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A vote for Romney is a vote for Satan

Oh well. Biased sites or not, the point that I was trying to make was that pompous, self-righteous people will join a team, denomination, cult, whatever, and routinely criticize the other team as being un-Christian. Do you remember The Mississippi Squirrel Revival


or Would Jesus Wear a Rolex?


Any Religion that is only 200 years old is going to be considered a cult...

And why are the people that doubt the credibility of such a religion considered pompus, and self righteous...
Any Religion that is only 200 years old is going to be considered a cult...

And why are the people that doubt the credibility of such a religion considered pompus, and self righteous...


I don’t see anything having to do with a young (200 year old) religion. Let me get this straight. According to your definition, Christ created a cult until 200 AD. Whatever. Let’s get real. Anything that does not fit well within your definition of Christianity is a cult. Anyway. It does not really matter. God will be the ultimate judge on the issue. Let’s be nice and leave it up to him.

I have no problem with people who doubt re credibility of a religion. People can agree to disagree without being disagreeable. I take offence at the many condesending jerks who seem to take so much pleasure in yelling at people and telling them that they will go to hell unless they follow their brand of Christianity.

I don’t see anything having to do with a young (200 year old) religion. Let me get this straight. According to your definition, Christ created a cult until 200 AD. Whatever. Let’s get real. Anything that does not fit well within your definition of Christianity is a cult. Anyway. It does not really matter. God will be the ultimate judge on the issue. Let’s be nice and leave it up to him.

I have no problem with people who doubt re credibility of a religion. People can agree to disagree without being disagreeable. I take offence at the many condesending jerks who seem to take so much pleasure in yelling at people and telling them that they will go to hell unless they follow their brand of Christianity.

This is directly from the link you just posted...

Conservative Christian authors, especially evangelical Protestants, define a cult as a religion which claims to be in conformance with Biblical truth, yet deviates from it. By this definition, a cult would be a group which calls itself Christian yet deviates from (what they see as) a core Christian belief, e.g. the Trinity. Walter Martin, the pioneer of the Christian countercult movement, gave in his 1955 book the following definition:

I rest my case...
This is directly from the link you just posted...

Conservative Christian authors, especially evangelical Protestants, define a cult as a religion which claims to be in conformance with Biblical truth, yet deviates from it. By this definition, a cult would be a group which calls itself Christian yet deviates from (what they see as) a core Christian belief, e.g. the Trinity. Walter Martin, the pioneer of the Christian countercult movement, gave in his 1955 book the following definition:

I rest my case...

THere is nothing about 200 years.
THere is nothing about 200 years.

I was just pointing out that any young religion is going to be viewed with great skepticism...

"By this definition, a cult would be a group which calls itself Christian yet deviates from (what they see as) a core Christian belief, e.g. the Trinity."

That statement from your link was the closer thank you.
So lets get back to your insistance that the Catholic Church NEVER considered Lutherans or any other offshoot Christian religion heretical and anti Christian, shall we?

Which is it? Only any new denomination is a cult? I suggest your badly informed if you don't know the history of how the Catholic Church treated protestant religions right up into the early 1900's. I would venture to bet any Priest feels like they are still heretical.

By your definition then Unitarians and Gnostics are a cult.

And I see you still haven't answered any of my questions.
For being a supposed leader of a Christian organization he fails to practice what the very book he proclaims teaches.

The church got rid of Polygomy over 100 years ago. It is a none issue. And the claim that the Church is a cult flies in the face of the very definition of what a cult is. One could claim this fellow's "organization" is a cult. As for his personal attacks on a man dead for over 150 years, put up some evidence or admit it is lies and fear mongering of the worst sort.

I am surprised he doesn't repeat the tired old claim that Smith stole the idea for the Book of Mormon from a writer of fiction in his day. And of course he failed to trot out the slaughter of innocent settlers by war mongering Mormons in the early 1850's.

I am sure those two "stories" will surface and be claimed as evidence to prevent a Mormon from running for President.

Just in case there are any doubts, the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints believes in the Bible and is a Christian Religion. God not a man is worshiped. The same God every other Christian believes in. The same Jesus, son of God as every other Christian.

In case anyone is curious, I belong to the Church and have since early 1979. I do not attend services though as I don't do well in large groups. The locally assigned Missionaries come and talk with me every week or so.

Mitt Romney has about as much chance of winning the primaries as Al Sharpton had winning the democratic Primary when he ran, in my personal Opinion.
Actually, mainstream LDS is anti-polygamy. But FLDS practice it and are the ones who make the news often (like digging up dead bodies to baptize them).
So lets get back to your insistance that the Catholic Church NEVER considered Lutherans or any other offshoot Christian religion heretical and anti Christian, shall we?

Which is it? Only any new denomination is a cult? I suggest your badly informed if you don't know the history of how the Catholic Church treated protestant religions right up into the early 1900's. I would venture to bet any Priest feels like they are still heretical.

By your definition then Unitarians and Gnostics are a cult.

And I see you still haven't answered any of my questions.

Its not my definition its wikipedias.. And I cant speak for a Catholic Priest or for the Catholic church ...

However I'm sure the Catholic church does not support the following of any other religion but thier own... I dont see the mormons embracing other religions. why should the Catholics? How come other religions hold the Catholic Church to much higher standards than they hold thier own... It seems to me anything except perfection from the Catholic Church is unacceptable and scrutinized... However questioning the doctrine or beliefs of any other religion is unacceptable and discriminatory... Thats quite a double standard you have not to say very hypocritical.

