A tweet that did not age well...

Made worse in the United states, by Trump. Surely you understand that there are better and worse ways to handle a pandemic. Or, apparently not, by your silly post.

How did Trump make it worse? Be as specific as possible

Here ya go. Happy to help. Thank me later.

Shut up you idiot. In January the World Health Organization didn’t even think the virus was contagious. Trump may have got some early warnings from our intelligence agencies early, maybe not, but you can’t expect the president to act on every warning he gets.

Hey, you asked the question, now you want to whine because you got the answer.

Don't ask the question if you can't handle it, Daisy.

You have no answer because he didn’t make things worse. Even if we had found out about it earlier. The only thing that could be done is mobilizing businesses to produce ventilators
Oh so your back now?
Yes, I left, and then I went somewhere, and then I came back. That is exactly how the internet works. Boy, are my arms tired!

Yeah and that statement put out by the WHO makes them look good in retrospect?
Sorry, I didn't see an admission that you misspoke. Once I see that, I might answer your question.

Well you ran away before, so I figured you’d want to save some dignity.

I didn’t misspeak. My point was the WHO misread the situation in January. Your post illustrated that. Thanks a lot btw.

I already gave you an entire page of answers. Want me to read it to you and send an audio clip?

You seem angry. Show us on the doll where the Rump tweets touched you.

You gave me jack shit. I don’t care about Trump at all right now. I’m worried about my parents and other old and sick people. I’m also smart enough to lay the blame squarely where it belongs. And that is the Chinese

uh huh.

Tell me, what do the Chinese have to do with United States being ready to react?

U think maybe the fact that they hid the virus from us had any affect???? Nah only normal people would understand something like that IE not u
Made worse in the United states, by Trump. Surely you understand that there are better and worse ways to handle a pandemic. Or, apparently not, by your silly post.

How did Trump make it worse? Be as specific as possible

Here ya go. Happy to help. Thank me later.

Shut up you idiot. In January the World Health Organization didn’t even think the virus was contagious. Trump may have got some early warnings from our intelligence agencies early, maybe not, but you can’t expect the president to act on every warning he gets.

Hey, you asked the question, now you want to whine because you got the answer.

Don't ask the question if you can't handle it, Daisy.

You have no answer because he didn’t make things worse. Even if we had found out about it earlier. The only thing that could be done is mobilizing businesses to produce ventilators
Oh so your back now?
Yes, I left, and then I went somewhere, and then I came back. That is exactly how the internet works. Boy, are my arms tired!

Yeah and that statement put out by the WHO makes them look good in retrospect?
Sorry, I didn't see an admission that you misspoke. Once I see that, I might answer your question.

Well you ran away before, so I figured you’d want to save some dignity.

I didn’t misspeak. My point was the WHO misread the situation in January. Your post illustrated that. Thanks a lot btw.

I already gave you an entire page of answers. Want me to read it to you and send an audio clip?

You seem angry. Show us on the doll where the Rump tweets touched you.

You gave me jack shit. I don’t care about Trump at all right now. I’m worried about my parents and other old and sick people. I’m also smart enough to lay the blame squarely where it belongs. And that is the Chinese

uh huh.

Tell me, what do the Chinese have to do with United States being ready to react?

U think maybe the fact that they hid the virus from us had any affect???? Nah only normal people would understand something like that IE not u

"U" think I'm Burmese?

Try actually reading the link I gave you. What a concept. Wassamatta, scared you might learn something challenging?
View attachment 314908

This was exactly 1 month ago...much has changed since then

Was there a point there or is your TDS flaring up again?

The point is we were being lied to a month ago.

It is impossible to you to imagine that he might have been wrong?


He was wrong ,that is why the tweet did not age well...

But that does not change the fact that while he was telling us this we had a Senator warning his donors about the dangers, we have 4 Senators at least selling off stock and one even buying stock in a company that makes work from home softwar.

They knew. they did not tell us

So, which is it? Was he wrong, or was he lying?

Be clear.

He was wrong, whether it was a lie or ignorance is unclear. That our government knew more than they were telling us is 100% fact.

Please show us your source and working link demonstrating that our government knows more than they are telling us.

I have posted it 100 times. I am not doing it again.

Answer me this, why did a US Senator sell off a shit ton of stocks and buy up stock in a company that makes work from home software at the same time we were being told everything was under control?

