A very tough night for Donald Trump at DNC Convention

They really haven't said anything about Trump that they didn't say about Ronald Reagan.

Same playbook designed to deal with their own incompetent candidate...Jimmy Carter back then. They have a tougher job now. Carter was a fool, but honest...Mrs. Bill is incompetent and a fool....and a crook and liar to boot.
You are correct the same ad hom's were used against Reagan.

However Reagan was a pleasant old man who only seemed dangerous inside.

Trump and Reagan were both woefully unfit for the job in many similar ways.

Reagan did not run his mouth the way Trump does however.

That is the main difference.
You have a lot of nerve calling a president unfit after 8 years of the most incompetent fuckwad in American history. Thank god we only have 175 days left of this bastard's inept leadership.
I said inept not "unfit".

Reagan was perfectly fit to be a GOP figurehead.

His handlers called all the shots.

He was not even awake during most of his briefings. Too old.
Funny how they talk about Trump being dangerous to national security when Hillary got hacked by foreign governments because of her stupidity and incompetence. And let's talk about how the Ambassador in Benghazi repeatedly called for help and instead of sending help, Hillary went to bed, then blamed the attack on a fucking video. Yeah, let's talk about Hillary's record on national security.
I see Trump is asking the Ruskies to Hack and find Hillarys lost Emails......This Guy Trump is Totally Mad.....or does he think Putin is in his own image or visa-versa..........It is all Mad,Mad,Mad...God Help America
National Review ^ | 7/27/16 | NR Staff
Krauthammer’s Take: Trump’s Russia Comment ‘Set a Trap That the Clinton Campaign Fell Into’ NR STAFF July 27, 2016 7:47 PM Charles Krauthammer said tonight that the Clinton campaign contradicted itself by calling Donald Trump’s request for Russia to locate Hillary’s missing e-mails a threat to national security: Well, that was his parting shot, and it was a clever thing to plant, because it is an issue. But I do think there was something about his reference to Russia that, whether planned or not, was extremely clever. I’m not the first to point out that it set a trap that...
Vig,I just don't think the DON is that smart to lay a trap.....they are just making out he is to save face.........steve
Bloomberg outlawed soda pop in NYC. That edict did not last long before overturned by popular vote.
Soda pop is really bad for you. The sugar kills your pancreas, the acid kills your stomach, and both rot your teeth. The carbonation is the only good thing about them, but club soda would be infinitely better.

We should ban all soda pops and get back to herbal and black teas.

Fruit drinks are ok too. Just not sugar reinforced drinks.

Bloomberg is right about soda pop being bad.

He just has not learned that you cannot legislate your will.

He has the same problem over gun control.

You cannot control guns without destroying the entire gun manufacturing industry and also making the USA a slave state like Europe and Asia are.
When Hillary smiles she actually looks quite beautiful.

And as everyone has observed she has seemed happier lately than at any other time in her life.
Yes, her beauty and honesty really stand out.
Hillary just needs to smile more.

And in her speeches she needs to talk nice and stay calm.

Trump has already grabbed the high ground of a raving lunatic.

There is no sense for her to compete with him on his own turf for that.

She has already won the election. Trump has become another Goldwater.

All she needs to do is smile and explain what she will do as the next President.

That's what people are interested in.
Funny how they talk about Trump being dangerous to national security when Hillary got hacked by foreign governments because of her stupidity and incompetence. And let's talk about how the Ambassador in Benghazi repeatedly called for help and instead of sending help, Hillary went to bed, then blamed the attack on a fucking video. Yeah, let's talk about Hillary's record on national security.
I see Trump is asking the Ruskies to Hack and find Hillarys lost Emails......This Guy Trump is Totally Mad.....or does he think Putin is in his own image or visa-versa..........It is all Mad,Mad,Mad...God Help America

If we have emails show up that Donald Trump called for the Russians to do, the U.S. Attorney general could launch a very serious charge of TREASON against Donald Trump.

So for you Reich wingers you better dam well hope that the Russians do NOT deliver 30K emails to you--LOL


Holy crap you guys are grasping.
And as Krauthhammer said....if hillary only deleted things like yoga lesson schedules why are they worried about it?
Don't really want to know anything.

Wow, you have succeeded beyond anyones wildest imagination.

Not interested. Don't care.

As long as you get your free shit, right?

Trump is a madman.

Madmen should not hold the keys to power.

Yeah, if making billions of USD, hundreds of millions annually with a 40% profit margin, being a top selling book author and TV star is where being a madman gets you, damn, sign me up, bubba!

Any SANE person would probably look at what Trump has done for his business and what Hillary Rodham has done for Syria, Libya, Egypt and Iraq and decide that they would rather have Trump do for America what he has done for Trump enterprizes, than have Hillary Rodham do what she has done to the Middle East.
He's already submitted a 90+ page financial disclosure form.
Don't really want to know anything.

Not interested. Don't care.

