A vaxxer apologizes

You mean we need to be understanding of selfish stupid people ?
How was I selfish or stupid? I had covid twice before there was even a vaccine to take. My immune system was strong and I avoided people. Ironically, as soon as people had the vaccine they didn't give any space at the grocery store while I maintained social distancing. Most of these people were much older too, they had no clue that they were still vulnerable. They thought the vaccine was actually a vaccine (which means immunity). It was only an immune system booster really.
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So I checked this out a bit.

The OP says "...a vaxxer...." Well, no.

Reality is quite the opposite. She has always been an anti-vax activist. She once compared people who were vaccinated with Hitler followers. So her context here is by saying "we", she means "those in the government who support vaccinations", not "me". She is a member of the UCP, the United Conservative Party. What a shock.

This is how it goes. Lies like this thread spread through the internet like wildfire. We're in serious, serious trouble as a result. I wish there was something that could be said to change people's minds from being willing to do this. "Please stop" probably won't do it.

Ah, I thought it was too good to be true that a Vax pusher would apologize. We all know lefties are far too narcissistic to ever apologize.

So she is apologizing on behalf of the government that acted like Nazis and ruined people’s lives after trampling over their rights, even though she also stood against such things and fought for their rights.
What do you think of the fact that the "vaxxer" comment in the OP is a falsehood?

Can you give me a straight answer, just once?
It seems like an honest mistake since the title of the article would probably make one assume she was apologizing for something she did.

He should had known better, the left never apologize.
So much crazy on this thread.It Should be in conspiracy theories.
What is crazy?

The Canadian, and many other Western countries got millions fired from their jobs for not taking an experimental shit vaccine that we now know is dangerous and ineffective (some of us knew that from the start but were called “conspiracy theorists“).

Shouldn‘t those people be restored to the jobs they were wrongfully fired from? It was discrimination. But since it was people like you doing the discriminating you won’t acknowledge it.
You mean we need to be understanding of selfish stupid people ?

No, you are free to think they are stupid, but we should not use the Govt to punish those we might think are stupid.

If you want the shot, get it. Do not use the Govt to force others to

Would I forgive her?

After they paid their due price for what they did.

Pushing untrue science on people, pushing supposed facts without actually knowing the truth, condemning people for not doing what you tell them to do, trying to force people to take the shot and so on.

Just an apology doesn't make everything ok after what politicians put people through for years. And all the people that lost their jobs all she said is they can have their jobs back? What about what happened to them since they lost their jobs? You can't turn someone's life upside and years later say "I'm sorry, you can have your job back" and expect everything to be ok.

But, at least she stood up there and admitted she was wrong and did the wrong thing.
But, at least she stood up there and admitted she was wrong and did the wrong thing.

If you read the thread, you will find out she never pushed the Vax and was and still is an avit-vaxxer.

The title of the OP is a lie
She was an anti-vaxxer long before she became Premier of Alberta. It's good however that she's apologizing on behalf of the government. Wonder how many in her government feel the same way?
My wife and I do not agree about the mRNA fake-“vaccine”. I remain convinced that at best, its safety and efficacy remain unproven, and that there are very good reasons to doubt that it is safe. I have absolutely, unalterably refused to allow this shit to be infected in me. She disagrees, think I am being a bit of a conspiracy kook, and has, herself, receive the shots and the boosters. She did have a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or “mini-stroke” not very long after she got the first shot. I have to admit that I have no solid basis on which to assume that the mRNA shot has anything to do with it, but I likewise have no solid basis on which to assume that it did not. It certainly is not at all out of line with some of the issues to which the mRNA shit has very credibly been connected.

Last year, we both got COVID-1984. She-being “fully-vaccinated”, and me never having allowed any of this shit to be injected into me, both got hit about the same by it. I think she got it a bit worse than I did. I can say, with a very high degree of confidence, that the mRNA shit didn't do a thing to protect her from the disease, not to prevent her from getting it, not to mitigate the symptoms, not to shorten the course of it. She was at least as sick as I was if not more so, and remained sick longer than I did. For neither of us was it any worse than a bad flu or cold.

My Wife used to say I overreact about a lot of things,but as time went by she had to admit I'd been right all along.
I told her in the late 80's that mexicans were going to become a huge problem She told me I was overreacting.
Also told her we should start prepping again she said I was overreacting. She's now as big of a prepper as I am.
There's been many more instances over the years but at least nowadays she takes me seriously and does some research on her own and invariably she says that I'm right and it is something to be concerned about.
My Wife used to say I overreact about a lot of things,but as time went by she had to admit I'd been right all along.
I told her in the late 80's that mexicans were going to become a huge problem She told me I was overreacting.
Also told her we should start prepping again she said I was overreacting. She's now as big of a prepper as I am.
There's been many more instances over the years but at least nowadays she takes me seriously and does some research on her own and invariably she says that I'm right and it is something to be concerned about.

That resonates very strongly with me.

Perhaps in different terms, but the same underlying phenomenon; my experience over the past decade or so has been one of seeing all sorts of batshit crazy stuff undeniably happening, that farther back, I would not have believed.

If I could travel back in time, about ten or fifteen years, and speak to my younger self, and tell him what I have seen happening in my time, he would not believe me. He would certainly dismiss me as some kind of batshit crazy conspiracy kook.


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