Please provide sources for your attacks against the Catholic Church and if they are legitamate I will pass them on to my Catholic friends and try to get the information you require...

In the meantime I think I've shown with no doubt that any religon that does not believe in the Trinity is not considered Christian in our society, and that was the origilnal discussion.

If you have any other questions, I will be glad to try to answer...

Don't shoot the messenger...Goodnight
What attacks? Your the one attacking me, claiming I am not a Christian, all I have done is point out historical facts. And I am STILL waiting for answers to my questions.
Blaming the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for the actions of people NOT in the church is an interesting ploy. Does that mean I can pick and chose who to accuse of some thing and then associate them with some group they aren't even in?
So Unitarians and Gnostics are not Christians?

Be so kind as to provide even one bible passage that requires that in order to worship God and believe Jesus is the redeemer you must believe that this trinity is one entity.
So Unitarians and Gnostics are not Christians?

Be so kind as to provide even one bible passage that requires that in order to worship God and believe Jesus is the redeemer you must believe that this trinity is one entity.

John 10:33.."I and the Father are one."

Philippians 2:9-11: ..."Therefore also God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those who are in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Denying the deity of Christ, Gnostics and Mormons have taught that he was inferior in nature to the Father, a type of super-angel of impersonal emanation from God.
What attacks? Your the one attacking me, claiming I am not a Christian, all I have done is point out historical facts. And I am STILL waiting for answers to my questions.

I am not attacking you... I am just pointing out the FACT that religions that do not accept the Trinity are not considersd Christian by anyone but themselves in our society...

If you think Mormons are Chistian, good for you...

But dont get upset when people say they arent, there seems to be alot of evidence pointing in that direction...

You cant deny the word of Christ (john 10:33) and call yourself a Chistian...I'm sorry.. but can you?

I look forward your questions.

Have a Great Day!
I am not attacking you... I am just pointing out the FACT that religions that do not accept the Trinity are not considersd Christian by anyone but themselves in our society...

If you think Mormons are Chistian, good for you...

But dont get upset when people say they arent, there seems to be alot of evidence pointing in that direction...

You cant deny the word of Christ (john 10:33) and call yourself a Chistian...I'm sorry.. but can you?

  • What else must one believe to be a Christian? Is there a list somewhere? Must one fully understand and agree with every sentence of the Bible?
  • What if someone was mistaken about how many angels can sit on the head of a pin. Can that person still go to heaven? Will he fail based on one mistake when God gives him the final exam? “I went to hell because I didn’t fully understand the concept of the trinity.”
  • Which denominations and organizations are Christian and, by definition, going to heaven. What groups are going to hell?

There are so many religious groups, denominations, religions, biblical interpretations and interpretations. It would take an old biblical scholar to have the audacity to judge people in such matters. I’m not going to be one to say that someone is a Christian or is not a Christian if he says that he is one. I’ll still leave that up to him and his god. I have my interpretation and belief system. I’ll just leave it at that.
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  • #76
That anyone pays any attention at all to the water-heads listed in the links above is disturbing in and of itself. Fact is I could care less if the POTUS is an atheist or a bible-thumper, so long as they don't try to codify their beliefs into law. Mitt Romney's being a Mormon is irrelevant. That he's a flip-flopping political hack is relevant. As my wife so pithily said when she saw him the first time, "That man would fuck the baby-sitter!", and he probably has.

amazing... you denegrade the people in the links... and rightly so and then you practically join their chorus by the end.
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  • #77
Yup, I see, explain to me who else is a cult? And provide the definition YOU are using for a cult.

Since Both Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses worship and believe in God and Jesus, does that mean everyone that worships and believes in these two "supernatural" beings are in a cult also?

JWs dont worship Christ. Im not even sure they think He is a supernatural being... where are you getting your information?
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  • #78
Why does anyone give a shit whether or not Romney is a Mormon, a Catholic, Hindu, Muslim or Jew? It's, ultimately irrelevant. Religion is and rightly should be a private affair, between a person, their family and their faith. A persons faith will shape their interactions with those around them, and the larger world in general, but it is ultimately a private matter.

<blockquote><b>5</b> And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

<b>6</b> But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. - Matthhew 6:5-6</blockquote>

Why don't we do that? Pure ego...Someone HAS to be right. Only in the case of religion, so long as their faith doesn't lead them to the harm of themselves or others, everyone is right. Deal with it.

Bully, logic dictates only two possiblities 1)Someone has to be right or 2)No one is right.

There is no way everyone can be right when contradictory teachings are taught. Im not sure why this is so difficult for some people to understand.
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  • #79
This pompous, self-righteous, “we versus them” mentality is really saddening to me.
Who are we to sit back on our high horse and say, “You are not a Christian”. What a bunch of hateful divisive garbage. Can we really speak for God so confidently and make such an all-important judgment call?




I think men can speak for God, but I dont think He has given anyone the authority to determine who is following him sincerely.
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  • #80
Any Religion that is only 200 years old is going to be considered a cult...

And why are the people that doubt the credibility of such a religion considered pompus, and self righteous...

Pentecostals are a cult now? Cause the Pentecostal churches are even younger than any of the others youve mentioned.

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