Aaand now singing in the rain is racist.

I am surprised this person doesn't blame clouds for being racist. Since dark clouds bring storms and white clouds are HAPPY CLOUDS.

Look at what the democrats have done to those people. An absolute disaster.

It's fucking TikTok.
Sometimes I love watching it rain, but I have never thought that enjoying watching it rain was about race.
People who are obsessed with race are racist.
That woman doesn't understand that she is the racist, not Drew Barrymore.

1. They tune into their senses to more fully experience life

2. They live in the moment

3. They are more confident in themselves

4. They are more resilient during tough times

5. They know how to keep things in perspective

6. They can see beauty in sadness

7. They have a keen sense of their own mortality

Fascinating, all the pointless things conservatives are constantly told to get triggered about. But then, keeping them hysterical keeps them obedient.

There's nothing even remotely like it on the liberal side, this constant spoonfeeding of dumb propaganda to the easily-frightened conservative snowflake masses.
If the left stopped doing insane fucking things there wouldn’t be anything to laugh at.

It’s amazing how the reaction to a video is what triggers you but the actual video doesn’t.
  1. There are typically less people: Most people run for cover when it starts to rain, meaning it’s only the brave souls who continue strolling during a storm. If you crave peace and quiet during your walks, rainy days are the best. You're left alone with your thoughts and are able to destress much quicker and easier than when there are hundreds of other people out taking strolls.
  2. The air is scientifically proven to be cleaner and fresher: An MIT study published in the journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics showed that the air is truly cleaner during and after heavy rainfall. The reason is that as raindrops fall through the atmosphere, they have the ability to attract hundreds of particles of pollutants like dander, soot, sulfates and bacteria before hitting the ground. Proof that invigorating breaths of rainy air actually are better!
  3. The smell of rain has a calming effect: You’re not the only one who loves the scent of the air during rainfall. In fact, the distinct smell even has a name: Petrichor, which was coined by two Australian scientists in the 1960s. The scent, according to Live Science, is a mixture of chemicals released by soil-dwelling bacteria, oils released from plants during dry spells and ozone that is created when lightning splits oxygen and nitrogen molecules that then turn into nitric oxide.
  4. The humidity is good for your skin and health: High levels of humidity in the air help keep your skin fresh, young and supple. And some researchers believe that when humidity levels are 43% and higher, nearly 3/4 of airborne virus particles are left powerless.
  5. Rainy walks help with acceptance: Taking a walk in the rain often makes a person feel powerless. But taking rainy day walks on a regular basis help train your mind to give up control and go about life, no matter what the weather — or anything else — throws your way. Additionally, the temporary nature of rain can help some deal with personal loss and bad moments. Just like with a rain shower, everything has its moment and will eventually pass.
  6. Walks in rainy weather burn more calories: Believe it or not, Japanese researchers published a piece in the International Journal of Sports Medicine that proved when a person does physical activity in cold, rainy weather, he or she actually burns more calories and fat than doing the same activity in moderate weather.
  7. Walks in the rain help you see things with a different perspective: Whether it’s the darker lighting, the gloomy mood, or the reflection of streetlights in puddles, almost everything looks different on rainy days. This can perhaps help some people to view their life problems, challenges and other daily aspects in a different light.
  8. It feels rebellious: Sometimes you just want to break the rules, and taking a walk in the rain is a safe and healthy way to do so. Just be sure to wear proper temperature regulating gear and thoroughly dry off once you’re home so you don’t risk getting sick.
Well, if the dark racists wanna move first, if they win the draw they can play white.
Well, they always want to be white. You know how women suffer from penis Envy?


Sort of like how so many NY Jews try acting Italian?

Like that too.
I am actually quite shocked that the "WHITE HOUSE" hasn't been demanded to be painted over.
Seriously, I bet very soon Democrats (including woke Caucasians) will demand that the house return to its original name of Executive Mansion.
Fascinating, all the pointless things conservatives are constantly told to get triggered about. But then, keeping them hysterical keeps them obedient.

There's nothing even remotely like it on the liberal side, this constant spoonfeeding of dumb propaganda to the easily-frightened conservative snowflake masses.
Manboob is perpetually confused. He thinks that noting lefttard insanity is the same thing as being “triggered.” What a fucking dipshit contention by pathetic libtarded manboob. :cuckoo:

If I mock libtarded woke stupidity, I’m not “triggered.” I’m engaging in free speech. One of the purposes of free speech is to weed out the ridiculous. Poor manboob thinks that makes any of us “triggered.” 🤣😂🤣

Or, perhaps, that’s just his weak sauce deflection effort. Either way, manboob is a joke.
The only have power that we allow them. If you choose not to participate in the insanity, that is still your choice.
Except the federal government supports, promotes and encourages them, and makes laws that gives them special rights and privileges.
Except the federal government supports, promotes and encourages them, and makes laws that gives them special rights and privileges.

What privileges, special or otherwise, that are granted to a person is no concern of mine.

When I say that the idiocy of others has no power over me I mean precisely that. I don't choose to let them.

When the entire world went collectively insane during COVID, I refused to participate. I didn't wear a mask, I didn't receive the jab, I didn't lock myself in the house. I did what I wanted. I didn't reproach anyone else for doing exactly what they wanted. I didn't demand anyone not wear a mask or not get a shot.

The reciprocal premise of not letting anyone else have power over me is that I cannot and will not attempt to extend power over anyone else.

In Ayn Rand's novel, "The Fountainhead", the hero, Howard Roark, is confronted by the antagonist, Ellsworth Toohey, a man who very nearly destroyed his professional career. When Roark was down and things seemed to be hopeless for him, Toohey encountered him and said, "We're alone, no one will know, tell me exactly what you think of me".

Roark responded, "But, I don't think of you".
What privileges, special or otherwise, that are granted to a person is no concern of mine.

When I say that the idiocy of others has no power over me I mean precisely that. I don't choose to let them.

When the entire world went collectively insane during COVID, I refused to participate. I didn't wear a mask, I didn't receive the jab, I didn't lock myself in the house. I did what I wanted. I didn't reproach anyone else for doing exactly what they wanted. I didn't demand anyone not wear a mask or not get a shot.

The reciprocal premise of not letting anyone else have power over me is that I cannot and will not attempt to extend power over anyone else.

In Ayn Rand's novel, "The Fountainhead", the hero, Howard Roark, is confronted by the antagonist, Ellsworth Toohey, a man who very nearly destroyed his professional career. When Roark was down and things seemed to be hopeless for him, Toohey encountered him and said, "We're alone, no one will know, tell me exactly what you think of me".

Roark responded, "But, I don't think of you".
I like your attitude and I enjoyed the story from the book. 👍🏻

I am surprised this person doesn't blame clouds for being racist. Since dark clouds bring storms and white clouds are HAPPY CLOUDS.

Look at what the democrats have done to those people. An absolute disaster.
Actually there was a recent thread by fbj where he was triggered because he saw white people riding their bicycles in the rain.

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