A Year Ago Today Trump Won – Here's What He's Accomplished!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
And I’m certain there’s more than these!

Here is a partial list of what President Donald Trump has accomplished so far:
President Trump compelled major corporations to reinvest billions in America. After years of outsourcing, companies announced massive investments in American facilitates and labor. They include Exxon Mobil Corp., Apple, General Motors, Toyota, Hyundai-Kia, Bayer AG, and LG Electronics. All told, businesses have created more than 1.5 million new jobs.
The "Trump Effect" has resulted in 16-and-a-half year high in the Consumer Confidence Index. This index measures how ordinary consumers feel about the economy. Going from Main Street to Wall Street, the future looks as bright with the Dow Jones Industrial Average at record highs, creating $5 trillion in wealth.
The president delivered on ensuring a conservative Supreme Court. President Trump's appointment of originalist Neil Gorsuch to the Court was a huge win for Republicans. It's possible there could be three more vacancies before the end of his first term.
President Trump singlehandedly killed Obama's Trans-Pacific-Partnership. Many groups – on the right and left – were critical of this agreement for giving foreign corporations the means to circumvent our laws and potentially costing millions of manufacturing jobs.
Trump is making good on his promise to strengthen border security. Congress has appropriated money to build a wall along the southern border. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have constructed and begun testing prototypes. Already, CBP has noted a precipitous drop in illegal border crossings.
Like any good businessman, President Trump is actively cutting government waste. One of his first actions was to sign an executive order empowering government departments to eliminate unnecessary agencies and streamline their bureaucracies. Government transparency is a top priority, too.
Trump finished Dakota Access Pipeline and approved the Keystone Pipeline after years of inaction.
Finally, ISIS is on the run. Just last year, its caliphate extended from the suburbs of Damascus to the oil fields of Iraq. Now, that once-fledging evil empire has collapsed. The Islamic State no longer occupies any important Middle Eastern cities. Many of its leaders are dead or captured.

Read more at A Year Ago Today Trump Won – Here's What He's Accomplished! | American Action News

Legal Insurrection Authors Discuss Trump’s One Year Winaversary – Multiple “experts” weigh in @ Legal Insurrection Authors Discuss Trump's One Year Winaversary
So, he got a guy on the SCOTUS. The rest of that is just hype and no action.

Oh, and do not forget that job creation has slowed down under Trump. 48 months prior to Trump the average number of new jobs was 214,000 per month. Under Since Jan that number has dropped to 169,000 per month on average.
So, he got a guy on the SCOTUS. The rest of that is just hype and no action.

Oh, and do not forget that job creation has slowed down under Trump. 48 months prior to Trump the average number of new jobs was 214,000 per month. Under Since Jan that number has dropped to 169,000 per month on average.

So would you rather see higher job growth with higher job losses and low quality jobs created, or quality jobs with less loss even though lower numbers? From FactCheck.org:

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said that 805,000 manufacturing jobs have been created since President Barack Obama has been in office. In fact, there has been a net loss of 303,000 manufacturing jobs since January 2009.

Earnest made the statement during a press briefing on Nov. 30. Carrier, a heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration company, earlier that day had announced a deal with President-elect Donald Trump so that the company would “continue to manufacture gas furnaces in Indianapolis, in addition to retaining engineering and headquarters staff, preserving more than 1,000 jobs.”

Earnest called the announcement “good news,” but claimed that Trump would have to make another 804 deals like that to equal the number of manufacturing jobs created while Obama has been president.

Obama's Record on Manufacturing Jobs - FactCheck.org

Job growth is a very misleading number taken on it's own. There are many other economic factors that play into a good economy. For instance, government dependency. Government dependency shrank very little since it's high that was created under Obama. If all these wonderful jobs Obama created were quality jobs, government dependency would have gone way down.


The only reason food stamp usage went down as much as it did was because of Republican controlled states that instituted requirements to collect such as they did in Maine.

Labor participation rate is another. Labor participation rate plunged under Obama and continued throughout his two terms:


Even median household income would reflect a great economy. But under Obama's job growth, it didn't even reach the point it was at before he became President:

Hey, Obama sucked, that is for sure. But nothing has changed in that aspect, the guy in the White House now sucks too.
Hey, Obama sucked, that is for sure. But nothing has changed in that aspect, the guy in the White House now sucks too.

And you know that after only 10 months? Unemployment the lowest since 2000. Same with consumer confidence which is a leading indicator of future economic growth. Tax reform is currently in the works with a reduced corporation tax that puts us closer to that of our competitors in other countries.

