A whole lot of nothing

Heckler and Koch, you are not the constitutional authority on the subject of health care.

Your typical nonsense of a reply about VA is countered, of course, by satisfaction surveys by its patients that do not differ than those by patients at private hospitals. You are simply repeating nonsense statements not grounded in critical thinking and objective evidence.

Congress can pass and the President can sign a single payer law and SCOTUS will opine that it is Constitutional. End of story.

You embody the typical arrogant nonsense of the leftist. I never claimed to be a constitutional authority. I have an opinion, just as you do. Mine is based upon what the Constitution says; yours is based upon babbling bullshit.

You might want to talk to people that actually have to take care from the VA and get your nose out of polls and surveys. The care is a nightmare. Wait times are ridiculous and the bureaucracy is overwhelming. It is not cost effective - yet it is exactly what you wish to foist off on the American public as a whole. The VA needs to be privatized as well and genuine competition for insurance providers across state lines instituted. That is the only thing that will lower costs, not more layers of FedGov.

Just because you claim something is end of story, it isn't. Try being less of an arrogant ass and spend more time learning where you are wrong on this issue. There are quite a few places that your notions are nonsense.

LMFAO! OMG. These fucking leftists have no clue of who they're dealing with.. Welcome to the forum my friend *hug

Thanks for inviting me over here! I can't wait to start educating these leftist jagoffs over here. It's a nice change of pace from the sycophantic echo chamber over at Breitbart who only want to praise Trump mindlessly instead of arguing for or against something.

Jake the fake claims to be a Republican and usually takes the Regressive stand. He is a joke, he will out and out lie then claim you did. He is of low character.
Heckler and Koch, you are not the constitutional authority on the subject of health care.

Your typical nonsense of a reply about VA is countered, of course, by satisfaction surveys by its patients that do not differ than those by patients at private hospitals. You are simply repeating nonsense statements not grounded in critical thinking and objective evidence.

Congress can pass and the President can sign a single payer law and SCOTUS will opine that it is Constitutional. End of story.

You embody the typical arrogant nonsense of the leftist. I never claimed to be a constitutional authority. I have an opinion, just as you do. Mine is based upon what the Constitution says; yours is based upon babbling bullshit.

You might want to talk to people that actually have to take care from the VA and get your nose out of polls and surveys. The care is a nightmare. Wait times are ridiculous and the bureaucracy is overwhelming. It is not cost effective - yet it is exactly what you wish to foist off on the American public as a whole. The VA needs to be privatized as well and genuine competition for insurance providers across state lines instituted. That is the only thing that will lower costs, not more layers of FedGov.

Just because you claim something is end of story, it isn't. Try being less of an arrogant ass and spend more time learning where you are wrong on this issue. There are quite a few places that your notions are nonsense.

LMFAO! OMG. These fucking leftists have no clue of who they're dealing with.. Welcome to the forum my friend *hug

Thanks for inviting me over here! I can't wait to start educating these leftist jagoffs over here. It's a nice change of pace from the sycophantic echo chamber over at Breitbart who only want to praise Trump mindlessly instead of arguing for or against something.

Jake the fake claims to be a Republican and usually takes the Regressive stand. He is a joke, he will out and out lie then claim you did. He is of low character.
Papa has described himself well. He does not like being held to his word and a standard. He is what he is.
Heckler and Koch, you are not the constitutional authority on the subject of health care.

Your typical nonsense of a reply about VA is countered, of course, by satisfaction surveys by its patients that do not differ than those by patients at private hospitals. You are simply repeating nonsense statements not grounded in critical thinking and objective evidence.

Congress can pass and the President can sign a single payer law and SCOTUS will opine that it is Constitutional. End of story.

You embody the typical arrogant nonsense of the leftist. I never claimed to be a constitutional authority. I have an opinion, just as you do. Mine is based upon what the Constitution says; yours is based upon babbling bullshit.