Trump is a madman.

Madmen should not hold the keys to power.
Could you explain the line of reasoning that you used to come to the conclusion that Trump is a "madman"?

Or are you simply parroting what someone told you?
Funny how they talk about Trump being dangerous to national security when Hillary got hacked by foreign governments because of her stupidity and incompetence. And let's talk about how the Ambassador in Benghazi repeatedly called for help and instead of sending help, Hillary went to bed, then blamed the attack on a fucking video. Yeah, let's talk about Hillary's record on national security.

I think your email issue is long over.

They made it very clear that Donald Trump would be the most incompetent Commander & Chief, and would represent a clear and present danger to this country.

Keep in mind these speakers came in from the military to Leon Panetta who is highly respected within the ranks of the Republican party.

Obama also stated that there is no one more qualified to be commander & chief than Hillary Clinton. Obama noted that he was not as qualified and neither was Bill Clinton when they entered the oval office, as she is right now.

And yet he understands the importance of computer safety (hilary doesn't) and under her leadership at the State Dept. virtually ALL of the threats that we are dealing with, formed. Seems to me that she is a major fuck up and anybody would be better than her proven track record of epic failure.

But hey, never let a thing like facts interrupt your propaganda spewage.

Ha.Ha.--well this came back and bit you right in the ass--LOL
Dems accuse Trump of disloyalty over Clinton emails - CNNPolitics.com

Even Republicans are having a FIT about it. And this is who you want to be commander and chief--LOL


Even Mr. Talent on Loan from Gawwwdddd-d called Trump a HERO for addressing the Russians to get those emails today--LOL


I imagine we have some past Republican Presidents that are rolling in their graves, knowing that the Russians just endorsed the Republican nominee--LOL

I have to admire the Trump supporters on this message board for sticking with him during these trying times.
Funny how they talk about Trump being dangerous to national security when Hillary got hacked by foreign governments because of her stupidity and incompetence. And let's talk about how the Ambassador in Benghazi repeatedly called for help and instead of sending help, Hillary went to bed, then blamed the attack on a fucking video. Yeah, let's talk about Hillary's record on national security.

I think your email issue is long over.

They made it very clear that Donald Trump would be the most incompetent Commander & Chief, and would represent a clear and present danger to this country.

Keep in mind these speakers came in from the military to Leon Panetta who is highly respected within the ranks of the Republican party.

Obama also stated that there is no one more qualified to be commander & chief than Hillary Clinton. Obama noted that he was not as qualified and neither was Bill Clinton when they entered the oval office, as she is right now.

And yet he understands the importance of computer safety (hilary doesn't) and under her leadership at the State Dept. virtually ALL of the threats that we are dealing with, formed. Seems to me that she is a major fuck up and anybody would be better than her proven track record of epic failure.

But hey, never let a thing like facts interrupt your propaganda spewage.

Ha.Ha.--well this came back and bit you right in the ass--LOL
Dems accuse Trump of disloyalty over Clinton emails - CNNPolitics.com

"Disloyalty"? How can his comments be disloyal if her 30,000 deleted emails are personal? The only way that his comment could be considered "disloyal" is if she lied, yet again, and there were classified emails in those deleted ones. See how that works dumb ass?

1. Anyone who hacks into a computer is a CRIMINAL--it's not the victim that's the criminal.
2. To get those 30K emails they would have to hack into government secure servers--the FBI database, the State Department database etc.
3. This is called collusion with a Foreign nation to obtain SECRETS which is also called TREASON in this country.

Dems accuse Trump of disloyalty over Clinton emails - CNNPolitics.com


You Reich wingers are so far up shit creek, it's not even funny anymore.

So whats the charge for hacking a server and stealing a yoga schedule?
I have to admire the Trump supporters on this message board for sticking with him during these trying times.
Lol, well we would not be sticking to him if he had displayed the incompetence and crookedness of Hillarity Clinton.
Strange that the subject of the Beast's emails was not brought up, being that it's the most important talking point in the election.
The FBI already beat that to death.

I am sure Trump will bring it up again later even so.
There are two things that will keep beating the Beast till the day she dies. Her emails and the ugly stick.
When Hillary smiles she actually looks quite beautiful.

And as everyone has observed she has seemed happier lately than at any other time in her life.

Thats the senility setting in....
Poor Donald.....after this night none of those in attendance will vote for him.


Meanwhile, in the real world, Trump builds on his 7-point lead over Hillary. :p
Funny how they talk about Trump being dangerous to national security when Hillary got hacked by foreign governments because of her stupidity and incompetence. And let's talk about how the Ambassador in Benghazi repeatedly called for help and instead of sending help, Hillary went to bed, then blamed the attack on a fucking video. Yeah, let's talk about Hillary's record on national security.
I guess when you have nothing else, you have to continually clutch at phantom straws, over and over and over...

Clutch away, as you sink to the bottom assholes.

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