Why did a different Senator tell his donors that schools would likely be closed and not to travel at the same time we were being told all was under control?

Now you’re taking it out of context.
Ah, so now you are saying it's not the only thing, I assume. Agreed.

And if it makes you feel any better, there is a lot of blame to go around. Governors, mayors, reps, all sat on their thumbs for far too long.

Cant get a much more clear example of failed leadership, top down.
I have posted it 100 times. I am not doing it again.

Answer me this, why did a US Senator sell off a shit ton of stocks and buy up stock in a company that makes work from home software at the same time we were being told everything was under control?

Why did a different Senator tell his donors that schools would likely be closed and not to travel at the same time we were being told all was under control?

So all you need to do is copy and paste it. BUT, you have NOTHING.

Actually, there are four Senators who sold off their stocks. Each and every one of them should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

In spite of your hatred of this President warping your vision. Other Americans see the great things being done by President Trump.

Gallup: 60 Percent Favor Donald Trump Coronavirus Response

A new poll from Gallup shows that President Donald Trump’s approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus is now at 60 percent.

The president’s overall approval rating is also at 49 percent, tied for the best of his presidency.
South Korea got their first case the same time we did, they did not wait 8 weeks to act.
Why did we?

What was that date?

Around 21 Jan. And less than a week after that the leader of SK summoned representatives from more than 20 medical companies and told them it was coming and they needed the ability to test massive amounts of people...and they acted and they were able to to do....All the while our government was telling us it was all ok.
What a joke of a post that was.........On that day the CDC was having a briefing on the 1st case in the United States.........10 days later.........emergency declared and travel ban

This WHILE THE BS TRIAL IN THE SENATE was going on...................more TDS.........

3 YEARS OF TDS...................even when people are dying they can't stop.....


There was no travel ban, why do you people keep saying that?

And other than the travel restrictions, waht did our country do to prepare?
We didn't elect Hillary..............was a VERY GOOD MOVE......

The gov't called an emergency HHS.......same dang thing Obama did........and Trump did the Stratford Emergency very early on.........

On the BAN...........stop splitting hairs...........if we didn't RESTRICT TRAVEL........we'd have gotten hit earlier than what happened............Europe got nailed first...........HOW did it go there..........perhaps the WHOLE WORLD SHOULD HAVE STOPPED TRAVEL.........


That was a GOOD MOVE BY ODIN..........GOD OF VAHALLA..........LOL
Made worse in the United states, by Trump. Surely you understand that there are better and worse ways to handle a pandemic. Or, apparently not, by your silly post.

How did Trump make it worse? Be as specific as possible

Here ya go. Happy to help. Thank me later.

Shut up you idiot. In January the World Health Organization didn’t even think the virus was contagious. Trump may have got some early warnings from our intelligence agencies early, maybe not, but you can’t expect the president to act on every warning he gets.

Hey, you asked the question, now you want to whine because you got the answer.

Don't ask the question if you can't handle it, Daisy.

You have no answer because he didn’t make things worse. Even if we had found out about it earlier. The only thing that could be done is mobilizing businesses to produce ventilators
Oh so your back now?
Yes, I left, and then I went somewhere, and then I came back. That is exactly how the internet works. Boy, are my arms tired!

Yeah and that statement put out by the WHO makes them look good in retrospect?
Sorry, I didn't see an admission that you misspoke. Once I see that, I might answer your question.

Well you ran away before, so I figured you’d want to save some dignity.

I didn’t misspeak. My point was the WHO misread the situation in January. Your post illustrated that. Thanks a lot btw.

I already gave you an entire page of answers. Want me to read it to you and send an audio clip?

You seem angry. Show us on the doll where the Rump tweets touched you.

You gave me jack shit. I don’t care about Trump at all right now. I’m worried about my parents and other old and sick people. I’m also smart enough to lay the blame squarely where it belongs. And that is the Chinese

uh huh.

Tell me, what do the Chinese have to do with United States being ready to react?

U think maybe the fact that they hid the virus from us had any affect???? Nah only normal people would understand something like that IE not u

"U" think I'm Burmese?

Try actually reading the link I gave you. What a concept. Wassamatta, scared you might learn something challenging?