You might want to talk to people that actually have to take care from the VA and get your nose out of polls and surveys. The care is a nightmare. Wait times are ridiculous and the bureaucracy is overwhelming. It is not cost effective - yet it is exactly what you wish to foist off on the American public as a whole. The VA needs to be privatized as well and genuine competition for insurance providers across state lines instituted. That is the only thing that will lower costs, not more layers of FedGov.

Just because you claim something is end of story, it isn't. Try being less of an arrogant ass and spend more time learning where you are wrong on this issue. There are quite a few places that your notions are nonsense.

LMFAO! OMG. These fucking leftists have no clue of who they're dealing with.. Welcome to the forum my friend *hug

Thanks for inviting me over here! I can't wait to start educating these leftist jagoffs over here. It's a nice change of pace from the sycophantic echo chamber over at Breitbart who only want to praise Trump mindlessly instead of arguing for or against something.

Jake the fake claims to be a Republican and usually takes the Regressive stand. He is a joke, he will out and out lie then claim you did. He is of low character.

Coming from Breitbart, I am used to it. I spent most of my life as a Reagan Republican, became disillusioned with the party under Bush 43, and watched the country auger in under Hussein. Campaigned and voted for Trump, but I have been pretty disappointed with his administration so far. Still have some hopes that he can turn it around but his support of socialized medicine and more ME interventionism troubles me greatly.

Over at Breitbart, if you don't give Trump a tongue bath on every issue, you are deemed a troll. It is the most disgusting example of sycophancy I have ever seen, this side of Politico in 2008 with Obama.
You see it right, Heckler: Trump has betrayed the far right and alt right so far.

It won't change.
At least they don't elect the president and vice president anymore..

As you know, the Senate never elected the president and vice president. Remember the Electoral College?

This Amendment desperately needs to be repealed. As it is today, the sovereign states have no representation resulting in the numerous laws passing unfunded mandates on the states.

Amendment XVII
The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislatures.

When vacancies happen in the representation of any state in the Senate, the executive authority of such state shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, that the legislature of any state may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.

This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the election or term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution.
Heckler and Koch, you are not the constitutional authority on the subject of health care.

Your typical nonsense of a reply about VA is countered, of course, by satisfaction surveys by its patients that do not differ than those by patients at private hospitals. You are simply repeating nonsense statements not grounded in critical thinking and objective evidence.

Congress can pass and the President can sign a single payer law and SCOTUS will opine that it is Constitutional. End of story.

You embody the typical arrogant nonsense of the leftist. I never claimed to be a constitutional authority. I have an opinion, just as you do. Mine is based upon what the Constitution says; yours is based upon babbling bullshit.

You might want to talk to people that actually have to take care from the VA and get your nose out of polls and surveys. The care is a nightmare. Wait times are ridiculous and the bureaucracy is overwhelming. It is not cost effective - yet it is exactly what you wish to foist off on the American public as a whole. The VA needs to be privatized as well and genuine competition for insurance providers across state lines instituted. That is the only thing that will lower costs, not more layers of FedGov.

Just because you claim something is end of story, it isn't. Try being less of an arrogant ass and spend more time learning where you are wrong on this issue. There are quite a few places that your notions are nonsense.

LMFAO! OMG. These fucking leftists have no clue of who they're dealing with.. Welcome to the forum my friend *hug

Thanks for inviting me over here! I can't wait to start educating these leftist jagoffs over here. It's a nice change of pace from the sycophantic echo chamber over at Breitbart who only want to praise Trump mindlessly instead of arguing for or against something.

Jake the fake claims to be a Republican and usually takes the Regressive stand. He is a joke, he will out and out lie then claim you did. He is of low character.

Coming from Breitbart, I am used to it. I spent most of my life as a Reagan Republican, became disillusioned with the party under Bush 43, and watched the country auger in under Hussein. Campaigned and voted for Trump, but I have been pretty disappointed with his administration so far. Still have some hopes that he can turn it around but his support of socialized medicine and more ME interventionism troubles me greatly.

