A whole lot of nothing

Because they jeered does not mean they are informed, Clearly, they are NOT informed.
Clearly you deny the fact that people have died over failure to access health care.

Can you point me to any story of an emergency room denying healthcare to someone who does not have insurance?
Your question is not encompassed in the OP, so run along. But, I will point out that If you see the ER as the primary care portal for poor children, then you want the most expensive care system in the world with poor results. Your type of thinking is a serious no go in the debate.

So, if I am not in total agreement with you, I should run along? You talk about what 'should be' in the debate, and I talked about 'what is' the reality. No one in this country is flatly denied care. I agree that the emergency room is not the cost effective way of dispensing care, but neither is another government run monstrosity that keeps all the odious qualities of Obamacare sans the individual mandate. It is still unconstitutional government run healthcare, with FedGov playing the role of bagman for the insurance industry.

He thinks he is the guy in charge here and tries to controls the debate. He doesn't like to be challenged, he thinks his opinion is gold.
I am actually the guy who makes sure no one is charge and that the focus is on the objective evidence.
Clearly you deny the fact that people have died over failure to access health care.

Can you point me to any story of an emergency room denying healthcare to someone who does not have insurance?
Your question is not encompassed in the OP, so run along. But, I will point out that If you see the ER as the primary care portal for poor children, then you want the most expensive care system in the world with poor results. Your type of thinking is a serious no go in the debate.

So, if I am not in total agreement with you, I should run along? You talk about what 'should be' in the debate, and I talked about 'what is' the reality. No one in this country is flatly denied care. I agree that the emergency room is not the cost effective way of dispensing care, but neither is another government run monstrosity that keeps all the odious qualities of Obamacare sans the individual mandate. It is still unconstitutional government run healthcare, with FedGov playing the role of bagman for the insurance industry.

He thinks he is the guy in charge here and tries to controls the debate. He doesn't like to be challenged, he thinks his opinion is gold.
I am actually the guy who makes sure no one is charge and that the focus is on the objective evidence.

Lol! That is really funny, thanks for the smile today, control freak. BTW, if you have anything to say to me, you can say it in public, you don't need to PM me, I have no need to speak with you privately. So I blew my last chance to play nice with you, now the ball is back in your court. Have a great day.
Can you point me to any story of an emergency room denying healthcare to someone who does not have insurance?
Your question is not encompassed in the OP, so run along. But, I will point out that If you see the ER as the primary care portal for poor children, then you want the most expensive care system in the world with poor results. Your type of thinking is a serious no go in the debate.

So, if I am not in total agreement with you, I should run along? You talk about what 'should be' in the debate, and I talked about 'what is' the reality. No one in this country is flatly denied care. I agree that the emergency room is not the cost effective way of dispensing care, but neither is another government run monstrosity that keeps all the odious qualities of Obamacare sans the individual mandate. It is still unconstitutional government run healthcare, with FedGov playing the role of bagman for the insurance industry.

He thinks he is the guy in charge here and tries to controls the debate. He doesn't like to be challenged, he thinks his opinion is gold.
I am actually the guy who makes sure no one is charge and that the focus is on the objective evidence.

Lol! That is really funny, thanks for the smile today, control freak. BTW, if you have anything to say to me, you can say it in public, you don't need to PM me, I have no need to speak with you privately. So I blew my last chance to play nice with you, now the ball is back in your court. Have a great day.
Why do I need to PM you? You know what I expect from you. Play nice, have a nice day, or you will continue the same unhappy path..
Your question is not encompassed in the OP, so run along. But, I will point out that If you see the ER as the primary care portal for poor children, then you want the most expensive care system in the world with poor results. Your type of thinking is a serious no go in the debate.

So, if I am not in total agreement with you, I should run along? You talk about what 'should be' in the debate, and I talked about 'what is' the reality. No one in this country is flatly denied care. I agree that the emergency room is not the cost effective way of dispensing care, but neither is another government run monstrosity that keeps all the odious qualities of Obamacare sans the individual mandate. It is still unconstitutional government run healthcare, with FedGov playing the role of bagman for the insurance industry.

He thinks he is the guy in charge here and tries to controls the debate. He doesn't like to be challenged, he thinks his opinion is gold.
I am actually the guy who makes sure no one is charge and that the focus is on the objective evidence.