This is much more than "hype and no action." This is action.
Hey, Obama sucked, that is for sure. But nothing has changed in that aspect, the guy in the White House now sucks too.

And you know that after only 10 months? Unemployment the lowest since 2000. Same with consumer confidence which is a leading indicator of future economic growth. Tax reform is currently in the works with a reduced corporation tax that puts us closer to that of our competitors in other countries.

This is much more than "hype and no action." This is action.
Unemployment has been going down for 8 years. And consumer confidence has been going up for 8 years. You dumb fucking rubes are only choosing to acknowledge it now.
I like the "ISIS is on the run" part. It's amazing what can happen when the US isn't "secretly" backing them.
The Donald has fully exposed the profound depths of the Swamp (US federal and state government, MSM, Hollywood, Academia, other Western country's politicians), yet still manages to keep positive and insisting on making America great again. That in itself is a monumental achievement.
Hey, Obama sucked, that is for sure. But nothing has changed in that aspect, the guy in the White House now sucks too.

And you know that after only 10 months? Unemployment the lowest since 2000. Same with consumer confidence which is a leading indicator of future economic growth. Tax reform is currently in the works with a reduced corporation tax that puts us closer to that of our competitors in other countries.

This is much more than "hype and no action." This is action.
Unemployment has been going down for 8 years. You dumb fucking rubes are only choosing to acknowledge it now.

No, dumb fuck rubes do not understand that unemployment can go down in relation to workforce participation. In other words, when surveyed, if people claim they are not employed nor looking for work, they don't count in the unemployment figures. The only people that count are those who are unemployed and looking for work.

Now that the workforce participation has leveled off, we can get a more accurate view of what our economy really is.
Hey, Obama sucked, that is for sure. But nothing has changed in that aspect, the guy in the White House now sucks too.

And you know that after only 10 months? Unemployment the lowest since 2000. Same with consumer confidence which is a leading indicator of future economic growth. Tax reform is currently in the works with a reduced corporation tax that puts us closer to that of our competitors in other countries.

This is much more than "hype and no action." This is action.
Unemployment has been going down for 8 years. You dumb fucking rubes are only choosing to acknowledge it now.

No, dumb fuck rubes do not understand that unemployment can go down in relation to workforce participation. In other words, when surveyed, if people claim they are not employed nor looking for work, they don't count in the unemployment statistics. The only people that count are those who are unemployed and looking for work.

Now that the workforce participation has leveled off, we can get a more accurate view of what our economy really is.
Hey, you dumb, embarrassing fucking rube, talking about the workforce participation having "leveled off..." check this out:

Americans not in labor force when Trump took office: 95,161,653

Americans not in labor force now: 95,404,331

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Hey, Obama sucked, that is for sure. But nothing has changed in that aspect, the guy in the White House now sucks too.

And you know that after only 10 months? Unemployment the lowest since 2000. Same with consumer confidence which is a leading indicator of future economic growth. Tax reform is currently in the works with a reduced corporation tax that puts us closer to that of our competitors in other countries.

This is much more than "hype and no action." This is action.
Unemployment has been going down for 8 years. You dumb fucking rubes are only choosing to acknowledge it now.

No, dumb fuck rubes do not understand that unemployment can go down in relation to workforce participation. In other words, when surveyed, if people claim they are not employed nor looking for work, they don't count in the unemployment statistics. The only people that count are those who are unemployed and looking for work.

Now that the workforce participation has leveled off, we can get a more accurate view of what our economy really is.
Hey, you dumb, embarrassing fucking rube, talking about the workforce participation having "leveled off..." check this out:

Americans not in labor force when Trump took office: 95,161,653

Americans not in labor force now: 95,404,331

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

It does vary month to month, but the "trend" itself is now leveled off compared to the last ten years or so.
Hey, Obama sucked, that is for sure. But nothing has changed in that aspect, the guy in the White House now sucks too.

And you know that after only 10 months? Unemployment the lowest since 2000. Same with consumer confidence which is a leading indicator of future economic growth. Tax reform is currently in the works with a reduced corporation tax that puts us closer to that of our competitors in other countries.

This is much more than "hype and no action." This is action.
Unemployment has been going down for 8 years. You dumb fucking rubes are only choosing to acknowledge it now.

No, dumb fuck rubes do not understand that unemployment can go down in relation to workforce participation. In other words, when surveyed, if people claim they are not employed nor looking for work, they don't count in the unemployment statistics. The only people that count are those who are unemployed and looking for work.