Over at Breitbart, if you don't give Trump a tongue bath on every issue, you are deemed a troll. It is the most disgusting example of sycophancy I have ever seen, this side of Politico in 2008 with Obama.

I am onboard with you. Reagan swung me to the Republican Party, Bush in his second term moved me to Independant. I couldn't vote for Trump nor Clinton. Trump has been a big disappointment so far.
At least they don't elect the president and vice president anymore..

As you know, the Senate never elected the president and vice president. Remember the Electoral College?

This Amendment desperately needs to be repealed. As it is today, the sovereign states have no representation resulting in the numerous laws passing unfunded mandates on the states.

Amendment XVII
The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislatures.

When vacancies happen in the representation of any state in the Senate, the executive authority of such state shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, that the legislature of any state may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.

This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the election or term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution.

1913 was just about the worst year in American history for the people. We got the abomination of income tax, the 17th Amendment which killed states' rights in the Senate, and the Fed.
Heckler and Koch, you are not the constitutional authority on the subject of health care.

Your typical nonsense of a reply about VA is countered, of course, by satisfaction surveys by its patients that do not differ than those by patients at private hospitals. You are simply repeating nonsense statements not grounded in critical thinking and objective evidence.

Congress can pass and the President can sign a single payer law and SCOTUS will opine that it is Constitutional. End of story.

You embody the typical arrogant nonsense of the leftist. I never claimed to be a constitutional authority. I have an opinion, just as you do. Mine is based upon what the Constitution says; yours is based upon babbling bullshit.

You might want to talk to people that actually have to take care from the VA and get your nose out of polls and surveys. The care is a nightmare. Wait times are ridiculous and the bureaucracy is overwhelming. It is not cost effective - yet it is exactly what you wish to foist off on the American public as a whole. The VA needs to be privatized as well and genuine competition for insurance providers across state lines instituted. That is the only thing that will lower costs, not more layers of FedGov.

Just because you claim something is end of story, it isn't. Try being less of an arrogant ass and spend more time learning where you are wrong on this issue. There are quite a few places that your notions are nonsense.

LMFAO! OMG. These fucking leftists have no clue of who they're dealing with.. Welcome to the forum my friend *hug

Thanks for inviting me over here! I can't wait to start educating these leftist jagoffs over here. It's a nice change of pace from the sycophantic echo chamber over at Breitbart who only want to praise Trump mindlessly instead of arguing for or against something.

Jake the fake claims to be a Republican and usually takes the Regressive stand. He is a joke, he will out and out lie then claim you did. He is of low character.

Coming from Breitbart, I am used to it. I spent most of my life as a Reagan Republican, became disillusioned with the party under Bush 43, and watched the country auger in under Hussein. Campaigned and voted for Trump, but I have been pretty disappointed with his administration so far. Still have some hopes that he can turn it around but his support of socialized medicine and more ME interventionism troubles me greatly.

Over at Breitbart, if you don't give Trump a tongue bath on every issue, you are deemed a troll. It is the most disgusting example of sycophancy I have ever seen, this side of Politico in 2008 with Obama.

You embody the typical arrogant nonsense of the leftist. I never claimed to be a constitutional authority. I have an opinion, just as you do. Mine is based upon what the Constitution says; yours is based upon babbling bullshit.

You might want to talk to people that actually have to take care from the VA and get your nose out of polls and surveys. The care is a nightmare. Wait times are ridiculous and the bureaucracy is overwhelming. It is not cost effective - yet it is exactly what you wish to foist off on the American public as a whole. The VA needs to be privatized as well and genuine competition for insurance providers across state lines instituted. That is the only thing that will lower costs, not more layers of FedGov.

Just because you claim something is end of story, it isn't. Try being less of an arrogant ass and spend more time learning where you are wrong on this issue. There are quite a few places that your notions are nonsense.