Lol! That is really funny, thanks for the smile today, control freak. BTW, if you have anything to say to me, you can say it in public, you don't need to PM me, I have no need to speak with you privately. So I blew my last chance to play nice with you, now the ball is back in your court. Have a great day.
Why do I need to PM you? You know what I expect from you. Play nice, have a nice day, or you will continue the same unhappy path..

You PM'd me, I'm not sure why you did, I asked you to stop.

I always play nice, I am very happy not that it is any of your business. I'm not sure why you think you have authority over who is or isn't happy. If you have any expectation of me then it is all on you. I am here only for entertainment and you are only here for my entertainment. I don't expect squat from an idiot like you that is a self righteous asshole.
You PMd me, yes. I have no authority over you, but if you can't be polite then you inherit the response. It will always be that way. You can be as rude as you wish, and you will always come up short.
You PMd me, yes. I have no authority over you, but if you can't be polite then you inherit the response. It will always be that way. You can be as rude as you wish, and you will always come up short.

You are lying, you PM'd me first, and I asked you not to anymore. This is why you have no credibility with me, you and JoeB will out and out lie, you aren't a Christian, you aren't a Mormon, I know real Mormons and they are honest. You are disgusting example of your faith.
Heckler and Koch, you are not the constitutional authority on the subject of health care.

Your typical nonsense of a reply about VA is countered, of course, by satisfaction surveys by its patients that do not differ than those by patients at private hospitals. You are simply repeating nonsense statements not grounded in critical thinking and objective evidence.

Congress can pass and the President can sign a single payer law and SCOTUS will opine that it is Constitutional. End of story.

You embody the typical arrogant nonsense of the leftist. I never claimed to be a constitutional authority. I have an opinion, just as you do. Mine is based upon what the Constitution says; yours is based upon babbling bullshit.

You might want to talk to people that actually have to take care from the VA and get your nose out of polls and surveys. The care is a nightmare. Wait times are ridiculous and the bureaucracy is overwhelming. It is not cost effective - yet it is exactly what you wish to foist off on the American public as a whole. The VA needs to be privatized as well and genuine competition for insurance providers across state lines instituted. That is the only thing that will lower costs, not more layers of FedGov.

Just because you claim something is end of story, it isn't. Try being less of an arrogant ass and spend more time learning where you are wrong on this issue. There are quite a few places that your notions are nonsense.

LMFAO! OMG. These fucking leftists have no clue of who they're dealing with.. Welcome to the forum my friend *hug
Because they jeered does not mean they are informed, Clearly, they are NOT informed.
Clearly you deny the fact that people have died over failure to access health care.

Can you point me to any story of an emergency room denying healthcare to someone who does not have insurance?
Your question is not encompassed in the OP, so run along. But, I will point out that If you see the ER as the primary care portal for poor children, then you want the most expensive care system in the world with poor results. Your type of thinking is a serious no go in the debate.

So, if I am not in total agreement with you, I should run along? You talk about what 'should be' in the debate, and I talked about 'what is' the reality. No one in this country is flatly denied care. I agree that the emergency room is not the cost effective way of dispensing care, but neither is another government run monstrosity that keeps all the odious qualities of Obamacare sans the individual mandate. It is still unconstitutional government run healthcare, with FedGov playing the role of bagman for the insurance industry.

He thinks he is the guy in charge here and tries to controls the debate. He doesn't like to be challenged, he thinks his opinion is gold.
He's owned your stupidass in less than 7 posts.. Says a lot to me.. You're just embarrassed because he made you look like a total fucking goofyass.
Clearly you deny the fact that people have died over failure to access health care.

Can you point me to any story of an emergency room denying healthcare to someone who does not have insurance?
Your question is not encompassed in the OP, so run along. But, I will point out that If you see the ER as the primary care portal for poor children, then you want the most expensive care system in the world with poor results. Your type of thinking is a serious no go in the debate.

So, if I am not in total agreement with you, I should run along? You talk about what 'should be' in the debate, and I talked about 'what is' the reality. No one in this country is flatly denied care. I agree that the emergency room is not the cost effective way of dispensing care, but neither is another government run monstrosity that keeps all the odious qualities of Obamacare sans the individual mandate. It is still unconstitutional government run healthcare, with FedGov playing the role of bagman for the insurance industry.

He thinks he is the guy in charge here and tries to controls the debate. He doesn't like to be challenged, he thinks his opinion is gold.
He's owned your stupidass in less than 7 posts.. Says a lot to me.. You're just embarrassed because he made you look like a total fucking goofyass.

