a united ireland!

for or against?

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The ones who oppose the united Ireland the most is the Irish government in Dublin.
I whole-hardheartedly support it, but since Northern Ireland generally opposes it, I wouldn't bet the farm on it.
If Hitler had successfully invaded England and made part of Great Britain a German territory I wonder how long before the English people accepted that? Or would the Brits have resisted as long and with as much determination as the Irish have?
I whole-hardheartedly support it, but since Northern Ireland generally opposes it, I wouldn't bet the farm on it.
The Left demands uniform submission across the board.

We can't have people thinking and acting differently.

That creates chaos.
I whole-hardheartedly support it, but since Northern Ireland generally opposes it, I wouldn't bet the farm on it.
I think its too close to call at the moment.
But the demographics are changing and the catholics are now in the majority. I think they will go for it within a decade.
If Hitler had successfully invaded England and made part of Great Britain a German territory I wonder how long before the English people accepted that? Or would the Brits have resisted as long and with as much determination as the Irish have?
If if if.
i am for whatever allows everyone over there to live peacefully .

except when you want an ANTIFA or BLM riot. Perhaps launch a man-made virus to steal back the top office? Perhaps allow a housing breakdown putting tens of millions out of work for 2 years. Your kind cheers for this. As long as what? You regain control of the $7T pot Of the peoples money?

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