LMFAO! OMG. These fucking leftists have no clue of who they're dealing with.. Welcome to the forum my friend *hug

Thanks for inviting me over here! I can't wait to start educating these leftist jagoffs over here. It's a nice change of pace from the sycophantic echo chamber over at Breitbart who only want to praise Trump mindlessly instead of arguing for or against something.

Jake the fake claims to be a Republican and usually takes the Regressive stand. He is a joke, he will out and out lie then claim you did. He is of low character.

Coming from Breitbart, I am used to it. I spent most of my life as a Reagan Republican, became disillusioned with the party under Bush 43, and watched the country auger in under Hussein. Campaigned and voted for Trump, but I have been pretty disappointed with his administration so far. Still have some hopes that he can turn it around but his support of socialized medicine and more ME interventionism troubles me greatly.

Over at Breitbart, if you don't give Trump a tongue bath on every issue, you are deemed a troll. It is the most disgusting example of sycophancy I have ever seen, this side of Politico in 2008 with Obama.

I am onboard with you. Reagan swung me to the Republican Party, Bush in his second term moved me to Independant. I couldn't vote for Trump nor Clinton. Trump has been a big disappointment so far.

HK hasn't been here long enough to read your horse shit posts which the majority of the time line up with and suck liberal dick.
Clearly you deny the fact that people have died over failure to access health care.

Can you point me to any story of an emergency room denying healthcare to someone who does not have insurance?
Your question is not encompassed in the OP, so run along. But, I will point out that If you see the ER as the primary care portal for poor children, then you want the most expensive care system in the world with poor results. Your type of thinking is a serious no go in the debate.

So, if I am not in total agreement with you, I should run along? You talk about what 'should be' in the debate, and I talked about 'what is' the reality. No one in this country is flatly denied care. I agree that the emergency room is not the cost effective way of dispensing care, but neither is another government run monstrosity that keeps all the odious qualities of Obamacare sans the individual mandate. It is still unconstitutional government run healthcare, with FedGov playing the role of bagman for the insurance industry.
You think, of course, I should be in total agreement with your deflection about ER care as the primary portal for care for the poor. If you wish to get away from AHCA (remember that the GOP now owns it), then go to a single payer medicare program for all. Your opinion about constitutionality of such health care was satisfied twice by the Roberts Court. Gorsuch, based on his judicial rulings, would give that Court a sixth vote.

The Roberts court didn't satisfy anything as it only ruled to the taxing issue on Bozocare. If you can find the specific article and section in the Constitution that authorizes the Federal Government to administer healthcare, I would like to take a look at it.

I didn't deflect anything - I stated it straight away.

With regards to the leftist wet dream of single payer, be careful what you wish for. We already have it in the form of the VA, which is some of the shittiest care available anywhere. The fact remains that anytime the government gets involved in the administration of anything, they screw it up and drive prices through the roof. H/C went to hell as soon as Medicare was enacted, and our leaders make it worse with each passing year by tightening their grip on control.

You want single-payer? Fine. There's a method for getting it. It's called a Constitutional amendment. All you need to do is convince 3/4 of the states to cede more control to the feds.

Single payer isn't coming. Leftists need to wash out their crusty drawers.
Can you point me to any story of an emergency room denying healthcare to someone who does not have insurance?
Your question is not encompassed in the OP, so run along. But, I will point out that If you see the ER as the primary care portal for poor children, then you want the most expensive care system in the world with poor results. Your type of thinking is a serious no go in the debate.