That is your opinion which does me no good, the guy has only lies, that is the way it is with him. He can't help himself.
And the sillies like Papa and LGS have been "too bad", and they hiss.

Tough. :lol:
And the sillies like Papa and LGS have been "too bad", and they hiss.

Tough. :lol:

How many more lies are you going to tell? Do all Mormons lie like you or are you the exception?
I am not Mormon, and you don't like being faced up. OK. Now have the last word, so you can move on?

So you aren't Mormon and you still lied. Pretty disappointing coming from you, I know you can't admit it now, that is because you lack integrity and character, liars all do, that is why they lie so easily. Surprised you didn't vote for Trump, he possesses the same character flaws such as yourself.
And the sillies like Papa and LGS have been "too bad", and they hiss.

Tough. :lol:

How many more lies are you going to tell? Do all Mormons lie like you or are you the exception?
I am not Mormon, and you don't like being faced up. OK. Now have the last word, so you can move on?

So you aren't Mormon and you still lied. Pretty disappointing coming from you, I know you can't admit it now, that is because you lack integrity and character, liars all do, that is why they lie so easily. Surprised you didn't vote for Trump, he possesses the same character flaws such as yourself.
You can whine and cry all you want. Go for it. Let it out. Vent. I know, I know: tweet to your heart's content.
And the sillies like Papa and LGS have been "too bad", and they hiss.

Tough. :lol:

How many more lies are you going to tell? Do all Mormons lie like you or are you the exception?
I am not Mormon, and you don't like being faced up. OK. Now have the last word, so you can move on?

So you aren't Mormon and you still lied. Pretty disappointing coming from you, I know you can't admit it now, that is because you lack integrity and character, liars all do, that is why they lie so easily. Surprised you didn't vote for Trump, he possesses the same character flaws such as yourself.
You can whine and cry all you want. Go for it. Let it out. Vent. I know, I know: tweet to your heart's content.

No point in saying any more. You lied, can't trust you. All you say is tainted. Enjoy your day, I will mine!
And the sillies like Papa and LGS have been "too bad", and they hiss.

Tough. :lol:

How many more lies are you going to tell? Do all Mormons lie like you or are you the exception?
I am not Mormon, and you don't like being faced up. OK. Now have the last word, so you can move on?

So you aren't Mormon and you still lied. Pretty disappointing coming from you, I know you can't admit it now, that is because you lack integrity and character, liars all do, that is why they lie so easily. Surprised you didn't vote for Trump, he possesses the same character flaws such as yourself.
You can whine and cry all you want. Go for it. Let it out. Vent. I know, I know: tweet to your heart's content.

No point in saying any more. You lied, can't trust you. All you say is tainted. Enjoy your day, I will mine!
You lied, and now you are lying to yourself. You are tainted. Smile!
Heckler and Koch, you are not the constitutional authority on the subject of health care.

Your typical nonsense of a reply about VA is countered, of course, by satisfaction surveys by its patients that do not differ than those by patients at private hospitals. You are simply repeating nonsense statements not grounded in critical thinking and objective evidence.

Congress can pass and the President can sign a single payer law and SCOTUS will opine that it is Constitutional. End of story.

You embody the typical arrogant nonsense of the leftist. I never claimed to be a constitutional authority. I have an opinion, just as you do. Mine is based upon what the Constitution says; yours is based upon babbling bullshit.

You might want to talk to people that actually have to take care from the VA and get your nose out of polls and surveys. The care is a nightmare. Wait times are ridiculous and the bureaucracy is overwhelming. It is not cost effective - yet it is exactly what you wish to foist off on the American public as a whole. The VA needs to be privatized as well and genuine competition for insurance providers across state lines instituted. That is the only thing that will lower costs, not more layers of FedGov.

Just because you claim something is end of story, it isn't. Try being less of an arrogant ass and spend more time learning where you are wrong on this issue. There are quite a few places that your notions are nonsense.

LMFAO! OMG. These fucking leftists have no clue of who they're dealing with.. Welcome to the forum my friend *hug

Thanks for inviting me over here! I can't wait to start educating these leftist jagoffs over here. It's a nice change of pace from the sycophantic echo chamber over at Breitbart who only want to praise Trump mindlessly instead of arguing for or against something.

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