Why are we talking about your link? You asked me why is it China’s fault. I didn’t even mention their sanctioned wet markets that specifically caused the virus. I stated the fact that the Chinese government hid this virus from the world. In response to your stupid question of how is it China’s fault that our reaction time wasn’t up to par.
View attachment 314908

This was exactly 1 month ago...much has changed since then

Was there a point there or is your TDS flaring up again?

The point is we were being lied to a month ago.
Lied to. . . or being told things in order to reduce panic?

I am sure if someone like Obama or Hillary were in charge, they would have been making similar pronouncements.

It would have been similarly reassuring the public not to panic.

Face it, you just don't like Trump, so anything he says, no matter how he says it, you will take issue with.

. . . but, the fact of the matter is, all politicians that are working for the interests of the state? Say pretty much the same things.

Get over yourself dude.
Now you’re taking it out of context.
Ah, so now you are saying it's not the only thing, I assume. Agreed.

And if it makes you feel any better, there is a lot of blame to go around. Governors, mayors, reps, all sat on their thumbs for far too long.

Cant get a much more clear example of failed leadership, top down.

No I’m not saying that. You’re putting words in my mouth. only an idiot thinks government is capable of controlling everything.
South Korea manufactures the tests in their own country and what is their population?

Specifically, how would more testing have stopped the virus?

Yes they did, why could we not do that?

About 1/6 of ours and yet they were able to act and we were not...we should be embarrassed.

Those with it could have been isolated much quicker and there would have been less spread. Even now my wife's VA medical center is waiting 3 days for results...

Shut the fuck up

They are supposed to treat the patient

if someone presents with a fever . cough, shortness of breath you treat them regardless of the cause

when was the last time they renewed their
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) certificate?


No I’m not saying that. You’re putting words in my mouth. only an idiot thinks government is capable of controlling everything.
Well, you kind of made the leap from your "only" to my "some" to your "everything" , there. All on your own.

So, we've got you pegged, haha. Not just one thing only, but not everything, either!
Made worse in the United states, by Trump. Surely you understand that there are better and worse ways to handle a pandemic. Or, apparently not, by your silly post.

How did Trump make it worse? Be as specific as possible

Here ya go. Happy to help. Thank me later.

Shut up you idiot. In January the World Health Organization didn’t even think the virus was contagious. Trump may have got some early warnings from our intelligence agencies early, maybe not, but you can’t expect the president to act on every warning he gets.

Hey, you asked the question, now you want to whine because you got the answer.

Don't ask the question if you can't handle it, Daisy.

You have no answer because he didn’t make things worse. Even if we had found out about it earlier. The only thing that could be done is mobilizing businesses to produce ventilators
Oh so your back now?
Yes, I left, and then I went somewhere, and then I came back. That is exactly how the internet works. Boy, are my arms tired!

Yeah and that statement put out by the WHO makes them look good in retrospect?
Sorry, I didn't see an admission that you misspoke. Once I see that, I might answer your question.

Well you ran away before, so I figured you’d want to save some dignity.

I didn’t misspeak. My point was the WHO misread the situation in January. Your post illustrated that. Thanks a lot btw.

I already gave you an entire page of answers. Want me to read it to you and send an audio clip?

You seem angry. Show us on the doll where the Rump tweets touched you.

You gave me jack shit. I don’t care about Trump at all right now. I’m worried about my parents and other old and sick people. I’m also smart enough to lay the blame squarely where it belongs. And that is the Chinese

uh huh.

Tell me, what do the Chinese have to do with United States being ready to react?

U think maybe the fact that they hid the virus from us had any affect???? Nah only normal people would understand something like that IE not u

"U" think I'm Burmese?

Try actually reading the link I gave you. What a concept. Wassamatta, scared you might learn something challenging?
Ah, shut up-a-you-face!
Wassamatta you? Hey!
Made worse in the United states, by Trump. Surely you understand that there are better and worse ways to handle a pandemic. Or, apparently not, by your silly post.

How did Trump make it worse? Be as specific as possible

Here ya go. Happy to help. Thank me later.

Shut up you idiot. In January the World Health Organization didn’t even think the virus was contagious. Trump may have got some early warnings from our intelligence agencies early, maybe not, but you can’t expect the president to act on every warning he gets.

Hey, you asked the question, now you want to whine because you got the answer.

Don't ask the question if you can't handle it, Daisy.