So, if I am not in total agreement with you, I should run along? You talk about what 'should be' in the debate, and I talked about 'what is' the reality. No one in this country is flatly denied care. I agree that the emergency room is not the cost effective way of dispensing care, but neither is another government run monstrosity that keeps all the odious qualities of Obamacare sans the individual mandate. It is still unconstitutional government run healthcare, with FedGov playing the role of bagman for the insurance industry.
You think, of course, I should be in total agreement with your deflection about ER care as the primary portal for care for the poor. If you wish to get away from AHCA (remember that the GOP now owns it), then go to a single payer medicare program for all. Your opinion about constitutionality of such health care was satisfied twice by the Roberts Court. Gorsuch, based on his judicial rulings, would give that Court a sixth vote.

The Roberts court didn't satisfy anything as it only ruled to the taxing issue on Bozocare. If you can find the specific article and section in the Constitution that authorizes the Federal Government to administer healthcare, I would like to take a look at it.

I didn't deflect anything - I stated it straight away.

With regards to the leftist wet dream of single payer, be careful what you wish for. We already have it in the form of the VA, which is some of the shittiest care available anywhere. The fact remains that anytime the government gets involved in the administration of anything, they screw it up and drive prices through the roof. H/C went to hell as soon as Medicare was enacted, and our leaders make it worse with each passing year by tightening their grip on control.

You want single-payer? Fine. There's a method for getting it. It's called a Constitutional amendment. All you need to do is convince 3/4 of the states to cede more control to the feds.

Single payer isn't coming. Leftists need to wash out their crusty drawers.
Trump has a hard on for single payer. What excuse will you use when he signs it in to law? 20-D chess move?
Your question is not encompassed in the OP, so run along. But, I will point out that If you see the ER as the primary care portal for poor children, then you want the most expensive care system in the world with poor results. Your type of thinking is a serious no go in the debate.

So, if I am not in total agreement with you, I should run along? You talk about what 'should be' in the debate, and I talked about 'what is' the reality. No one in this country is flatly denied care. I agree that the emergency room is not the cost effective way of dispensing care, but neither is another government run monstrosity that keeps all the odious qualities of Obamacare sans the individual mandate. It is still unconstitutional government run healthcare, with FedGov playing the role of bagman for the insurance industry.
You think, of course, I should be in total agreement with your deflection about ER care as the primary portal for care for the poor. If you wish to get away from AHCA (remember that the GOP now owns it), then go to a single payer medicare program for all. Your opinion about constitutionality of such health care was satisfied twice by the Roberts Court. Gorsuch, based on his judicial rulings, would give that Court a sixth vote.

The Roberts court didn't satisfy anything as it only ruled to the taxing issue on Bozocare. If you can find the specific article and section in the Constitution that authorizes the Federal Government to administer healthcare, I would like to take a look at it.

I didn't deflect anything - I stated it straight away.

With regards to the leftist wet dream of single payer, be careful what you wish for. We already have it in the form of the VA, which is some of the shittiest care available anywhere. The fact remains that anytime the government gets involved in the administration of anything, they screw it up and drive prices through the roof. H/C went to hell as soon as Medicare was enacted, and our leaders make it worse with each passing year by tightening their grip on control.

You want single-payer? Fine. There's a method for getting it. It's called a Constitutional amendment. All you need to do is convince 3/4 of the states to cede more control to the feds.

Single payer isn't coming. Leftists need to wash out their crusty drawers.
Trump has a hard on for single payer. What excuse will you use when he signs it in to law? 20-D chess move?

What makes you so certain of that? It'll cement him being a one-term president,

that's for sure.
So, if I am not in total agreement with you, I should run along? You talk about what 'should be' in the debate, and I talked about 'what is' the reality. No one in this country is flatly denied care. I agree that the emergency room is not the cost effective way of dispensing care, but neither is another government run monstrosity that keeps all the odious qualities of Obamacare sans the individual mandate. It is still unconstitutional government run healthcare, with FedGov playing the role of bagman for the insurance industry.
You think, of course, I should be in total agreement with your deflection about ER care as the primary portal for care for the poor. If you wish to get away from AHCA (remember that the GOP now owns it), then go to a single payer medicare program for all. Your opinion about constitutionality of such health care was satisfied twice by the Roberts Court. Gorsuch, based on his judicial rulings, would give that Court a sixth vote.

