sensitive' nature of human passion...
MELANIA: Yes, you have to tend to 'basic instincts' in this age of great communication.
CNN: Ravana is like Boss Tweed of 1800s New York!
MELANIA: That's why we want someone like Shiva to offer some 'medicinal diarism.'
CNN: Is capitalism basically a system of 'design'?
MELANIA: It's a system of great imagination, which is why TrumpUSA is a 'fountain.'


"How will the poets remark this age of great confidence? Will we brood on the textures of vanity, or will we remember the basic arrow of human design? This is the time of great American spiritual inquiry."




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