You have no answer because he didn’t make things worse. Even if we had found out about it earlier. The only thing that could be done is mobilizing businesses to produce ventilators
Oh so your back now?
Yes, I left, and then I went somewhere, and then I came back. That is exactly how the internet works. Boy, are my arms tired!

Yeah and that statement put out by the WHO makes them look good in retrospect?
Sorry, I didn't see an admission that you misspoke. Once I see that, I might answer your question.

Well you ran away before, so I figured you’d want to save some dignity.

I didn’t misspeak. My point was the WHO misread the situation in January. Your post illustrated that. Thanks a lot btw.

I already gave you an entire page of answers. Want me to read it to you and send an audio clip?

You seem angry. Show us on the doll where the Rump tweets touched you.

You gave me jack shit. I don’t care about Trump at all right now. I’m worried about my parents and other old and sick people. I’m also smart enough to lay the blame squarely where it belongs. And that is the Chinese

uh huh.

Tell me, what do the Chinese have to do with United States being ready to react?

U think maybe the fact that they hid the virus from us had any affect???? Nah only normal people would understand something like that IE not u

"U" think I'm Burmese?

Try actually reading the link I gave you. What a concept. Wassamatta, scared you might learn something challenging?
Ah, shut up-a-you-face!
Wassamatta you? Hey!
Pogo............LOL.........I ignored that Moron a long time ago
No I’m not saying that. You’re putting words in my mouth. only an idiot thinks government is capable of controlling everything.
Well, you kind of made the leap from your "only" to my "some" to your "everything" , there. All on your own.

So, we've got you pegged, haha. Not just one thing only, but not everything, either!

I did no such thing. Is making stuff up fun? You do it all the time. Which is why I ask
Made worse in the United states, by Trump. Surely you understand that there are better and worse ways to handle a pandemic. Or, apparently not, by your silly post.

How did Trump make it worse? Be as specific as possible

Here ya go. Happy to help. Thank me later.

Shut up you idiot. In January the World Health Organization didn’t even think the virus was contagious. Trump may have got some early warnings from our intelligence agencies early, maybe not, but you can’t expect the president to act on every warning he gets.

Hey, you asked the question, now you want to whine because you got the answer.

Don't ask the question if you can't handle it, Daisy.

You have no answer because he didn’t make things worse. Even if we had found out about it earlier. The only thing that could be done is mobilizing businesses to produce ventilators
Oh so your back now?
Yes, I left, and then I went somewhere, and then I came back. That is exactly how the internet works. Boy, are my arms tired!

Yeah and that statement put out by the WHO makes them look good in retrospect?
Sorry, I didn't see an admission that you misspoke. Once I see that, I might answer your question.

Well you ran away before, so I figured you’d want to save some dignity.

I didn’t misspeak. My point was the WHO misread the situation in January. Your post illustrated that. Thanks a lot btw.

I already gave you an entire page of answers. Want me to read it to you and send an audio clip?

You seem angry. Show us on the doll where the Rump tweets touched you.

You gave me jack shit. I don’t care about Trump at all right now. I’m worried about my parents and other old and sick people. I’m also smart enough to lay the blame squarely where it belongs. And that is the Chinese

uh huh.

Tell me, what do the Chinese have to do with United States being ready to react?

U think maybe the fact that they hid the virus from us had any affect???? Nah only normal people would understand something like that IE not u

"U" think I'm Burmese?

Try actually reading the link I gave you. What a concept. Wassamatta, scared you might learn something challenging?
Ah, shut up-a-you-face!
Wassamatta you? Hey!
Pogo............LOL.........I ignored that Moron a long time ago
Who did that song, though?

This W.O.P. right here, that's who!
All good as far as I can see!
Made worse in the United states, by Trump. Surely you understand that there are better and worse ways to handle a pandemic. Or, apparently not, by your silly post.

How did Trump make it worse? Be as specific as possible

Here ya go. Happy to help. Thank me later.

Shut up you idiot. In January the World Health Organization didn’t even think the virus was contagious. Trump may have got some early warnings from our intelligence agencies early, maybe not, but you can’t expect the president to act on every warning he gets.

Hey, you asked the question, now you want to whine because you got the answer.

Don't ask the question if you can't handle it, Daisy.

