A victory for white life.

The GOP feels emboldened after the Supreme Court ruling. I expect them to refer to black people as "negroes", and gays as "faggots", anytime now.
I do…I pray that extreme racism becomes popular again….I pray that we ALL grow to hate eachother for our differences, I pray for complete segregation. I believe it’s the only path forward.
I see. So Planned Parenthood primarily oversees and facilitates the murder of Black and Hispanic unborn.

Isn't that what we've been saying for years?
Poor people, black, white, brown.... In poorer neighborhoods, and under serviced regions without gynecologist practices.... Family planning provides yearly pap smears and check ups, breast cancer check ups, and sends them for mammograms when needed, and provides prenatal care and birth control.
Thats all you got? A gif???

Bud, you belong to one of the oldest established cults in the US.

Democrats are in a cult for Biden? Guess I should by a pickup truck to fly my Biden flag from....except I don't have a Biden flag and wouldn't put it on a truck if I had one cause I'm not in a cult.
not a lot of people can afford flags, let alone a truck…moreover the gas needed to drive it…thanks to xiden and the dembot cult
The MAGAbots in the audience cheered. It wasn't a gaffe for them.
Just so we know we can take you white hating hypocrites seriously….link us to your posts showing that you have vilified those whom have openly celebrated ‘victories’ for the “black community” the “latino community”, “people of color”…..etc etc.
Thanks in advance.
The GOP feels emboldened after the Supreme Court ruling. I expect them to refer to black people as "negroes", and gays as "faggots", anytime now.
Well Joe does think that way. But for politics changes his views at any opportunity. So since many of the Prog politicians are like that, they will approve of what you like but bring millions to the concentration camps.
it has everything to do with why you can’t afford that flag you wanted
What is it about oil going from $65 to $120 (it's come down by about $15 since) in three months because of Putin's invasion of Ukraine that you don't understand?
What is it about oil going from $65 to $120 (it's come down by about $15 since) in three months because of Putin's invasion of Ukraine that you don't understand?
because it was skyrocketing well before xiden invited putin to invade ukraine
Just so we know we can take you white hating hypocrites seriously….link us to your posts showing that you have vilified those whom have openly celebrated ‘victories’ for the “black community” the “latino community”, “people of color”…..etc etc.
Thanks in advance.
How is the repeal of what was a constitutional right a victory for whites? Why did MAGAbots reflexively cheer at the reference to a white victory?

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