The Roberts court didn't satisfy anything as it only ruled to the taxing issue on Bozocare. If you can find the specific article and section in the Constitution that authorizes the Federal Government to administer healthcare, I would like to take a look at it.

I didn't deflect anything - I stated it straight away.

With regards to the leftist wet dream of single payer, be careful what you wish for. We already have it in the form of the VA, which is some of the shittiest care available anywhere. The fact remains that anytime the government gets involved in the administration of anything, they screw it up and drive prices through the roof. H/C went to hell as soon as Medicare was enacted, and our leaders make it worse with each passing year by tightening their grip on control.

You want single-payer? Fine. There's a method for getting it. It's called a Constitutional amendment. All you need to do is convince 3/4 of the states to cede more control to the feds.

Single payer isn't coming. Leftists need to wash out their crusty drawers.
Trump has a hard on for single payer. What excuse will you use when he signs it in to law? 20-D chess move?

What makes you so certain of that? It'll cement him being a one-term president,

that's for sure.

LMFAO! OMG. These fucking leftists have no clue of who they're dealing with.. Welcome to the forum my friend *hug

Thanks for inviting me over here! I can't wait to start educating these leftist jagoffs over here. It's a nice change of pace from the sycophantic echo chamber over at Breitbart who only want to praise Trump mindlessly instead of arguing for or against something.

Jake the fake claims to be a Republican and usually takes the Regressive stand. He is a joke, he will out and out lie then claim you did. He is of low character.

Coming from Breitbart, I am used to it. I spent most of my life as a Reagan Republican, became disillusioned with the party under Bush 43, and watched the country auger in under Hussein. Campaigned and voted for Trump, but I have been pretty disappointed with his administration so far. Still have some hopes that he can turn it around but his support of socialized medicine and more ME interventionism troubles me greatly.

Over at Breitbart, if you don't give Trump a tongue bath on every issue, you are deemed a troll. It is the most disgusting example of sycophancy I have ever seen, this side of Politico in 2008 with Obama.

I am onboard with you. Reagan swung me to the Republican Party, Bush in his second term moved me to Independant. I couldn't vote for Trump nor Clinton. Trump has been a big disappointment so far.

HK hasn't been here long enough to read your horse shit posts which the majority of the time line up with and suck liberal dick.

Lol! Jake calls me a alt righter! Lol! I wish you bitches would make up your minds.
Thanks for inviting me over here! I can't wait to start educating these leftist jagoffs over here. It's a nice change of pace from the sycophantic echo chamber over at Breitbart who only want to praise Trump mindlessly instead of arguing for or against something.

Jake the fake claims to be a Republican and usually takes the Regressive stand. He is a joke, he will out and out lie then claim you did. He is of low character.

Coming from Breitbart, I am used to it. I spent most of my life as a Reagan Republican, became disillusioned with the party under Bush 43, and watched the country auger in under Hussein. Campaigned and voted for Trump, but I have been pretty disappointed with his administration so far. Still have some hopes that he can turn it around but his support of socialized medicine and more ME interventionism troubles me greatly.

Over at Breitbart, if you don't give Trump a tongue bath on every issue, you are deemed a troll. It is the most disgusting example of sycophancy I have ever seen, this side of Politico in 2008 with Obama.

I am onboard with you. Reagan swung me to the Republican Party, Bush in his second term moved me to Independant. I couldn't vote for Trump nor Clinton. Trump has been a big disappointment so far.

HK hasn't been here long enough to read your horse shit posts which the majority of the time line up with and suck liberal dick.

Lol! Jake calls me a alt righter! Lol! I wish you bitches would make up your minds.

I got your bitch right here dummy... Fakey is a mental midget so using him for any clarity in a situation makes an ass of you.
Jake the fake claims to be a Republican and usually takes the Regressive stand. He is a joke, he will out and out lie then claim you did. He is of low character.

