A Universe Given Right To Defend


VIP Member
Aug 9, 2014
There are many non-whites who may disagree with what I have to say. And a lot of severely brainwashed White people. But the White race, or species, whatever you choose to call it, has a right to defend itself against invaders. Of course, I am speaking of those from south of the border. In my thread, "A Freedom of Speech Test," I suggested using catapults to send them back over the border. I also brought up the use of land mines.

Unfortunately, the traitorous capitalist scum who run this country just loves the shit out of scabs and wage slaves. But to a true patriot like me, my fellow White people and the land we live in is worth defending at any cost. This country needs to take to heart what Machiavelly said when it comes to ruling. Which is that it is better to be feared than loved. To that end, if nessary, I would do things to dissuade the southern invaders from coming here that Vlad the Impaler would find barbaric. Though I might spare some of the children part of the catapult ride back over the border and use them as skeet.

Right now, there are too many people on the planet for it to sustainably support. But among White people, our population isn't growing. We dererve better than to be overrun by different species of human who breed like bacteria. Maybe the U.S. should invade these countries. Then we could impose social programs on them like Social Security. That way, they wouldn't feel the need to have a lot of children so they can be taken care of in their own age. But that would probably just give them more reason to resent the "Gringos."

" But the White race, or species, whatever you choose to call it, has a right to defend itself against invaders."

Maybe they are all polar bears...and are a protected species.

But when the whites were the invaders It was a different story.
No. It wasn't a different story. But take a look at the native inhabitants of the western hemisphere. The Indians didn't treat other tribes much better. And they were basically the same types of people! They would at times try to wipe out other tribes. I have heard that sometimes they would skin a captive alive with sharpened clam shells. Staking somebody out over a large ant nest was another good one. Let's not forget tribes like the Central American indians. Where they would sacrifice captives to their gods and cannibalize the leftovers.

But these days, we're supposed to hold ourselves up to a higher standard. Which is a bunch of bullshit. People are what they are. That will outlive the current "politically correct" cult. If humanity itself survives that long. But another solution is apparently to destroy the White species. We can all become one large mutt species. Which is even more bullshit. Look at what blacks did to each other in Rwanda and elsewhere. And they were all the same species.
Herr Clodhopper is a cretinous imbecile and his threads belong in the Conspiracy Zone.
All that darned melting pot tired and weak crap must have sunk in.

Sorry, I remember when the Irish were Shanty and I might be part dumb Pollock or Dego. I just can't join in with ya racist fellas.

For 1 because its wrong.

For 2 because as soon as the more different folks are cleared the differences between you all and I will become important enough to lynch me!
Right now, there are too many people on the planet for it to sustainably [sic] support.

Wrong again, idiot.
You're so stupid, it's hard to resist putting you in your place. Which is in the bottom of an outhouse. Look at the cod fishery off Newfoundland. Despite the bans on fishing there, the cod population still hasn't recovered. There are lakes drying up. One of the problems this has caused is all of the bloodshed in Darfur. Etc. times hundreds of examples. How can you be so stupid!
A) The world is most certainly NOT overpopulated.

B) Little hitler-boy is a pathetic, brainless, fucking coward.
We can't feed the amount of people we have now on earth. There are people starving right here in the US, never mind all around the world. There's over-fishing, deforestation... Just too many people.
We can't feed the amount of people we have now on earth. There are people starving right here in the US, never mind all around the world. There's over-fishing, deforestation... Just too many people.

Why don't you go first to help the situation then?
We can't feed the amount of people we have now on earth.
Of course we can, many times over. Stop being stupid just for the sake of being stupid.
There are people starving all over the world. Even in the US kids go to school on an empty stomach.

Not because there isn't enough food, you moron.

Plenty of food, what's lacking is often parental responsibility, both before having the kids and after.

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