You have no answer because he didn’t make things worse. Even if we had found out about it earlier. The only thing that could be done is mobilizing businesses to produce ventilators
Oh so your back now?
Yes, I left, and then I went somewhere, and then I came back. That is exactly how the internet works. Boy, are my arms tired!

Yeah and that statement put out by the WHO makes them look good in retrospect?
Sorry, I didn't see an admission that you misspoke. Once I see that, I might answer your question.

Well you ran away before, so I figured you’d want to save some dignity.

I didn’t misspeak. My point was the WHO misread the situation in January. Your post illustrated that. Thanks a lot btw.

I already gave you an entire page of answers. Want me to read it to you and send an audio clip?

You seem angry. Show us on the doll where the Rump tweets touched you.

You gave me jack shit. I don’t care about Trump at all right now. I’m worried about my parents and other old and sick people. I’m also smart enough to lay the blame squarely where it belongs. And that is the Chinese

uh huh.

Tell me, what do the Chinese have to do with United States being ready to react?

U think maybe the fact that they hid the virus from us had any affect???? Nah only normal people would understand something like that IE not u

"U" think I'm Burmese?

Try actually reading the link I gave you. What a concept. Wassamatta, scared you might learn something challenging?

No, we KNOW you are an imbecile. You confirm it with every post you make.
Made worse in the United states, by Trump. Surely you understand that there are better and worse ways to handle a pandemic. Or, apparently not, by your silly post.

How did Trump make it worse? Be as specific as possible

Here ya go. Happy to help. Thank me later.

Shut up you idiot. In January the World Health Organization didn’t even think the virus was contagious. Trump may have got some early warnings from our intelligence agencies early, maybe not, but you can’t expect the president to act on every warning he gets.

Hey, you asked the question, now you want to whine because you got the answer.

Don't ask the question if you can't handle it, Daisy.

You have no answer because he didn’t make things worse. Even if we had found out about it earlier. The only thing that could be done is mobilizing businesses to produce ventilators
Oh so your back now?
Yes, I left, and then I went somewhere, and then I came back. That is exactly how the internet works. Boy, are my arms tired!

Yeah and that statement put out by the WHO makes them look good in retrospect?
Sorry, I didn't see an admission that you misspoke. Once I see that, I might answer your question.

Well you ran away before, so I figured you’d want to save some dignity.

I didn’t misspeak. My point was the WHO misread the situation in January. Your post illustrated that. Thanks a lot btw.

I already gave you an entire page of answers. Want me to read it to you and send an audio clip?

You seem angry. Show us on the doll where the Rump tweets touched you.

You gave me jack shit. I don’t care about Trump at all right now. I’m worried about my parents and other old and sick people. I’m also smart enough to lay the blame squarely where it belongs. And that is the Chinese

uh huh.

Tell me, what do the Chinese have to do with United States being ready to react?

U think maybe the fact that they hid the virus from us had any affect???? Nah only normal people would understand something like that IE not u

"U" think I'm Burmese?

Try actually reading the link I gave you. What a concept. Wassamatta, scared you might learn something challenging?
Ah, shut up-a-you-face!
Wassamatta you? Hey!
Pogo............LOL.........I ignored that Moron a long time ago
Who did that song, though?
Phil Collins
Really? We have more people tested than S. Korea and they had over a 8 week head start on us. Our death rate is far less than italy's so yeah, i think it is under control.

Why they hell did they have an 8 week head start on us? Just imagine if we had not been sitting on our thumbs and we had acted as quickly as they had.

Things are not under control, my wife's hospital has doctors making decisions based upon how much PPE gear will be used because they are running so low.

Your wife a medical professional. And she did *nothing*. Sat on her thumbs.
Oh you mean you wanted the government to do something...South Korea style? Libertarianism is a funny thing when you get scared.
No, we were ahead of the curve thanks to it. The CDC has been doing to much progressive bullshit instead of what they are supposed to be doing. Add to that the fact that they were lying to the USA about what they have been doing and you can firmly place the blame on the politically correct CDC, and not Trump.

But that blows your bullshit memes out of the water, doesn't it.

You just admitted that South Korea started way before us, and now you want to say we were not behind the curve. Again, just imagine if we had started testing in mass when then did.

“We” meaning the government? Your government was busy trying to remove and weaken our president. Libertarian style.

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