Now that the workforce participation has leveled off, we can get a more accurate view of what our economy really is.
Hey, you dumb, embarrassing fucking rube, talking about the workforce participation having "leveled off..." check this out:

Americans not in labor force when Trump took office: 95,161,653

Americans not in labor force now: 95,404,331

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

It does vary month to month, but the "trend" itself is now leveled off compared to the last ten years or so.
No it hasn't. What in the flying fuck are you talking about? Have baby boomers magically stopped retiring?

You are a pathetic hack.
Hey, Obama sucked, that is for sure. But nothing has changed in that aspect, the guy in the White House now sucks too.

And you know that after only 10 months? Unemployment the lowest since 2000. Same with consumer confidence which is a leading indicator of future economic growth. Tax reform is currently in the works with a reduced corporation tax that puts us closer to that of our competitors in other countries.

This is much more than "hype and no action." This is action.

Unemployment is just keeping the trend ti has had for the last 6 years. Consumer confidence has been trending upwards for the last 6 years. There is nothing happening with the economy right now that is a change from the trends when Trump took office.
Hey, Obama sucked, that is for sure. But nothing has changed in that aspect, the guy in the White House now sucks too.

And you know that after only 10 months? Unemployment the lowest since 2000. Same with consumer confidence which is a leading indicator of future economic growth. Tax reform is currently in the works with a reduced corporation tax that puts us closer to that of our competitors in other countries.

This is much more than "hype and no action." This is action.
Unemployment has been going down for 8 years. You dumb fucking rubes are only choosing to acknowledge it now.

No, dumb fuck rubes do not understand that unemployment can go down in relation to workforce participation. In other words, when surveyed, if people claim they are not employed nor looking for work, they don't count in the unemployment figures. The only people that count are those who are unemployed and looking for work.

Now that the workforce participation has leveled off, we can get a more accurate view of what our economy really is.

The thing about workforce participation rate is that a lower participation rate can also indicate a strong economy as more people feel they have the ability to retire and some households no longer need for both member to work.
Hey, Obama sucked, that is for sure. But nothing has changed in that aspect, the guy in the White House now sucks too.

And you know that after only 10 months? Unemployment the lowest since 2000. Same with consumer confidence which is a leading indicator of future economic growth. Tax reform is currently in the works with a reduced corporation tax that puts us closer to that of our competitors in other countries.

This is much more than "hype and no action." This is action.
Unemployment has been going down for 8 years. You dumb fucking rubes are only choosing to acknowledge it now.

No, dumb fuck rubes do not understand that unemployment can go down in relation to workforce participation. In other words, when surveyed, if people claim they are not employed nor looking for work, they don't count in the unemployment statistics. The only people that count are those who are unemployed and looking for work.

Now that the workforce participation has leveled off, we can get a more accurate view of what our economy really is.
Hey, you dumb, embarrassing fucking rube, talking about the workforce participation having "leveled off..." check this out:

Americans not in labor force when Trump took office: 95,161,653

Americans not in labor force now: 95,404,331

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

It does vary month to month, but the "trend" itself is now leveled off compared to the last ten years or so.

Here is the last 10 years of the participation rate...the leveling began around 2014
And you know that after only 10 months? Unemployment the lowest since 2000. Same with consumer confidence which is a leading indicator of future economic growth. Tax reform is currently in the works with a reduced corporation tax that puts us closer to that of our competitors in other countries.

This is much more than "hype and no action." This is action.
Unemployment has been going down for 8 years. You dumb fucking rubes are only choosing to acknowledge it now.

No, dumb fuck rubes do not understand that unemployment can go down in relation to workforce participation. In other words, when surveyed, if people claim they are not employed nor looking for work, they don't count in the unemployment statistics. The only people that count are those who are unemployed and looking for work.

Now that the workforce participation has leveled off, we can get a more accurate view of what our economy really is.
Hey, you dumb, embarrassing fucking rube, talking about the workforce participation having "leveled off..." check this out:

Americans not in labor force when Trump took office: 95,161,653

Americans not in labor force now: 95,404,331

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

It does vary month to month, but the "trend" itself is now leveled off compared to the last ten years or so.

Here is the last 10 years of the participation rate...the leveling began around 2014
View attachment 159881
Seriously? You have the gall to put THAT chart up and then say the leveling began around 2014??

It bottomed out in 2015, and then stabilized. It has been free fall for 10 years ---- in fact, if you look closely at your chart, it would appear that the loss rate INCREASED in 2014.

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