Coming from Breitbart, I am used to it. I spent most of my life as a Reagan Republican, became disillusioned with the party under Bush 43, and watched the country auger in under Hussein. Campaigned and voted for Trump, but I have been pretty disappointed with his administration so far. Still have some hopes that he can turn it around but his support of socialized medicine and more ME interventionism troubles me greatly.

Over at Breitbart, if you don't give Trump a tongue bath on every issue, you are deemed a troll. It is the most disgusting example of sycophancy I have ever seen, this side of Politico in 2008 with Obama.

I am onboard with you. Reagan swung me to the Republican Party, Bush in his second term moved me to Independant. I couldn't vote for Trump nor Clinton. Trump has been a big disappointment so far.

HK hasn't been here long enough to read your horse shit posts which the majority of the time line up with and suck liberal dick.

Lol! Jake calls me a alt righter! Lol! I wish you bitches would make up your minds.

I got your bitch right here dummy... Fakey is a mental midget so using him for any clarity in a situation makes an ass of you.

Wow this coming from a whiney little bitch that cries all the time, you are really liberal.
Coming from Breitbart, I am used to it. I spent most of my life as a Reagan Republican, became disillusioned with the party under Bush 43, and watched the country auger in under Hussein. Campaigned and voted for Trump, but I have been pretty disappointed with his administration so far. Still have some hopes that he can turn it around but his support of socialized medicine and more ME interventionism troubles me greatly.

Over at Breitbart, if you don't give Trump a tongue bath on every issue, you are deemed a troll. It is the most disgusting example of sycophancy I have ever seen, this side of Politico in 2008 with Obama.

I am onboard with you. Reagan swung me to the Republican Party, Bush in his second term moved me to Independant. I couldn't vote for Trump nor Clinton. Trump has been a big disappointment so far.

HK hasn't been here long enough to read your horse shit posts which the majority of the time line up with and suck liberal dick.

Lol! Jake calls me a alt righter! Lol! I wish you bitches would make up your minds.

I got your bitch right here dummy... Fakey is a mental midget so using him for any clarity in a situation makes an ass of you.

Wow this coming from a whiney little bitch that cries all the time, you are really liberal.

You sound triggered. Safe room? Huggies diaper?
I am onboard with you. Reagan swung me to the Republican Party, Bush in his second term moved me to Independant. I couldn't vote for Trump nor Clinton. Trump has been a big disappointment so far.

HK hasn't been here long enough to read your horse shit posts which the majority of the time line up with and suck liberal dick.

Lol! Jake calls me a alt righter! Lol! I wish you bitches would make up your minds.

I got your bitch right here dummy... Fakey is a mental midget so using him for any clarity in a situation makes an ass of you.

Wow this coming from a whiney little bitch that cries all the time, you are really liberal.

You sound triggered. Safe room? Huggies diaper?

I'm great, just at awe on your insults, you have no substance and a bunch of dribble from your mouth but you insults are stuff great 1st graders are made of, congrats on getting to first grade.
HK hasn't been here long enough to read your horse shit posts which the majority of the time line up with and suck liberal dick.

Lol! Jake calls me a alt righter! Lol! I wish you bitches would make up your minds.

I got your bitch right here dummy... Fakey is a mental midget so using him for any clarity in a situation makes an ass of you.

Wow this coming from a whiney little bitch that cries all the time, you are really liberal.

You sound triggered. Safe room? Huggies diaper?

I'm great, just at awe on your insults, you have no substance and a bunch of dribble from your mouth but you insults are stuff great 1st graders are made of, congrats on getting to first grade.

LOL Says the dumbass who just engaged in insults and has throughout the thread. You're one of those pansyass triggly puffs who can dish it out but cry like a rubber biatch doll when someone fires back.. Last post to your dumbass off topic..

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